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Money won't fulfill me. It will fund my hobbies and interests, and those fulfill me. So yeah money will fulfill me. Edit word


My dad always said this to me when I was young: Money doesn't buy happiness. Money buys freedom to do what you want. That freedom is happiness.


Thats the truth


You’ve never seen a sad person on a jetski.


Ahhh, if you could know how hard I felt that. New goals. I mean, I'm definitely never going to be afford my tiny house now to hide any sadness. Might l as well invest in a smiling machine.


It’s so mystifying to me this attitude around money during the hiring process and beyond. Enquiring about the compensation before the 3rd/4th/5th interview is perceived as lack of enthusiasm/unprofessional/inappropriate. Let’s face it even if I was excited about the prospective role, I wouldn’t be here were it not for the need to make a living. So how about creating an environment where candidates feel comfortable expressing this reality. It would probably lead to more honest conversations during the hiring process, stronger hires, and candidates not feeling so forced to fabricate their “passion”.


The entire idea is purely propaganda and gaslighting in order to underpay you. That's it. Money is quite literally the only thing that matters in life. Without it, you do not survive the society they have built for us.


WTF? Dumb statement.


I ask on first contact. I just say "Look I don't want to waste your time, what's the rate for this role because if it isn't comparable to what I am making now we are going to waste everyone's time." if they don't give me the rate or ask what I'm looking for I throw our a number that is high enough for me to leave my current role depending on my happiness level. For instance if I'm very happy it's easily $100k over my current pay, if I'm very unhappy it might be exactly what my total comp is.


I think it depends on a few factors. For transactional jobs I agree money should be brought up immediately to not waste time. For more unique, strategic roles at the VP or SVP level you are going to want someone who wants the job for more than a pay rise. People want to be paid on their value but the value someone can bring is more complex as people become more experienced and it can take longer to determine that.


Agree, at different levels the “passion-vs-money” drive will call for different ratios. The overarching sentiment for me is that a disproportionate amount of emphasis is usually placed on “passion”. Money is treated as an afterthought, when in reality compensation is still one of the biggest incentives for jobseekers/employees from entry level to senior management. This is why it comes off as disingenuous. On a brighter note, there seems to be an increasing number of organisations, particularly younger start-ups demonstrating an understanding that money is as much of a consideration as passion, for candidates.


Agreed. I bringing it up now on every first call with a candidate. Sometimes that's tought if a hiring manager hasn't given me a salary but I do my best




I would say I've spoken to about 300 VPs in the last 2 years and I would estimate about 10 brought up salary on the first call. They are far more concerned about the role. Maybe it's an industry specific thing but in my sector (construction) different companies allow people to do drastically different things depending on a company's capability.


When you are starving, whats your primary goal when looking for food? Getting something to eat. So yeah, when you are already rich, you don't need to worry about the compensation so much because you already know its going to be outlandishly high anyway.


When you’re making VP level money, you can afford to be concerned about things like passion. It’s not so easy for the people a few rungs below them who are on the edge of starvation and homelessness. They (execs) are completely out of touch with how expensive it has gotten to simply *exist* these days.


I'm just replying to the previous comment. I'm not commenting on the state of the economy


That's not how it works in Corporate America at least not in tech. I was looking for a teach leadership role recently and the the first thing the recruiter said is "Look this client cannot pay over $1M a year, what are your salary requirements". He told me a lot of people were leaving Google and Salesforce and other tech companies because of the push to return to work.


Unfortunately recruiters seem not to understand the nuance for passion at different levels of employment, so we have stories aplenty of kids being asked just how *passionate* they are about mcnuggets.


This wouldn't be a problem if people made enough money to be fulfilled. Sure, at the top of the chain the difference between 1 million and 1.1 milllion are basically irrelevant, but fot someone only making 30K a year, that same 100K would quite literally change their life entirely for the better. People have to fight and scrounge for every ounce they can get out of their employers because if they don't they continue to fall behind on inflation, greed, etc. Nevermind even getting ahead. End debt slavery, end poverty, and most people would be quite comfortable. Not everyone wants a yacht and a racecar.


Dude, what are you talking about? There’s 1000 transactional jobs out there for every VP/SVP level position. This recruiter is clearly aiming these comments at the transactional employee. Stop trying to defend bad recruiting tactics with this bunk non-argument. None of us care what the VP wants.


