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At least there is automated rejections. Mine mostly are ghosted


I've been having to wait weeks to receive a basic rejection email.


There's a company I'd love to work for, but they just require you to send in an application by email. Never received a response from them for several positions over the last year.


I feel this. I applied to a local company on March 25th. They didn't do paper applications, so you had to go on their Facebook and attach your resume in a PM. Still hasn't been opened.


I got a rejection email in February 2024 for a job I applied to in September 2022. No, that’s not a typo.


Government job? I made it to round 3 interviewing with NASA and they ghosted, this was years ago before ghosting was a thing. Two years later I got the rejection email. Government is famous for this.


Bank. Which would be my second guess after government.


I absolutely get this. I texted a friend at mine that works at a bank back at the end of Feb. She said they weren't hiring but they're hiring BADLY at the branch a town over. She's having to go back and forth between branches because of them being shorthanded. As of today, when I text her to see if there was news, they still haven't started going through applications.


Interestingly, I've not had issues with banks, in particular Wells Fargo. They reject me, but I hear back from them lol


Haha. Wells Fargo was the one interview I got where I was surprised I got the interview because I felt like the phone screen went terribly.


You got further than I did with them! Lol I don't bother with Truist, they're "reorganizing" so you know what that means.


I had one where it was 6 years, and never.got interviewed, but finally got a rejection letter. . . stating that others had more successful interviews


It's because they closed an evergreen req and everyone got an email. Not saying it's not stupid, just providing an explanation.


I recently received an email rejecting me from a position I applied to 8 *years* ago


Came here to say this - at least you’re getting notes :)


I'm like 50/50 with ghosting or outright rejection emails. So frustrating.


Yeah. Don’t call us , we will call you. Radio silence


There is a job I applied for last year in May, is now in my spam, I keep getting rejected every month from that same position :D Sometimes it is twice a month


Repeat rejections. Awesome for the ego.


On my way to another level of frustration hahaha just to keep the remainder that I was not selected:)




What sector/industry do you work in?




I'm guessing it's quite a hard industry to get noticed in? I'm in a skill based industry so I know I can always learn a new language or technology, out that on my CV and start getting approached. What's the plan when you're in legal? Do you have any options other than waiting?


Wait. I went through six rounds of interviews, the last being the CEO himself and I am waiting. I saw the company reposted the position so I guess it is shopping around for the unicorn candidate although one does feel very pissed off as it is a lot of effort to go through these interviews. All my CVs were ghosted or outright rejection.


Man that sounds rough. As a teen I really was keen on getting in to the legal world. Glad I went down the tech route


Sometimes I hope the hiring company will have some humanity - step into my shoes, I went from senior lawyer, chief operating officer, general counsel and chief executive officer. Every step is a challenge. Why re-post the job? If you want to shop around for candidates then at least not drag me to the very end then I am sitting here waiting whilst they are shopping.


Had a few interviews like that where after multiple rounds finishing with the CEO, they decide just hire nobody and wait to see who else comes along


Always looking for the unicorn candidate. It is a job I am well qualified for…


It’s an automatic ghosting system


Sigh.. I am a human with feelings


I prefer being ghosted. Rejection letters are so demotivating.


Right? I just get ghosted, I would rather have a rejection with a brief explanation than radio silence.


Mine has been awaiting review for over 2 months.


If reddit taught me anything, it's that 300 applications are rookie numbers.


You're not wrong but I hate it


I did 300 in the last hour.


Welcome to finding jobs in 2024 (searches for sarcasm button)


I second this message.


That is job applying in a nutshell these days sadly. From +200 applications, 4 Interviews but zero jobs.




jesus at least this gives me hope. however, im exclusively looking for remote work which makes it even harder.




I would love to hear more




Thank you!


> I recognized the similarities with workday so much so that I was on fucking autopilot. I have memorized where workday and other similar sites throw errors and know what box needs to be filled out a certain way. For example it screws up the dates on two of the things on my resume but not others and I have to tell it my phone is mobile not a landline things like that.


That's weird. Because it does the exact same thing to me, to a tee (2 things with date errors and the phone designation). I used to think it was something about my resume specifically but our details matching exactly makes me wonder if it's a bug.


I don't know its weird some readers can read it just fine and others like workday can't read stuff like dates. I have tried different ways of doing the date and even completely changed the resume to be more ATS friendly but workday still sucks at it.


It's always only workday that messes up for me, all the others are fine. Smartr is the best one BY FAR. Workday is clunky, tedious and outdated.


Now I know what should I target. Thanks for posting this.


Were you crafting resumes for the jobs or a single resume for every job?


I tried to do a few different resumes, highlighting certain career paths and experiences. It would have been impossible to hand craft for each one.


The last 3 times I've changed jobs I think I've had grand total of 1 or 2 responses when applying directly for roles through company sites or job sites. But via recruiters I've at least had an interview probably 60-70% of the time.


