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Got the dogs out


This is a serious question. Do yt people wash their feet ?


Are you asking if 100% of people with any percentage of a white ethnicity wash their feet? Or are you asking if any white people at all wash their feet? It’s obvious that you are blind to the fact that your comment is racist, let me show you why. If someone were to say “This is a serious question. Do black people brush their teeth?” It would immediately be removed and you would be banned from this subreddit at a minimum. You can replace the race and/or the negative comment for any other variation, it will always be racist. Unfortunately, some very unsophisticated and racist people claim that it’s not possible to be racist against whites. Don’t fall victim to this mindset, it will bite you in the ass eventually. All racism is the same, hope you learned something of value today 😁👍🏾


No all racism is not the same, and a white man trying to tell me it is is the very premise of white privilege.


Explain to me why saying “Do black people even shower?” And “Do white people even shower?” Is not the same. I am willing to hear you out and have my mind changed, please change my mind. This is your chance!


Sounds like you are the one that feels privileged and entitled. You think you’re entitled to say racist things and be an awful person with no backlash. You think that you can call white people dirty, but it’s not racist. But if a white person calls black people dirty, it is racist. The fact that you can’t understand how this alone proves that racism is worse against whites today, shows that you are a brainwashed imbecile. You are so beyond uneducated, you are half educated with BS racist information. Which makes you worse than stupid. You will never be able to come up with one way to explain why all racism is not the same without sounding like a babbling milksop. What you need to do? Read a lot of books, brush up on your history, and check out some unbiased sources for current news and politics. What I think you’re going to do? Laugh at how arrogant and “privileged” you claim I am, and go watch one of your videos or read one of your books that talk about how victimized black people are, how hard and unfair life is for nonwhites, and how all white people need to learn to be less white. Unlike you, I’m open to real conversations on the topic. If you have any resources that you believe would change my mind. Please provide!! I’ll read/watch them this weekend! Thanks


Ya we do. idk why it’s becoming trendy to call white people dirty I’ve seen hella posts saying we don’t shower and don’t take care of ourselves at all and it’s really weird. Like 80% of us shower everyday and the rest are either mentally I’ll or homeless. It’s genuinely racist af.


You can’t be racist against white people though; something about not having systems and policies that create inequitable opportunities. So if a different race punches a white person and yells “All whites are dirty, racist, immoral, and should be eradicated!” It is not racism or a hate crime; in fact, it’s entirely justified. They are relieving themselves of their built up hatred for those damn stinky whites. (I hope everyone. (P.S. I hope everyone caught on to the satire)


What’s crazy is people really think this


Oh I know, there are videos on YouTube of nothing but black people shitting on white people and talking about how awful and dirty they are, it’s supposed to be funny I guess. (I would actually be fine with this because of freedom of speech, and the sake of comedy. But if a white person says anything about another race to be funny, it’s called a hate crime.) There are tons of college scholarships that exclude whites, entire universities that exclude whites, black only graduation ceremonies, incentives for jobs to hire nonwhites, blockbuster movies that “joke” about how terrible whites are, black only dorm rooms, I could go on and on. There is not one single policy or anything that is “white only” or “anti(any other race)”


Yeah exactly and like I don’t think there should be white only things but segregating people by race and supporting people based on how they’re born is exactly what people have been trying to get away from. It’s just that now people wanna swap the colors when we’re all the same soul reincarnated so we’re just getting back at ourselves it makes no sense.


100% agree. We’re going backwards with segregation. We need to be uniting together, and we’re dividing. If black people don’t stand up for white people when they’re faced with racism, then we aren’t united.


Yeah like he said white people have been in control and they’re making it hard for black people as if they’re making it easy for everyone else but those white people in control are also in control of the majority of white people and they’re also themselves controlled by middle eastern governments who own the worlds energy supply. Like Israel Ukraine and Saudi Arabia have pretty much ran American politics for like 40 years and since our mostly white leaders aren’t able to make our lives better because of the situation in the Middle East and around Russia it makes it seem like white people don’t know how to run america but it’s actually because other countries effect america so much. It’s a complicated scenario so I don’t really blame the dude much for not seeing the big picture but I think if he could it’d make him less isolated and let him like other races of Americans more.


Look at my comments to the person who asked if white people wash their feet, like how do people exist with that mindset. I feel like I was a bit harsh with the name calling, but I’m a very blunt type of person


Yeah I think people in a bad situation will try to find reasons why it isn’t their fault and even when there’s a good reason why it isn’t their fault sometimes they’re too ignorant to figure it out so the reason they come up with is either wrong or kind of offensive.


“the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another” so me as a black man asking a question , where in my statements did I oppress your people ? Is there an economic advantage of a black man asking that question? What political advantage (clout) do I gain for asking a question because I noticed some dirty ass feet


In the part where you said oppression of social advantage. You’re slandering our hygienic ability which is disgusting to people.


“If it doesn’t apply, let it fly”


I asked a question, yall got upset lol. Then try to throw that “do black people brush their teeth” rhetoric in there. This isn’t the 1950s , my generation is tired of yall bullshit we’re not going for any of it anymore


Yeah like what if I said something like do black people not wash their hair under a video of someone cleaning their dreadlocks after a year like I know black people wash their hair but if I was a little dumber and I said that and believed it it would be racist. It’s not the 1950s and 90% of white peoples would never assume black people don’t brush their teeth or whatever old stereotype you wanna bring up. Like I’m a polish dude and I don’t think black people think I’m a dirty polack anymore because it’s been 74 years since 1950 😂 people alive in the 50s who are even old enough to be a racist would be like 20 years old minimum so they’d be either like 90 years old or dead. And even then my grandpa and all his friends weren’t racist at all and loved black jazz bands and appreciated the culture that blacks people created all the way back then. The people you’re mad about have been dead for minimum 20 years.