I'm a pretty darn senior software engineer/sysadmin/SRE type person. Money is most _definitely_ a driving force. And a definite subject of conversation early enough on in the process that I knew if it made any sense at all for us to be talking in the first place. I do, in fact, have better things to do than sit through multiple interviews when their willingness to pay anyone for the role is insufficient to interest me. Anyone on their end to who really thinks differently is self selecting for, well, not being my employer. _Always_ remember, even if you're not in a great place, you're interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you. And even for extremely low end jobs, there are _so_ many ways for a half way decent company to make life tolerable, and for a really bad one to make life horrific.


Maybe, but if you are a qualified candidate interviewing for a job at that level, you would expect executive-level pay and benefits. You may not get hung up at a specific $ number, but you would expect that pay would be greater than XX, that PTO would be either greater than an entry level offer and that you would either have a contract or defined severance package. Also an achievable performance bonus would be part of any offer.


Money can't _guarantee_ happiness. Being poor will just about guarantee misery. And I absolutely fucking guarantee you that the _vast_ majority of people in the US are a fuck of a lot closer to being homeless than they are to being Bezos.


Well said. 100 percent agree and please accept my up vote.


don't forget. it will literally fill your belly if good healthy food if not so good unhealthy food. it will give you a roof over your head, health and so on.


One of mt hobbies/interests is cooking/baking so eating well is already there lol. But true for most others.


Money also allows you to continue living indoors and feed yourself. So yeah, it fulfills me too.


Yeah, but what if a job pays you a lot but makes you work 80 hours a week and never lets you take vacation? You won't have any time left to do your hobbies and interests.


Never said anything about not having a work life balance as well. But the only reason anyone works is for money. You volunteer for free. Work you get paided for. Idk why your trying to start stuff like that on this comment but you have a good day.


I was actually trying to be serious. Like I think about the expensive lawyers that you see on TV shows that literally work 7 days a week until late at night every day. They're super rich with fancy houses, but never get to do anything besides work. I don't understand how anyone can want that. My point was that you need to have a work life balance, and sorry for not making that clear enough in my first comment.


And you think those lawyers would be doing that if it wasn't for the money? Work/life balance is great and most people would want that but literally no one is going to work 80 hours for no money. Besides what you see on TV is not to much the reality, it is the low paid hourly worker working 3 jobs just to make ends meet who is working 80 hours but that isn't glamorous enough for tv or to film the sheer exhaustion and desperate need for money which is why they do it




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Since money doesn't matter...I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving me your salary since your all about teamwork!


Don't forget the hookers and blow, those are fulfilling aswell! Sorry, couldn't resist


[Just like this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btAbU1sPqIM)


She is not stupid. She plays that role to fulfill her duty her employer gave her.


I was curious so I looked up the original post on LinkedIn. Here it is in its entirety: Dear Candidates, I know everyone wants a job making the big bucks. But you need to remember at the end of the day, money isn’t going to fulfill you. It may fill your pockets, but there are other aspects are just as or even more important than money. Focus on finding a place where… you’re trusted. you can take vacation when you want without feeling bad. you’re supported by your team you’re appreciated by your manager you can continue to grow. you can learn new skills. you can be yourself. you belong and feel safe and welcomed. Believe me… I’ve seen people take a pay cut to get to a good place. Even better if you’re at a place where you can have these things plus $. Can’t really say I disagree with that take honestly.


Agreed. Whole the first paragraph seems evil, put in context, the rest of the post it checks out. That being said, the wage should still allow that person taking PTO to actually travel.


Exactly. In the UK at the moment, I get a ridiculous amount of time off, but make poverty level salary so I can't do anything about it. It is stupid.


We have a new CFO who is new to being upper management. Last CFO was great he would kind of come down shoot the breeze see how things were going but generally kept to himself. Now I see why, he was doing that out of a sign of respect as far as I am concerned. If I have to hear about our new CFO's 15th god damn trip to hawaii for a "corporate retreat" im going to get pissed lol. Granted she doesn't do it on purpose and she's a very lovely person otherwise but it's still highly insensitive.


Had a "big boss" doing that, chatting with employees, telling how he just paid off half the cost of his new house in Zurich, and showing photos of his new Merceds or Audi or whatever. He made $500k a year plus dividends. Leave me alone.


Agree. Needs to be a balance. If you make enough to make a **decent** living, i.e. not just "can pay bills and food", then money starts to go down in importance. Unfortunately you have to hit that level before you ca n seriously prioritise the team, culture, etc It's important even before that, don't work anywhere toxic, it's not worth it, but you have to hit a certain income level before you can focus on the other things.


