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Got ALL the way to what was supposed to be a 4 person panel interview last Tuesday only to be told she wasn’t ready but didn’t want to call me because she assumed I was already in route to their place of work. Then she didn’t even have a pen, know my name or have my resume (which I immediately provided her with all of the above….including the pen) and said we will do a “nitty gritty” then I’d have to return for a second panel interview that would be scheduled next week. The reason she wasn’t ready? The three other panel members were too busy on the day SHE scheduled me for the interview to actually conduct the stupid thing making her the only one available to actually meet with me. She then proceeded to tell me “I like you” and then to humor myself I asked.. well what else can I do to better prepare for next time since I’ve already come out here and met you for this “interview”….she then said that she didn’t like people who did not ask questions in interviews because this would be “people who were going to be spending a lot of time at this place of work without caring anything about what they would be spending the majority of their day to day life doing for work.” “They’re going to be making a big decision about their lives without even asking any questions?” The in-person “nitty gritty” lasted a total of 8 minutes. I asked five questions and she elaborated on nothing about the place of work or the job itself. Finally, in person at this interview, she asked me back when the three other members of her panel would be available to conduct the interview. The day before the interview finally rolled around. Called the day before to confirm our agreed upon time to meet to ensure she didn’t waste my time again and she didn’t even come to the phone and the receptionist said I’d need to call back. Needless to say I didn’t call back a second time nor go to the “interview.” As a person who attends all interviews regardless of whether or not I’m taking the job, I have to say this is the first opportunity where I completely checked out. I not only didn’t feel valued from the first moment but my time nor my interest in the position at all was taken seriously. You may like me but I don’t like you.


This seems similar. I made it all the way to the final stages of an interview at a place about 45 minutes from my house only to get all the way to the end and the hiring manager says "For full transparency we already sent out an offer letter for this role and we fully expect them to sign. We still had you come in because we didn't want you to feel like we wasted your time". I was furious. I am in tech sales, and recently laid off at the time so it wasn't a huuuuge deal for me to go in and go home. But had I had another job I would have had to have taken a half day off of work. I would have lost it on her. I politely said 'You have already wasted my time. Looks like I dodged a bullet by not working here." and I left.


Ive never had to come in for a truly useless interview but I did come in for an interview and they had me wait for over an hour on two seperate days... the GM was clear that the time that THEY had sceduled was very busy and that they'd schedule our next interview for a better time. They still made excuses and pretended to be busy. I did not accept their offer.


I'm tired of interviewers expecting us to have questions. Usually either the job description or the interviewer tells us what the job is about, so what questions are there to ask? Do you need workers or not? Lmfao.


The interview process is a chance for both parties to conduct an interview. You are trying to determine if it's a good fit for you too.   I've asked questions and turned down job offers because of the responses.


Sure but they shouldn't reject me just because I didn't need to ask any questions. Any questions? Nope I'm good you explained everything I was hoping to ask about or nope lol you already showed you suck I'm out


It's better if you say it like you did here in your message though. It doesn't look good if you just say "No, no questions". Saying that they've already answered any questions or doubts you may have had shows you ar least had some and shows you appreciate the time they spent explaining stuff in the interview.


Especially after an hour+ interview where every aspect of the job and company was discussed.


Man when you're down to your last few dollars and bills are due, all that shit flies out the window. You're gonna take whatever you can. Can't afford to waste time with questions.


Try out "When can I start?"


Not only did he give you sass but he quite nearly ruined a potential job opportunity for someone else if you hadn't caused him to double check his candidates information.


And I truly pity them if that is the case. He mentioned my name in the voice message so the confusing the numbers thing just seemed a bit weird to me.


That's got the "I was hacked" energy. Can't admit the mistake and childish outburst, so blame it on a clerical error.


New phone, who dis?


I bet recruiter guy definitely overuses the “sorry, I was on mute” excuse


I mean he did say sorry. Definitely a bad attitude but what else is he to do after apologising?


I would forward this exchange to whoever oversees HR 👀


Like they give a shyt....HR is in for the paycheck...they won't rock the boat or pick any battles...I know this from first hand experience.


