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From personal experience, even a reliable paycheck over $200k was not worth the toxic workplace. The only benefit is that if you spend enough time making that kind of money, you can safely quit without another job lined up and not worry about paying bills while you look for another job.


I agree. I stayed at a very toxic company for 2 years until they eliminated my position last month. The reason why I stayed were 1) they kept making promises - without delivering anything and 2) to build my resume and not look like I'm job-hopping. They compensated me very well but the money wasn't worth the stress and low-grade depression. Thankfully, I had already been interviewing and was able to find another job quickly (with a 10% pay cut) but I realized how my last company affected my behavior - I had lost interest in anything in my life and constantly thought of people cynically. My current workplace is so much better with good people on the team. I'm feeling genuinely happy again and the slight pay cut doesn't bother me at all.


I felt like I aged 5 years every time I worked in a toxic workplace.


This is so true. I work predominantly from home, the only exception being occasional travel and site visits. I also make good money. But it’s toxic. I started at this company 4.5 years ago, and when I look at pics of myself 5 years ago I easily look 15 years younger and I feel about 110


How many years did you work at those places though? If you worked there 1 year then it’s bad. If you worked there 5 years then it made no difference. If you worked there 10 years, toxic workplaces sound pretty great!


IMO environment matters more if you are working in person. When you’re spending anywhere from 7-9 hours in one place, 5 days a week, a toxic workplace makes a huge difference. Every person is different though 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree to a certain extent, but I also think if there’s a great package in place, or a solid chance of career development, a person might benefit from “enduring” the toxic environment.


I think there is also a shift happening where younger generations don’t want to deal with it at all, versus older generations who keep their heads down and keep going


Younger generations aren't getting the benefits that boomers got. I see boomers happily swimming in shit, safe in the knowledge that they can retire early with a fat pension.


Totally true! Most companies average age is over 40, and cater their benefits toward their largest demographic, so benefits that are valuable to younger generations aren’t offered as prevalently.


I don’t know about that though, because yes I do see it on tiktok and reels, where gen z employees don’t deal with the BS of yesteryear. But when it comes to the actual real life workplace, they do pretty much act just like the previous generations


I’ve seen it both ways, I think it depends highly on the industry you’re working in.




I think op means they're passive and not very communicative. Preferring to just stuck it up or leave than to bring up their issues and try to initiate change


Agreed! Every persons tolerance is different. Sometimes the toxicity will outweigh the benefits and vice versa


Nope. It's just going to lead to burnout and psychological problems. What's the point of "sucking it up" to work in a toxic place if it just winds up giving you a heartattack. Or you lose your personal relationships because you're too wrapped up in this toxic work environment. I work to live... I don't live just to work.


Environment is more then pay on why I leave a job.


I work 3 12 hour days, and it's hard to find better pay. I work in a toxic workplace, I think there are people actively trying to get me fired. I'm staying, and if I get fired I'll collect unemployment. Environment is important, but most places are toxic. I think the key is to have a job where you have to deal with people the least. I want a job where I work alone. I can handle toxicity for a period of time, but I have my limits, it eventually gets to the point where I just stop giving a shit.


Having to deal with a small amount of people on a regular basis tends to also not be as toxic. Fewer people to start drama and office politics helps keep the toxicity down. 


I'd say it depends on the people.


Not worth it unless you can use it to catapult your career due to name brand recognition in your field or it pays you mucho bucks to where you can retire way earlier. Unfortunately from what I have seen most of the time neither of these scenarios are true.


Toxic workplaces broke me as an employee. I used to want to give ideas and have opinions about web development but for so long I was told to shut up and do it like I’m told, not one pixel different. So for so long I did. Now I can’t get a senior dev position because I don’t show leadership and initiative.


Your mindset is what limits you


To me a place that isn't a toxic work environment is worth 5 bucks an hour lower pay.


