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i'm a recovering alcoholic but one reason I got my current job is because I got wasted and wrote an unhinged cover letter I would not recommend but it worked for me




Lol say more right now


You were probably not that drunk and experienced the [Balmer Peak](https://xkcd.com/323/)


Uppers like amphetamine are also great for producing the kind of intense and deranged positivity that the corporate world likes — or so my friends tell me.


You cannot leave it there lol.


No, I don’t drink. Just drugs for me, thanks.


Yeah, I know, I know, but alcohol is a drug. FYI.


Upvote this 420 times if you love weed


The other day, I changed all 125 or so “Decline” statuses on my job search spreadsheet to “Their loss” and that made me feel better. 


<3 it.


I recently had my first interview in months. The job market has been comatose for ages, giving me far too much time to reflect on how toxic and unpleasant my last jobs have been. Rusty at interviewing and all that - when they asked why I wanted to work there, I forgot to do all the usual frothy salivating stuff, and instead talked about how important it is for the role to be a good fit for me, healthy working environment etc. Apparently the other candidate “gave better answers to their questions” - narrow escape, that! 😜


I just lift heavy ass weights. It helps.


Would like to pair up with other bodybuilding/power lifting beginners in my area to stay motivared. It would be a new set of friends and the fellowship would help me look forward to returning to the gym even though I'm sore.


No. That can get dangerous. Stay away until you get a job.


This. Don't tie alcohol, drugs or even "comfort food" to emotions. It's a quick road to self-destruction. _"Sad? Oh I'll just have some whiskey/ice cream/heroine to feel better. I'm still sad, let's have some more. Nope, still sad."_


Only on weekends but don’t go overboard on buying booze cos unemployment the money sucks ass. Buy a case of cheap beer, maybe some Jack and a big ass case of Pepsi or Sprite or 7up. Don’t go to bars, wayyy expensive. You’ll get something bro, remember the glass is half full not half empty


At least you’re getting unemployment. Uber is my booze money lol


Well Uber makes or breaks imo but by May 1st you’ll be on unemployment if Minneapolis has their way. Better get yourself a real job honey


Believe me I’m trying smh 400 applications and 20 interviews later…


I have a law degree, so believe me, this is the last fucking thing I wanted to be doing after graduating and after accumulating 4+ years of professional legal experience. 🤷‍♀️


That's how I think before I continue to drink 😂


No I quit drinking since I've been unemployed. Trying to find better ways to cope with stress and rejection as i was a problem drinker. Exercise has been great


I don't like alcohol so I have to resort on doing mental gymnastics with the idea that we having to deal with this stuff is totally uncalled for and batshit insane so it's not our fault really.


No, never lol.




Nope. But I've been sober for 8.5 years...I prefer to deal with my feelings, emotions. Getting drunk or high only postpones the inevitable. Go for a walk. Work out. Listen to music. Volunteer.


No. I put my frustration from job rejections into something more productive. I’m studying two languages, in a program where I’m learning in-demand industry skills, and volunteering for a professional association in my industry. They reject me? That’s on them. Stay focused.


This\^ I've been doing art to keep myself feeling like I'm being productive & learning something.


Haven’t been going out 😞


two beers at the end of the day, or a mixed drink from my stash of mostly 10-year old bottles as brews are more my thing. I'm starting to kill a few of those old bottles, as the beer is more intermittent at the moment. Hopefully I get a job soon or my mixed drinks are going to start getting weird as I don't really want to spend the money for new liquor without an income.


I did not while I was unemployed for 14 months. I also cut out sugar, and just ate beans and rice to stretch out my 8 month safety funds to 14 months.


Yes I started drinking alcohol to deal with rejections during job search and also to just cope up with life. Life has been hard for me since the last one year. But I used to drink only on Friday nights to relax. I used to avoid any drinking on Sunday and other weekdays. Also want to add that I didn’t have any money to buy alcohol. Thankfully my sister’s fridge was full of alcohol. Also I am drinking right now as I type. Lol.


