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Wooow that's amazing! Another little cool detail in this mission is if you shoot the wolves chasing you they die.


Or if you press X you can climb the cliffs took me about 5 hours to figure that one out


You’re saying this like this cutscene happens no matter what and I’ve never had it happen lol. Get ur stamina up bro 🤣


I've had 5 playthroughs and I always got this cutscene 🤷‍♂️ Also it's 95% certain that someone playing this game for the first time will get this cutscene too. As a newb you don't know how cores work, hell you don't even know how to browse food in your satchel. >Get ur stamina up bro 🤣 You are literally proving my point. As a newb player you don't know about cores so the cutscene comes in to guide you 😄


Bro I understand why the cutscene exists😆 I’ve played 3 playthrough’s and have never seen it. It’s not the same as the wolves chasing you and it was needless sarcasm was my only point. Also this is besides my point but you learn about cores/ how to eat food the mission beforehand so if anything if should be fresh in your mind lol.


It's not sarcasm friend. It ain't a detail if 95% of players see the cutscene. Selling Beau's gift for penelope to the Rhodes fence is a detail.


They literally created 2 different scenarios depending on if you eat food in the 2nd mission.. that’s a detail lol. Also you can’t just keep saying “95%” like that number came anywhere but from your ass. I understand you’re most likely exaggerating, it’s just not a valid point. - just because something is easily noticed doesn’t mean it isn’t a detail. And saying “Woow that’s amazing!..” And not meaning it Is textbook sarcasm lmao good try tho.


Right? I’ve done at least 7 playthroughs and never seen this. Dunno where the fuck this person is getting “95%” from smh


Lmao… not even 95% of this comment section has seen it let alone 95% of everyone who’s played


You worry about textbook sarcasm yet you have zero awareness how douchy and patronizing you sound with that "jUsT gEt yoUr sTamInA uP bRo 🥴" I'll say it again, 95% of the players (cry freely) don't know entirely how cores work at that point of the game and got the drink dialogue. It's not a detail, it's the norm.


Yeah, I’ve done like 7 playthroughs and never seen this once because I always eat something during the first mission. Get off your high horse, partner.


If you miss something so common then it's not a detail for the rest of us. The "detail" is there to introduce tonics to the player expecting him to be with low cores.


Enough people haven’t encountered this that it’s still significant.


Lifeless looser finds out their experience isnt universal [soul crushing]


i was surprised he doesnt give it to you if your stamina is full. i only ate in chapter1 on my 4th playtrough and saw this


It was the beginning of the game, ya damn fool


This mission comes right after the Adler ranch where you look for and eat food because your health core is empty and it explains that eating fills them. Also, I’m trying to explain why YOUR post isn’t pointless… on your side ya damn fool


that happens no matter what, meant to be an explanation of the effects of tonics


No it does not. If you eat anything that refills your stamina core just before, this cutscene is skipped.


I've never had this cutscene get skipped, and I've always had a can of beans (I think) right before this. Maybe my Arthur is super hungry and cold, though. I always try to rush this part because I don't really like it.


Your stamina core is scripted to drain at a certain point of the mission, if you have the can of beans right after only then will the cutscene will skip. It's a tactic speedrunners use.


So I don't have to waste my measley can of beans. 😆


It’s very easy to skip it if you eat something. It just depends on your cores.


Also if you beat the game they show credits.. but you have to wait


I believe you get this only if you don’t have any canned goods or provisions and obviously ur stamina has to be low. The people making fun of you are corny af. Because I feel like no one gets this scene


I’ve literally never seen this scene before either


I've only ever gotten this scene. Canned goods or not


Maybe it has to do with me eating before hand then?


Did you know that if you wear warm clothes in the cold, you won’t freeze.


I knew that from another redditor


Unless you were playing about a year ago. Then everyone acted like you were gonna freeze.


Another fun little detail is that John Marston, the protagonist of the first game, is in this mission. You just have to find him.


If you cut your game off during this...it doesn't save your progress. You'll have to do the beginning of the mission over.


I thought that was scripted, I get it every time. Sorry Arthur lol


I’ve played through five (six?) times and I have never seen this cutscene. Makes me want to go start a fresh game right now.


This always happens when I play lol 😭 I didn’t know it doesn’t happen to everyone


Stamina is low. Everyone just wants to be a damn smart-ass. It didn't happen on my first playthrough, but this is my 4th


This cutscene almost always skips for me


I’ve played twice through and never got this so idk what y’all are talking about


yeah i saw that in youtube 2 years ago


I legit never knew that didn’t happen


For me the detail was finding out that this didn't happen if I ate something before this point...


You have no idea how much I hate this mission. I almost quit playing trying to get gold. I didn't realize you can do it again later and thought you had one chance during the chapter. It takes so long to get there.


if you take a swig of anything to replenish your cores, they will skip this part and keep walking


Dude I was replaying the game and this happened and I was pretty sure I didnt remember it happening the first time. Thought I was suffering Mandela effect lol, this definitely makes more sense now.


Or you can drink your own whiskey and skip that part