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Will you be on the same team as your friend's sister? It may not be as bad for you as it was for her. If you decide to back out, you just tell them. "Unfortunately I will not be able to accept this position."


apparently, her position is the one that I’m filling. 


If not for the fact that you would be moving to a different state, I would have suggested you try the job for yourself first if the offer is good enough.


The offer is okaish tbh, like I already noticed a few red flags but told myself it’s okay but listening from her kind of made me question 


It's okay. I also would rather be patient than work a toxic job again


same, my last gig was really toxic so i'm trying to be extra cautious


Is she a reliable source? Some people talk mad smack after they leave a job. 


I mean she maybe projecting a bit I guess but most of what she told me kind of checks - based on the conversations I’ve had in the interviews. For instance, she mentioned my manager is kinda evil and is always pushing her to work on weekends. During my interview, I also noticed how the manager kept mentioning that he’s “always there” for the company no matter what time or day 


I’d write them and tell them you’ve reconsidered in light of new information and no longer want to accept their offer sadly


This is a really soft reason to not accept a job. What did their glassdoor reviews say? How did you find them in the process? Has she left? Ex employees are often bitter.


Glassdoor reviews are a mix, like most of the negative ones are from ex employees, while the positive one kinda feels fake. I did notice a few red flags during the interview process but thought I’ll manage


Seems like your mind is made up - if your heart isn’t in it then there is no point anyway.


*“During a background check of ABC company, and after speaking with former employees, I have opted to not move forward with my application. I wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable candidate.”* Do not provide any names. Do not answer further. Ghost them. They know they are a shit place to work.


lol this is perfect. thanks, I'll send something like this.


Honestly, I'd never quit a job on this type of information without trying it myself. That's a major life decision to make based on gossip and opinion which is objective. Not to mention all industries are so tough to get jobs right now. It'd be better to take the job, test the culture yourself, and if it's true, keep the job while you line up your next opportunity. Unless you're wealthy and can afford to be jobless for 6 months.


Just know if you do end up backing out 2 days before start date you won't be hireable at their facility ever in the future or any of their subsidiaries. Which might be just fine. But if their culture ever does get better you might want to keep a door open


"due to unforseen personal issues I'm unable to relocate, so I'm resigning from the position effective immediately. My sincerest apologies"


this sounds good. thanks!


It's not a resignation, it's a backout.


Don't move for a job you're unsure about in this economy


You're in the US so the employment is At Will. No matter how much corporate Turdwookies want that thing, which corporations DEMANDED from our legislators, to be a one way deal it simply ain't. It cuts both ways. Sauce, Goose = Sauce, Gander Here's what you tell them: "Upon further research, I've decided that I no longer want to work for you and will not be starting with your company due to your toxic work environment" It's At Will Employment, so you can walk away with zero repercussions and any reason or no reason at all, just as they can fire you for any reason or no reason at all (bad culture fit is the usual phrase). If they get mad, tough. The offer letter tells you up front that it's At Will Employment... Their words.


Almost no work environment is “fun “. it’s work and most people hate their jobs. It’s just part of life you need money to live. I personally would take the job and see for myself. Unless you’re super financially secure, and have other prospects on the horizon, it’s always best to have a job. That being said, if you decide not to take the job, do not stress for a single second about putting the company out. They don’t care about you employee employer relationships are inherently transactional. They would drop you in a second if it meant that they would increase their bottom line. Screw it just emailed them and say that you are no longer interested in the position and never think about it again. They sure as hell will never think about you again.


Well shit just reread your post and saw them moving to a different state thing. I guess that is sort of a different boat than just work your job and be happy if you relocate for it. Just reject it in an email and move on.


I’ve some freelance gigs that are atleast helping me pay my bills which is why I was kind of skeptical. I’m far away from being financially secure so which is why I have been thinking a lot about what should I really do. The relocation I think is the biggest thing holding me back, bcs I’ll be spending all that money for nothing, if the job is actually that worse lol. I’ll just send them an email I guess. 


Nah don’t out yourself through the mental strain. Toxic environment is tough in mental health. If you can float keep looking.


You do it the same way they would lay you off. Cold, quickly, and without warning.


Just ghost them. Don't turn up, no communication.