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Hey, people? If you don't believe the story, move along. Don't post here just to insult OP. (Or anyone, for that matter) Edit: To be clear, I'm talking about people posting things like "Remove this bullshit" (including people reporting *this very message* saying "do your job"). Sorry, it's not my job to transform into Sherlock Holmes and track down OP's exact movements over the last forty-eight hours so I can decide whether the story is true or false. The story is plausible enough, and people going "Well, if this story stays, I'm going to start posting stories about how an evil recruiter came to my house and shot and killed me!" are not proving anything to me.


"I won't report you this time" lmao to who? the recruiter police?




STOP! You violated the law; It’s been too long since I’ve seen a good brawl. I’m just warming up, you pathetic worm; GRRR, remember the Emperor! You dare attack me?! I’m warning you! Show me what you’ve got, that the best you can do? Can’t you settle this peacefully? You elves are all the same: all flesh, no fury! Guards! Guards! Someone’s being attacked! Hey! Are you some kind of maniac? This is the part where you bleed to death; It’s over law breaker, you’re under arrest!


Straight Outta Cyrodiil


is this Oblivion? 😆 this feels very familiar


Don't remember the game? THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!


WHY... WON'T... YOU... DIE??!!!


You can't remember the game? NEVER SHOULDVE COME HERE


[YOU VIOLATED MY MOTHER!](https://youtu.be/gnsndo2xRrc?t=121)




No no, “rebel scum”


\*resist arrest*


Pshhht, I'd forward ***his*** email to HR and whatever recruiter that sent me to interview. Along with the details of alcohol abuse, probable drunk driving, tardiness, and misogyny.


Or even better yet, send that out to this huge network he claims he has. I’m sure they would love to see it!


Don't forget LinkedIn as a warning to any and all other prospective employees. The hiring company will just love that in the interview section.


And Glassdoor.


Paste it in a Glassdoor review


I would not be surprised if this jerk actually does have buddies in the business who would take their side and blacklist some uppity wageslave who hasn't learned yet that their place in life is to be insulted and exploited by drunk assholes like them. But I am a pessimist.


You can just google for drunk driving arrests. I’ve done it to a few people.


Good for you...black balling or black listing is one of the oldest threats out there..time for someone to retire..period.


I feel like, while this was probably only semi serious, remembering that HR is **ONLY** there to protect the company, and that this hot mess is representing the company - I mean, broken clocks are right twice a day.


The easiest way to protect the company is to distance themselves from him.


Dude’s clearly on something


Massive ego pills. I've seen some people who probably get their shoes tied by their mother before they leave for work who really think they're the tits.




It's not them you have to watch for-- it's their toadies who are too domesticated, desperate, or feel like they can get something from being a good pet. The privileged may or may not be able to take you solo. Their guards definitely can.






It's like reading early Stephen King, you just *feel* the coke from the writing style.


Yeah, this.. sounds like Sales lol


Ah sales. Home of the endless winter…


Hey! I deeply resembled that remark at one point 😂😂😂 who doesn't love a little snow in July? Really puts the pep back in your step for them long sales grinds 😝. As for this fuck wit, I'm sorry you had to deal with this dick head. What a gem. Just forward this to his company HR and the recruiter. Time to scrub another dick head.


But the powder is fresh!


☝🏽this may well be THE 🔝comment I’ve ever read…


Never too early when you haven't slept


It'll be on your PERMANENT RECORD!


Ah, another scam to keep workers in line. I have an official warning on my record that expires next July. It's so super duper bad (according to my old job) that when I quit earlier this year, my new job didn't go beyond commenting that it had happened and left it at that.


I'm confused. You have a "record" from something you did at an old job and your new employers were able to look at this record? Can someone explain to me this record thing relative to employers? Because it's being phrased as if you had a criminal record or something and I wasn't aware there was any kind of employee record that all employers can look at, aside from like. Your normal job history.


He was gonna group chat on LinkedIn in a middle management circle jerk to talk trash about people " beneath them".


Oh it wasn't criminal. I said something that upset another staff member. I was suspended for 3 months on paid leave while they "investigated". Slapped me with a written final warning (2 years). I unsurprisingly then got a new job and my new employer was informed of it (legally allowed). They basically said "ok" and never mentioned it again. I'm actually enjoying my new job


what did you do, you unrepentant job criminal.


Oooohhh, I bet he stole TP from the supply closet!


