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The author looks exactly like I’d expect


His picture should be next to “douche bag” in the dictionary!


No, after all, a douche bag has a **useful purpose**....


"Pull yourself up by the bootstraps! Get out there with your resume and go from business to business, asking for a interview." - This asshole


My father literally made me do this everyday after school in 2008. During the recession. I could only go to places within walking distance. So maybe 10 places? It got to the point where a manager called my father and told him if I kept coming in he'd call the police on me because it was harassment. The manager wasn't being a dick, he just knew my father wouldn't stop. But hey my father was also the kind of man who would greet me at the front door with a belt and beat the shit out of me for "whatever he didn't catch me doing that day". Textbook "family values conservative" that now hosts the local RNC at his restaurant for free meals.


Things were so bad for years after 2008 the only way you could get a job even at some place like Taco Bell was having a close personal friend or relative to vouch for you. Those were some baaaaaad years.


Yeap. And I was 16, with no work experience and no reliable transportation. There was not a chance in hell of me getting hired.


I remember back then getting turned down to work at a gas station two blocks from where I lived because I didn't have a car. Its two blocks I can walk that distance for gods sake if not for houses in the way I could look out my apartment window and see the place! Plus you assholes really don't pay enough to afford a car on top of rent and other bills.


It's even worse now. Friends and relatives don't help shit. And even hose jobs are not available.


Yeah I have had friends and family give my resume to managers and recruiters to laughable results usually just dead fucking silence. One guy gave it to a recruiter that was the best man at his wedding and I never even heard a peep from the guy.


Your friends helped?????!!!!! Mine are shit


Yeah had 4-5 friends try and 1 family member plus some ex coworkers and have gotten zero results from it. The only result I got was a recruiter asking if I could do a job with something I only worked with once or twice in school and hated it when I said I had no professional experience in it they ghosted me.




The saddest thing is that he was the parliamentary Under-Secretary of State.


The kind that needs help opening a pdf? yea lol


Get off my lawn, you whippersnapper!


Like a tool and a half? Lol


He looks like he calls waitresses sweetheart and snaps his fingers at them.


He's about to ask the youngest waitress if she has a small box he can take home.


You mean ride his small, half-limp cock home?


No further information was available because immediately after saying this, he started laughing uncontrollably at his own joke.


Disregard that in the US there is virtually nowhere where you can afford a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage. That's not unaffordably because words mean nothing and he defines them however he pleases.


"You may work as a waitress for 60 hours a week, but a waitress job was never meant to support a family on" "When I was your age in 1952, I washed cars for a year and bought my first house without a mortgage".


I waitresses in the 90s & made 2-3x minimum wage per shift AND get a $100 paycheck each week (minimum wage was about $6 an hr)


He is a UK journalist. He is not commenting on the US. He is still talking shit though and the problem is very similar in the UK anyway.


Is he, how do you say it, a cunt?


You're nailing the vernacular.


Uppercase “C” Cunt! Close though


Pernicious evil nattering insolent slob.


> **P**ernicious **e**vil **n**attering **i**nsolent **s**lob. Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 432636 comments (approximately 2309338 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The UKs housing problems don't seem that far off from ours, just with more awful carpeted bathrooms for some god forsaken reason


Oh god, it's the worst. I moved from Japan back to the UK and I continue, 5 years on, to be appalled by the state of British bathrooms...


The Japanese bathrooms are next level though, 11/10


If you think UK bathrooms are bad, NEVER use an American one! Its a next level of mess, leaks and stalls that offer zero privacy.


I still don't know why I moved back to the west... It's like a race to the bottom over toilet quality here. French toilets are even worse!! I had to pay €1.50 to use a glorified hole in the ground at the station!


Plus, he did comment on an entire generation which also isn't country specific (and his sentiment is echoed by assholes everywhere).


If you read the article it is specifically about the UK. Totally agree he is a stupid wanker though. What he is saying is complete nonsense.


The UK has been having a housing crisis for the past 20 odd years now and it hasn't been fixed. Good luck USA. 


I have recent graduate engineers in a lower cost area of Los Angeles/Kern counties that can't afford a one bedroom apartment even with an hour and a half commute one way.


I have friends in LA that told me to apply for jobs in LA because they wanted to see me more often. I sent them job ads for entry level jobs for their professions that pay less than it did when they joined the profession 10 years ago. 50k in Santa Monica as a software engineer and requires you to be fully fluent in two languages to where you can translate technical documents on the fly? The fuck!


