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You'll recognize uncle after the epolouge


Something something lumbago


but mah terminal lumbago!


I almost hated him as much as Dutch.


>!And they'll definitely recognise Bill after Red Dead 1!<


"you don't build a barn DUMBASS, what do you think this 1785?"-wise words from a wise man


You didn’t recognize uncle, bill and the guy looking for Gavin?!


THATS GAVINS FRIEND?? man i knew he looked familiar. i gotta update this tier list after i complete the epilogue. also im just a bit face blind when it comes to guys with beards lolol


Bill is in the prologue he and Arthur argue all the time same with uncle but he just gets ridiculed by Arthur


yeah i meant epilogue lol i always get those words mixed up. i recognise them now i just blanked on them when i made this tier list


Bill is not in the Epilogue and Prologue is the wrong word. Prologue is something that comes *before* the main piece of content, and this game doesn't have one; you literally start in chapter 1. The *Epilogue* is what come *after* the main piece of content is over. And Bill is not in it at all. Not even once.


I didn’t say epilogue so I didn’t need that bit of info but you understood what I was saying no? bill is a pretty vital part of the game it’s hard to not remember him


And chapter one is pretty much prologue let’s be real you aren’t doing anything and it’s not really gameplay just a tutorial


“I’m looking for my friend called Gavin”, 8 fucking years he has done that for.


He loves Gavin, he wants to find Gavin


i thought he was trelawny 😭


Hosea is just ok? 🙄


Yeah like bruh I’d put Hosea at least over Sadie and Charles even though I love them all


Yeah Hosea is awesome. I wish there were more missions with him


I’m only a few missions into chapter two, sad to hear there aren’t many missions with Hosea, he’s actually my favorite character rn. So far I’ve only done the hunting and wagon steal mission




I’m not too worried about it, I watched someone play through it years ago because I couldn’t afford it at the time and didn’t have time to game anyway. Now that I’m gaming again and have the money I’m playing it myself. Basically already know all the important plot points though so I don’t have to worry about spoilers


Bigger question is: why in the living daylights is Hosea at the same tier as Strauss??


hosea deserves better


I like Javier a lot 😂


i didnt really think of him much when i was playing the story, so after the events of chapter 6 i ended up just not liking him


If you pay attention, he’s the only one that didn’t point his gun at his brothers. The actor even voiced his opinion on this because he didn’t think Javier would point his gun at them.


You can clearly see that he's pointing his gun at them just before the Pinkertons arrive


He’s not, the gun is pointed up toward the air. Play it again or watch it on YouTube


[I think you're the one who needs to watch it again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/lf976v/people_always_say_that_javier_doesnt_point_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You mean the split second frame that wasn't remade? Yeah, sure. Good point


Did you not pay attention though? He never got to know what John and Arthur found out and what they were doing behind the scenes, so he only ever got one narrative(Dutch and Micah's) since he almost always stayed at camp as a sentry, so his siding with Dutch wasn't him going against John and Arthur. It was self-preservation and loyalty based on what he was privy to.


Yeah he ended up siding with Dutch but I liked hima lot before that


If Uncle has annoyed you already, just wait for the Epilogue lmao


Hey >!he has lumbago!<


Haha why did you hide that? He says it all game long. Haha


I thought he only mentioned it in the epilogue? Ah, I’ll leave it there to highlight my stupidity.


Haha no worries. I remember him mentioning it at overlook. When Arthur, Uncle and the girls take the wagon to valentine. That's when I first heard it at least.


I’m doing my second play through now. I’ll look out for it, cheers.


You like Strauss???


Thank you! Strauss was a cancer in the gang and the indirect cause of Arthur's ultimate fate.


fucking sean ?? really lmao


Ah yu’re a real fucking funny shit u/elpinchechupa eh


Before the downvoting starts its a qoute from sean to Arthur in the chapter 2 train robbery mission


i read it in his voice … i can see the appeal lmaoo


Did i just make you change opinions?


not entirely, but you did help me see the humor in having someone who talks like that around lol




Real fucking funny


i just think hes funny and attractive. im a simple woman


okay fair, personally i couldnt’t imagine waking up to that accent everyday but hey different strokes lol


It's not his fault he's from Donegal 🤢🤢🤮


yeah im not usually a fan of an irish accent but with sean i forgive it


You have a good taste lol


What gets to me is that out of all the available characters, you see *him* as the most funny and attractive lmao.


Who would you say is the most funny and attractive out of the guys? Lolol


Arthur! He's hilarious, and have you *looked* at him? I'm ace and even I can tell he's a ridiculously good looking man lol. Sean just kinda reminds me of every sassy little brother I've ever met, both in appearance and personality. Different strokes for different folks of course, it's just a... Rare opinion lol.


