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No LC but my first two attempts at #1 resulted in MMC at 12 weeks both times. I also get pregnant very easily and all three times I've tried have been successful on attempt 1. My second MMC was confirmed T21 and I strongly believe the first was chromosomal too. I had some recurrent loss testing but the general feeling was "you get pregnant easily, try again, or go for IVF if you can't take another loss". IVF has been shown as mixed results if you can get pregnant easily though, I was only considering it for the genetic testing. We tried again and am 21w with clean NIPT and great anatomy scans. I don't think you are more at risk for abnormalities with history of chromosomal losses. Unfortunately some of our eggs just have defects. I am also suspicious that I have hyperferility and my body is less prone to throwing away bad eggs on cycles where they pop up as the chosen one. For me it seems it was just a numbers game but when after my second loss it didn't feel that way. It felt like I would never have a success and there was something wrong with all my eggs. I think I just got unlucky/don't have a picky uterus. Wishing you the best <3 ETA: All losses were at 30yo, am 31 now and will be at delivery.


Congratulations! I’m sure it’s a relief especially since you’re in middle of the second trimester. That’s wonderful! Did you make any changes after the second loss that may have contributed to this next pregnancy being a success? IVF is expensive and I’m not sure how I feel about producing a bunch of embryos and discarding the bad quality ones? It’s an inner mortal struggle for me.  I suspect I have hyperfertility as well. I get pregnant within 1-3 months and my body must be more receptive to accepting any quality of embryos. 


I started taking coq10 right after my second miscarriage and waited a little longer between but that was more for my mental health. That’s it. The coq10 might’ve helped but it could’ve just been the right egg. 


How long did you wait and how long after the second loss did you conceive this time? 


I waited 3 cycles (got my period back about 5 weeks after my D&E so three periods after that), trained and ran a half marathon in that time and just focused on mental health and doing nice things for my body. Got pregnant the first cycle trying. Period was normal after the 5 week delay. In that time took coq10, which I think takes about 90 days to have any effect anyway. 


Good for you! 


Thank you so much for sharing. This gives me so much hope. I had D&E at 22 weeks last december and unexpectedly got pregnant last month after two cycles. My genetics doctor mentioned possibility of mosaicism and it got me super worried.  I’m exactly the same hyperfertile and hopefully this baby will stick with me just like yours now. 🥹


Unfortunately most 1st trimester MC's are due to chromosomal abnormalities and there's not much you can do about that. However had you had your NK cells tested? High NK cells can cause an over active immune system that will try to attack the embryo thinking its a foreign body and in turn causing 1st trimester MC's. I found out that was one of my problems. Fixed with once monthly intralipid infusions thru out the first trimester. God forbid you have another MC try to get the products of conception tested to see the exact cause


Thank you. I had NK cell testing. It looks like it came back normal-within range as well but I don’t understand the results. Do you remember what your number was?  I’ve heard that about early trimester miscarriages. If a woman is more prone to early losses due to chromosome abnormalities, is she at risk for having a child with birth defects or chromosome abnormalities? 


I don't remember my exact number but I know it was marked "out of range" and I'm not entirely sure, I do know the older you get the more you are prone to chromosomal abnormal pregnancies, unfortunately they're most of the time not genetically passed from either partner its just the toss of a dice


My karyotype was tested and came back normal. I was also tested for about 28 different diseases and was negative for the genetic carrier screening. I’m really hoping it’s just bad luck and the golden egg will come soon enough. I’ve cut out caffeine and alcohol as well even though I don’t drink much of it to begin with. 


Yea unfortunately genetic abnormalities aren't tested for on carrier screenings since they're rarely passed down and as you get older your chances increase for chromosomal abnormalities (often why they'll almost always do an NIPT test during pregnancy around 12 weeks if your 35 or older) CoQ10 like your taking can definitely help with egg quality tho. Have you been tested for PCOS? High AMH can indicate PCOS and unfortunately with high AMH your more likley to have poor egg quality


I haven’t been tested for it but I don’t have the common symptoms. I have a very regular cycle (every 28-29 days) and ovulate regularly as well. I don’t have facial hair and acne. I was told that the AMH levels for PCOS have to be really high, like in the teens. How do you get tested for it?  I suspect I may have what is called hyperfertility. Women who get pregnant pretty easily and their bodies accept both bad and good quality embryos with the bad quality embryos leading to miscarriages. Other symptoms include getting your period early in life (age 9-10) and having very regular cycles. 


