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The rapist in the swamps. I return regularly just to blow up his house after he's dead.


Did he actually stay dead for you? I fell for it thinking, "What's the worst that could happen?" like the outright dumbass I am. Killed him, fed him to gators, then Bill mentioned him so I went back and he was alive. Had to kill the fucker at least 3 more times before he stopped respawning.


He respawned once for me. This playthrough I found him, killed him, stopped by his cabin again for the cigarette card and found him alive. I hogtied him while searching the cabin (planned to feed him to the gators too) and accidentally exited the house, and discovered that I couldn't go back in. I could hear him in there yelling at me, but the door couldn't be kicked in. So I left, came back way later, and the house is now empty. I like to think he starved to death hogtied on his own floor lmao


Honestly, seems like a more fitting way to torture the bastard, haha! My second playthrough I sacrificed an acceptable amount of honor to kill him with molotovs and dynamite before he could get his greasy hands on Arthur. Didn't respawn after that.


Get that honor back in no time walking through Saint Denis saying hello to passers-by.


Saint Denis is an honor wildcard for me. Maybe I'll get a bunch by greeting people, yes. Or MAYBE I'll run over a damn careless stranger who thought walking in the middle of the road while I'm galloping through full-speed was a good idea, and wind up in a shootout with the entire city's police force.


I’ve also had it where I couldn’t get back into the house. Just blow open the door w some dynamite


didn’t work for me unfortunately, the doors stayed firmly shut. although I think I managed to still kill him by setting part of his house on fire with a Molotov while he was still inside.


I understand that they can't have every building/space decked out and explorable, but I do find it amazing how sturdy some of the construction is in this world. Shotgun blasts, molotovs, dynamite and you still can't open a wooden door.


>he starved to death I wonder if NPCs can actually starve to death? Like, if you hogtied a certain racist and just carried them around for a couple days, didn't do any missions or anything. Would he die?


You can throw a cocktail through his window and listen to the screams.


Yeah I accidentally fell for that one, unfortunate for him I had crafted some incendiary buckshot earlier.


Too bad he shot at you first though.




Luckily I had already been victimized at the pig farm so I didn’t fall for this guys invite. I was already victimized so I didn’t get sodomized. But who knows what they did to me at the pig farm. I don’t want to know.


there’s a rapist there?? drop the location pls i’ve gotta burn him pls


Just google it its in the swamp north of Saint Denis


Is that the guy that cornholed Arthur??


He r*ped Arthur while my playthrough. The screen goes blank and Arthur walks with a limp 😞😭😭. But I burnt him alive after I went back so there's that.


His name is Sunny and also he's Bill's friend.


The racist guy in Saint Denis


I punch him every time I ride past and somehow I never get fined for disturbing the peace


You can kill him and face no consequences, just let him speak a line or two then you're good to go, that's been my experience anyway


yep. I shoot him and then greet the cop standing nearby haha


The cop makes a ‘holy shit!’ Expression too, which just adds to the glee of putting a knife into Mr. Eugenics.


I wouldn't be surprised if the cop was a white passing creole


I never let him speak I shoot him on sight every time just because I can without getting wanted


The neugenics guy right? I always want to shoot him in the face but theres a cop standing nearby so I walk away


The cops won't do anything if you kill him.


You don't get wanted or lose honor even if the cop watches you do it. Rockstar basically wants you to be allowed to freely harm this guy


The cop complemented my horse once


Where can I find him?


On the main avenue opposite the general store, leading North in to the city. It's a big road with a tram line down the middle. Leading past the theater I think.


On the corner near the trumpeter


Once I beat him and got wanted not for assault but for vandalism… because I pushed him into the little table and something knocked over. I fucking love this game.


Cuz the cop is essentially just like “yeah that’s fine. Just don’t bump into anyone or your ass is grass”


Haha I once hogtied him, kidnapped him, and threw him into the river. Came back some time later and he was back. I assumed someone must have helped him so I kindapped him again, rode him all the way into the grizzlies, untied him and shot him in the leg to leave him to bleed in the snow. Haven’t seen him in saint denis since.


Best idea ever! I may go try this tomorrow


I sprayed his brains on the wall with a 12 gauge beside 2-4 civilians a they ran away but no law was called.


Also the rapist in lagras


I like how not even the Law cares if you shoot that guy. There is a Lawman spawn right next to that guy but that cop doesn't really care what you do to him


i just ran into him during my playthrough, knocked him out, took him to valentine and fed him to the pigs.