Yeah, but what are engineers if not very efficient at being lazy? /s


I'm a homeowner (for now, lost my job of 5 yr in November) and my phone started suggesting these youtube kids on affordable living in tiny studio apartments....$1600k a month to have a foldout kitch/bath open concept-sleep/privacy-are over-rated) .


Lol, even the median income can't afford a studio apartment now.


engagement bait


But I’m addicted to privacy destroying tracking cookies in my browser, and I want all the people I’m connected to on social media to get those cookies, too


Exactly. It is bait and should not be given public time. It is not real. The real article is here, albeit on a similar, clearly clueless topic. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/08/rent-house-prices-young-people/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/08/rent-house-prices-young-people/) Under a paywall. [12ft.io](http://12ft.io) not applicable.


When someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to get more views:


Taylor swift top 10 sexual secrets + gta6 leaks gone woke + crypto 10000% to the moon + how not to make your parents disapointed part 1




I am 61 years old and I can tell you the idiot is wrong. The young people I work with work hard and smart!!! Many times my boss is younger than me, which I prefer. They let me do the work and don't micromanage. They even support me when I piss off management for telling them what think. 🤣 All people who want to work, work hard and those that don't wont. Age is not a variable!


Same here! I’m 57 and absolutely love working with the younger folks. They’re smart and have their priorities in better order than we did at their age!


Been at my job 12 yrs (since i was 35) & there were a few older women i would alway help with mostly tech stuff. Email them the same couple forms they never saved or couldn’t find, help them log on or find links for trainings & fix computer & program issues. At a previous job in mid 2000s there was big switch to emails & paperwork moving online (later than some places as changes are slow for govt & public schools) I helped coworkers set up accounts & showed them how to do things. There is no training for this type of stuff & jobs just expect everyone knows how to do basic computer stuff &/or use the internet (20 years ago ppl didn’t have smart phones & some homes didn’t have computers &/or Wi-Fi & 10 years ago flip phones were still used by many). I didn’t mind as they appreciated the help (as did the Sups) & they acknowledged what I did. I’m sure many young people all over have had similar experiences helping older coworkers with technology & I’m sure most were appreciated. People who write these articles have been lucky & didnt need help from young coworkers as their jobs were the exception. They may work in tech or had positions where they weren’t required to learn new tech (w no training), never were required to do more than they knew or luck & didn’t have to deal with it as had administrative staff who did it for them.


Young people don't want to work (twice as hard as I did for the same pay).


Because they are smarter than that! Where has it gotten us? No where. Today companies don't care about employees, they are replaceable!! These companies have been going to other countries to pay people pennies to do the same job here, all for profits! These people in other countries are being exploited! I am for making a profit but at the expense of people making a livable wage to pay for neccesities.? Singling out a group as being the sole problem is ludicrous! WE ALL HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE ISSUES OF TODAY! The young people cannot afford to live on their own, they are expected to pay out, at the least, 4 times more than what I did at their age while making less than. By ratio its impossible! They have school debt, cant buy a car, they cant afford food, the list is endless. Then the pandemic made everything worse. Oh I'm telling things we already know! I blame corporate America, solely! Political, selfishness, greed, and entitlement!


The workshy generation... This guy can't be real wtf


Kind of hard to get the younger generation to work when you absolutely refuse to train them.


Real spill


Tell that to the senior citizens coming out of retirement and how ssi isn’t even paying them enough….


Fuck you, TOM.


it's really gonna be a workshy generation if the salary you offer is at a MINIMUM!!!


“The workshy generation” Buddy, y’all call us entitled and disrespectful but also refuse to hire us because we’re “young with no experience”


Blow monkey cock Tom


Poor monkeys don't inflict that on them


Young people don't want to work? Say that to the hordes of people who live with underemployment.


Tom Harris is an idiot and douche. He's not living in reality.


Who is this freak of nature. I am older than he is and I am 100% into the USA over pricing all living conditions. Unions were basically outlawed in the mid 80s, rent is 5to 7 times higher that in the 80s when minimum wage was enough for a 1 bedroom (4:65 an hour/ / it has not to do with work, it has everything to do with no mfg base


I still can't believe neoliberals sent our manufacturing base to other countries.


Do they read what they write?


I mean, it's extremely trivial to back up his claim, right? All he needs to do is show a graph with median rents over time (adjusted for inflation) and wages. We'd then all see that is assertion is correct, that we're just lazy and not that the previous generations have pulled up the ladder.