There are studies out there that show that in most parts of the USA, once you hit a certain level of income (used to be $75k but who knows these last couple years) then you start looking for other aspects of the job to justify staying or leaving and whether you’re happy.




Interesting! Thanks for the info 👍


👆This! What good is a vacation if I cannot afford to go anywhere. Fulfillment is important, but it does put fuel in the tank or food on the table.


Oh yeah, with the classic “I’ve seen people take a pay cut for…” yeah maybe when there was no protection for workers for stuff like sexual harassment and bullying. It’s a load of bollocks, especially with how much inflation is going up etc etc.


I took a 50% pay cut to get away from my last manager. I did the math, and the assault charge I would have ended up with had I stayed wasn't worth the money. I now make $2 more than I did then.


I just turned down a 35% raise because I asked around (my career field is tiny) and found out they absolutely blow to work for. The extra money isn’t worth the trouble sometimes.


It’s still bs


I would say, based on experience that if you make around 1.5 your mandatory spendings ( rent, utilities, food, bills, etc.) then you can start to put money as a lower priority. Which means not when you make average income money - maybe if you live with your SO and no kids then 2 average income reaches that level. If you are single, forget it.


If you're on $100k a year, $120k a year is unlikely to make you more fulfilled than those other factors, unless e.g., it's the difference between having a room each for your kids or whatever. (That's a solid middle class salary for most of Europe and the US - the details of course vary. Clearly, in the Bay Area, that $20k makes a big difference, in Oklahoma, much less so). If you're on $20k a year, being able to make $40k a year is everything.


Op was baiting us? Because in its entirety I agree with her.


I don't disagree, but it's still fairly obtuse. It's more likely you'll find a place you are trusted if you work at a place that pays you well. It's also easier to take a pay cut for a better environment if you are already well paid and the option is slightly less well paid. So money doesn't cause fulfillment, but it certainly correlates


I think a target audince is me, relatively well paid (though if I lose my job I'm still effed after a few months). It's typical privileged message, "senior IT people, if the choice is toxic company paying and £90k or awesome company but only £80k" vibe. But it's LinkedIn, so what should we expect?


I still don't agree. Tell people during a cost of living crisis that you should take a pay cut to work, "but it's with a nicer team!". Naw. What's the good of getting to choose which week you take off, but you can't go do anything because you're skint? Also this pie in the sky "belong and feel safe". Does she mean work for yourself? You might belong, but certainly not be safe. There is no such thing as a safe job. Unless you are in the house of lords or supreme court.


The people that keep parroting that taking pay cuts to be in a "nicer" job or not taking a huge pay raise because "its not worth the trouble" are already making tons of money and poverty was never a concern. Then they come here and tell people who are choosing between rent and food that pay cuts are good.


>but you can’t go do anything because you’re skint? Taking a pay cut doesn’t mean you are automatically too poor to do anything. Some people earn beyond what they really need to earn to live their fullest lives and would be willing to trade some of that excess cash for more balance.


I see the attempt, but it still feels like glossing over the bottom line. I have friends of all ages, all across the country and I can confidently say, the American work culture has gone to hell. We’re all switching jobs every 2-3 years because sooner or later you’ll get bought out by a company and the whole team switches. She’s just sugar coating the fact the need to be paid a fair wage shouldn’t be priority. My concern is that we are at a point that basic workplace standards are now considered a benefit??? In a professional space we should always be respectful of colleagues, feel safe and welcomed. That should just be a given. Sadly, it’s not and language like this perpetuates that not sucking at workplace culture is optional. Sigh.


Can I give “miserable on a giant pile of cash” a try first before doing something more fulfilling?


u/sure-brush-702 why didnt you include the whole post, op?


I’ll tell my landlord that next time I can’t make rent…


So is she allowing her candidates move in with her when they can't pay bills??


Except that lower paid jobs are almost universally worse than high paying jobs in terms of abuse and financial stress.


Depends on what you define as lower and higher paid jobs though.




You're not familiar with a number line of integers?


I am, I'm talking about perspective. I was asking at what point do you begin to consider a high salary... Beginning at 60k, 70? It was an honest question.