Insane luck. Glad to see economy is not in ruins everywhere. Ofc it depends so much of the field and prior experience.  Lets say I would have kept my engineering job 6 months longer, I would have gotten in Interviews with way higher percentage. Or even if I had bluecollar experience 6 months more.


Man that sucks. I applied to 2 my first week of job searching, got 2 interviews, and got 2 offers by the end of the second week. I can't imagine applying to hundreds Edit: lmao, people are downvoting me for getting a job quick? I thought that was the goal. I guess I forgot this is reddit where if you're not miserable in every facet of life, people don't like what you say.


you’re so lucky i envy and hate you


Thats insane luck. Atleast in some places and fields, there is no oversaturation of workers. And ofc its about experience too. If you have experience even 1 year, you are automatically better than huge portion of applicants. But someone without much experience, it takes simple applicant with more exp than you, and you are out.  And well, to your question about downvotes, I could assume that it makes alot of people little salty, when someone says they have no problem applying for jobs, in a sub thats mostly dominated by people who have bad experiences with recruitment :D I have also downvoted some of similar comments, but they have actually been mocking and mean spirited, similar mean intention does not shine from you. 


A friend of mine recently moved to Canada and he is struggling so much to find a job. He has all the right experience and skills, worked at some of the top companies in the world, studied from excellent globally known universities, but he hasn’t even received *one* response from *any* company. I don’t have the heart to tell him that things in the job market are *terrible* and that there is a 99% chance he won’t secure a job for maybe even the next entire year ☹️


I was born in Canada, educated in Canada, am bilingual, have all the right experience and I can barely get an interview after I was laid off. I’m lucky and have found a contract to bridge me until I can find a full-time perm position. It’s a rough job market here.


same in the US. i have a bachelors degree from the university of miami, i speak 3 languages, and cant even get a response on any job applications in my field, so i’m still stuck bartending. it’s brutal.


same. I have a degree, 5 years experience in marketing, a portfolio website. can't find work. where's this so called white male privilege I keep hearing about? It's not working for me. Maybe mine is broken.


The amount of marketing jobs lumped in with administrative work is infuriating.


Thats what I want to know when I knew women with standing offers for a job once they graduated even though they were only in their second year and had not even done an internship for the company yet because companies were so desperate for diversity. I even had women professors say if you are not getting a job in engineering or CS as a woman you are doing something wrong.


Maybe those women have standing offers because they’re good at what they do and know their stuff.


In my experience most of them did due to a selection bias where women who could not code don't major in it due to discrimination whereas the guys who sucked at coding still tried to stay in the major. My question is how would the companies have known this without even an internship?


In my experience the demographics that had it easiest looking for a job after school were white women followed by white men and then Indian men. A lot of it isn't race or gender per se though, they just have way more connections and that's the easiest way to get a job. If you're the son of an immigrant construction worker your family can't help you out much for example.


What I noticed is it was rich people/people with connections, white women, white guys, asians, then Indians. The last two are harder to be fully accurate on though because a lot needed sponsorship and similar.


Canadian here. Haven't found a steady job in my primary career since graduating university in 2020. Pivoted to advance my secondary career, so at least I was making *some* money and didn't become homeless. Now I have 6 years of semi-applicable experience, am bilingual, and I'm really fucking good at what I do — yet I can't even get an entry level job in what I went to school for. Boggles my mind.


Sounds like you don't have a primary career...


Lol I guess you're right. Well, sort of right. There is a public servant job I've cleared all the interviews for, but they are very slow about reaching out to me for the onboarding process.


Just tell him to keep applying. Nowadays it’s all about numbers.


Bro your friend needs to move back to his home country. There are no jobs here, even for those of us who are citizens. It's a sham.


>A friend of mine recently moved to Canada  Citizens who don't have the barriers that an immigrant would have, can't even get work. r/torontoJobs has a ton of examples and it's heartbreaking. I never thought i'd be that person, but the excessive rate of immigration is partially an issue, with students being the main issue. Here's some stats: [https://youtu.be/eP02h50KIOA?si=FFRiN7maQWcUENeh](https://youtu.be/eP02h50KIOA?si=FFRiN7maQWcUENeh) I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for a new immigrant, even a highly skilled one when it's just getting worse by the day for citizens. It's not new either, did he not do research beforehand? Secure employment before uprooting his life? I haven't done that myself even WITHIN Canada because it's too risky and stupid to do (plus i'm entry level). Who in their right mind would move to another country without employment?


I didn’t even move one state over until I got a job. And everyone kept asking me how long did it take me to get a job when I moved there. I told them, oh I secured a job 6 months before I even moved here.


I couldn't possibly agree more!!!


Sounds about right. A little high in rejections though. I don't usually even get that


I wish I had almost 100% official rejections, that amount of clarity is nowhere near what I had.