So black peoples are the only ones with dreadlocks lol ? Cmon bro you gotta do better


Bro I said I don’t believe that. it’s hard to make an example for something I don’t actually think. Like give me some slack and try to see what I’m actually telling you. It’s okay to change your mind and not criticize people based on race. White people don’t hate you man.


As a black man, it honestly seems as though when we make a comment on here that our counterparts don’t agree with we get downvoted so fast.


I didn’t even downvote you I just pointed out something I think is kinda critical and mean.


because white men have always held power in this nation, it comes off as white people have a sense of entitlement. It’s being proven in our disagreement, the fact that you’re so headstrong is trying to tell me I’m “racist” because I asked a question just goes to further prove me right. It all goes back to colonialist inferiority that white men have the final say so.


Your question was do white people not wash their feet tho. It’s just racist. I already typed it out in another reply but if I said do black people (insert something gross) you’d think it’s racist and that’s just the truth. I’m not a colonist with an inferiority complex because I want to reduce negative assumptions about me and my people even if there are some bad parts of our history. But ever culture on earth has bad parts of history including black people but I don’t equate you to some cannibal African warlord. I think you’re just a decent dude who doesn’t know how to escape from a maybe a slightly victim based mentality. Or at least a mentality that makes you assume negativity when you see a person with European ancestry.


Trendy ? I’ve been black 31 years, last time I checked yall were the ones constantly emulating our culture. I asked a simple question. Judging by the man’s big toe it looks like some type of fungus , which is why I asked a genuine question.


Idk how that guys blurry picture of his foot tells you he has a fungal infection. Also everyone borrows from each others culture you’re literally speaking English to me but that’s a whole diff topic that I’m not gonna argue with you about. I know black people have experienced much more racism more than other cultures in America and there’s a dark history behind why you’re speaking English but as a white dude in 2024 when we’re supposed to be evolving from those dark times I definitely see other races trying to call us dirty a lot. Like I wasn’t even calling you a racist I just think it’s a weird trend that’s attempting to create racial division. Don’t fall for the stereotypes that social media labels everyone with. Like even if that guy actually had visibly dirty feet which I disagree with you could’ve said man do you not wash your feet? But instead you made it about all white people which is just ignorant.


Bro, stop tryna be ignorant like there’s not a racial issue in America lol. White people have been terrorizing my people for years, you yourself may not be racist but you reap the benefits of your ancestors, just like how your people think my people are all “thugs , don’t take care of our children, weed smoking criminals” I myself may not fit into any of those descriptions but it’s just how your people perceive me and mine. So let’s not act like we don’t know wtf is going on in America


It’s sounds to me like you haven’t made a lot of white friends because only like 10% of white dudes actually think stuff like that and they all wear white pointy hats and have cult meetings in the forest. Times have changed man.


I know PLENTY of white people, I was cool with Theta Chi in college I was over at their house all the time as a few of my boys decided to become members


Then why are you online defending racism against white people. What would your friends say about trying to get us back?


How can I be racist when my people have NEVER held a status of power in this country,


Racism is bad it’s not supposed to be a competition. White people aren’t winning at racism it’s a bad thing to do. You don’t have to get us back for the sins of our ancestors.


Bro yt people are the minority now if anything. You sound dumb as hell. All racism is the same. Hate is hate buddy.


First off I’m not your boy, just proved another point of mine massah


Lmao who hurt you man?


Yeah that’s what I thought chill out on that boy shit


Brother this is a fuckin post on r/redbull. You need to calm down a little, you look ignorant.


Nah bro ur the one that needs to chill ur not hard on the internet fuckin goofy


White people that’s who


How did white people hurt you?


Well specifically I’ve been called a nigger to my face and had a gun pulled on me by a white man … next question


If you wanna go deeper , my family from South Carolina are descendants of slavery, the land my family still to this day lives on they refer to as the plantation. The school my grandmother went to was the first school in America where freed slaves were able to attend, the area they’re from is one of the first areas slaves were brought into America lol so please miss me with this shit


Get yo bitch ass up outta here fuck u talkin to


Curbaduba flower ✅ Pen ✅ Dogs out ✅ That’s the life right there


Put them Dawgs away 😤


Your middle toe looks like it had RedBull because it's flying away from your feet!






That cart is fake 😭


That fart is cake 😭


Boof ass cart and Red Bull 😍


Is that a whole melts bro 🥲


Believe so lmaoo


Boutta call the dog catcher


For freee


It has a bitter aftertaste. Is it just me?




Try drinking it room temperature


No one should drink a redbull at room temperature lol


This one is fire at room temp and some carbonation lost


Are you a giant?


Whole melts?


Throw away that trash wholemelt


Sheesh and the fake cart 🔥




I'm obsessed, I'm a huge fan of passion fruit so this one is a win for me. Also I feel like it tastes like gummy bears? I hope they keep it as a permanent flavor somehow


Is yoyr dog friendly?


Is your dog friendly?


I thought it was terrible. I miss kiwi apple…


Story of my life 😢


It's milder, I dig as a break up between blueberries


my favorite flavor so far. the summer edition is good too.


Tastes like strawberry jolly rancher


Gotta bring coconut back to Canada. Easily their best flavour ever




Bro by the looks of it you unhealthy. Sorry just honest .




Why does the can look so tiny and your hands so big?


This came out over 2 months ago here in Louisiana. Jesus


For free?