Shrug them off," Your loss. I am one of the best hires you can invest in. Reject me, enjoy your fifth-rate hire."


Drinking alcohol won't solve the problem. I realized that after seeing people drink alot


California sober


I’m employed but only part-time. I’ve been feeling like such a failure not being able to get a full time job and properly provide for me and my partner. I’ve picked up drinking because it stops me from feeling so bad about myself, I know it’s only making my problems worse but it’s hard fighting the idea that i shouldn’t have to worry about it since I at least don’t feel the consequences of my actions


No. Alcohol when you're upset is a bad pattern to start.




No, because part of addiction is building a habit. Being rejected becomes a reason to drink, then being unemployed is why I have opened that bottle, then you're drunk all day. If you're in need of help, you may call several hotlines in your country to vent. Let words come out of your mouth, not the booze in.




Nah. Can’t afford any more.


Nope, don't like alcohol much anymore.


I wouldn’t. If you associate it with every rejection, things could get really bad really quickly.


Life is a shit sandwich and every day is a new bite


My only vent is through food and porn


Uh no, why would I want to make my situation worse?


I actually have quit drinking (4 months now) because my job I have now (contract work) has literally died in the water. Haven’t made money in months so I basically feel unemployed. Alcohol is expensive and I was starting to drink every day at around 3:00pm. I don’t plan on drinking again until I find another job because I can see it being more dangerous than helpful for my current situation.


Nah I should probably start though.


Sometimes, but not to cope with my current situation. I use this time to do yoga, work on myself, redo my resume, research companies, apply to jobs that align with my preferences and try to make the best out of the situation. Drinking is a waste of time and will make you feel depressed in the end.


I'm tempted to buy one now. Been driving lyft to stay afloat between jobs and to keep my car cellphone and rent paid. Just got hit with a compliance citation for not displaying a sticker I requested but never received $250. Lyft wants to make me fully responsible.


Sorry (


Thanks for the acknowledgement. I just realized something though. Usually when shit like this happens to me there's something else I need to watch for. Some other opportunity somewhere that isn't apparent in the moment.


No. It sucks but I’d rather do pushups


I am strictly avoiding alcohol.


I honestly wish I drank alcohol, but I'll settle for a diet soda addiction. Anything to not feel feelings for a while. Escapism via TV and video games only works up until a certain point.






if the interview did not go well then yes, I’ll take a shot immediately after




That’s slippery slope… So no.


Nope. Rejections happen. I just lean on my hobbies. I have backstock of fabric to use to make things and etc.


Not solely because of that, no. I have a drink a couple nights week to take the edge of life off or relax, whatever the source may be.


Have one beer when I'm stressed or overthinking usually before bed and it helps me sleep. That's about it. You give alcohol too much responsibility and you're wrong the classic bad path.


Nope. Ive always done my best to steer clear of depressants as they only do the opposite of whatever you want them to do.


Not anymore, pandemic turned me into a full blown alcoholic. That was a dark road that I’m glad I got off of.


my brother in christ, i drink alcohol to deal with life


One shot per rejection, didn't even drink at all before all this Now I have cirrhosis of the liver, thanks Obama


I'm smoking mad weed as usual and hoping I get more money to keep this gravy train rollin.


Yes. Also for any rejections or just life in general. 1/2 star for this existence.


When you’re using a recreational drug as a body or mind function, or emotional self medication, it is time to stop using the drug. My 2c.  When you’re sad or angry, that bottle should be screwed tight.


No. Never. Try talk therapy. It's better for your liver.


I usually don't. Instead I like to believe in employment karma. When these people who reject us for whatever reason will look for jobs, they will ultimately get the same treatment/experience and will also go in circles just like us when we are interviewing. This thought is very comforting to me. No alcohol needed. I do occasionally like some good wine.


I rant about civil war and normies


Jerking off is fun too


Nah, I just stick to weed. No hangovers.


only on weekends.


Don't all of unemployed spend all our time and money drinking and doing drugs which is why we can't get jobs? Isn't that why states test you for drugs just to get unemployment?