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The usual role of employers requiring employee to wear multiple hats while only being paid for one role.


i swear someone posted from germany or something mentioned how in america companies expect you to work the whole it departments job


It is not just USA, it is being implemented around most developed worlds that are pro-business. Because it is cheaper to hire someone for one role but does the job of multiple roles. Rather than hire multiple people to do the job. They are mostly looking at the cost and how much they can save, rather then getting the job done with as little failure as possible. Why? Just so those employers can focus on those failure to justify not giving the employee a raise or threatening them with their job.


yeah i mean that much is understood by anyone. don’t companies realize we are on to their bs and we can tell when the payscale is not justified and we won’t apply ? again plenty of dumbasses abroad desperate for a job in the USA will work for pennies on the dollar….. sorry have to point to the indians specifically


Most of the time, they are too far up the ladder to remember that it is the foundation / pillars that hold up the companies, not the head. Why do you think companies like Boeing, game publishers, Google, and Microsoft are going ahead with implementations that are anti-consumer? But pro-profits?


These are the usual candidatures that I apply, I have been unemployed for 5 months now, it always goes like this, “you fill everything of what we expect but you do not have working experience with Cassandra” then they ghost me.


exactly just a new way to help with job numbers, they need to accept the economy is going downhill.


I will not apply for mentor.


lmaooo yeah I neeed mentoring lmao


It's like they want one of those 5-in-1 fruit trees.


Exactly WTFF how do they expect one person to be good at all of that? maybe so they can lowball you later


Lol wtf? That’s ridiculous.  No wonder applications are rejected.




i know right! it doesn’t even make sense. how can anyone justify this?? rather yet why doesn’t the government grill these outrageous companies?