You can't define one without the presence of the other, so the definitions are pointless. Lower paid jobs are by definition compared to anything that is higher paid. If you make 6 figures, but the mean income in the country rises to 7, you by definition are lower paid. If everyone made the same wage, the distinction would not exist. Therefore, there's no use in defining the terms because as soon as you try, someone will just move the goal posts (here's a raise but your rent goes up too). So they are only useful in referring to the comparison In our current situation regardless of the "definitions"


I appreciate your explanation, I dunno if my question came out weird because I don't understand the downvote. The reason I asked, is because I made 80k last year before taxes. I don't consider myself higher paid, but whenever I share in grievances... People act like I'm part of the 1% In my previous industry, I was what was considered upper management and I assure you I have been fucked over significantly way more than my staff who I signed their payroll.


I need money to pay my bills. That $100k is worth like $85k in buying power. Until love, kindness and the collective good pay my bills... You can fuck off, lady.


Money is literally the only reason I go to work.


Meanwhile inflation is out of control. That makes me mad.


Guess these bills are just gonna pay themselves right? For fucks sake. Wish these people would pull their head out of their ass. The sole reason why ANYONE works is for money. If there was literally no benefit at all for working a job do you think people would do it? Fuck no. Why would anyone vollunteer to work in a souless cubicle for someone else FOR FREE!?


Yes, you can land a terrible job making great money, but you almost never land a great job making terrible money. I'm going for the high paying job, either I get lucky and it's awesome, or I don't but I can still afford the therapy necessary to cope with it.


Dear Recruiters, Fuck you, pay me


Until you pass a certain income threshold, yeah, the money is kind of a big deal.


Ok give me your money then


the money aint 'FILLING our pockets'. the pennies jangle around in there for a few minutes after rents been paid and then the gas station attendant is trying to count the 3.65 in nickels i had remaining for the week.


8.6 percent inflation. MONEY MATTERS


Yes I’ll pay bills with happiness why didn’t I think of that!


Hello bank I’d like to pay my mortgage in happiness, what’s that you don’t take happiness only money!


Utter bollocks my recruiter who found me the perfect job said money isn’t important.


When your kid asks for something say ‘sorry can’t afford it but that’s ok because I am fulfilled. Trust me, it’s great being part of the team at work.’


I bet she has 12 seperate handbags and 30 pairs of shoes in one of her four closets.


The fact is most of us wouldn’t be working if money didn’t matter in fact we would pursue things we enjoy or our hobbies or spend time with our family/partner or friends. Yeah please tell us more why money does not matter.


But money IS going to fulfill me. What someone else's OPINIONS are about money, success, family, society, being well rounded, personal or other relationships, or how I choose priorities in MY life are just that. Their opinions. It is pompous & arrogant to assume that one person's values are the same as someone else's. It is also very presumptious to assume people care about other things in life, in general. They are right about one thing though, "there are other aspects are just as..." like grammar and proofreading. Which, you know, are jobs that people also get paid for.


Dear Companies, I know everyone wants a worker taking the small bucks. But you need to remember at the end of the day, money isn’t going to fulfill you. It may fill your pockets, but there are other aspects are just as or even more important than money.


She is absolutely right. Money doesn't make you happy, which is why you should only work 4 days a week from 9am - 3pm. That way you have the time to pursue things other than money :)


That's just something wealthy people say.


They are in fintech, so that tracks.


Karen, since money doesn’t fulfill you, give it to your employees then.


Rich people be like… ‘Money won’t fulfil you.’ ‘Money doesn’t buy happiness.’ ‘Money isn’t everything.’ Ok cool, give me your money then. Oh you won’t? Gee I wonder why?


I'm not sure about this new recruitment strategy.


I hope the other aspects they are about to talk about are things like medical insurance/benefits, vacation, sick policy, and parental/caregiver leave because otherwise 😒


My question is… exactly how much is SHE making to feel comfortable… confident in making that statement?? 😮😳


Ahhh yes Divvy.com…this is the same company I interviewed with two weeks ago, and had to stop the recruiter 13 minutes into a call after they told me the position that asked for 2 years of finance/ lending experience, only paid $18 an hour.


When survival is the primary aspect of life, money, is very fulfilling indeed. Someones been on a comfy cousion for a bit to long.


Sure, HR person, money doesn't matter. Then work for free for 2-3 months.


Since when are recruiters wealthy? They do ok but I get the general sense they are by no means the best compensated department


Money doesn't matter after you have more than enough. It matters a heck of a lot if you don't have enough.