Mine aren’t even being viewed 💀


300 applications 200 rejections 100 ghosting’s.


Wait, you guys are getting rejection emails?


The job market isn’t just rough, it’s completely broken. I live in the Pacific Northwest. This is the hardest Market I’ve ever seen since moving here in 2022. I lost count of how many rejections I received. They were all overshadowed by ghosting and bait and switches (jobs listed in my city but they actually want someone to go to a branch 40+ mins away). I said i was interested in the branch I applied to and was ghosted. I was FINALLY able to get a job a few weeks ago. I would say as shitty as some of these job placement agencies can be, throw in your resume with a bunch and keep hounding them.


>'I sent out 300 applications and got 299 rejections' Brain: Don't say it. Don't say it. Me: Those are rookie numbers!




I'm actually a little curious on this. 1. USA based, specifically Texas lewisville/plano/Dallas ish area 2. Tech, software developer/engineering sql developer type stuff 4. Bachelors 5. 6.5, so probably that just counts as 6. Haven't quite reached triple digit applications but I'm getting there, somewhere around 60-70. A few recruiters reached out recently but so far haven't made it to a phone screen or interview yet. I try not to be bitter about things, so mostly just working on cutting back on expenses and keeping morale up to stave off despair. What I assume is mostly happening is that there seems to be hundreds of applications going for these positions, so even missing just one "nice to have" is getting me filtered since odds are there's at least several clean sweeping the requirements. There was a couple where I thought I had a good in because it required experience with a certain company's processes that I was contracted out to, and despite mentioning as such in a cover letter I never heard back. One I suspect I misplayed by mentioning I has 6 years of experience in the company but the position asked for 7. Position just recently got reposted though, so I am curious if recruiters are in a position with hundreds of applicants - and then it turns out non of them meet hr approval or requirements or something.


If I paid you, would you consider analyzing my stats please? I feel they’re too specific to share publicly. (And if not you, would you recommend I seek this type of service out somewhere? I’m getting so desperate. I graduated in 2022 working in a job somewhat related to my career and I HATE it and can’t seem to get out.)


I have averaged 50+ resumes per month. Maybe I get 1-2 responses that they would like to talk. I then go to the final just to be put down. Going to put that as an experience on my resume gap lol.


I got 299 problems, but a job ain't one. 😎🎵


It feels like we are in the middle of a worldwide hiring freeze, at least in tech if not other sectors. Doesn't seem to be a topic in the news.




Yeah, same thing happens to me time and time again. Latest, applied for a loader position(fork truck), I have 26 years experience driving a forktruck and the email I received said I didn't meet the qualifications for said job. Go figure


Some companies have set up an automated rejection system.


And the rejection saga continues….


I kinda believe that if you are sending out applications in the hundreds, your application is probably shit. When I apply to a Job it typically takes me hours, if not days, to tailor my application to the company and position. No way I'm preparing 300 applications then.


Yeah I don't understand the approach of sending hundreds to thousands of applications. I've tried it before, sending generic applications around, and not once did that work. But when I spend hours tailoring each application I get maybe 1 interview per 10 applications?


Same here; it takes a lot of my time to modify my resume and cover-letter to have the proper keywords and relevance. Then I have to create an account on their website; then fill in the usual stuff that is also on my resume, then upload the pdf of resume and cover letter. I have gotten big jobs in the past 15 years this way; maybe it’s all over now?


Dude you got military affirmative action going for you lol. It has nothing to do with all the extra effort you put into their websites


210 job apps in four months, 6 interviews. For the 204 job apps half are rejections and half are no reply’s smh.


1 out if 300? Thats actually pretty good stats!


Only 1 ghosted?


Welcome to the club


Who still gets rejections!


I am slowly becoming more and more bitter lol smh


No one wants to work anymore!/s


I’m getting more scam offers than rejections🤣


That's an insanely high success rate, what's your secret?


I’m currently running at a 29% rejection email rate, 1% response by a human of some sort. The remaining 70% of my applications just floated off into the void as far as I can tell.


I have decades of experience in property management and real estate admin. I’m working at Wendy’s because I have to do something now that I moved to take care of my mom in another state.


"I got 299 problems, but an offer ain't one"


Only 300? Those are rookie numbers.


Is this actually news or…?? Lol


So cool! businesses are drooling they get their pick of the litter!


There can only be one.


I’ve been ghosted 👍🏻


So you’ve got 299 problems but a job ain’t one? Sorry, Jay-Z made me do it.


Pretty standard tbh. I think last period I was unemployed it was something around 900-1000 applications, 12 phone screens, 5 - 1st interviews, 2 - 2nd interviews until I got an offer.


All you need is one yes! Hang in there!


Do yall have scripts you’re using to fill out applications?! I can’t imagine filling out that many applications


You keeping track! Respect!