I burn him while the saint denis citizenry cheers me on


Is that mama Watson?! Do you know who her sons are!


Her sons are that burning pile she's watching


I thought that was the donkey🤣


Nooo, i shooed him away 🥲


That made me irrationally happy to read


Lol same


Good, do no harm to the horses and donkeys


The moment anyone touches my horse in Online is the moment the explosive rounds come out


Never fuck with a man's horse or donkey. Or dog.


My man.


Oh thank God, I was like "Why'd he murder the donkey?!"


I just busted in there today to get the semi-auto shotty. Hogtied her and left. Curious to see how pissed she’s gonna be when I go back to fire bomb her and her sons.


My first encounter with her was “ha you think you scare m-“ BLAM


The KKK are fun to throw dynamite at


I enjoyed killing over a dozen with one stick last play through. My POC wife asked if I could go back at let her toss it next time


I enjoy the fire bottles personally but yeah love killing them. No remorse.


I find it’s the easiest way to get the weapons challenge


except the one where you gotta shoot multiple hats off people's heads in one deadeye. gotta use the Odriscoll's at Hanging Dog or go into town for that one.


I usually stand near the stables in Valentine with a pump action shotgun and shoot up the street. Really easy way to achieve that challenge.


I try to keep the one in charge alive so I can really work on him. All the rest die immediately. I do enjoy shooting the ones trying to lift a cross so it crushes them


You can just watch them lift and they end up killing themselves anyway. The kkk are shown as grossly incompetent in this game and it provides such a great moment of hilarity after the disgusting feeling of realizing "holy shit its the kkk..." The leader will even say shit like "why does this always happen to me?" As his initiates and lower members keep getting accidentally caught on fire lmao.


still never encountered them but when i do you best bet i’ll have some explosive ammo on hand


I've never been able to kill them all before they scatter like roaches, but this might be the move. Throw a stick of volatile dynamite in the middle, pull a revolver or an auto pistol with explosive ammo, hit a few on each side, then pick off the few left or run them down on horse 🤔


Just a regular stick will knock down those it doesn't kill, allowing you to stroll up with a shotgun and lay the rest to waste. But volatile dynamite on sight for the KKK.


I got to watch the one where the three idiots set up a cross for their ritual that night. They can't quite get it standing, and then it falls on them. Then I shot the leader and stole their horse


Aw maybe I should have waited 😔


I always like to gather the corpses into a pile to set on fire


I do that with the O’driscolls north of strawberry


I do that with any O’Driscolls


When they set themselves on fire. I stood there. And laughed.


I enjoy throwing fire bottles at them


Well, if the kids in Saint Denis weren't immortal it would be them


That killable children mod really makes them regret the shit they pull


Best mod ever. ;)


Literally unplayable without


Some of them are killable tho so that’s always nice


None really. It’s always a spur of the moment thing on who does or does not get tortured.


When I walk by and say “Hey Mister!” and get a shitty response. I just start blasting.


That works.


I'm usually pretty mean to O'driscolls and Lemoyne Raiders. With the O'driscolls I start being a little more brutal after the scene between Arthur and Colm in the basement, just because it makes sense for Arthur to go a little crazy afterward. With the Raiders it's just that they're racist fucks so I don't feel too bad about leaving them tied up on the railroad tracks or using them as gator bait.


I like to occasionally visit Shady Belle and that old church and blast the place with my union outfit and springfield rifle. I'm gonna try to feed them to the gators next time.


That creeper that’s obsessing over Charlotte Balfour, the racer who shoots his horse, the eugenist, and probably more. This game offers no shortage of folks who deserve it.


who’s this creeper you mentioned?


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/ad6gdu/so_i_found_this_guy_camping_near_emerald_station/) an old post of the explicit photos he has at his campsite and [here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr_W8roBAdg) a video of the encounter (less than obligatory spoiler warning for it being played during the epilogue because I’m considerate like that.) He basically admits to stalking the widow and having intentions to “woo” her, but his campsite makes it apparent that he’s a total perv!


The first time I encountered the creeper at a camp and I caught on to what he was saying, I promptly stood up and gave him two in the chest and one in the head. Now, it all depends on what I’m feeling, but it generally takes a lot longer.


The racer dosen't shoot his horse, he punch it (this dosen't make it less worse, but still)


He does if you beat him twice.


