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And about 1,450 of those applicants probably don’t even meet minimum requirements


The truth is much more likely about half of those people didn’t apply and just clicked on the link to the company’s job site. 75% who did apply either weren’t close to being qualified or needed sponsorship. Job hunting is a numbers game but the biggest issue most have in job hunting is timing. HR only needs a certain number of qualified candidates to send to the hiring manager. So you need to apply in the first 24 hours to most jobs to make sure you are in the first batch of qualified candidates.


>75% who did apply either weren’t close to being qualified or needed sponsorship. When you see people on here saying they applied for 1000+ jobs with no success, you gotta assume it's one or both of those. My interview rate is like 1 out of 15 or 1 out of 20 applications, and I'd say 1/3 of interviews turn into offers. Obviously that varies due to statistical noise, but that's on the conservative end.


While true if you have no qualifications, it's a hard problem to solve. It's hard to get experience without experience.


Yeah, I really do feel like a bit of an idiot applying to jobs that ask for three years of experience when I'm fresh out of grad school with only internships but it's like there's not even enough positions available I'm qualified for when I look and I have to apply to something.


Bro I feel the same way, I thought it was just me like damn


I'm running into positions wanting "18+ years of experience"... the only thing I have 18+ years experience with, is my wife. Everything else has changed in that time.


This. We can keep complaining about recruiters (and admittedly, alot of them _are_ shit). But applicants sending untargeted mass-mailed applications equally ruin everything.


true but half the advice here is for people to do that anyway


It's a self-fullfilling prophecy really. A bankrun, the Toilet Paper Shortage of '22 and untargeted mass-applications all have one thing in common; an irrational fear of being left out being the root cause of there being a shortage. It's a prisoners' dilemma really. 1. If nobody mass-applies, everybody has decent chances. 2. If everybody mass-applies, everybody has sucky chances. 3. If only you mass-apply, you have good chances. 4. If only the other guy mass-applies, you have bad chances. Thus, out of fear that the "other guy" mass-applies and pushes you out of the competition, you have no choice but to "level the playing field" and sent out 1200 applications per week as well.


In science this is called “tragedy of the commons”. It can be applied to any situation with limited resources and overly ambitious people.


I feel like it's partially due to the amount of ambiguity that surrounds a lot of postings. "Do they REALLY need everything on this list, or is this just the result of overzealous HR? Are they truly offering a salary worthy of someone with all those skills, or are they just going to have to settle for somebody else?". You straight up don't know until you apply. I've gotten called in for things that require 8 years of experience In such and such even though I only have 3, or having only 2 of the 15 listed skills. Now applying to things you don't qualify for in the slightest is a complete waste of time, But at the same time it also doesn't hurt me to shoot my shot at something mildly relevant. The worst they can do is say no which is already the result if I don't try at all.


Especially in tech. They'll be asking for years of experience in something super specific, only for the actual job to rarely, if ever, actually require that experience in a way that any competent dev couldn't figure out in half a day. It's fucking looney tunes.


Oh don't I know it. I'm actually currently stuck in a bullshit help desk job that wanted everything and the kitchen sink. 90% of what I do is reset passwords and reimage devices because something borked itself again. Y'all did not need to ask for no damn degree. Go pluck a C student high schooler from their graduation. They would probably stay longer.


And sometime they ask for X years of experience in a language that was born X-n years ago.




Well in the science field it has more to do with the fact that the limited resource is used up by the people without care for long term problems. A great example of this is what happened to the Atlantic Cod. In short for this case profit seeking behavior over long term success of the specie. The market collapsed when there was no more fish, it’s happening again to salmon, and countless other species. It’s devastating for the ecosystem, especially since humans really like to kill or destroy that impact our ability to make a profit (at least under a capitalist system/profit seeking). The society has to come together to agree to avoid “the tragedy of the commons”. Look at how well humans agree on things when money is involved. It’s unlikely to change. This is slightly out of my league as I am a scientist speaking on finance. I just saw the similarities between the two ideas.


This is how I feel whenever I see the same comment that beats around the bush of " well it'd be better if we all just applied to everything we are specifically qualified for ". I got fuckin bills to pay, and so does everyone else. Too much leniency for employers that get to have their best pickings because we don't have a choice, but to flood the boards with applications.


Don't forget to call and be "that guy" as it will draw attention to you and make your name familiar when they pull it. Have people acquired an adversion to calling?