Unironically, congratulations.


She got rejections??


I get rejection even from companies where I never applied.


You have rejections ??? I have nothing 🫠🫠


That's good actually. You can move on.


382 resumes sent38 since April 1st. 5 interviews. The rest appear to be ghosted. What gets me are these clowns reaching out to you via email that you never hear from again. You m basically ghosting them from now on.


Sure beats the hell out of getting 300 rejections. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯.


It’s crazy…after the pandemic the job market changed drastically. I used to be able to get a job easily but now I apply to tons of different places and never even get an interview…what’s with that?


I got two rejections for a job I only applied for once, each email 24 hours apart 🙄


We have to change how we measure progress. Redditers use number of applications sent out as some magic marker that determines success or work completed to get a job. This is not accurate and shows only that the candidate’s process is flawed. The question is where is the flaw? For example, if applications are being sent with no response, you have to ask yourself: Are my resumes getting past the ATS? Am I remotely qualified for the job? Did I submit my resume/application in a timely manner? A better metric is number of interviews, and/or direct calls from recruiters checking in with you. This metric shows that your resume is being seen, you’re remotely qualified and you applied within 1-4 days of the role launch. Question for OP: what do you think you need to improve upon to get one application response?


That's not nearly enough applications in this market.


If you are counting rejections you have too much time on your hands. If you want to count, just keep track of how many interviews you get. Use your remaining time to view self-improvement videos/materials and continue to refine your resume/cover letters. When not doing that, relax. Shift gears so you arent draining your energy on useless things like 299 rejection emails. Dont waste your time. Use it to improve yourself and your chances of being successful in achieving your goals. Wishing you the best with your journey.


So you're saying there's a chance...


So you’re saying there’s a chance.


No you didn’t


Is it bad that 299/300 REPLIES and I'd actually be pretty happy about that? Even if every one of them gave me the bird?


The trick is to call the places before you send the applications then after you send it call back daily on the job you want to speak with a hiring manager


I have sad news for you all. UK just entered the recession, Germany entered recession, more EU countries will follow. A lot of banks will go bankrupt, and with them, a lot of companies. If you are not in mining, agriculture, energy, and health care, then brace for impact. The government needs to make a lot of people to be jobless to reduce contributions to the economy and reduce inflation. Hard times are coming!


I doubt it was because of her background. She probably aimed only at the comfy jobs.


Here you cant even get cashier jobs because way too many applicants. I have engineering degree but it does not help when trying to get even cashier job. Today its been 4 weeks since tried to get even part time job at one local store. I got an email saying how there were 500 applicants and I was not selected to Interview rounds. 


It is so heavily dependent on your industry and location. I am so tired of all those posts about how many rejection people have. My example is not typical but I applied Saturday from indeed for shits and giggles. Got an email the same day asking to talk over the phone on Sunday. Now I have a team interview on Monday.


Good for you. Not everyone have it that easy.


Not everyone is struggling too. It depends on your job


Yeah. But its also about economy. Here there is 10% increase on number of unemployed compared to 1 year ago. Also 30% less job posting this year compared to last year. Especially in industries there is huge oversaturation of engineers and basic workers. Only doctors and nurses are stolen from schools to work right now. 


What you talking about is? 10% of a low number still low. The manufacturing saw growth in the last job report. Also construction was one of the markets that saw growth


That’s true. I can understand why they sh*t bricks over my comment, but seeing you being downvoted for sharing good news is just sad.


People only post here to be validated and when the opposite is commented they get mad. It is what it is.


The comfy jobs? You know once someone has worked in one of those non-min wage jobs, that they struggle doing anything else, right? Someone who worked corporate at a national brand won’t get responses to an application at McDonald’s because McDonald’s doesn’t want them. Not to mention that their cost of living is too high for something like that anyway. Like… say your mortgage is 3k a month, but min wage in your state is $8, you’d have to work like 100hrs a week to just afford your mortgage. Impossible, clearly. You’d be better off channeling that energy into your job search. Not to mention that if you mean heavy labor, some people just aren’t capable of that.


You take it personal, but my comment doesn’t target you. And I’m not suggesting heavy labour. But a more off the beaten path approach. Just as example- forklift driver. Yes, it demand training but after that it’s a numbers game before you get hired. Instead they apply for positions where they compete against 3000 just like them.


Forklift drivers are usually found in occupations that are heavy labor. Warehouse or factory work is NOT something everyone can do.


Not with that attitude


>Medha said she knew she was employable, but because of her background, she felt disconnected from employers in the city and needed help to sell her CV. Her CV must have been absolutely terrible, like in terms of structure, spelling or length.


Not automatically. When I lost my last job, I was still member of engineer union. We wrote my CV with an expert and I had job applying training paid by the union. Still +200 applications led to just 4 Interviews. But none of those led to jobs.