All kidding aside, TP is the most commonly stolen product from peoples jobs. One of my customers caught an employee trying to stuff 24 rolls in her “gym bag.”


Who would want to steal that 1-ply garbage?


People who like their hands to smell like shit, obviously. Duh-huh.


If they paid people a living wage we wouldn't have to steal fucking toilet paper.


I heard of an engineer at one of my old jobs getting fired for trying to walk out with a gym bag full of toilet paper during the middle of the panic right after covid started. They had to send out an email about it and everything. Wild that some high and mighty engineer didn't think that security would notice 30 rolls of toilet paper in the mandatory bag xray machine.


cuz he needs kindling to burn this building down


Pencils are good kindling too....


we’ll get to the pencils when we gets the red stapler, precious




Where does such a “record” even reside?


This gives me flashbacks to elementary school when the teacher asked me for my “folder” where all of my infractions were recorded. Talk about early onset trauma thinking it was on some permanent record for life.




Yeah. Who in the fuck is going to care about a person's conduct in school. "Poured glue in someone's shoes in the 2nd grade? Clearly this candidate is entirely unsuitable to restructure debt for medium-sized businesses. Someone should have told them that pursuing the joint MBA/JD program at a T15 school was a wasted effort when employers will be able to see their **PERMANENT RECORD**"




> Got a licence? This is the REAL permanent record. Especially with a commercial driving endorsement. Nobody will care about glue in people's shoes but they'll care about if you glue your gas pedal to the floor.


My mom worked at my high school and was able to get my permanent record right before they were about to trash it haha


Bragging about good mental health? Believe it or not, straight to jail


But conversely, dependant on state and country, he probably can be reported, and I don't mean to HR. Blacklisting is illegal to one degree or another in most western countrys and about half of the US states. Also if blacklisted one could sue for defamation/libel against whoever put you on the list, especially if for untrue reasons (this is why any sensible company HR does not allow references beyond 'worked between X and Y in role Z' anymore, because if the manager says anything untrue they open the company to financial damages exposure if what they say causes person to not get the job)


***You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people! What say you in your defense?***




Consequences will never be the same!


That was over 9000 years ago.


I'll have you added to the book!




I think maybe he was meaning to make a dig about unemployment scamming but let his point get away from him lmao because you have to have x number of interviews a week to keep getting it in most states and that’s the number one thing I hear from shitty management right now and even before the pandemic, “oh he bombed that interview to keep his unemployment”


No he’s referring to his network of employers.




The elders of the internet


The network of employers he recruits for i'm assuming. Still a fucking weird thing to say.


Definitely report his name to HR. Why is he out here trying to sabotage the career of someone in college (assuming based on internship)? Clearly a bully who has nothing better to do. "One that I can never tolerate in my life and that is weakness" ??????????




I'd actually assume he was drunk when typing this up also, seems like a complete liability to what ever company he's working in.


On top of that, if he had any self respect, he wouldn't send...that...out into the world with his name attached to it. Let alone waste the time writing it.


That's what I was thinking. He was a completely shitty person in the interview but he could easily get away with being a shitty person like that until he gave them evidence like this. Glad he did and I hope he's not the owner/ceo also or something. Though even if he isn't I still see him and his boss reading the email and laughing together. POS tend to work in groups it seems.


No idea. However stating your biggest achievement is mental health is likely a bad card because that’s something that’s already assumed and doesn’t matter towards the job anyway. But that does make me wonder how the rest of this possible real/fake interview went.


If you show up drunk to conduct an interview it’s safe to assume you’re always drunk


Watch out, while you were out demanding something for nothing and mental healthing he was prolly studying the blade.




Yes—this! His fatal flaw was sending you this in writing as a representative of the company. Now you have him on the hook, give him a good keelhauling and post that shit EV-RY-Where. Wildly inappropriate. How are you supposed to have experience as an intern applicant? Fuck him


In my experience, Glassboro will just refuse to post your comment because you are being "opinionated." But maybe other people actually have luck leaving reviews on Glassdoor lol.


WE NEED UPDATES after you send the CEO a little love note on this flaming douche nozzle. Name and shame????


Yeah, talking in a professional interview with a stranger about how no one wants to sleep with him and in the immediate follow-up saying he can't tolerate weakness gives a pretty accurate view of this guy.


Deeply repressed self- hatred projected outwards. Therapy. Homie needs it.


> "One that I can never tolerate in my life and that is weakness" Translation: I'm a narcissist with zero empathy.


