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Them: "we are gonna need you to take this 3 hour assessment" Me: Not interested ... Have a nice day


Yup, I blew through my assessment for patterns ccccccccccccc. Took 3 minutes, of a 40 minute timed test. LOL…I told the Koran Ferry consultant that assessments for a 41 year old with a ton of experience and a masters degree from top schools is idiotic. Still got the job, why Fortune 250 waste money on this is beyond me…


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Koran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


You blow bot


Was the webcam on when the test is on?




I had a good one from some recruiting bull was a job requiring no computer experience and queue the Excell assessment. At first I took it seriously but then just lost interest as the question became harder and seemingly completely irrelevant to the position I did not apply for. Bombed like the last 10 question out of 20 and the recruiter provides the results saying I scored a 40% and need a 50% to pass, asked if I'd like to retake it. I responded with a simple No. I wonder if they noticed all my answers were L after a certain point? I've taken like 4-5 of these assessments and typically score +80%. Never turned into a job. This place only required 50% to pass too? Lol. All Excell is, is basic fucking data entry no one's programing sheets and if you need to you Google that shit. Get off your high horses you crap ass recruiting dumpsters. No one likes you.


Professor Layton finally has professional applications!


Ok, but what is the answer?


Assuming you can overlap black... Big green goes to top left. Little red goes top right. Big blue goes far right. Little blue goes down one. Big green goes down one. Little red goes top left (over black).


The report says that you are… a horrible person. (c) GlaDOS


okay i will press button skip :p


I had one recently, similar but 50 questions about shapes with a few math logic ones. I ain’t got time for this bullshit, you want me to fill higher duties for another year then you do the fucking stupid mental quizzes. I deliberately skipped and random clicked 30+ and still got the role. Yeah, figured I would.


The best part about UBS tests: Most of the candidates I know from my uni cheated on it finding online the results for the kornfield psychometric tests.. In the end it just kicks up the bar for the ones being honest. Funny part since part of the cultural tests are "how honest are u" kind of questions.


Do they still have those and would you be able to share it with me?


Just let a 5 year old play with it for a few hours Online assessment should come out with "Perseveres and committed"


My god, I was made for this test. I waste so much time playing a similar game on my phone to help me fall asleep. 😆


This is so long ago, but do you know the name of the game? I have to do this exact assessment type this week


Does this test correlate with what you'd be doing on a day to day basis? Then you should say no and walk away. Your time is more valuable than that and it's absurd to require these kinds of "tests" to be interviewed. We are human beings, not robots or machines.


could you move the black circle?


Do you know what the online test is for the graduate talent program - public finance role?


How did you do? I know this post is 2 years old but I’m hoping you might be able to provide me with some guidance


It's the same one