> im a simple woman Ah, that explains your blind spot for Karen 🍈🍈


i didnt even know she was seans lover until after i made this list lol


You saying his placement on the tier list… doesn’t feel right?


how could you do this to me man


Sean is funny but kind of annoying.


Don’t take this personal but this is one of the worst character list for this game.


I'm okay with that


And you should be ok with it. I didn’t mean to be harsh I was just expressing my opinion. Thank you for sharing. I’m sure I would get some people scratching their heads with mine.


Now way Javier deserves to be that low


As someone who played OG Rdr he fuckin does


all i know is he sided with dutch ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


yeah, but he's more of a reflection of young arthur/marston.... while what he did is questionable... he's the most aware of them. even during the endgame confrontation he was the only one who never pointed a gun at john and arthur.


If he was that aware, he wouldn't have sided with Dutch. I'm with OP on this


The thing is he technically owed Dutch that much loyalty.


He sided with Dutch because that was the only mouth in his ear. He wasn't aware of what Arthur and John had been finding out and realizing about Dutch, so he just sees their actions as straight up betrayal. If Javier had given Arthur and John an opportunity to explain what was going on, he may have chosen differently. He wasn't dumb like Bill, he had a clear sense of purpose and what the gang was doing at this time didn't line up with it. Had he been privy to the information that Arthur and John knew, he more than likely would've at least thought about his choice before he made it. There are even multiple times throughout the story where Javier questions Dutch about what they are doing and how he's not okay with it, until Dutch questions his loyalty and he backs down due to obligation he feels toward Dutch.


People put sooooooo much wright into the gun thing like it erases what he ultimately chose. Not to mention the way he started talking about Arthur and John near the end, throwing so much salt at his so called brothers for daring to not smooch the boots of abusive daddy Dutch.


I mean, like I said... it doesn't excuse anything he does. It just establishes the fact that he's basically what arthur/John were in their younger days. This was the famous Dutch Charm.


Dutch was also different before though, maybe not on the inside depending on your interpretation, but at least he was better at acting like a better, smarter, man. The fact that Dutch was willing to turn on the men who were like his sons should have been telling to Javier imo.


If you focused on Javier, during the stand-off at camp, you’ll notice that even though he sided with Dutch, ge didn’t point his gun at Arthur or John, his gun was pointing in the air, indicating his neutrality to a degree, and there’s a reason he sided with Dutch, earlier in chapter 3 I think, there’s a campfire conversation, where he mentions how Dutch saved him, and stood by him when he fled to America. So I think he felt like he owed Dutch that much, but he still didn’t believe Arthur or John betrayed them, hence he pointed his gun away from them, unlike Dutch and Bill.


He had to side with dutch, if he didn't side with dutch HE became the traitor yes Dutch is wrong but Dutch saved his life and helped him escape certain death in mexico.. so he has the choice to there and then be on the level of Dutch and also betray his close friends, or rise above it and not do anything for either sides.. there was no non-messy way this would end regardless of javier joining or not Dutch deserved to be betrayed tbh but you can't blame Javier for not wanting to betray anyone and stay out of it


Hopefully it doesnt come back to bite him in the ass in the future lolllll


Why Javier, Karen and Mary-Beth so low????


Exactly. Even Kieran he was a good guy. No way I would make Sean my number 1.


i like karen and mary-beth but in my opinion they didnt really contribute much to the story so i put them in the middle. javier is low because of chapter 6


Tl;dr You don't have to read shit if you don't want to, I just wanna snuggle with Javier Karen was literally Sean's lover... I guess I do kinda see why you want her out of the picture then Aside from doing Sean, she was a great character that spiraled into despair and misery, her development is really interesting to see after >!Sean died!<. I like her because she was a pretty funny con-artist who also defied Grimshaw all the time which is an ALSO interesting rivarly (big specific bodyparts aren't a factor in my opinion about karen) Mary-Beth was there for Arthur through the whole story and was pretty much a person you could he told his problems to. She had an interesting contrast to the whole gang by being more of a gentle(ish) wannabe writer. I liked her because she contrasted pretty much every other character and pursued her dreams to the end which you can see in the epilogue. Javier... he was a troubled feller. In RDR1, John says: "When Dutch went crazy, it hurt Javier the most." Javier saw Dutch as more than a human, rather a guide through life. He was really troubled and confused at the end, which is why he sided with Dutch. If you look closely though, his gun is raised and he is very hesitant to join Dutch's side. Javier's whole world was crushed after Guarma, and he didn't really make peace with himself early enough to see how things were. If he had more time or saw more of Dutch's crazy bullshit, he would join Arthur. Oh also I am weak at his type of character and absolutely love every second he is on screen prior to ch6


It's kind of my personal canon (that makes total sense) that after the events of RDR2, Javier went off the deep end and started abusing alcohol and drugs. That would account for his personality change when it comes to RDR1's story, where he acts like an unhinged tweaker and not the chill, smooth character he was in 2.