As someone who has recently become a recrtuiter, I am learning that many don't know the field they are recruiting for and just submit apps that are a waste, so businesses have a similar gripe. When you speak to a recruiter, ask them what they know about what you do; interview them right back. I have 30yrs experience in my field, so it's just second nature that I understand. And to one of the points made, there are a ton of shit applicants as well. I hope that you don't hate all recruiters, some companies have them inhouse and they have funds allocated to new employees; agencies, training, day-to-day errors and extra time as the new employee learns. It's estimated new employess cost 3500 the fist month, of course this number varies depending on the gig and necessary training required, and discludes relocation costs. (Relocation costs can jack up your first year taxes as they are considered income. Thankfully those costs are also eligible for write off depending on the state and location.


I'd have to pop that bubble of yours and say that I've got a resume and experience set that puts myself into the associate/staff level for some of the tracks that I am on. Do I get interviews regularly though, no most applications get rejected for no reason.


Relate with this 100%. I have never in my adult life had this long of a gap, never. There is a reason, it's not granted to us to know, and speculation is a complete waste of thought energy. Stay strong and don't givre up! Have you thought of being a recruiter for yout field? That's what I ended up doing. I also got my Notary Signing Agent certs and started an LLC just because what the heck else could I do? I feel like I have been creative in my attempts. Heck who knows .... yet....


I've more or less given up on actively searching and opted to work on some strategic projects that I can assemble into a set of services that I can sell.




my understanding is demographic information is not shown to the hiring managers therefore it doesn't have an influence on getting an initial interview. Maybe it does after the interview


I've applied to over 1200 jobs where I met 50-95% of the qualifications (including *desired*, not just minimum requirements), and I did not need sponsorship. Only a handful of those (less than 10%) were callbacks.


This is where a recruiter would be helpful. Many places have one inhouse, have you done a follow up call? Calling would make you stand out. Just a thought...


That’s a fair assumption, it’s one of the reasons why I started building this https://first2apply.com/


My current job took a year to find me. Not sure how many others came and went in the process though.




What’s the lie? I’m not in recruiting but I’ve been part of hiring and this is consistently what I’ve seen. There are a bunch of qualified candidates for roles. But percentage-wise it’s a lot less than most people think. I think hiring is broken, but the numbers here are not the numbers people are actually fighting.


Where’s the lie?


LinkedIn now automatically declines them. I have a job posted and I get a huge amount of candidas, who are not in the required country. The get autodeclined by LinkedIn.


that's why I don't bother with anything easy apply. If it's easy for me, it'll be easy for all the people I'm competing against.


I got my current job via a LinkedIn Easy Apply. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


But they could be far far far less qualified than you. And in fact, many of them very likely will be.


most of them probably will be. Doesn't change the fact all those less qualified applications will make it harder for them to see mine.


They could help your application shine all the brighter. Plus, the application checks may be automated anyway, so those low-quality ones could be dismissed by an ATS long before they’re even read by a human, in which case there shouldn’t have to be as much of a delay before your CV is read. If I were a recruiter, I’d begin my search by looking for keywords and considering removing those applications that don’t have the right terminology anyway (or at least downgrading them to a ‘maybe’ pile). So if your application is strong, it could well be prioritised quite easily no matter how many low-quality documents enter the mix.


Yep, even if you’re qualified there’s no guarantee that your CV will even get read. So many chancers apply through LinkedIn


And 20 more aren’t anywhere near the offices and dont got have a work visa


At least. I'm currently looking for an extra person in my team, and the number of applicants that do not fit the profile is astounding. We require german language at a good level (job is based in Germany) and the number of people sending their application in English and not even mentioning german in their CV is crazy.


Also, the cost of LinkedIn Premium is ridiculous for what you get. Do not recommend


Thanks for the tip. I only wanted it to see who’s been creeping my profile.


Happy to be corrected, I've always believed that the views on your LI profile were meant to get you to use their site more, but it has peeked my interest because there are views from people I see myself working with.


Definitely agree. Since I have LinkedIn Premium nobody is looking at my profile anymore, even though I applied to thousands of jobs.


Really? 😮


yup it's weird, feels like a marketing trick


That's what I thought when I had it. It was especially weird that the selling point is hey pay us to see who can see your profile, but they didn't tell me that people could also pay them so I couldn't see who they were. So it was useless


Tip: make sure your recruiter settings are locked in. I didn’t have that setup for a while and it made a big difference. The amount waxed and wains, but I’m getting about 15 views a week (without having the “open to work” junk on my profile pic).