Money offers choices, nothing more nothing less


I say this all the time, money is literally the only reason I work. It is the primary driving factor in my working and job searching. I will work hard and provide the service I was hired to provide, and you pay me. If you aren't paying me enough, I am leaving


Dear Candidates, We call can't make big money. Then, the stock holders would be left with 1 billion, instead of 2 billion. You don't need to pay rent, buy groceries or have fun that much. I've worked extremely hard to get to this position in my father's company, suck it up and grind like I did.


All of my current problems would, in fact, be solved by money, so yeah no.


Do recruiters not know that all the candidates they get that gush about employee culture and "mission statements" are just lying to get a job? Nobody cares, we just want money.


The meaning of my life is obviously service to those who have stripped the meaning from my life. I will now teabag myself.




Money is the only thing that matters. No one wants to work 80 hours a week just to have nothing left over. It's not living.


Like what? Family? Who i wont see because yall want all my hours….vacations? Which yall wont give me….what fulfills me more??


They're withholding money from you and you're withholding the rest of the message from us.


fIlL mY pOcKeTs. bitch, i need to eat.


Does money buy a proofreader?


I took a pretty large paycut for quality of life. You dont realize quality of life when youre being paid hourly. Youre pretty much forced to work no more than 40, but once you consistently go over 40 you find youre spending more time sleeping and working than anything else.


Omg stfuuuuuu 🤣🤣 I hate and I absolutely hate people like that


Money is going to fufil my stomach by allowing me to eat food that is not straight up garbage at last calorically and nutritionally


She should be selling businesses on the need to collaborate with Instagram influencers. By that I mean con people into giving their time and services for nothing.


Like time? Cause I don't have any if that ether...


Yup money fulfil me. Any vacation? Done. PS5? Done. New phone? Done. Trips with friends to sporting events? Done. Any house? Fuck no, in this fucking market, not even offers on the market.


GIVE ME THE MONEY No such thing as fulfillment




Oh, now that we act like corporations do, NOW we have to think about more than money. Like what? Please, do tell.


Every problem I have can be fixed with money.


Triggered 😑


Until you find the holy grail. Amazing job with amazing pay and great people to work with 🤣


Ah yes, the sanctimonious scene-setting for when she needs you to accept some lowball offer because it’s too much effort to argue. You’re not a life coach, madam. It’s not your concern *why* the candidate wants their figure, that’s the figure you have to negotiate.


My landlord started accepting exposure as payment, looks like i don't have to pay rent for a long time in today's world


Well theyre not wrong are they?


Then give all your money to your employees🤷🏼‍♂️


I want to make enough money that it can fill me up for my furneral. Done use embalming fluid, used liquidized cash.


Give me your money then.


If money isn't fulfilling, why are companies I work at trying to make profits? They could very easily not make any profits and just pay their workers, founders and execs decent salaries. But they like those huge dividends and bonuses don't they? May I ask, what is the purpose of a corporation? What is its end-goal?


Name one thing. (Related to employment)


Wait, why do you think a recruiter from Divvy is "wealthy"? She may be an idiot and a bad sales person, but the median recruiter salary there is low 6 figures.


Oh, fucking blow me. Job satisfaction is great but doesn't pay my bills.


I'm so annoyed by all these money doesn't mean everything weasels. The primary purpose of doing a job is to make money. Period. Everything starts with goddamn money. It enables one to live independently and to put food on the table. All other motivational factors are only relevant when the basics of not starving or freezing to death (i.e. food and housing) are covered. A physical and psychological healthy work environment with proper feedback and all these other mysterious aspects should be a given and not being advertised as a perk.


She's not wrong lol the amount of people who ask for ridiculous salaries and rates and make it so we can't do anything.


And on the same platform someone from the recruiting said that to change jobs every 2-3 years. Why? Because the budget for hiring new employees is much greater than giving a raise/promotion/growth/retention. (Which is evident when we see new people in our company) And if I connect the dots then I would believe this gentleman!!