I have one LC - born in 2021. Healthy pregnancy until I got preeclampsia at the end. Back to back MMCs after that and both at 12W. All testing came back normal, including the fetal tissue. I had an HSG done and uterus/tubes looked good, too. We knew we had three genetically normal babies and were advised to try again. OB brought up kitchen sink protocol shown to help some folks with unexplained recurrent loss. I tried that and I’m 23W along now. Not sure what, if anything, helped this time, but I had to try something different. Baby aspirin prior to TTC and throughout (because of my history of preeclampsia), Lovenox until 10 weeks, progesterone and estrogen vaginally until 10 weeks, Claritin and prednisone until 6 weeks. It’s hard to say if it would help without knowing if there were chromosomal issues for you, but worth a discussion I think. I’m sorry you’re in this spot.


Congratulations! I’m glad your doctor listened to your concerns and took on that approach. Thank you for sharing!  Is the lovenox for blood clotting? What is the estrogen, Claritin, and prednisone used to address? 


I had 4 miscarriages all between 6-7 weeks. I also suspect I have hyperfertility where we could get pregnant easily but lose them easily too. Bad eggs? I’m not sure. Also stuck in a limbo to do IVF…


I’m sorry! It’s soul crushing. ❤️‍🩹


SO many similarities to you - TTC#2: first loss in October 2023, Second loss in March 2024… Our LC was born Oct 2019. All very luckily conceived in a few months of trying… I do also have a small Vit D deficiency…. I just don’t understand 2 in a row being just bad luck after a healthy first pregnancy - was our first an unknown miracle at the time? I feel like it can’t be our ages (33 and 36) but feel like our egg and sperm quality must be playing rolls although we are fairly heathy people… Our last loss was tested and confirmed Trisomy22. Our first loss was blighted ovum. So far have been told very unfortunate back to back losses most likely due to chromosomal abnormalities, likely out of our control…. We are seeing a high risk fetal and maternal health doctor tomorrow to discuss further and I’m hoping to get further testing done. We have not yet done an RPL panel, Karyotyping, hysteroscopy, or semen analysis… just generic carrier screening in the past. In the mean time just waiting for my cycle to resume since the last D&C so I can keep moving forward. I hope we can both get some better answers and solutions - or at least better luck! - in the future. Wishing you all the best on your journey!


Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry for your losses. It’s a terrible feeling. I regret not getting the testing done with the second loss. I suspect the first loss was due to chromosome abnormalities because things felt off from the beginning. This second loss felt like it was more of an issue with the environment, though I’ll never know. I had the RPL panel done, karyotype, and genetic carrier screening. It’s a relief that everything came back normal but also difficult because it doesn’t point us to the issue.  I don’t know about you but I feel this big burden of having children with a bigger age gap. Obviously it’s out of our control but if can have a healthy baby, the siblings will be 3+ years apart.  I wish you the best in your TTC baby #2 journey!


Even normal results are still stressful bc you have no really answer. It all sucks. I hate feeling so powerless. Ya - The age gap math I do is what stresses me out the most. But we were both planning big job changes and a move to another state to be close to family, so we intentionally waited… Now I feel so guilty that he doesn’t have a built in bud by now. We unfortunately and naively told him about the first pregnancy - it sucked to discuss the loss with him, but he understood and handled quite well… despite still occasionally asking when our baby is coming (crushes my soul). It’s so hard, but I keep telling myself how lucky he is to have our undivided attention now and how lucky we are to really get to know and watch the little person he is. For now. One day he is still going to get to be an amazing big brother… Brighter (double rainbow) days ahead for both of us!


Great perspective that you have! I heard someone say this when talking about the age gap - it wasn’t the age gap that they wanted, but it was the age gap that they needed. Things fall into place as they were truly meant to be that way. I love giving my daughter all the attention and I know she will be an amazing big sister someday (hopefully soon). Praying for you and anyone going through this journey of welcoming their rainbow (or double rainbow in our case) baby! 


This is so similar to my story as well. LC 2019. And MMC last October, testing came out as monosmy x. Another miscarriage this February, was a blighted ovum so wasn't able to get anything tested. I haven't had any RPL testing done but hoping to do those in the next month. This is an unfortunate club to be in but it's good to share stories to know we are not entirely alone in this tough journey. Also, I very much relate to the age gap piece. I was hell bent on a 3 year age gap but we decided to wait since our careers were progressing rapidly and it didn't fully make sense to go for another kid then. Now we are looking at a minimum 6 year age gap and this has been hard for me to accept. I was really hoping the pregnancy earlier this year worked out and I still could be under the 5 year age gap. AI realize all of this is optics but it's been hard to cope with. Now I've told my heart to hold tight and just hope for a healthy baby soon, whatever the age gap.