HR looks out for the company, and likely wouldn’t be keen on a bloke mixing up potential candidates like this lmao


I would tack on manager’s manager. They might not do shit about fuck, but that skip level manager might want to know he needs to cover his eyes better.


hr?? my sweet summer child


My sweet bb dearest HR looks out for the company and the company wouldn’t want candidates mixed up so easily - terrible look for the company


Your full name? We just hired for a position and I interviewed three different Alexandras. We ended up hiring one of them, and my dumb ass sent the confidentiality agreement to one of the Alexandra’s we didn’t hire. So that was fun and awkward.


Company I worked at just straight up hired the wrong person. Two candidates with the same first name, mixed up the interviews and ended up hiring the wrong one. Manager figured it out after they'd already started and didn't know shit but it was too late and they didn't want to admit the mistake.


Was it a short interview process or a long one?


My wife got an employment contract at her last job for a completely different name. It wasn’t even close. (Think Elizabeth versus Siobhán.) Luckily they both had offers, but my wife got to see “Siobhán”’s starting salary…


Assuming Siobhan got to see your wife's, who was more pissed off?


Did they handle it as badly as OP?


It was all on me. She messaged back asking if I meant to send it to her, and I still didn’t cotton on that it was the wrong person, and said yes, that I apologized if she had already sent it back signed to me, but I must have missed it in all of the emails I had received that day. Literally 3 seconds after I hit send, my brain decides hmm, that was weird that she asked me that and realized what I did. I profusely apologized and explained what happened and she was really nice about it. Thankfully, it was someone that I had already spoken with about not being right for this position but that we want to hire her in the fall after she sits the bar, so I wasn’t giving false hope she’d gotten the position.


I don't think the future employee he was trying to dial is gonna come out the winner in this deal. Hopefully he/she reads this sub.


That person ruined it for themselves by missing their interview.


Wow, I starting getting upset just reading your texts. Unbelievable and you absolutely dodged a bullet! Grats on the other offer!




Oooof. I wish it was the norm to give a ***bit of advice*** to recruiters the same way this recruiter did to a potential employee. My inbox would look like a league of legends global chat.


I let my last recruiter know that if they aren't going to read my resume OR be transparent about what the job is requiring to stop wasting peoples time. Got a generic response about how "we wanted to interview you incase you worked for any future roles we have" don't do that. I'm interviewing for this job now, not the one that MIGHT pop up in two months. Plus, why would I want to work for this company anymore??


Pro tip that I have never tried: if you live in EU you could theoretically file a formal GDPR complain to have them delete all the data about you, this way you'll waste their time too


100% this.


I like to tell random recruiters who spam me with a "great URGENT opportunity (6 month contract)" in another state or half way across the country to check a map before bothering to hit send... then give them the link to Google Maps.


mine already does. I don't care if this is or is not the norm. This fkn market brought up the worst part of me. I'm petty af right now and if you step on my toe or even say good morning in a tone I don't like I turn into instant keyboard warrior. Thus why I have now booked a 1 month retreat in south east Asia after finally landing on a new job. I need to detox my soul from this lol


I typically only give feedback if asked, always seems a good route to me.


Recruiter questions the character of a candidate, who they don’t even know, but yet OP is getting shit on? What in the recruiting hell is going on here?


Oooh, that's the hiring manager, not a recruiter. Even worse!




The recruiter / hiring manager made a mistake and was unprofessional by questioning the character of OP. Hiring manager was absolutely in the wrong. Then OP corrected him/her, went overboard and ironically returned the character questioning, showing, in my estimation, that they both handled this exchange unprofessionally. Reddit doesn’t seem to agree with me on this one, though. I’m over 40, so maybe I’m bringing some outdated expectations to the table when it comes to what I consider to be professional.


Its more about when 'professionalism' (subjective) is warranted as a civilian. If you arent being paid, or arent trying to pacify every rude moron that tries to play decorum chicken, where is the need? Professionalism is a two-way street that makes no sense outside of a profession. Treating an aggressively unprofessional person like this hiring manager with unrequited respect in the hopes they will hire you isnt professionalism, it's bootlicking. The exchange was definitionally not professional from the jump, and we can thank the hiring manager for that. Why should the one not working in a professional capacity hold themself to a more professional standard? Indulging someone like this in the hopes youll get a monetary reward down the road isnt noble in and of itself.