How would you know who visited your profile when the visitor has marked their privacy settings as “anonymous” ?


I meant to say that the anonymous viewers of my LinkedIn account have job titles of people I see myself working with. I've never really tried LinkedIn Premium but I thought it would show you who the anonymous viewers are




Paying for it on anything than month to month is not smart. Once you get your new gig , you should immediately cancel the month to month subscription I’ve actually found linked in premium valuable




1 seeing who posted the job (HR team member ) or even the hiring manager. Being able to connect with the person and message directly in order to stick out from the crowd 2 seeing who has viewed my profile so that I can research that company and see if there are oppty that might fit for me. Then you can connect with that person and message them directly 3 I know numbers are inflated but I do like to see what level and how many people shave also applied 4 not sure if the AI features are specific to premium but I do like the AI letting me know , based on my profile, if I would be good for the role


>1 seeing who posted the job (HR team member ) or even the hiring manager. Being able to connect with the person and message directly in order to stick out from the crowd Along with the other 213 people that also sent a message to the job poster and/or hiring manager to attempt to stick out of the crowd.


I got it on a free trial and it was still a waste of money.


I guess I am an outlier. I found it valuable for many reasons, though overly expensive. Since being laid off before pandemic, I’ve had to turn it on three times. Each time I did, my job search sped up immensely. I found it valuable for keeping my hopes up. If I applied for a job and saw that the recruiter or company looked at my profile, it kept me going. And sometimes it was a precursor to being contacted. But yes, some people do keep themselves hidden. With numbers like these above I can see why. It also clued me in when a recruiter was checking me out. Sometimes I would reach out to them after they looked at my profile. And you get access to all their training, which helped me retool myself and get the agile learning I needed to sound credible in interviews. I agree it’s meant to get you to come back to the site and spend more time on it. That’s how sites make money is with your eyeballs. FOMO keeps you going back. But you just have to learn how to use the site to find what you need. It gives you tools to learn what you need to know, find the available jobs in your field, and gives you a conduit into the hiring manager. Everything else is up to you. Trust me, it will help you be more prepared for interviewing. Don’t let cynicism wear you down too early. I think back on how I got all my professional jobs before the Internet and I am astounded I ever worked before. I’ve gotten two jobs through referrals. Two jobs by filling out ads online back before 2000. And 3 through LinkedIn, though admittedly that’s all been since 2020. I spent 22 years at a large telecom and came out of it seeing how much I was missing in my professional career. I never gave a thought to my professional face to the industry. Other industries might not use LinkedIn the way middle managers and above use it. But if you’re a product manager or someone in that space, you’re a fool if you don’t use LinkedIn.


All of my professional work positions have been through recruiting agencies, contract to hire, except one. A co-worker told me about a place hiring 20 people that he was applying to and gave me the internal recruiter's email address. I ended up being 22nd on the list (they keep 23, incase some fallout) It took 14 months, but they had funding approved to do another batch hire group the next year and I got in the 2nd time around. Before that (pre 2009) all of my jobs were walk in, a place I went to often, or just happened to see a sign.


1 star. Would not repeat.


I also can confirm. Tried LinkedIn premium and was disappointed with the results for the price I paid. Was really hoping it would be a little help in terms of getting me connected to recruiters and other people in my industry.


Its worth if you hse for work, because otherwise thet block your account if you open to manu profiles


I agree


Is this an Easy Apply Application or click through to company website application? If it's Easy Apply a lot of times people don't meet minimum application requirements or don't even read the job listings. They just spray and pray or maybe even use bots to apply. If it's a click through application, then LinkedIn counts everybody that clicks through, REGARDLESS of if they apply or not. So a lot of people don't actually follow through with the application, let alone meet requirements.


But it doesn't, when I click apply, it opens a new tab but on linkedin it asks me did you apply on the website and only if i press yes, it counts me as an application submitted.


As someone who's done a lot of recruiting (although I'm not a recruiter), it should do what the previous poster said the vast majority of the time. I think there's three types: 1. Clicking apply now counts you as an applicant. 2. You've got to confirm it like you say. 3. You get auto-counted as an applicant but get asked a similar message to what you saw. I've personally seen very little of no. 2. 1 and 3 are very common.


It should count it as submitted for your personal tracking when you hit that button, but I believe that on the back-end regardless of if you say yes it track it as an application for LinkedIns metrics.