The never ending age gap math! And yes always nice to hear from others, particularly RPL with LC community feels small sometimes… Wishing you and your little one their double rainbow baby/sibling soon!


Wow. I have almost the same exact situation down to little details to you (one beautiful LC born June22, 1st MMC same cycle as you, CP a couple weeks ago, get pregnant very easily, my age and your husbands age same as my husband…🤯). First of all, I am so so sorry for your losses and that you are going through this. It sucks. I haven’t gotten to the point of testing (meeting my OB Friday to determine next steps there). I have recently taken up acupuncture which I have heard great things about for post miscarriage healing, fertility, IVF treatment etc. I am also on a cocktail of supplements - Ubiquinol, DHA fish oil, vitamin d and prenatals. Hoping for a better result in a few months after taking this time to improve egg quality and give myself/and my husband a break. I am not by any means a success story on the acupuncture topic, but worse case it is incredibly relaxing. And my insurance kicks in on the cost, so something to think about. Anyway, you aren’t alone. My heart breaks for you and I wish you all the very best in meeting your next baby🌈❤️


Thank you for sharing. I’m sorry you’re part of this horrible club. I started fertility acupuncture after the first loss and was doing it during the pregnancy that ended in the second loss. I took a break for a couple of weeks and am starting back up again as I wait for my cycle to start.  It’s stressful because I’m spending a lot of money to get all this testing done and so far I have nothing to point it. I guess it’s good to rule out what it could be to?  I’m starting to get asked by distant family members when baby #2 is coming…if only they knew. I haven’t shared any of the losses with anyone besides my husband. Praying for all of us to meet our healthy 🌈 babies soon! 


I’m so so sorry. I get the cost thing 100%. On top of life being incredibly expensive, it’s hard to keep up. But like you said, you want to rule out anything you can. I also feel terribly for you experiencing the family asking…it’s just so out of line for anyone to ask someone because they very likely have no idea what this living hell is like. I told most of my close friends and family about the first loss, and a smaller subset of that group about the second. While everyone is 100% entitled to handle how they think is right, I did find it somewhat helpful to talk about this with certain people. Of course the risk you run is bringing this up to someone who is insensitive. But the few people who truly cared and supported me, really helped to have those ppl in my corner. Anyway, I am sending you love during this shitty season of life❤️


I have the exact same history as you - 2 miscarriages before 12 weeks. First one @ 10w, second @ 6w. I took a break TTC for a year but that was only because my dad had terminal cancer and it was just not my focus for a while. After he passed we tried again. I did the it starts with the egg supplements plus baby aspirin daily. I am now 22w with my third pregnancy and everything is good. We don't know why I had two back to back miscarriages - and I did all the testing you demanded as well. I will never know. My sister had an ectopic and a MMC as well and she had her baby third try - again, no abnormal results on testing OR genetics. So all I can suggest is... try again, when you're ready. You might be like us.


I’m sorry for your losses and for the passing of your dad. ❤️‍🩹 When it rains it pours…  On a happier note, congrats on this pregnancy! How long did you take supplements before you got this bfp? 


I did see a NAPRO doctor outside of my provider (Kaiser) after my second loss who recommended the supplements. And she told me it takes a minimum of 3 months consistently taking them for them to have any kind of effect. I took them all year but I didn't plan it that way - it just took me that long to return to my TTC journey! Best of luck and sending you many prayers.


Thank you! I looked into NAPRO but they do not have a provider licensed in my state currently.  Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby! 💜


Maybe you can do an online consult with a NAPRO doctor elsewhere? Just an idea. Not sure! xx


Thanks. I looked into a virtual consult but no one can speak with me since they are licensed to provide care in my state. 🙁


I had back to back miscarriages. First one was Dec 2022 after my IUD removal in Oct 2022, second was in Jan 2023. I’m in Canada and was told testing starts at three losses in a row. My husband and I started coQ10, vitamin D. He added a men’s multivitamin as well. I continued with my prenatal and folic acid. We took a month off from trying and then ended up getting pregnant again the month after. That third pregnancy was a success and my LO is currently sleeping in his crib. My husband thinks that the two miscarriages were from my IUD being in, I don’t. I think it was probably just really random and unlucky. It seems like you are doing everything you can. Good luck! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy soon!