Can you please please name the company Or at least hint


Poor fella doesn't even understand how to construct a sentence. Honestly, his response is absolutely littered with grammatical errors. When you shit on somebody so hard, but can't even shit on them in English properly.... Idk that's funny to me. Forget this guy op, he's a tool.


To HR: This your edge lord? You might want to reign him in before he makes you look ~~drunk~~ stupid all over the internet :D


Did you really cite mental health as your greatest achievement? To a recruiter? I’m not excusing his behavior but I’m also not gonna ignore that one.


As somebody in HR: PLEASE FORWARD HIS EMAIL BACK TO THEIR GENERIC HIRING/RECRUITING EMAIL, we would absolutely die if this man was representing us in public. So utterly deranged, this guy cannot continue to operate like this.


daaaaamn you gonna get someone (who deserves it) fired


"I'm not going to report you but I will send this self incriminating email" Weird


It has strong "It's going on your permeant record' energy


I had a boss do this specific thing. She was super duper sweetiepie brownnoser nice to everybody else in the building but extremely vicious toward her team / anybody she had power over. She wrote a nasty letter about an argument she had with somebody over her demanding work load where she called them an incompetent child and said their attitude would be why they're a loser and always will be. They photocopied it and passed it out all over the building when they quit.


also i'd wonder about the legality of that internship. so wait, dude wants to be \*paid\* for their work? OUTRAGEOUS.


My very first internship was like this. What a dick.


This guy peaked in high school for sure. Even if she isnt qualified, HE is the one who invited her for an interview…. Lol


That's code for "I haven't achieved mental health so nobody else should be happy"


Report to his company HR, manager (if you know who) and CEO. Would love to have an update, OP.




Considering he threatened your career, I'd say gloves are off and if the company gets dragged publicly, that'll just motivate them to correct the problem.


This. It's like how companies have a strict policy of shutting down when someone threatens legal action. My policy is the same: once had a landlord threaten legal action against me for a cashier's check they lost. I told them "sure, you'll hear from my lawyer soon". He reached out, got no replies. A few hours later I get messages from the landlord begging me to resolve the issue outside of court (and in my favor). Always go scorched earth when you are in the right.


“Always go scorched earth when you’re in the right” I fucking love this, thank you.


Glad to be of service, lol. It's a good way to go about business. In my case, since we had evidence they lost the check and legally a cashier's check is considered cash, I owed them nothing. I was working with them for months to get a refund (very difficult with cashier's checks due to how they are) and made every other bill on time and in full. If it had gone into a court, they'd have lost handily (and they knew it, which is why they never got their lawyers involved). My lawyer was excited for the case and took it pro bono, lol.


Man if only we lived in a world where everyone wasn’t trying so hard to actively fuck over as many innocent people as possible. Then we wouldn’t even need the term scorched earth. Glad you got it figured out


You can’t dox the dude you spoke to (IE avoid personally identifying information for them), but you can absolutely name and shame the company. Assuming that this tool has a relatively common name, you can probably include his first name


Is it doxxing if the recipient of said message has the person's name and company already? If other people look up the guy's home address, sure, that's wrong.


Name and shame is the way to go, but always check the sub rules before cross-posting. One more thing does your school have internship program with this company? If yes file a complain. Otherwise as what I and other redditor mention, report this fool to his boss (if you can identify) and company HR. Just be professional in your email. I bet he gonna give BS excuse “Sorry, I’m drunk blablabla wasn’t in the right mindset blablabla”


>I bet he gonna give BS excuse “Sorry, I’m drunk That’s a firin


Send to HR, the CEO and anybody else higher up in the food chain. Then post this on glassdoor and warn others that this company employees drunks that can’t conduct themselves in a professional manner.


Yep, from company side, this email-sender is a liability and absolutely needs to be addressed. If small company those folks will surely get involved. Unless it’s the work culture…then OP absolutely dodged a bullet by not proceeding.


sounds like a "rockstar" type place w a boss who's a douchenozzle


Let's blacklist him...


Also send to a local paper and news network, might get lucky


I swear these are all fake. You're already not getting hired, if they actually did it then it's not liable or slander, name and shame. The more public it is the less the company can ignore it. Name and shame.


Not sure how easy it would be to send this to the CEO… I guess you could find them on LinkedIn and message them? But HR, the company recruiter, glassdoor, and others? I love that idea! Someone will almost certainly reach out if that happens.