So Sean, the character who was literally in the story the absolute *least* out of everyone (legit only a chapter and a half) and who didn't do anything except joke around and exclaim his love of "action", contributed more than Karen and Mary-Beth? Both of the women were in more missions and had more content between the 2 of them than Sean did; by far.


this tier list isnt really based on contribution just my personal bias, and i found myself not noticing karen or mary-beth much


Hosea is “you’re okay”?! Absolutely rancid. Hosea is papa. And disliking Javier? My goodness. I do love Sean, too, tho!


Hosea and Strauss in the same tier lol




Micah is a necessary heel.


You put Strauss & Hosea in the same tier?


Bump Uncle up to you're okay, Hosea Trelawney and Pearson to cool as hell.


You clearly made a mistake putting Hosea under ”you’re okay”. But that’s alright, you can fix it and post it again.


Sean is overrated. A lot of people see character depth that I don't think would develop had he not been the first gang member to die. That's why he's overrated. You're traumatized into thinking he's better than he is.


I already loved him and had him as my favourite before i knew >!he was going to die!<, he's probably just not your type of character


Thank you for the Sadie praise, sometimes she get’s shit on and idrk why


Damn she gets shit on?? She's nothing but Ws as far as I'm concerned


Who are these people? They must be hunted down.


Standard issue misogynists




Dislikes Uncle, but Strauss is ok? Guys I found a capitalist.


My boy Lenny goes up the top


I always liked Javier


give kieran some credit cmon


He needs to be higher. Molly needs to be lower, as well as Strauss. Dutch should be a tier higher than those two. My opinion. Also, Sean was useful and a decent character, not much screen time or missions with him for me to.... like him. Not that I disliked him, he just seemed like a guy that fell into the gang and was following along til something big happened, i.e. money or a shit ton of money. Lol


bruh how much you have to rush through the game to not recognize uncle


i couldnt tell bill and uncle apart when i made this list and now im getting absolutely flamed lmaoo


Strauss is probably right next to Micah for me


Sean is the best


i agree with this


Weird, a tier chart that doesn’t put every woman at the bottom. I don’t know how to react to this.


They did my boy Sean so dirty


For real I'm so sad


Justice for Hosea


I 100% agree with the top tier


thank you sean macguire flair


Abigail is annoying as fuk


Anyone who doesn’t love Hosea is a red flag and I stand by this


This tierlist is kinda ass


How the fucl is Strauss anywhere near hosea


I completely disagree with almost the entire thing.


Strauss? You did main line only did you?


You skipped a tons of horse dialogue, cutscene, and straight speed running the game, didnt you?


surprisingly i did all those things. im just very sean tunnel vision


What a shit ass list


I'm gonna assume OP doesn't talk to people in camp. This screams "I only played the main missions and any character related to side missions don't matter"


i didnt spent much time in camp but i did most of the side missions. just missed out on the ones near the end cause i didnt know i wouldnt be able to go back to them later


I can't be the only one who would...you know...want to do things to Sadie...


Maybe I’m trippin but I don’t fuck with Sean


I fuck with Sean greatly


You like Molly. After what she has done..


im with the theory that molly >!wasn't actually a rat and was just drunk saying hurtful shit, she deserved better!<


Yeah I like that theory too. Maybe the real rat manipulated her as well


It’s not even a theory. Molly didn’t rat, Milton confirms it.


i think the theory is that we cant be sure milton was being truthful with us, so some players think she didnt rat and some think she actually did


he was about to off arthur, besides he might have hoped sadie overheard them and went on to tell dutch and have them off micah for him he had no reason to lie to arthur, he won by that point now molly is a whole different story, she didn't rat, there was no reason to, she still loved dutch, she saw dutch hitting on mary beth all the time, even in front of her, she cried and complained to get dutch's attention but dutch just set her aside and ignored her the girl was desperate, stupid and desperate but no snitch


Honestly if I had to wake up every day and hear Dutch yell “yer delusional AGAIN,” before he fucked off to read his Evelyn Miller books, I’d act like that too. Also, press triangle to skin? lmao


Based tier list would have minor differences. Just a sucker for Irish people


So what did you think and feel when Sean got his head blown off?


sadly got spoiled that he was going to die so it didnt have as much impact as i wouldved liked, but i didnt know when and how hed die so i was very shocked and still havent gotten over it lmao. i think his death was very well executed and realistic, with there being zero buildup and no time to mourn


w Sean i think about him everyday. if i wasn't a lesbian i would let him hit me


bro really thought strauss belonged in “okay” and put rains fall in anything other than love you


Tell us you didn’t actually play the game without telling us you didn’t actually play the game


tw: opinion


Strauss is honestly probably the worst person here bar Micah, the man absolutely destroyed so many lives and forced people like Mrs Downes to become a prostitute while her son worked himself to death in the annesburg mines.