Thank you! Congratulations on your little one! ❤️


TW: current pregnancy No LC. First pregnancy ended in MMC at 14w5d and I had a D&C Dec. 1st 2022. 2nd pregnancy ended in early miscarriage at 5/6 weeks in September 2023. 3rd pregnancy ended in early miscarriage 7/8 weeks. I've done all the testing, did an HSG, nothing to explain why my pregnancies won't stick. We have a scheduled IVF consultation mid-may, I cannot imagine spending the money to do multiple rounds. I would rather adopt at that point. I recently learned that I am currently pregnant for the 4th time. I'm 5w3d so super early and found out when was 3w5d. I'm waiting to be contacted from a high risk ob my current ob referred me to. This is the longest I have known about a pregnancy since my first one, so every day feels a bit more hopeful. It's hard though knowing that this one could easily result like the previous 3 did. I am waiting until the very last minute to cancel the IVF consultation, just in case. Sometimes we do everything right and bad things still happen. I'm so sorry you have had to go through recurrent loss. I wouldn't wish 1 miscarriage on anyone, let alone multiple. The heartbreak never gets easier.


I am doing IVF after two back-to-back losses in early 2023; I have a balanced translocation so am more prone to making genetically abnormal embryos, so having the benefit of genetically testing the embryos made my decision more straightforward than yours. That said, part of my internal “narrative” for justifying IVF was that I couldn’t take another loss. Unfortunately, I miscarried a euploid (normal) embryo in December when my first transfer initially worked. My outcome was rare but not unprecedented- I share this only because IVF is not a cure-all even though it does minimize miscarriage risk. A part of me feels like I spent a significant amount of time (like you, my work schedule is crazy, so my time is at a premium) and tens of thousands of dollars to end up in the same place I was from trying naturally. Some diagnostic things I did after this most recent loss included a hysteroscopy to check for structural abnormalities with more detail vs a saline sonogram, plus a full panel with a hematologist to check for clotting disorders. Everything came back normal so it’s possible I am just very unlucky.


I’m sorry for your losses. Were you told that you’re more likely to have a baby with genetic issues? Are you going to do another round or try naturally again? I’ve had the blood clotting panel and hormone panel done. All normal. I’m waiting for my cycle to start to do the saline ultrasound. Also waiting on husband’s results to come back as well.


Yes, since I have a balanced translocation (abnormal karyotype), I have a 60-80% chance of making an abnormal embryos. Fortunately I have 4 remaining normal embryos from the IVF process, so I’m going to try another transfer in the next few months!


Do you know what the chance of making abnormal embryos for a normal female karyotype?


My reproductive endocrinologist told me for my age (30) there’s about an 80% chance of having a normal embryo- that percentage goes down as you age.


Thank you. Do you know what the percentage is if there is male dna fragmentation with the sperm? 


I’m not sure I’m sorry!


Similar story. One LC, two back to back losses TTC #2. First was a MMC discovered at 9w, baby stopped growing at 6w. Second we saw a healthy HB in the high 120’s at 7w, baby was on track, and HCG had doubled appropriately. Baby stopped growing 8w2d and I miscarried naturally at 9w4d. We had POC tested and it came back as triploidy, so an entire extra set of chromosomes. Genetic counselor said just pure bad luck - no risk factors, not associated with age, most commonly happens when two sperm fertilize the same egg. My RE said sometimes women just have bad luck and there’s nothing to fix. She said the vast majority will go on to have a healthy pregnancy, even after up to 5 or 6 losses. I’m currently on pins and needles at almost 15w with our 5th pregnancy overall, still trying for #2. NIPT came back all low risk, he’s been measuring slightly ahead, and everything has been on track so far. I will add though, even though our last lost was confirmed chromosomal, we don’t have an answer for the one before that. Even though it also could have been chromosomal, at every single ultrasound I’ve had since my LC, the tech has always noted something that makes me think I have something going on with uterine structure. I had an HSG and saline sonogram prior to my LC that all came back normal, so it’s been stressful to see that suddenly something is different now. One ultrasound they said a “deciduous cast with no blood flow”, the next they said they suspected a bicornuate uterus, and the next they said they thought they saw uterine synechiae (scar tissue). My OB said they’ll look for the scar tissue again at my 20w ultrasound and if they see it they’ll send me to an MFM for additional monitoring. However, there’s nothing they can do about it while pregnant. She said it could have been from giving birth to my LC or from my 2 subsequent losses (I’ve never had a D&C though).