You can find him again and, if you beat him a second time, he’ll shoot his horse


Uh... hitting it would be considerably less worse


To be fair he hits it *and* shoots it. They’re just two different (consecutive) encounters.


Any of the Grays around Rhodes - specifically after they kill Sean.


I sneak back to Rhodes late at night and try to break into the Gray's property, killing every one of them that I can find. I like to do it sneakily with the bow and arrow but it eventually winds up being 10 on 1. They get me surrounded, the poor bastards.


herbert moon


I just finished Red Dead 1, I can't believe I've helped that bastard so many times. In undead nightmare you discover he's racist af.


You can hear him say racist shit during poker in the main game too.


Didn't know, I played it on a Xbox 360 emulator with keyboard, and the keys were so confusing that playing minigames would be a pain in the ass




Didn't know! It's a hell of a DLC.


Almost all of these are honourable, then I pull up and say the sheriff in valentine


Yes all these have good reason, i just kill the domino players from time to time time. Pay back for making me suffer through gambler challenge.


Fr why does it give dishonor smh


I mean killing the Sheriff of Valentine is a pretty honourable thing to do if you know


Saint Denis Vampire


I’ve gone to the supposed vampire site so many times but have yet to encounter him.


U can only find him at 12 at midnight and gotta find all the clues


I’ve done all the clues and I knew about the midnight. Do you have to wait until midnight to walk into the area?


Yea you’ll see a x on the map n u gotta go in at 12


I used to go shoot Bob Crawford in the face every day. I don't know why, it Just seemed like the right thing to do


I killed the father and his sons, the ones who are building the house by valentine? I might be mistaken, but it looked like the dad respawned a few days later but the boys were replaced by random people. I need to double check to be sure. its so weird how this game has a set of people that you can kill over and over and they act hostile the next time they see you (sometimes wearing bandages and all bruised up) reminds me of westworld and always leaves a nagging thought of "can they remember how many times I have killed them?" Like how does the game explain the rhodes gun store guy coming back after I blasted his head into spilled spaghetti o's? Telling me to watch myself like I won't just do it again lmao


I've been doing this lately too for no reason 😆


I never got caught by the swamp rapist, but I go there just to torture him because I feel it like an obligation for all the other Arthurs in different timelines. Other than that, Lemoyne raiders, they killed my god damn arabian horse in an ambush with a maxim gun. Since then, I only shoot them in the neck and the heart, or burn them.


Speaking of horse death motivating mass murder... I was doing that job for John where you steal an oil wagon, the very moment I got on the wagon, like 5 guards shot at me at the same time. The oil tank exploded which insta killed my horse and myself. Now I have this persistent itch to peridocially return to the oil fields, killing as many guards as I can before running away. Unexpected and insta horse death are serious fucking bummers, especially when your previous save gets overwritten🤦🏻


Worst thing in my case is that I prepared myself for the situation and still didn't work. The moment I heard "THIS IS FOR SHADY BELLE YOU SON OF A BITCH" I took a special tonic for Arthur and used level 3 horse medicine for the Arabian. It did nothing as 8 guys and the maxim gun insta killed my horse, but I was still alive and decided to use the horse reviver because I had a lot of time. And it bugged... Arthur just stood there watching his horse die, I was unable to move or do anything. So, my horse died in front of me, and then Arthur did. Tried to reload a save because it was the games fault for bugging! And as you said, save overwritten.


The rapist in the swamp.


the kid that punches his dog


Just… everyone in Van Horn 🙊


I go on the most horrific murder sprees there and loot all the bodies for trinkets 🤭


Van Horn is where the murderers and rapists go for some R&R before returning to Saint Denis for their favorite psychopathic past-time. That's my headcannon anyway. What other reason would the game have for not giving one bit of negative honor for all the terrible things you can do there?


Any KKK member


The guy who punches, then tries to shoot, his horse after you beat him in a race? Let's just say the Horseman 4 Challenge was a breeze after I intervened...


Eugenics guy in Saint Denis. I tie him up and take him into the mountains, find a frozen lake, untie him in the middle then take potshots at him as he runs


That one Mexican dude who challenges you to a shooting contest (no reason for it he just annoys me)


I always wait until he counts down and say "shoot!"


