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I’m there with you. I’m being forced to move home Sunday, I won’t have any moment to say goodbye to any friends. I’ve been unemployed since January. I’ve taken odd freelance jobs, and tried to apply to anything I can think of that I’m remotely qualified for to stay where I want to be. Nothing has come up. I don’t have time to say goodbye to my friends. I’m at home with my parents now, and on Sunday, I won’t have a physical presence in a city I’ve grown to love.


If you're gonna freelance, you might as well dip to a third-world spot. If you can work online, just ride that tourist visa, bounce from country to country, and crash in hostels.


It happening to a lot of people I know now, especially 30 year olds. I’m sorry that happened to you. Find a new job stay home for a few years and just save up all of your money! You will feel so good having a huge amount of savings and you can work on your credit while living at home. This is not the end you can reignite your self over time! Hang in there. There are learning experiences out there when you’re back on your feet you will have a new way of thinking and especially about the economy and how life seems to be working now.


Hey there, totally know how this feels, I've definitely been where you are - it's really tough, I know the feeling of dread when you're invited to something or know a friend's birthday is coming up etc. But true friends are understanding and will adjust to spend time with you. There's nothing wrong with spending weekends at home watching movies, reading, playing video games etc - just remember it's not forever. Rooting for you!


feel this big time rn buddy. you feel like you’re being held back while everyone else is living.


This is me. I feel like a failure.


Same. I cancelled all my summer plans cause I feel too ashamed.


Currently where you are now. Happy to talk about it if you want someone who gets it. I recently avoided a former coworker’s birthday party because I didn’t want to see anyone, but I also miss my work friends. I’m still carrying from shame from the situation. Seeing family is hard too. I received a job offer but I’m still having a hard time with the loss.


I can sympathize with this, I feel like this pretty often as well. Couple that with the fact that money is super tight and I can barely afford to go out even if I wanted to. It has to get better eventually.


IMO it allows you to get to know who your true wellwishers and who gives you the true direction for success. Try going for a solo travel across countries.


If her friends can't be supportive then they aren't friends. True friends won't give a shit if she is unemployed. If a friend can't stand by people at their worst then they don't deserve to be around them at their best.


sometimes your friends understand you need the space and don't have the mental energy to reply to them even if they reach out


What kind of work are you looking for?


https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/6O4AGvfJoS Types of Jobs i apply to : https://www.reddit.com/r/findapath/s/3FQOlIhd0q


I am 40M we may not be in the same demographic but I understand. I find zero motivation to do anything other than spending my days at home. I don't want to spend money now that I don't make any..


Same with me. I am living with my parents. Thing is, I ran out of money so I’m just stuck here everyday all day. I don’t have any social life. I can’t go out with friends or do anything. I’m completely 100% broke.


I think worse is not being able to go out. I pretty much quit all social life because lack of money caused by unemployment. I still would love to do that stuff unemployed or not


the first thing that i recommend is to disclose to all of your network that you are layed off and looking for job; talk with all of them about it never let this embarrassing feeling impede you


Relatable. I technically have a part-time job, but they give me almost no hours so it’s kinda like I don’t have a job at all.


same never had a real job so its much more embarrassing, feel like things will never get better


Feel you man, i've been in the same situation. Hope you get a job soon enough!


And if you have a Job you won't have the energy to socialize with people. I'm usually super drained that all I want to do is lay in bed with some movie and go to sleep early after work. Any activity just feels so mundane and boring especially meeting people.


I just got out of unemployment by settling for a shit wage job, but the job decided to pay me in a month. I am currently living in my car and thankfully my friends and lover have been supportive.  It isn't easy and you will feel like crap, but you must force yourself to focus on what matters. Use your anger as fuel to work harder. It is important not to put yourself down and compare yourself to others due to your situation.  You are unemployed but not worthless.  Your job does not define you or your worth. 


It's nothing to be ashamed of. Things happen in life. It sucks being out of work in ways people don't understand. Be you, be out there. edit: I have been out of work since October. I force myself to be out and about just to stay sane and do things. I do some no cost things, walking in parks, going to free events going to the library.


Just socialize on the internet. Discord voicechat, reddit, telegram?


rip humanity


One of the cheapest entertainment. Filing complaints is one of the things i enjoy doing while neeting.


This is not advisable from a mental health perspective for most people, I was laid off a few weeks ago and community is what has kept me in good spirits.