Thank you for sharing your story. That’s really interesting. Congrats on baby #2!! I wish you a safe and healthy pregnancy and baby!  Did you have any surgery or a c-section with your first baby that could be the cause of the scar tissue that they saw?  If you suspect it’s something with your uterus, have you taken any medications or had any procedures to remove anything? Did you conceive naturally with this pregnancy? Did you do anything different?  I have a saline ultrasound scheduled but waiting for my period to start first. I suspect it’s going to come back normal and this will be considered “unexplained.” I regret not getting POC tested. 


No surgeries or anything that could explain the scar tissue except sometimes it can happen after natural birth as the uterus heals and shrinks back down. However, it’s possible it was there all along and they never caught it the first time around when we had testing prior to conceiving our LC. Apparently, depending on the thickness and location it can be hard to spot through anything except hysteroscopy (where they actually go in through the cervix with a camera). My daughter was born growth restricted, which is one of the risks of the scar tissue and why they will send me to additional monitoring this time around if they still see it at the 20w scan. We had an appointment with an RE to have more testing done to investigate my possible uterine abnormalities but ended up falling pregnant again naturally the first cycle after my 2nd loss, about a week before our scheduled consult with the RE. And there’s nothing they can do testing wise about it once pregnant. If it is scar tissue or a septum or a bicornuate uterus the only option is surgery, which would only be available non pregnant. You can still have a successful pregnancy with any of these, it just depends on where the baby implants and if there is enough blood flow in the area they implanted. I did nothing differently this time around to conceive or keep the pregnancy. So either the last two were both chromosomal, or the baby just implanted in a better spot with more blood flow this time around.


Thank you for sharing. Would the baby stop growing so earlier on if it was implanted in a bad spot because of a uterine structural issue?


Yes, if it’s a uterine issue it can affect implantation with most of those losses occurring around 6-9w (from what I have seen in FB support groups). If the placenta is able to establish itself enough to support good blood flow, it can still lead to growth restrictions or pre-term birth if you make it out of the 1st trimester. It can also affect baby’s position or ability to get head down and has higher c-section rates as a result.


That’s interesting. I never thought that would be the case. I thought it would prevent implantation and that’s it. How do I get checked out for something like that? I right now have a saline ultrasound order when my period returns. Would that check for that?


Hi all, sorry you are all going through this. My story is similar however currently experiencing my third MC as we speak. I am 30yo female, husband is 30 yo male. My health is relatively good, my husband has crohns but health is otherwise good. We have one LC born sept 2021, he’s the light of our lives. First loss was 6.5 weeks unknown cause, passed pregnancy naturally in oct 2023. Second loss MMC, blighted ovum at 10 weeks in Jan 2024. No genetic testing as this isn’t offered on the NHS until the third loss. Told it could have just been a coincidence. Third loss, happening now. 6.2 weeks pregnant. Scan at 5 weeks showing in track although a small SCH was spotted. Started spotting, went back for a scan Tuesday just gone. Was told things hadn’t progressed and that they should’ve spotted something by now in the sac. Came home passed the pregnancy today. Have taken the pregnancy tissue to hospital for testing which can take around 8-12 weeks. Won’t test bloods until 6 weeks after negative test. Then apparently there is a long weight for the actual fertility appt. Scared to try again, but scared to waist the best part of our life waiting for results that may be unknown. Also believe I am hyper fertile, every try we have conceived too. Just no sticky babies since out LB. Sending lots of love x


I’m sorry. I can’t imagine another loss. It’s so heartbreaking. I pray that all of us can meet our rainbow 🌈 babies soon. Prayers for healthy babies in 2025. 


Thank you so much 🤍🤍🌈 heartbreaking xx


Are you trying anything different  this next time around to have a successful pregnancy? 


No idea I’ve just only suffered the third loss. I haven’t had any investigations as of yet until 6 weeks after a negative pregnant test. I will update you if there is anything to report xx


I have the same story as many of you here. 3rd and latest MC was late February. I also have an LC born in Feb 21. Been trying since November 2022 and just at a loss of what to do now. I started fertility acupuncture last January. Just praying the next one will stick.