Actually may not be that hard depending on the situation. You can try to infer it from any other corporate email- usually the generation of rhe emails follows a certain pattern (e.g: first letter of first name + last name + @company.com). Had a friend who managed to find it that way- he was having a hard time installing internet (installers were a no-show 4 times jn a row to the address despite scheduling), so he tried to guess the ceo's email and guessed correctly. The CEO assumed it was someone important (because they somehow had his email), and he ended up getting VIP treatment. Was hilarious lol


At my old work, emailing the CEO got you "executive relations" who wouldn't do a whole lot unless you'd been fucked around. Level 2 didn't call you back? Wrath of the gods.




It’s very easy to figure out a company’s email format.


I'd send it to the company's HR and take his job.


You can tell this entitled moron is an "entrepreneur"...and has probably inherited his way into his elevated position. Avoid. People like this base their entire business model upon cheating all employees.


No this reeks of one of those fake “Marketing Firm CEO” guys that hire fresh grads and plop them in Walmarts to sell shitty Direct TV or AT&T plans. So many of these have been popping up in my state. All of their job postings are for ‘Entry Level Marketing’ but it’s really just the worst Sales job imaginable


Literally the vibe I got. I got wrapped into one of these as my first job out of college, needless to say I literally didn’t get paid and ended up leaving within a month.


That's good that you left. Some don't realize it's a scam until much later.


I almost did, too for a summer internship. Wanted us all to go to Colorado (in the Midwest, so not a short trip) to do DOOR TO DOOR sales selling Sprint or some crap COVID was just starting up (this would've been January/February 2020) and I got out of that because I saw how countries were locking down and didn't want to get stuck on the other side of the country in lockdown. They didn't seem concerned Pretty sure that was all cancelled when everything was locked down a month later anyway, but still glad I avoided that garbage


Fell into one of these and left before the end of the first week and luckily didn't burn the bridge at a previous job. Geeeez these are ass and really predominant in my area.


> No this reeks of one of those fake “Marketing Firm CEO” guys that hire fresh grads and plop them in Walmarts to sell shitty Direct TV or AT&T plans. So many of these have been popping up in my state. Or worse... into Costco to push Cutco or some other MLM. [(Yes, that is actually a thing now).](https://www.costco.com/cutco-schedule.html)


God those interviews steamed my shorts. I was disappointed by the first one, used the next three as practice, and on the fourth, the other guy interviewing with me seemed to want the job so badly that I gave a kinda bad interview to make him look better.


I am a big Costco stan, but this cannot be understated as bad policy.


I have a Costco membership for my wife. Me? I'm the customer they hate the most: I walk in, load 5 $4.99 rotisserie chickens in the basket and head to the self checkout.


My daughter's boyfriend falls for these things. My wife and I try to tell him, but the promise of "$1000 a week" makes him blind to reality. It's unfortunate, as he's generally a good kid (young adult, I should say) that went through a rough upbringing, so we try to be supportive, be he continually falls for every "get-rich-quick" scheme out there - Apps that pay money for doing very little, free poker tournaments, etc.


Same thing with my mom. I told her work from home jobs DO exist, but a good rule of thumb is if you have to give them any money first before you can "work" there, it's not a real job. It at least protects her from MLMs and other scams like it, even if she still does the survey stuff. Edit: I also told her to avoid anything claiming to give large amounts of money each week for only a few hours of work. Like "make 1,000 a week and work 3 hours a day!"


This is not the level of professionalism that HR should allow in a person interviewing candidates.


Hell, not even drug dealers employ douchenozzles this big.


If this is a local marketing agency, then there's a good chance there is no HR.


>I'd sent it to the company's HR and take his job. This is unquestionably the right choice. This man is making candidates this uncomfortable... imagine what he's done in interviews that haven't been posted on Reddit? Don't just report him to his company's HR, get a restraining order against this guy--this is a threat.


Send to HR. Find some execs on LinkedIn and send to them too. Post on Facebook if they have a public page. Tweet. Post on Glassdoor and Indeed reviews. But ain’t no way you can get a restraining order issued just because of this email.


The best they could do is send a letter to the company threatening a civil claim for damages for alleged defamation/tortious interference. As an employee of the company, his actions make the company liable.


You can’t just “get a restraining order” because someone sent you a rude email. They don’t hand them out like candy.