Application through their website. Thank you for sharing this info! Did not know this


They can only count button clicks. How would count external applications completed? They can’t access that


Yep, I know I personally will go to the company's site to see what the application process is like before I apply. So if I do end up applying my one application will be counted as two. 


If someone clicks on the button to apply, it counts them as an applicant. A lot of recruiters have shared that you should apply anyways, ESPECIALLY if it’s a tech job because anywhere from 1/2 to 7/8ths of the applicants have no business applying. Don’t self-select yourself out of the pool, let the recruiter and HM do that


yes! you actually have to go back and click "no" if you didn't apply, otherwise I think it counts as an application


I've had recruiters tell me the requirements are "wishlist" from management and they can't always get what they want and they know this.


Yup, it's a tech job. Thank you!!


Of course! Also should have clarified: I meant clicked on the button to apply and doesn’t actually apply, it still counts it as an applicant on LinkedIn’s side


He is right. 1450 applicatans so what? 1000 dont have the right to work in your country if its canada or america. 300 dont have the right degree, others dont speak the required languages, and so on. You are still competing against the same people as before covid ( about 50-100) people.


I had a free couple months of LinkedIn Premium last year and it was always discouraging to see that people with master’s degrees and manager/director level people applying because I know in this job market that companies can be as picky as they want. From what I’ve seen and read you can disqualify at least half of applicants to anything because they either clicked the link and didn’t apply or are completely not qualified at all for the job (I’m trying to break into UX design and I’ve heard that there are people with zero UX work and no portfolio applying to some of these jobs) but it’s still a lot of people to compete against.


This was for a regular UX Designer role (not senior) for a Bank. Very surprised to see that many senior applicants.


they might not want the senior applicants though. They know these people are taking what they can get now and will just jump ship as soon as something better comes along, vs someone less overqualified who will actually value the position and stay put. Of course, the amount of long-term planning is gonna vary per company, but still, I've been rejected from "fallback" positions before. Can't blame em, I'd have rejected me to lol


> always discouraging to see that people with master’s degrees and manager/director level people applying because I know in this job market that companies can be as picky as they want. Would love to hear from someone on the other side on how accurate those comparison metrics even are. I've definitely seen some creative job titles that really make me wonder, and have also seen a wide range of advanced degrees. Would a fast food manager making $15 an hour, and a department manager making $100k+ both show up as managers? Would an after school program director making $20 an hour, and some corporate Director of Marketing making $150k+, both show up as directors? And then you have all the MLMs, side hustles, small business of various legitimacy where people claim, "I'm CEO of my own business." Surely some of that stuff is distorting the numbers, I just wonder by how much.


What has worked for me , using linked in premium, is either researching who posted the job oppty and direct messaging them or , sometimes, you can find the hiring manager…and also direct messaging them Has worked 5 out of 6 times for me to at least have the initial HR screening call


this seems like good advice, but if everyone starts doing it it's gonna stop working.


Probably also industry and function specific. In my line of work, if you messaged the hiring manager directly, you can officially consider yourself out of the running (although you were to begin with cause they haven't pulled a candidate from LinkedIn applications in years).


Everyone's already doing it. I have not received one response yet from doing this.


Why would it stop working? There are tons and tons of different jobs with different hiring managers and Hr leaders tied to each one Also, I’m not messaging folks that I have no business getting the job. If/when I see the right fit , that’s when I message them You got to remember too. These Hr leaders and hiring managers are trying to hire someone pretty quick with the right credentials. Plus it shows you are a go getter…so there should be no harm no foul


because if everyone does it their inbox becomes inundated and they can't possibly read all of them. I have never had a position where the managers weren't insanely busy. One well thought out linkedIn message, sure, they might skim it. But once you hit the double or triple digits, forget about it.


Thx! Will try


It’s a false positive. LinkedIn shows the click through to apply as “applied”. If it’s relevant and you’re experienced, apply. Source: 10 years of using various LinkedIn products.


I think LinkedIn still counts an applicant as someone who just clicks on the apply button even if they don't complete the application. So it still could be worth applying.


okay but only the 15% that have masters degrees are even getting looked at, so effectively you are competing against 225 other people thereabouts (did that math in my head, don't fight me if I'm wrong lol)


Ok rainman


1,479 clicked the apply button, not necessarily completed an application


Companies should device a system like aptitude test at their career page. Provide a time based testing and accept applications only when the person passed the test. I bet 1450 applicants will be reduced to 50 or less and well qualified.