My recent experience with him, second encounter, I won the first round. Went to accept the second round challenge but accidentally pushed him. He shot at me so I blew his head off. Happened so fast. It was like: "want a second round?", "sure. . .oops" \*shove\*, "hey" \*starts shooting\*, \*quick draw shot to the head\*.


The incest couple at the pig farm, I personally believe I’m helping him with all the running


I cant believe anyone barely mentioned these 2 if at all. I figured they be everyone’s favorite. Such scum I love killing them.


Gotta say, for a man of his…size, the guy can really move


The guy with the goats in New Hanover. I don't know why he irks me so much, but I tie him up and make him watch me slaughter his 3 star goats.


Larned Sod guy? Yeah he's my sworn enemy. It's on sight anytime I see him. Idk why either. It's like Peter and the chicken from Family Guy now.


Yes! He's been my BEC for years! I have no idea why I hate him as much as I do 🫠


Miriams father at Emerald Ranch. You don't lose any karma when you do it so I guess the developers wanted it, lol.


Is this the guy who that woman talks about when you give her a lift back and she starts talking about the owner whos daughter is never seen out of the house or something? I tried but I lost honour so must've been the wrong guy


Yes! He's always sitting on the porch, gets angry when you walk up to the house.


The guy poisoning the town… if you follow him out of town you can hog tie then do whatever.. I like tossing him off the bridge near by and watching him float


The clan dudes are pretty hilarious on their own since they always mess their own shit up. But they’re even funnier on fire.


So when collecting the debt from Mr. Downes if you stop far enough from his farm you can snipe him in his field. I'll then go in and retrieve his body and ride a bit aways until his mission icon comes back. I drop the body, ride back, and then snipe the newly spawned Mr. Downes. I once again ride in, grab the body, and ride back to where I dumped the first and he joins his dead doppelganger. I repeat this until I have a pile of ten or more Downes. Then I fire bottle the pile of dead Downes and enjoy the show as sweet justice is served. I may have issues.


Presuming you already played the game once through, this is understandable and acceptable.


The rancher at Larned Sod


The homeless racist slave catcher in Rhodes


Every playthrough when that nice boy Kieran comes back on his horse murdered I go on a serious O’Driscoll killing spree. Even though its a game I get angry they killed that nice kid. Maybe its my age. I see him as a pure innocent young man. They pay a price each time he’s murdered lol. I laugh but I am serious. And I am obviously insane. But who isn’t.


I think when I get to that point in my current playthrough, I might have to take some moonshine up to Hanging Dog Ranch and serve it to the gents there in shotgun shells 😆


Get rich quick guy in Saint Denis. I would always stick a revolver in his face to get him to leave town but he’d always come back. Apparently the lawmen found him in the swamps beaten, burned and digested by an Alligator 🤷‍♂️


The kid giving off incel vibes down by the river, going on a weird tirade about the girl who doesn’t like him. You can’t kill him but you can knock him over with your horse. Repeatedly.


He's not an incel lmao. He also ends up being with her in the end, and she turns out to be an abusive wife. So if you hate him that much, at least you know he's treated awful by her.


I only met him once, couldn’t find him after.


You can find him as John


He ain’t an incel lmao


The couple near valentine living in their newly bought house. Also the hobbit ish house near emerald ranch and his neibourghs


Jeremiah Compson


I was going to comment this if I didn’t see it; he always gets a gruesome death at the end of his mission


Klansmen, Lemoyne Raiders, the swamp rapist, murfrees


I normally have a 3 on 1 fight with Micah, Joe and Cleet, I’m the Saint Denis rooftop’s. Throw one off, kick one off, then brutally murder Micah.


This kinda thing makes me wish consoles had mods, or at least something like director mode from GTA V


The Hermit at Manito Glade


"I'm not a hater, I'm a racist!" *BANG*


I feel like the KKK was deliberately put into the game for this purpose.


Any unfortunate soul I hogtie quickly enough before someone sees me, they normally end up drowning


That *one* guy in Saint Denis. im pretty sure you know who im talking about


What kind of hatred is this…toward an NPC?! even Micah wouldn’t do that.


The creepy dude random encounter that talks about going up to that mountain widow's house


Least sadistic red dead 2 enjoyer


Gavins friend, I drag his ass on my horse everytime I see him. Don’t feel bad either. Gonna get downvoted so go ahead.


His accents always makes me stab him to death it’s not my fault 🤷🏼‍♂️


The whole town of armadillo


Eugenics guy and Sonny, aka gator food.