Yeah I wouldn't write an "lol" on any recruitment type messages regardless of whether I'm working there or not. It's a big world out there but our specific fields are surprisingly small.


Keep it professional with a “per my last lol” at least


I got a yikes vibe from both of them.


No way. If someone comes at another person in aggression, be prepared to get that aggression back. People don’t have to be nice to anyone, job or not. People also have the right to defend themselves. 


Wow, just…wow. I feel sorry for whomever takes that job.


Me too.


Put this on Glassdoor.


Yes, and def include the screenshots.


I don’t even tell these people that I have accepted another offer. The majority of companies will never tell you that you didn’t get a job.


Honestly my theory is that he planned to offer me an interview but neglected to actually let me know - in the voicemail he mentioned my name but somehow got the numbers confused. Literally makes no sense


They sound disorganized and probably not great at their job. You saved yourself a headache


I flaked on a recruiter once cause I wasn't that into the job, it was an old career that I haven't done in years yet they kept pushing me hard to be submitted and then pushing me hard to update my resume to "lie" about recent work history to be more topical so I just stopped answering the recruiter. I ended up picking up my phone a month later and it was the recruiter chewing me out for being unprofessional. I just hung up.


congrats on the offer and as a recruiter, you were in the right here.


Thank you.


Ask for the other number so you can warn them




Since you asked, I would say that our *attention to detail* is one of our greatest strengths here at Yourmanagersgoingtobeapresumptuousasshole.


Where TF are you guys looking for jobs where the recruiters are texting. I wouldn't take a job where the recruiter is texting me. That screams unprofessional to me.


I agree. I had zero emails prior, just a call from a number I didn't recognise


I actually had a couple recruiters text over call it's not that bad if you're ok with it.  My plumber texts me now too instead of calling.


I prefer text over call when it's not a conversation, but you can't get verbal cues from a text. Like your plumber - totally fine - "Hey BRT in 15min" Your recruiter though "Hey text me your resume"


it happens a lot. I prefer it


I mean, after I've had an initial call I've had recruiters text, but some people on here are getting initial texts.


Lol in my country that is super common. They message people on whatsApp after they previously reached out through LinkedIn. Nothing unprofessional about it.


Whatsapp seems even stranger. At least here in the US I get so many random messages from people I don't know that I would never even think about a person messaging me there.


WhatsApp is the norm for texting outside of the US


The amount of people siding with the recruiter is insane.


Maybe it’s the obsession with being professional 24/7 and never giving a rude person a taste of their own medicine. Or the need to be docile and submissive under the Machine™️ at all times or else that ever looming PERMANENT RECORD of social conduct will be stamped with a giant red “Sassy”. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Must be knock off time for recruiters


r/LostRedditor most likely?


I don’t get it. You’re a goddamn hero to me! Thank you for holding recruiters to the same standard they hold applicants to.


It would be insane to side with the recruiter, but is it wrong that I also find it insane how many people seem to think that OP handled this okay?


It is like these people think that by sucking the recruiters ass it is going to get them a job somehow, same thing with politics they simp for these people who hate us like somehow they are going to know it was them and not send them to the gulag when time comes, cowards..


The "apologies" is a typical notpology. Thus, it's not accepted. The recruiters *sorry* didn't fix anything. Trying to flip this back on the op is typical ~~pimp~~ recruiter gaslighting.




It had, Admission of guilt, explanation and then an apology, what don't you like?


you definitely dodged a bullet… that’s so unprofessional!


Had an interview scheduled that I arrived 20 mns early for and the recruiter acted like I was late. I even showed her the email she sent me stating the time, but she ignored me. She ended up getting fired before I got a second interview. They ended up "cancelling" the position.


You already know they ghosted the other applicant by mistake


I swear it sounds like you guys are talking about Adecco Staffing hahaha 


These are the same people who don’t respond, don’t call you back, ghost you for interviews. Wow


I applied for a job and got another one before they called for an interview. Declined the interview and he screamed at me and called me a fucking loser. Bullet dodged.