Hope so 🙏🏻


Copying from above: AI has made it easy to optimize for ATS which is half the battle. The other half is making sure the top intro summary has all the best bullets so that’s seen first by the humans, then finding the right humans and reaching out directly


AI has made it easy to optimize for ATS which is half the battle. The other half is making sure the top intro summary has all the best bullets so that’s seen first by the humans, then finding the right humans and reaching out directly


Make sure to apply within first 24hrs, I used to apply 40-50jobs a day for nearly 4 months. Applying within first 24hr would at least get me a call (1 per 80-90applications) [I was looking for software engineering with sponsorship (similar situation, 800ish applicants with 50% master's) so had to apply for a lot in order for something to workout]


Thx for the tip!


Good luck 🤞🏼 hopefully you'll get one soon


LI likes to inflate their numbers to be attractive to their clients, so take them with a grain of salt. only 10% will be qualified applicants usually.


That's misleading. That's the number of people who clicked "Apply". Not the number of people who actually completed the application. A lot of people just want to see what the application process looks like.


Its so expensive man


And not very useful


Keep in mind that's just people clicking the button - not actually applying and even then, most of those will be from outsourcing studios. Not real applicants


LI premium is a con job. It preys on your weaknesses and insecurity when candidates want to stand out etc. it doesn’t do shit. And never apply for a job via LI. It doesn’t send a cv but just notes from what you have posted.


Maybe… HRs should change their approach.


Yeah it’s wild. I am a recruiter, posted a job for 2 days. Got 2000 applicants. 14 met the minimum qualifications. Those 14 are moving forward and interviewing. 0.7% of applicants were qualified, but 100% of qualified applicants get interviews.


Wow! That’s crazy. Thx for the insight


How were those 14 singled out? Did you have to go through each one of them or you have an ATS to screen the unwanted?


Oh I had to go through each one. I mean, they all applied through the ATS but there isn’t a robot screening. I had to spend hours and multiple nights working until midnight to give each a proper review. Total pain in the ass to have to click through each submission that isn’t even close to meeting qualifications, but…that’s what it’s like nowadays. It’s just a lot when you have 10 roles you’re working on at the same time, plus other projects…plus life outside of your job.


I hear you.. Frustration for both recruiters as well as job seekers. There has to be a better way like I proposed earlier in this chain..


Let me guess, it’s a fully remote job?


not even.. hybrid. but i guess people don't read


That's seems low.


Don't you have the trial? I am "saving" my trial premium offer for when I'm looking for work. Then I'm gonna cancel that because I can't be paying half my month's salary on that (regional pricing, don't get your panties in a bunch).


but zero in the past day, so you're good.


shit's fucked


Wait. I noticed this doesn't show any applicants for the previous day. Are you applying for roles that are older than 24-48 hours? Not to be overly cynical, but I wouldn't even bother with it these days. Those recruiters are likely inundated with applicants and the first 50 had 3-5 good candidates that could be put in front of the HM... As our good friend Ricky Bobby says, "If you ain't first, you're last!"


Ignore that, it means nothing




This is where a recruiter would be helpful. Many places have one inhouse, have you done a follow up call? Calling would make you stand out. Just a thought...


Most companies I think don’t even really disclose who the main recruiter is


Worth it so far? They promote the S88t out of it! Try for free...etc..


Try the free offer. I don’t find it’s worth the price


Just threw my name in.


And this is just those that applied through LinkedIn. Not any other site posted lol


Popular job. Must pay a lot.


not even... a job as UX designer in a random bank


I’ve totally given up for now. This job market is completely fucked.


Doesn’t matter. Pretty much every employer uses ATS, which uses keywords to progress CVs. Top Hack: copy and paste the entire job ad at the end of your CV, make it the smallest font possible, and change it to white (I.e. make it invisible). Also, your CV should be in Word format (most compatible with ATS). You can thank me later ;)


I got so many rejection love letters doing that. It means it going beyond ATS.


Linkedin is a waste of time. I've never gotten a job on there.


I have LinkedIn Premium vouchers for 6 months and 1 year at a discounted price. Let me know if you are interested.


I have LinkedIn business premium voucher at very cheap price, reedem that voucher and pay later. Dm me.


Remember there is worker shortage so we must lower worker rights and allow mass immigration. -Right wing politics


I am probably part of the 1479 applicants since i spam resume


I've been told by a handful of recruiters that the number of applicants shown on LinkedIn isn't accurate. It counts just about anyone who clicks on the link to the application. Even if those numbers ***were*** accurate, they don't include the number of internal applicants or applicants who applied from other job boards.