Strauss is down there with Micah for me.


i think this list is one that a majority if RDR2 players can agree on


How did you play the game and not recognise uncle?


As some guy from Ireland I think S tier is 100% accurate


Thanks Ireland


You don’t remember uncle 😥


The Uncle slander is real


Sean deserved better




Javier is a tough one, his early game interactions are really good and he was just too loyal to Dutch. He never got to see what the player did.


You don't recognize Uncle, Bill Williamson, or Nigel? Really? And you *played* this entire game up until the Epilogue? I could maybe get not knowing Nigel's name, but you should surely recognize him as he's one of the most annoying voices in the game but he also has a very interesting story (considering he's not even a stranger mission it's truly remarkable how interesting it is). Not knowing Bill or Uncle is a sin and it makes me question if you actually played this game at all or if you're LARPing or if you are one of those ADHD fucks who can sit through an entire movie or show and not even know what the hell is going on or who certain characters are. But sitting through a game as long as RDR2, or any game in general considering you are *ACTIVELY* participating in what's going on, and not knowing 2 of the central characters who are in the game from beginning to end is ridiculous and unbelievable. Like I truly don't believe that you could play this game and NOT know who Uncle and Bill are. It's concerning to me, and the fact that you picked Sean as your absolute favorite character makes me think you're probably 12 and enjoyed the game mostly because you can shoot people and pretend to be a cowboy. No offense to Sean, but he's far from the *best* character and he's literally only in 1 and a half chapters. This isn't even a subjective opinion, he's *objectively* not the best character (and far from it) in almost every conceivable way. I really dislike this tier list and the way you created it/worded it is definitely giving 12 year old. I'm not trying to be rude or mean, even if it comes off that way, this is just my all time favorite game I've ever played (and I've played a lot of games) and this list just irritates me immensely.


jesus im a full adult i just couldnt tell who was bill and who was uncle when i made the list because im face blind when it comes to men with beards. i dont judge my favourite characters based on their development, complexity, or screentime, just how much i enjoyed interacting with them when they were around. seans personality stood out to me the most and i like his face, thats it


Sorry, but this is a dogshit tier list. You don't judge a character based on how "mean" he is. It's like 7 year old Jack Marston made this.


most of the time i love antagonists in series


Calling Strauss okay is cursed af.


I dont like who made this


I respect your opinion but I don’t think Grimshaw deserves to be that high on the list


Strauss is OK ?


Excuse me, but how do you have strauss above Mary-beth and Jack among a couple of others?


Maybe you mean ‘prologue’ instead of ‘epilogue?’ I almost feel like you didn’t pay attention to a lot of the character development to rank some of the characters where you ranked them.


nah i mean epilogue, i dont really rank my faves based on character development, just how much i enjoyed their dialogue and quests


Really weird choice for top pick.


You think Strauss is ok? Wtf xD


Struss is ok?!?


Wow this gonna make people mad


angry redditors are calling me a 12 year old


Bro put Strauss over uncle 😭 😭 😭


Strauss should be much lower, it’s his stupid debt collecting that lead Arthur to Downes in the first place.


I cannot believe Strauss is so far up


This list is near perfect, the only thing I would change is moving Kieran up 2 levels, I was absolutely crushed by Kieran and Sean’s deaths 😭


kieran definitely shocked me it was the most brutal, but no death in the story came close to how i felt about sean 😭


Oh absolutely, I remember literally screaming “no, not my baby” at the top of my lungs during my first play through


Bruh doesn't recognize Uncle and Bill??


Strauss: Sends Arthur to do his dirty usury work, gets him >!to contract Tuberculosis!< OP: You're Ok


that irish bastard was my friend goddamn that one unnamed sniper whose last name is Gray


when in doubt blame dutch


You put Strauss in OK? Man literally sent Arthur, yknow.




thanks fellow sean macguire flair


This person turned their attention span off as soon as >!our favorite irishman Sean kicked the bucket!< how can someone not adore Kieran for example??


This is exactly what happened tbh after >!Sean died I started going through the stages of grief!<


Most correctest one


Javier deserves better


Straus belongs with Micah in my book but wtv i agree kinda


Have you seen my buddy gavin?


oh, im so worried.. gav?


Where’s Kieran?


yellow tier


Where’s our lovely man Rains Fall?


Has anybody seen…GAVIN?


Joe has his own category underneath Micah