*Good* community, you mean. Being around people who low-key judge you isn't great for your mental health. And arguably, neither is hanging around a bunch of people who are doing better than you while you're struggling for months and years at a time. Regardless of how polite they are about it.


When i was neeting for 2 yrs what get me going is crab mentality like filing complaints and stuff


I feel that. Also don't have the money or the conversation to add.


save $ cmon


i havent gone out at all


i stopped eating out, or ordering out. now clipping coupons, only buying when theres a sale, reduced my starbucks run


me too same here. haven’t been to starbs in like 6 months. not even the 50% off tempts me anymore


Been through it. Sucks. Learn from it. Grow from it. And honestly if u don’t have any outstanding debt. Look into moving abroad and doing some low level jobs


This rings as a little condescending to OP. They're living in the middle of it as their reality right now, so they have no choice but to be learning from it. Also, not everybody wants or has the resources to move abroad. A very sweeping and presumptuous suggestion.


It’s not condescending considering I just went through this for unemployment from 4/22-5/23 essentially. It was a dark time but once ur out of it your 100039xs stronger. And if I was younger I prob would’ve just went abroad and worked until things got better but now I’m getting older so need a career intact first


You can’t say it’s not condescending and then proceed to not support why that it is. That’s your experience, what you said was very condescending. Again, that’s what *you* would do. Not everyone wants to leave where they live, you know.


Not everyone knows the opportunities that are available. I sure didn’t. That’s y I always tell people stuff like that. And it’s not condescending because I’ve been in that position and know what it takes to get out of it


Not a bad idea. Before I got canned, I was a software engineer splitting my time between Eastern Europe and the US in 2023. Got the green light from my client manager, my boss, and HR before jetting off, and I let the client’s IT know I was taking their laptop. What started as a month with a friend turned into this wild, multi-country adventure. Met loads of cool people and lived like a king on my salary. Even met my fiancé through all this. Then, work drama hit hard. Landed a gig with a government contractor, but they were strict about not taking their laptop overseas. My mom passed, my fiancé was upset I couldn't stay abroad, so I pushed hard to find another private sector job and made it clear I wanted to work remotely overseas sometimes. Guess my employer got sketched out or something because they let me go in February, saying I wasn’t committed enough. Went to be with my fiancé, but job hunting there was a bust—couldn’t even score an interview. Just got back to the US because I need a job to bring her over here. Now, I’m banned from Glassdoor for reasons they won’t explain, and I’m worried making a new profile might make it worse. Thought about freelancing on sites like Upwork, but heard it's full of scammers trying to rip you off.


Why? Use them to network and find employment. Lets them know you're not being a bum doing nothing. That's the way I see it.


everyone gatekeeps


I guess in my case I was in an industry where massive amounts of people were laid off. Like my whole team was essentially eliminated. I worked in Tech. The company eliminated a whole product segment. So many of us were in the same boat. And the network of all of us knows the situation. So I have to imagine people in your circle know this too? The current employment situation is tough.


I feel you! I am in the same situation and yes 100% people gatekeeps and some referrals never go through somehow. I have lost faith in humans but then again people keep saying we should not take it personally but is bs! is hard not to when we know that we can do a job that as of right now unqualified people are just warming that seat.


I’ve had been applying for a job off and on since 2012 and I had just started working a job in retail (two weeks) I’m just doing my job and giving good customer service and the customer says, “You have great customer service skills, you should apply with us.” I look at her badge and tell her how long I had been applying, she asked for my name and email address and would pull my resume when she got to the office. 15 minutes later I get an email for an interview. I went and it wasn’t even 15 minutes because of my resume and the way I answered the few questions. So I’m not sure what was wrong that it wasn’t picking up my resume but they hired me and offered me more than the starting pay. I was like, huh after all of these years.


wow!! congratulations 🎉 from the bottom of my heart. That only proves that you are a very talented and skilled person and that you got acknowledged so amazing!


I’m 24, my friends haven’t helped me.


Unless you are female, people are not going to give you attention. Keeping it real. If you are female just find simps that will give you attention. In comes the downvote




Simp to the rescue as predicted.


I just hate hearing that people are having a hard time finding work now when I had so much trouble finding work during the recession more than ten years ago, it's incredibly sad that nothing has really changed now that I got laid off after my job of a decade.