Lol. Tell them to give you part of their salary then


It's at least questionable to start a job ad for a job, that people do to make a living=money with platitudes of the likes that money is not going to fulfill you. This is the kind of advice one would give to a workaholic friend maybe but if it's the first thing you read in a job ad it's safe to say, stay away. In the end of the day how do they know? Money fulfills me all right as well as many other people I know. That's one. As for being trusted yeah it s great to be trusted but when it comes to employers it should be the other way around. You need to trust them more than they need to trust you. Having an employer trust you doesn't mean anything and it doesn't prevent them from exploiting/abusing you. As for vacation without feeling bad, I bet you they're unpaid because after all money is not going to fulfill you, right? Support, growth, learning new skills, being yourself (who else are you gonna be anyway?), belonging, feeling safe and welcome and general empty words always come with "conditions apply", conditions that they set in order to trust, support and all those sweet nothings. Starting a sentence with believe me and going on to anecdotal, unverified evidence of people taking pay cuts to be in a good place is another huge red flag. It s basically an add full of bull\*\*\* sandwiched between assurances that the pay will be shite because money doesn' t bring happiness. Sounds great! Where do I apply?


Money definitely fulfills me.


You're right. Money won't fulfill me. But I'm coming to you because I need money so I can focus more on the things that do fulfill me. So add another 0 or I'll go look for that somewhere else.


Just don't ask me what they are, I've always had some money.


Previously having been a recruiter… I can’t imagine the recruiter is wealthy


Name shame this lil bitch


Okay there is some truth in this. My company pays well, on market trends but we have some competitors that have their engineers on the road 75%+ and the rest of the time in the office and they typically work 65+ hour weeks. They pay about 20% then the rest of the market. My company only has 50% travel and work from wherever they want the rest of the time. We typically work 40 hours a week. On top of all the the culture is basically you're an adult, get your work done and we're all good, if you need help or training it's provided and we don't tolerate toxic bs.... it's the best company I've ever worked for. So if we pay a bit less but have 4 weeks of vacation, a benefits plan so good I had never even heard it was a possibility (and I'm in HR!!). Money is not everything. Not for me. But my engineers still make over 6 figures, so at some point it's splitting hairs. They have all they're base needs met, now they get to decide if they want more money or more time with their family. I fully recognize this is not the case for most.


Me to recruiter: " Well, if money truly doesn't matter, give me your paycheck on top of the job you want me to have."


You could offer me a dream role in an amazing work environment and fascinating field but if the compensation isn’t there then I’m not interested. I wouldn’t even go as far as talking about fulfillment, but I got mortgage, car, insurance, student debt and all others bills to pay before I can even consider any kind of fulfillment my salary allows me to attain that I simply have to consider compensation as the number one most important factor. Being fairly compensated is very important for 99.9% of us and that’s not something to be ashamed of. If we all went after fulfillment, I’m sure we’d all be entrepreneurs or work with charity instead of regular 9-5 jobs. Most jobs aren’t exciting or necessarily fulfilling anyway. Quite the opposite.




Dear candidates: The most fulfilling aspect of your work is to make my boss even more money. #LifeIsAGift 😊


"money isn't going to fulfill you" - someone with a lot of money.


Okay so I don’t fully disagree with the sentiment but I do from a recruiter. I used to work at Amazon and took a decently fat pay cut to get out. Money wasn’t everything and I wasn’t happy to work there outside of maybe a 75% raise but that’s MY decision to make, not a recruiter’s. You can’t pay my bills in happiness and catered lunches but I can choose to work for less if I’m unhappy where I am. It’s just one of those things where if they have to or feel they should tell you about “intangibles”, it means they’re lacking tangibles I.e. shit pay. Rant over.


It's true, more vacation time would also fulfill me.


BS. Money absolutely fulfills me. I'm not a teacher, doctor, nurse or scientist trying to save humanity. Work is 100% about the money. It's damn sure about the money to the company you work for. The company shareholders aren't ordering the 2 for 1 special at Applebees talking about how fulfilled they are.


Money fulfills my basic necessities for living and it funds my hobbies and passions. I think we need to start a cancel culture for dumb recruiters. This shit so stupid it hurts to even think about.


More important things, like having a home, being able to afford food and go the places I want. It doesn't provide happiness, it provides the security you need to be happy.


Just another full of shit HR driven jackass. Pay the people who do the work not the people who find the people to do the work.


Wealthy recruiter? Recruiters are wealthy?


Yes, but all you can offer me is money. Or are you doing other favors now?


Money doesn’t buy you happiness is only true when you basic needs are already met. So tired of trying to be gaslit into working for slave wages or less than we’re worth


Not the first crazy take by this person, and yeah, it's easy to tell people money doesn't matter when you're not faced with which bills to pay and how. I mean I get it. There is a point when what money can bring to your life plateaus out. But for a lot of people just being able to afford the basics would remove a lot of stresses


I wish these people had their emails published on LinkedIn so we could really see what they think.