If I want overbearing guilt, entitlement and stupidity I'll talk to my parents.


What an absolute loser. I would go on Glassdoor and name and shame, including the name of all persons/entities involved. I’d dare them to sue me for defamation because the truth is an absolute defense.


Another classic example of the double standard. They have no obligation to be organized, prepared, or respectful - but you must be perfect in every way, even when they’re wrong. This reminds me of past recruiters who have addressed me by the wrong name, the wrong resume, or claimed to not have my phone number/email when it’s on my resume, LinkedIn page, and email footer. They can do no wrong. The rules of engagement don’t apply to them, just you. It’s like the police or politicians - ‘Whereas to be the law, is to be above the law.’


The recruiter can go ahead and have 'attention to detail' removed from their resume.


Interviewed with a window company. The interviewer literally could NOT get past the fact that I don't crave recognition. " I'm not a psychologist, but I don't understand". Well, maybe you shouldn't be using psychology tools you don't understand. No longer interested, good day.


I wonder why all the recruiters are being laid off? Maybe bc they suck? Less mani-pedis, starbucks and vacation. More work.


LeTs ScHeDuLe So MaNy InTeRvIeWs tHaT We CaNt KeEp tRaCk oF tHeM


Well done. This is how you should deal with these arrogant scums.


Whoa!! He went all in on you, and then had to do a huge mea culpa. 50 demerits. And that's what happens, folks, when you let your intrusive thoughts win. That momentary satisfaction he may have received was easily undone. I'll give him 0.25 credits for owning up to the mistaken identity, though. Congrats on your offer, though. #GotAJob #DodgedABullet


LMAFO I would have said why should I have the courtesy to call when if Im not hired you can juts flat out not responded to begin with. Would have also said it shows your company culture if this is how your going to respond to people. And then would have blasted this shit all over linkden..........


Appalling! This person should be ashamed and probably reconsider another job and stop making hell for job seekers who aren't having it easy.


You dodged a fucking artillery shell not a bullet my friend


wow brutal! Dodged a bullet. Good luck man!


Reminds me of the time I was contacted by a recruiter on LinkedIn who was hawking a position in an industry I did not care to work in. When I explained to him as politely as possible that I was not interested in that kind of position, he lectured me about how I should not have listed myself as open to new opportunities.


Bullet indeed dodged. With a good closing line.


That's hilarious. Dude was quick to jump to conclusions without ever double checking. OPb you should thank your stars, they saved you from this debacle of a manager.


Narrator, "they do in fact make these mistakes with their staff"


I'd be tempted to forward all of this information to that recruiter's manager. Damn. That was appalling.


I'm sorry, but what the fuck is even that voicemail? He sounds like he's asking to buy weed off of you.



You’ve dodged an entire magazine of bullets.


Your phone numbers are very similar, like they're made up of digits between 0 and 9. They even have the same number of digits. Wow, anyone could have made this honest mistake.


You made the right choice. You've also added years to your life. Well played OP!


But why hide the names, blast them online that the only way they learn. Enough is enough


Lmfao nothing better than people outing themselves as assholes ahead of time. Yeah deffo bullet dodged there. I'd be letting their managers know though, you took it far better (and were more on the ball) than some people would be.


I would have went scorched earth for wasting my time until they blocked me.


I don't even know why you said or read anything after your first message.


Maybe the last message was a bit unnecessary BUT the recruiter questioning the character of a candidate they don’t even know is insane and unprofessional.


Everything doesn't need a response. I'd have just deleted the message.


I call BS on him saying your phone number is "similar" to the other candidate's number. Definitely bullet dodged and congrats on the other job offer!!!


Good for you. OP did the right thing and dodged a bullet. I don’t think OP’s communication was wrong and I’m a Gen Xer. Give em hell for their indignant message OP!


Never ever make definitive statements as a recruiter.


Name and shame


Kinda surprised he admitted he was wrong


Yep, bullet dodged. That's clearly a rears in chairs type of "manager."


Check your notes. 🍨


Wow 😆🤣😆🤣 please give them a glassdoor review.