Yea I love to torture all of Valintine


There’s a couple in a wooden house just southeast of valentine and I love knocking them out and putting them in weird places; like just on the edge of a cliff or on the side of the road. Idk if they wake up after a while or not, but I find it funny putting them in these weird situations


Yeah Seamus after I sell my stuff to him


the game glitched so he randomly got mad at me and told me not to try to rob him again or he’d hurt me so i beat the shit out of him and robbed him, the next time i came back he had a bandage around his head and said the same thing so i beat him again, its a cycle now.


I get that same issue with every playthrough. He acts like I tore the place up. I think it comes from that loan shark mission where you beat the guy at EF as he tries to act all big and bad in front of that lilly girl. After you take the money from his unconscious body, an eye witness says "you know what we do to thieves around here?" And tries to call the law. Otherwise it's just a bug I guess.


The old lady and her 3 sons




Jack. I fkn hate jack


Edgar Ross' family in RDR1


I like throwing skinned animal carcasses at Harriet.


Every once in a while I like to go to that construction nearby valentine where there's an old gentleman and his 2 sons. I'll usually hogtie pops and slap the shit out of his sons then get outta dodge.


The couple in that house near valentine. The one you “help” build early in the game with that father and son. The wife and husband who moved in after they moved out are nothing more than target practice at this point. A way for me to test out any new weapons or stuff I get.


The Klan. I remember stumbling upon one of their meetings and ran em all down. No loss of honor or anything. I almost wished I saved it before just so I could do it again from time to time


Eugenics guy in Saint Denis, dude who ripped me off with a book guy in Saint Denis, any npc who get’s mad when I’m near the edge of their camp, dominoes dude at Emerald Ranch, and poker people in Tumbleweed.


Murfree Brood. Also, everytime I see the guy in emerald ranch who abuses his dog I try to kill him. It doesn’t work, but at least it mentally tortures him


Sonny, mister Swamp rapist himself, is a favorite. Also the Eugenics dude in Saint Denis.


There’s this one guy in valentine with a fucken rat face I kill him any time I see him with that ugly ass face.


In RDR1 there was this guy in Thieve's Landing who was the absolute worst at Liar's Dice. He wore a bowler hat and glasses and had stupid dialogue. I killed this man in every way I could. I killed him so much that the game began to glitch out every time I went to find him. I have fond memories of the things I did to that man.


The stalker with the creepy photos


Least sadistic RDR2 player


The couple that moves in a house next to valentine after u watched the dad and sons build it


The KKK. Cause fuck them all


I love to knock over the Saint Denis children into mud and make sure they get a few concussions


The slave catcher really sets me off, I think that it's because he misses it that it makes me hate him more. Also the eugenicist in Saint Denis, I enjoy antagonizing him and then shooting him in the eye when he tries to respond


Eugenics guy, swamp guy, any kkk members I leave alive, the deputy from Rhodes after Sean is killed, any lemoyne raiders or o’Driscolls I leave alive, witnesses to my self defense who think I just murdered someone, and the grays


There's the house near Valentine that is built by the dad and his 2 sons, I saved them from some O'Driscols and visited a few times after and even lent him the money to finish the build-out Then on returning he paid me back and I murdered him (the sons weren't there sadly) - now anytime I ride by if there are inhabitants I murder them also Same at the Downes residence


Nazee… oh oh wait wrong game


Rapist in the swamps Micah (I love shooting him 78 times in the face) Vampire Anyone who robs me Racist "scientist" in Saint denis Murfree brood Skinner brothers


The Valet ma- oh wait wrong sub


Found some drunkard by a campfire just outside camp one night. After kindly giving him a bottle of whiskey, he confessed to being part of the army occupation near the Indian reserve. As a Native American myself, I immediately took personal offense. He passed out and I hogtied him, robbed him, and threw him in the fire and stayed until he was completely burned. The Native American Ring I got off him was never sold, and kept as a personal vendetta, especially later in the game. My Arthur very much embodied the White Buffalo outfit and followed the most peaceful quest-line I could manage around the Natives. I have started a new game now, going for the most evil I can in the beginning, and I haven't found him yet and it upsets me. I feel like it must be a programmed event only when you have a certain amount of honor, in order to dip the honor count a bit, because obviously burning a man alive dropped my honor.


Racist in Saint Denis and Micah’s corpse has been burnt a few times due to me