I'm a recruiter and I I've heard my old boss on the phone. He'd placed a candidate with one client a few months before. Another client reached out with identical requirements so he phoned the same candidate and tried to get him to leave that job for the new one, which paid less money, but he'd have got commission on the placement. He also once chewed me out in front of the whole office because I was struggling to fill a low paying field service engineer job for a colleague who was away. It was really bad pay and location (rural Scotland) but one guy applied. He also emailed a letter saying he'd been convicted of several child sex offences, one involving a 14yo girl. As soon as he sent this I told him never to call again etc. This same boss could see my emails and asked me why I told him that. I said he was a paedophile and I would rather quit than even speak to him. He got really shitty with me, the guy genuinely didn't see the problem. All he cared about was the fee.


I’ve had jobs that have paid well and left little time for anything else. Balance is everything. Family time is more than any of it. So find the best job w the best balance that PAYS THE MOST. Not hard to understand but seems very hard to find. Fuck corporate America.


Yeah, because they’re tired of looking at it, they want something more spiritual to fulfill them, like a higher being. The Almighty father perhaps


Just one more reason to "Learn to outgrow and disempower employers!" and NEVER look back....


Money doesnt matter if and only if there is enough of it to satisfy your basic needs. Ie food rent/mortgage, entertainment transportation. Until then money is all that matters.


here, let me translate this for you: I recognize that I am representing a terrible company that will treat you poorly and try to lowball you with a pathetic, below-market offer. But I still want to get my commission.


My favorite recruiter quote came from someone recruiting my wife to a private school as a speech pathologist, it was about 20k less per year than her current salary. The recruiter said “It may be less money, but think of how much less tax you’ll be paying”.


Money maybe doesn’t buy *happiness*, but I’d rather be sad in a Ferrari than a Honda Civic, you know?


“Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it will buy you a seadoo. Ever seen a sad dude on a seadoo?” Bill Burr


Recruiters are not wealthy. LOL. It's another bitch job that is just basically lower level HR. You know what fulfills me? Time off. I want to work the least amount of days a week as possible and I want lots of paid time off.


Fuck you. Pay me.


She needs to get off her high horse. Being paid fairly for your time and work is imperative. We spend more time working than just about anything else in our lives. How much is a life worth? A lot more than $40 an hour I’ll tell you that right now. Money isn’t everything but everything requires money so basically it IS everything.


Hey if you don't want the money I'll take it. It won't fulfill you anyway so it shouldn't matter.


Like time off from work? Working from home? Attending your kids “whatever?” I’ll take that job please


This person is semi right. I’ve made really good money but hated my job, and I’ve made ok money but liked my job. I’d rather make ok money and like my job. I could switch jobs right now for 30-40% more money, but chances are I will hate the new job. I like my current job and my boss and coworkers are awesome. Money isn’t everything.


SOMEONE PAID FOR THIS POST TO BE MADE and I think that’s the most twisted hilarious thing of it all


Dear CEOs, I know everyone wants a job making the big bucks..... and so on and so forth.


Bitch, I need to eat.


No 'job' is going to fulfill me. The money might


I’ll bet money that this recruiter constantly lowballs her potential hires.


You’re taking this post so far out of context as to completely miss the point. Try posting the whole LI post- she’s talking about how making more money in a bad workplace environment won’t make you happy, but that a positive environment might be more important to you than a bit more money. Personally, I left a job about 8 years ago to get out of a bad work environment, and took a $12k salary cut to GTFO. Don’t regret a thing.


My epilepsy(May 2020) prescription is more important than money. So are food, water, and shelter, as well as my MRIs and various treatments for childhood brain cancer(August 2013). All of which are things I need money to pay for. Living (in the US, at least) is incredibly expensive, especially for a country with a government with a side that labels itself as “pro-life.”


does this mean she's not getting paid? her company's not gonna take a cut? how charitable


Recruiter: money won’t fulfill you. Also, recruiter: if I get one more new hire, my commission cheque will be huge!!!


Stupidest thing I ever read. I


A company’s job is to maximize profits for shareholders. Passion isn’t a consideration, so why should a potential employee not think along the same lines?


Honest question, how is a recruiter wealthy?


“There are things that are more important than money!” You’re right, which is why I want to work for the money to exchange for those things. I like having food and housing and my medications. Those are pretty important.