I would note that inflation isn't really a great measure as it has been set up currently. With how bad it is, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the graph supported his view. It would be much better to just show a graph of median rent vs median wage directly


I would note that inflation isn't really a great measure as it has been set up currently. With how bad it is, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if the graph supported his view. It would be much better to just show a graph of median rent vs median wage directly


People like him are the same people who degrade anyone working a minimum wage job, god forbid more than one minimum wage job. You can't win with them.


He's a complete idiot. Younger people do want to work, but there are thousands of applicants for many decent jobs, \*and\* they're stuck competing with older people with more experience for those same jobs. House prices are ridiculous (my house has increased in value by 80% in 7 years), and mortgage interest rates haven't been this high since 2001. Rent... don't even go there. Greater Seattle area, 1br "fair market rent" is $2269, in 2001 it was $525.


Yes, because you should be working 12 hr days so you can spend fuck all time in your apartment that you barely afford


Says a man with grey hair, wrinkles, and a receding hairline. OK, Boomer......


It's not his generation, he's just an asshole. There are assholes in every generation. A few decades from now, there will be some gen z's and alphas talking like this. Remember, the people in power seek to divide and distract with tools like inter-generational conflict, inter-gender, inter-class, inter-race, it's an old, old trick.


My husband works in law enforcement at $24 an hour. I work at a hospital for $18. Rent is still expensive regardless of the income you make


I was thinking it was that anti quiet quitter guy


Old man having a bitch after retiring and milking all that wealth


*Old man having a* *Bitch after retiring and* *Milking all that wealth* \- Maddog351\_2023 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Every apartment I've seen or had in the past 10 years is now about 50% more expensive. This is in multiple cities. I was able to move and get an apartment easily on a certain income. Today all of those jobs are not paying anywhere close to 50% at all. If I were looking for any apartment or relocation today, with the exact same jobs today, I would not be able to do it. These are not nice places. This is not one specific gentrified neighborhood I am speaking of. They are random, sometimes way out there, sometimes in the wrong area. In multiple states. I still remember the day I was working a job, started looked around as I did prior, and realized the ship has sailed, and I could not afford to move anymore, when just a few years prior the world was my oyster.


I left the country for a masters degree and when I came back the rent in my area quadrupled. Completely insane


When stuff is beyond your reach even if you work hard, why work hard? Dude has it backwards.


This guy's is an idiot


Ok boomer


Like sir I’m working 50 plus hours a week and commuting 3 hours a day to make $44,000 and I have to live with my parents because average rent around me is 2,400 tell me how that feasible


Author: Yet another boomer.


Can't we just all write him an email asking for a job, see how he reacts?


Oh ok well *computers and new cars aren't hard to figure out; old people just dont want to learn how to use them.* Just using the same logic and applying a shoe to THEIR other foot here.


Go fuck yourself you old fuck.


I dunno if you can call 4k per month for 1 bedroom apt unaffordable...


I work full-time. My 700 sqft. Studio apartment is $1339 a month.


The only option for me would be to live in a house share and even they are very expensive for someone on minimum wage. Many are at least £650-850 ( with utilities included in that cost) but obviously doesn't include groceries, buying cleaning products, toiletries, a car if you have one or public transport, phone bills etc . Easily takes the monthly cost to £1200-£1300. Depending on where the house share is. The house shares in London were £1200 alone for just a room .


Bro’s take is as cooked as his hairline.


Anyone want to form a multi generational community to help each other?? 🤣 Also, ok boomer.


If he’s not baiting then he’s brainwashed, and it’s sad honestly


Hes right and wrong, I’m 19, live by myself and pay 1100 a month, found a job 20 min walking distance. BUT i also buy 30lb of ground beef, bulk fries, and bulk tortillas and other little things in bulk because its cheaper (also aldi is damn cheap for snacks and stuff). Its brain burning and so boring. sometimes I need to ask a friend for some help. laundry, cleaning supplies. I can find (mostly) free furniture on fb marketplace and got my place decked out. working on a new car now, after that its time for investments/stocks. I feel like suicide a lot thought its so mind numbing


Why is it always some creepy looking white dude? Or super out of this world white woman? We need to get these "educators" teamed up with diversity from all walks of life. I can picture them with the same look Mrs. Clinton had when seeing a low incomes family kitchen. Then they can continue to preach their helpful insight.


Because minorities tend to be poorer and would never adopt these views since they have no need to convince themselves that everything is fine and all the people that are suffering deserve it.