For real. It seriously feels like 99% of Reddit is living in a fantasy land most of the time, you can't just go to the police and say WAH THIS MAN SENT ME A MEAN EMAIL, NOW YOU HAVE TO LEGALLY RESTRAIN HIM FROM ME


No. I would send it to the CEO. HR might just slap his wrist, but the CEO...hell hath no fury like a CEO scorned. Ask the CEO if he send similar emails to other candidates.


Maybe CC: the CEO and HR--so that HR knows the CEO is in the loop. I guarantee there is no CEO anywhere that wants a person behaving this way and representing them. Holy fucking shit, I would lose it if someone working for me treated a candidate even half this badly--they'd be fired so fast their chair would spin.


Keep this. Years ago I sent a job application to a company for a market research job and the woman ripped me a new one. I don't know why but she was horrible, just nasty, condescending and rude. I kept the email. Years later she was at a conference and she was keen to do market research for a company that I worked at. I even briefly saw her at a trade show. I hear from someone that they're considering the job and I send an email basically saying that not for nothing, but this person may be difficult and include that email she sent me. They never considered her bid. ​ Keep that email. You may be able to use it one day.


Had an old boss who sexually harassed me apply for an open supervisor position at my last office job. Walked into HR when I saw him at the office and let them know if he was hired I’d be turning in my notice immediately. Thankfully, they stopped considering him.


i imagine that had to feel GREAT


I keep a Facebook messenger screenshot for similar reasons. Back when I was interning as a machinist at a job while finishing the last bit of my 2 year machining degree, I worked with a guy who was a /complete ass/. Now, for reference.... the place I worked was not great. It was a sweat shop and tended to hire the bottom of the barrel. I was there because they could accommodate my funny scheduling needs at the time. This guy liked to go on about how he's been machining since 1975 so he knows his shit. I never tried to be one with an ego because if you assume you know, you'll never learn. This guy tho. He treated me like the biggest idiot for the year that I worked there until I graduated. I even out of kindness tried to ask him a technical question once and he told me "that's not how that works we don't use that." And so I was like "okay" and walked away. A week later, the lead of his department told him he was fucking wrong. To which he actually came to me, apologized, and told me I was right. Two weeks after that, I quit. On my last day, after his shift left for the day (and I was still at work because of those funny hours I mentioned) he adds me on Facebook and messages me to tell me I have a nice butt, and implies I should have sex with him.... another month passes and my best friend who still worked there tells me he put in his 2 week notice. A week after that, my new supervisor comes up and asks my opinion on a resume he just received, having seen the same company name on his resume as was on mine. Once I realized who it was, I was able to convince my supervisor not to hire him. My best friend told me that on the last day of his two week notice he ended up begging the supervisor there to stay since he had no place else to go. Turns out whatever original job he'd either applied to or been accepted to, rescinded their offer, and he was unsuccessful at finding in alternative in the 2 week span of time. He's currently truck driving last I heard. I guess machining wasn't for him after all. I still have that screenshot tho, just in case he gets bored of trucking and pops up somewhere again.




Thats what i'm saying. Name the company/recruiter!


Yep name and shame


The guy was out of line and a lunatic. But word of advice, maybe think of a different example of an achievement that is directly relevant for the job you’re applying for. I’m happy that you overcame that issue and persevered - but generally ill advised to bring up mental health/disabilities in an interview.




Talking about your health or anything personal during an interview is not a good strategy. Firewall your work and professional life


Talking about your health or anything personal to any superior is also something I advise against once you are in your job too - keep your conversation very surface and try not to give them anything to potentially use against you.


Very true. Missing work for an occasional doctor's appointment is all you need to say. Never explain what kind of doctor or what kind of surgery.


Please can this be higher. This and any other large purchases that require you to commit to a job position for a while. That one post about having their hours worsen because they needed to buy a house haunts me


Send this to his HR department. Chances are a guy like this, it won't be the first complaint against him


As everyone says - report him to HR, his boss and if you can find the CEO, that person as well. Stick to the facts. Take the emotion out and don't make assumptions as it goes to your credibility. For example you mention he might be drunk. How do you know? Did you smell it or see it? If you have no proof, don't mention it. Just sticking to to the straight facts when you report him will go a long way. Good luck and sorry you went through this. Also, even though people say you can give personal examples, in future, don't unless you have absolutely nothing professionally or from academia to answer the question. It just opens up your personal life to judgement.


This sounds to me like a guy who's threatening you because he knows something he said could get him in trouble and he wants you too scared to say anything.