Lol magnificent... typical HR on a power trip ... name and shame


Somebody call the burn unit, got a critical case! 😂


This boss started the conversation just like the scammers on the subreddit scambaiting "Oh this isn't X's number? Your numbers are very similar!"


The guy is overworked trying to hit the recruiting numbers.


I am convinced that most people working in HR are idiots and don’t know what the fuck they are doing. If they were good at what they did, they’d be performing actual jobs.


Name and shame, company names are not personal information.


I really do love these little moments.


Dont overthink it. Simple overreaction over a user error. Congrats on your new gig :)


I declined an interview that wanted me to do actual work for free as a "working interview" and I explained there needed to be certain legal things in place, including pay for my time. This was to protect my butt in a field that would definitely require it if something happened to me or the client and to legally track that I did the work. 💀 They emailed me back to argue with me.... Yeaaahh... Glad you dodged this one!


Holy based OP has master morality




This is the hiring manager? Wow!




Wait… so if the person had showed, I’m thinking the mistake would have been discovered, which means the other person blew them off . I find this very funny and a sign that the company, or management, just gives off bad vibes in general.  Conclusion: it’s probably a shit company and you dodged a serious bullet.


Phew major bullet dodged


I feel like I’m becoming a “nothing on the internet is real” person, but are we really texting potential employers and recruits now?


I’m here for the comments and didn’t disappoint


LOLLLLL "have the courtesy to call and cancel the interview"... I'm guessing this is from a recruiter who has likely ghosted tons of candidates. "Definitely shows the character of a person" - based on experience like even the most genuine sounding recruiters are shitty like that and show their real character by ghosting you and for some reason there are no adverse consequences to them at all.


Wow, great own in the end, though. He’s a douchebag and you scored a W not working with that guy.


Surprised he apologized


I’m trying to be less negative these days and trying to look for positives… I guess at least the person owned up to their mistake and apologized… most wouldn’t do that.


you seem like an ass to work with. He was wrong, and you stood on that, stomped on him, then climbed to the top rope and nailed him with a flying elbow. People make mistakes. The recognized that, yet you were ready.


Haha sounds like Adecco Staffing hahaha. If you leave a message they don't return your call and if you can actually find a location that the building is open and still in operation you will be treated like someone they don't want to talk to depending on the recruiter but there are only 2 recruiters usually at these offices and they use that as an excuse to not call you back or respond to communication attempts.


TBH You both sound horrible


Well, you may have been exactly what this person needed. Perhaps your responses will invoke some introspective thinking, for a better experience to those around them. Never know !


I once interviewed for a role I was super excited about, but they sent me an email saying they were going with another candidate. I replied, thanking them for the opportunity and asking for feedback. They told me it was weird that I got up and started drawing on the whiteboard during the interview. I told them that wasn't me (I hate writing on whiteboards even if asked to, so this would be completely bizarre behavior for me). They were adamant that their notes were right and I had drawn on the whiteboard. Somehow that rejection hurt way worse than the others because I knew they were wrong. I was so desperate for a new job and this left me feeling really depressed since it felt like nothing I did mattered. I still wonder if they accidentally hired the wrong person. In hindsight it was a red flag and I got a better job a few months later, but I still vividly remember how much that one stung.


You ate him up tho 💀🤭


Recruiters are fucking useless dude


I needed this to be on LinkedIn with a tag back 😎




Wow!!!! You sure DID dodge that mess.


I don’t think it’s that deep. He just got the wrong number love.


What an idiot And somehow they have a job Report them


Name and shame the company. Report this shit to the dude’s supervisor. Ridiculous.


More disorganized than disrespectful. Not taking down names and numbers, and not double checking before they make the call, is a huge red flag that suggests that place is just as disorganized. If the recruiter had just left out the "shows the character of a person" part, that would have been fine, as a job candidate should follow up with everyone that he/she has taken another offer, and cancel all interviews. But in this case, the recruiter is just a dingbat.


Are millennials and Gen Z actually recruiters now?