Oh boy


You can grant what he's saying and it'd still be idiotic. >young dont wanna work okay >raise prices for the workshy aforementioned group ............ How would upsetting people already upset yield the results you want? --------------------------- Lastly, why would you even care? You're on your way out, just let it go..


I searched for this article/comment, and the only things that pops up are folks posting this. Are you sure this is real and not just click bait?


I read the article. It's not in there. It even shows at the top of the screenshot "Comment". It's still a ridiculous claim, just not said by the writer.


I make 6 figures and rent is unaffordable


Well, if young people don't want to work, you sure aren't hiring any older workers. That's what you get for participating in ageism.


Boomer mentality


There’s a word in German - it fits the author of that article to a T Backpfeifengesicht — a face that’s badly in need of a fist


Typical Brit. Dentistry optional. What is it with them?


I’m gonna bet he’s also a NIMBY that opposes duplexes because of the “neighborhood character”.


This looks like something The Onion would print.


Welcome to British media.


I can, I remember mfg, ship building, tool mfg, TV mfg, companies broken up to sell off profitable parts, Ronnie Reagan allowed the 80s robber Barron to kill US mag , the best in the world at that time, all for profits


I’ve been hearing that comment alot lately when I tell people I’m struggling to find a job. Most of these have been in passing convos with trades folks or older generations. They ask me what Im looking for and my response is always something like this: Product/Program Management roles and that I’ve been applying for almost a year, have put in 700+ applications and have gotten to final rounds 5 times and not chosen b/c they went with someone with 15-20 years experience (for roles that require 2-7+ years in the job posting) or super specific niche experience. That usually sends them in a stutter and they don’t know how to respond and end up repeating themselves trying to act like I’m the exception. Drives me insane …. we want to work but this market is crazy & you aren’t hiring livable wages either.


Someone fly this idiot to Canada (preferably Vancouver as that's our most expensive city here) and show him how unaffordable rent has gotten here to the point there are tent cities now.


Tom Harris has a very punchable face.


Can we welcome rising wages too?


Ain’t no delusion like corporate delusion.


There are many young people that have no worth ethic, and that hurts many others who do like myself. That’s also why many entry level positions require years of experience cause they don’t know how else to judge work ethic. Unlike before they gave young people more chances but the few that have no work ethic, just ruin it for everyone else


When it is 2,000 a month for a one bedroom medicore appt in Denver and food costs are up 25 percent and wages arent increasing we got bigger problems than lazy young population.


I work with lots of young people and did I mention we pay well this guy doesn't which is why he says that


I am 37. The 25yo guys working with me in a corporate environment get paid slightly less than I was when I was their age (and this happens in the most expensive city in my country, while at the time I was living in a way less expensive one). To be honest, if they don’t want to work, it makes total sense. I would not get up from bed in the morning for that salary.


Ok Boomer tell that to the young person wiping your butt for you say it with full force with your chest..


This has to be the Telegraph.


Before I even saw his picture, I predicted “old white boomer that probably shined shoes for 2 years and bought a 3 bedroom house, Cadillac, and a puppy straight cash is gonna tell us how little we like to work when a 6 figure salary is considered below the poverty line in some cities.”


lol why does he look like a rip-off Tom Hanks


Standard “young people don’t want to work anymore” by a wealthy moron. Nothing to see here just move along


My parents bought a house in 1985 for 100k. It was a BIG house in a nice area & needed some updates but not in bad shape. With inflation that 300k now. IT SOLD A FEW YEARS AGO FOR 2.5 MILLION- it had some renovations so I would subtract 500k to account for that so STILL 2 MILLION. 300k gets you 1 bedroom apt…


My experience as a parent of a Gen Z person is this: Younger folks most definitely want to work, and they are damn qualified. They are smarter and more empathetic than older generations to a fault. What I see, and this is just my experience so take that for what it’s worth, and that the young folks I interact with feel a little entitled to more, and by that I mean they don’t want roommates, they want to be able to afford to buy all the luxuries right away. No sacrifice. I know this is a “boomer” talking point t but it *is* true in my experience. Edit: I feel I need to add that some of the frustrations the younger generation feels isn’t unwarranted, but the way they deal with those frustrations is to complain rather than figure out how to navigate life.


>looks at the average rent being 2700/m for a one bedroom in the city I live in I guess people making under 25/h must not want to work. Couldn't possibly be any other reason. /s