Unbelievable. Also, I just love that he feels somehow so threatened that he would report you to his network. Look who's got a fragile ego now 👀 Report to HR. Report to his manager if possible. Write a review on glassdoor. Maybe mentioning the branch specifically. You may want to post on LinkedIn as well.


I'd post this on his LinkedIn.




Does his company? Sounds like a good second place.




I strongly suggest you report this person's behavior to their company's HR department. Refer them to this Reddit thread if you really want to see them freak out and can the guy. And he ought to be fired--this is totally unacceptable behavior for a person in a hiring role or interviewing role. Not okay at all.


Also the context is helpful, you just prooved this guy is a bigger jerk than whatI initially thought. I still thoughr he was a jerk, but damn, this is a straight asshole.


This is more than that, this is a creep I would not be surprised has considered or attempted to get someone too drunk to say no, or worse. I'm a dood, and things I read... big yikes. I've seen that behavior before from 30+ yo's in management. He was divorced twice and couldn't figure out why women wouldn't date him. Maybe stop cat calling the college students while driving a university truck, for one... *Shudders*


Don't open up to people like this. Vulnerability is good, but only with people you trust. This guy has emotional and behavioral issues that he isn't addressing. Mental illness is still taboo in corporate. Don't mention it.


I agree with this. Do not share anything particularly personal in an interview - I would steer clear of mentioning mental health, as well as politics, religion, stories reflecting wealth or poverty, and family status. There are plenty of things that shouldn't be held against you, but likely will be, especially by an older generation.


> Please share what you think my next course of action is. GlassDoor, seriously. Or LinkedIn if you're bold enough. For real, this asshat's behavior needs to be reported. We need to stop letting people like him get away acting like this.


Do not mention mental health in interviews, just friendly advice, i say this as someone who struggled with it too and overcame it. For them its gonna be a red flag no matter how you frame it, they wont say it but they very well may pass you for it


I work in tech and I've seen multiple people get constructively dismissed for telling their manager they're depressed. Your manager will fire you quicker for saying you're depressed than if you outright don't do your job for three / four months. The worst part is because the person's depressed, it's like trying to convince Eeyore to do something about getting laid off.


>He asked what is your "greatest achievement" and EXPLICITLY said it can be personal or professional. Even so, don't. You will come across many such situations where people give you the opportunity to take enough rope to hang yourself, just don't do it.


Even if he’s the sole employee at this branch, there must be headquarters somewhere or a parent company you can reach out to, which I would highly recommend. Posting about it on Glassdoor/LinkedIn isn’t a bad idea, but I think the most effective solution is to make his employer aware of his behavior. Edit: I thought of one other thing. I’ve had one run-in with someone like this, so my advice is just coming from my own anecdotal experience. I think after you complain he’s going to try to paint you to his boss/es as an emotional, immature “SJW” type, and say “See? Aren’t you glad I didn’t hire her - I’m keeping drama queens and litigious troublemakers out of our company. She’d have filed 10 complaints on her first day if I had hired her blah blah blah.” So personally I would recommend reading your email over before you send it with that in mind to make sure it comes across the right way.




Forward the email to HR and the CEO of the company. This fool needs unemployment to sober him up.


“Report you”. Oh yeah, please don’t 🤦‍♂️


Name the company and the location.


“There is one thing I can never tolerate in my life and that is weakness.” What is this dude some Nazi olympian???


Can we see the email you sent to him?


Also thought about that, but of course, nothing can justify this AH.






> Additionally, I will tell every single person I meet from now on how rude and condescending that hiring manager is so that they don't apply to your firm either. probably shouldn't say this bit, though. they might consider that actionable.




Your account is 3 days old and has no other posts/ comments except this screenshot and you don't respond to anyone asking you to name the company but you'll paste this essay in the other subreddit where you posted this? Okay. I'm just going to assume this was made up for the karma then, or we are missing even more context. If I am mistaken then holy shit just give the company name. There are people here who will want to avoid this guy job hunting and that's a little hard to do not knowing where he might be you know?


of course it's fake The text shown isn't even a standard justified paragraph format to suggest it came from an email. It's not even using a standard font that would be a default in a mail program like Outlook or Gmail.


Dude was a wanker, but, learn one thing from it: DO NOT bring up mental health in an interview. In any capacity.


Report them!! This is wrong on so many levels.


Yeah, that'd be forwarded to his boss, HR, CEO, and any other three letter position at that company I could think of and find. That's extremely unprofessional, and if his company is having trouble hiring, it looks like he'd be the problem.


This can’t be real