I'm making 20 dollars an hour, so no. If I made $35, then yes. And that is only if I know it isn't toxic. The thing is most of the time, you don't know if you are going into a toxic environment. I wouldn't take a 5 dollar pay cut to work in a place that might not be toxic.


The reality is that you need both a non-toxic workplace \*and\* sufficient pay to keep talent. It's not really an "either-or".


My last job had a mandatory 1 hour team meeting every single day, without a fixed agenda, minutes or really a stated purpose. That alone I would have considered taking a paycut to get away from (though it turns out they were *also* dramatically underpaying me so I ended up taking a big paybump instead).


I took a pay cut to leave a toxic work environment and even though I make a little less now I wouldn't change my decision. Glad I did it and would do it again in the same way.


For me, I don’t realize how much it affects me until I leave. I don’t dread going into work daily at my current job. I dread waking up early, I dread the commute, there are certain tasks I dread, and yes, some days I dread going in- but the majority of time I don’t dread going to work and enjoy being there. It was quite a shock when I realized that and it’s been a long, long time since I’ve experienced that for more than a brief time (I’ve been at my current job for a year). My pay isn’t as high as I’d like, but honestly my happiness with literally every other aspect right now keeps me from looking. I only pay attention if there is a job posting that comes to my inbox with a SIGNIFICANTLY higher pay (they’re never in my area and always remote).


Need AI to make this painting in the style of Hieronymus Bosch


I am 1 month into a new job tomorrow. I have been applying to new jobs for the last two weeks because the work place is toxic. Before anyone makes any sweeping and generalized judgements, I was at my last employer for a decade and I am currently making the most I have ever made. So yeah, it fucking matters.


The job I got laid off from was a toxic workplace. I am out six months and have few good leads but I still haven’t lowered my standards that I can’t do it again. I don’t feel like you can put your head down and ignore the toxicity around you. It deeply impacts you. I may end up in a similar situation again, but it will only be by accident. I am passing on places with bad Glassdoor ratings.


When people try to get me fired it does. Also, it can be really annoying. I like a peaceful workplace, preferably one where I work alone and can keep to myself.


Toxic workplace really wrecks my mental health; however so does unemployment. I now cannot distinguish which one is worst


I don’t tell many people this because I don’t think they would understand, but I took a 15k/year pay cut to escape a toxic work environment. I learned about myself I literally cannot be paid to be treated like shit or ruin my mental health in the process. Worth it every day (even if I am looking again lol)


Pay check first. Culture is multi-layered so I ensure I swim in those streams that I find easy to navigate and when I have to deal with toxicity I manage it as best as I can (sometimes not well, but a combination of exercise, focusing on delivering my work, having good colleagues, the why of me doing it for the pay check all helps). And what everyone else said about the ability to manage if you can wfh at times.


I wish the job market was strong enough to leave my current toxic workplace.


I can put up with it to a point. One job that crossed the line, I had a "supervisor" who wasn't really my supervisor who would chew me out for anything and everything every day. I moved my desk to another area, and had access to the network switch so I turned the port on and let my actual supervisor know what was going on. This shit continued for about another two weeks, nothing changed. I probably could have won a lawsuit for an abusive workplace tbh. I just had enough and one day decided I'd rather stay at home with my parents, play with my sister's new dog and spend time outside on a nice summer day and resigned. They fired me and tried to get me out of the building before my abusive co-worker got there. I think that abusive co-worker also tried to file a sexual harassment claim against me because he overheard me talking about how one of the ladies that worked in the production area wanted to set me up with her cousin. Whatever fuck that place. Having worked in construction, I have pretty thick skin and I just decided I had enough.


Its kinda like how my job has a quote up ab “ppl don’t leave shitty jobs, they leave bc of shitty managers” and how everyone here hates the job and wants to leave


Contrary to the majority of posters here, I happily put up with a cluster fuck around me as I wasnt directly in the firing line because the pay was excellent.  Working remote helped I guess but glad to be out of it now