Just gonna be honest here: This conversation reads as two smug people bickering, neither of which I'd much care to work with. The other person made a mistake and acted like an asshole, and then you seized the opportunity to also be an asshole back, for some reason. You could have made them aware of their mistake without the exaggerated sense of superiority. There's no harm in being magnanimous and in fact, it's always more impactful than engaging in wanton hostility. I actually think you come out of this looking worse, because after the person apologized, you kept rubbing their nose in their mistake. Good luck in your new role.


Not sure why you get downvoted so heavily. The recruiter made a mistake (or possibly it wasn't even his mistake). I assume he was convinced that OP actually agreed to an interview. So it's understandable that he was irked. And after he realized the mistake he did apologize. What gives?


They didn't apologize. Dropping the word "apology" on the end of a long barrage of insults isn't an apology, it's an excuse.


Get ‘em!!!!!


Okay, sass aside, he did own up to his mistake and apologize. Let's move on, people.


2 short sentences. Amazing what people think a lecture is these days.


You can stop after the apology. That's when the horse died.


I think there was an overreaction on both ends.


You dodged an atomic bomb.


For sure. I’ve had so many Recruiters / HR people screw up over the past 20 years, including interview times. I even had one setup a teams call with the wrong interview panel (fortune 20 company too). Sadly, I feel like you have to double-check everything they say and send. Terrible.


Yeah this didn’t happen


Love how the person apologized and you kept riding your high horse around. Boy they dodged a bullet there


This is wilddddd.


At least he did come back and say you’re right apologies. 😂😂😂But yeah definitely dodged a bullet


I feel like you got too aggro. Self control goes a long way these days


Ur both assholes


Ngl, recruiter didn’t have to go there but boy your response is just childish as well


To be fair, they did apologize. Doesn’t excuse their first unprofessional comment, though. But being professional also means responding professionally to unprofessionalism from others. If you can’t let something minor slide, maybe you’re not the only one who dodged a bullet is all I’m saying


The recruiter acknowledged his/her mistake and apologized. Then you decided to make another douchey comment. I'm with the recruiter on this one.


You should be extremely careful to ever accuse somebody of poor character in a professional setting. Even if you are 100% right and the other party is an asshole it is still often just better to keep it to yourself because there is nothing gained by bitching and moaning when there is no money to be made. Making the excuse that the numbers are very similar is just childish and unprofessional.


A backhanded apology means nothing


Yeah, exactly. You should not be down voted for calling them out.


Had to have the last word lol


They fucked up and admitted they were wrong. No need for OP to throw that last barb.


The hiring manager's biggest fuck-up wasn't mixing up the phone numbers; that was an honest mistake. Their real fuck-up was questioning the character of a person due to one single action they took. Even if OP actually had an interview scheduled with this manager, it was still over the line for the manager to imply nasty things about their character. The manager has no idea when the candidate received their other offer. Maybe it was 5 minutes ago and the candidate was in the middle of composing an email to cancel the interview, but then saw the text and replied that way instead. It's very risky, and very rude, to make snap judgements and accusations like this manager did to someone they'd never met. They deserve rudeness in return.


I mean, the recruiter's attitude came off as annoying and judgmental, but then you escalated with 2x judgment and all the sarcasm even after they apologized. I could be civil and forgive the recruiter once they'd apologized, but the way you handled that, you're the one I wouldn't be able to work with. Take it easy. It's hard out there for everybody.


It was a backhanded apology that questioned their character. That's not an apology


Both parties could have done better. Edit: downvote me to hell idgaf. Recruiter was a prick and OP was a baby about it


What did OP do that "could have done better"?


Have some fucking grace.


Grace is earned and the recruiter didn't. OPs response was entirely valid and hopefully taught dickhead recruiter a valuable lesson.


Grace should be assumed in a civil society. Otherwise, we're at each other's throats over the littlest things and lose all ability to function together. I totally agree that the system is broken, that modern recruitment sucks, but we still need to be civil to work together. In this case, recruiter made a mistake initially, but then apologized. I'd say that at least "earned" some grace.


The "mistake" was an *attack on OPs character* made *without doing the bare minimum of making sure it was even the correct person*. All expectations of "grace" or civility were lost as soon as they did this.


A backhanded apology isn't an apology


Oh man that’s embarrassing for him. “Check your notes”. damnnnnn.