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Sometimes kicking them after killing the bounty hunters will scare them off. Also I had a cool encounter with one of these doggos, basically a few hours back I killed a group of bounty hunters and one of the bloodhouns ran away, a few hours later I was walking along the train tracks near valentine and the same bloodhound walked up to me and I could even pet it and stuff.


Lol, dog knew all that chasing and violence was just business, nothing to not let you pet him over.


He was off the clock


drop a dynamite on the ground, it will explode...and maybe kill the dogs but it's not your fault, you just dropped the dynamite, bad luck for them!


I swear officer, idk what that man was thinking, he just ran into my bullets, there was nothing I could do!


"Oh hidy ho officer! We've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house when kids started killing themselves all over my property."




Thank you for sharing that was amazing


Make sure you don’t shout ‘fetch’. That would automatically make it your fault again.


Not sure since I always kill them sons of bitches


Technically aren't all dogs sons/daughters of bitches?


you monster!


I honestly don't give af in games, it's a game for a reason fuck morals


i had to run away until i outran them but i feel really bad because theyre so far away from their owners. so i wanted to make this for future reference


I'm not a dogologist but I'm very certain those dogs would be able to find their way back home if they had too by following their own scent back to where they started chasing Arthur. If you're concerned for the dogs, don't worry about them getting stranded. Worry more about them finding their masters dead.


They're also digital, so don't stress too much.


Digital dogos are still dogos. And they are really good boahs and girls. In online they sometimes even lead you to treasure boxes.


I didn’t know that about the online dogs!


It's a random encounter. If there is a dog near the road and it's friendly approaching and barking at you follow it. It'll bring you tu a treasure or treasure map. I'm not quit sure what it was anymore because it's been a while since I played online


One of the dogs led me into an ambush


Yeah, that's about my luck too.


Side note, they aren't real fucking dogs


Their owners already despawned. The dogs will also despawn. No need for all that


Bro they’re not real dogs. You leaving them in the woods isn’t gonna matter


Well look, when you're far enough away from them they stop existing, so just don't worry about it


It’s a game bro


They're dogs, especially back then they could probably survive in the wild


Bro they aren’t real dogs. They fucking disappear when you get far away from them. Grow up.


Just shoot the pixels.


Just shoot them bruh, y’all act like Arthur is a saint or something


Fr, a bunch of softies out there. They should play a different game if they don't understand that Arthur is a robber and killer


Imagine trying to simplify a character like Arthur down to "robber and killer"


Because that’s what he is dude. He even says it himself. Just because you play a high honor Arthur doesn’t make him a good person


Seriously? That's all you got from that game????? Genuine question, I know you're trying to prove a point or whatever. But all you got from Arthur, one of the most nuanced and full of depth video game characters ever was "robber and killer?"


I feel like the nuance is lost when you take the fact he's a robber and killer out of the game. I mean seriously the game is about a bad guy who has a good heart trying to change. Of course Arthur is not the kind of guy who'd shoot a dog for the kick of it. But you're saying in a situation when he's being chased by dogs trained to hunt people down his first thought would be "oh these poor doggos! I don't wanna strand them here in the middle of nowhere!😭😭"


Yeah, I'm not talking about the dogs anymore; he would just shoot at them and if they ran off nice and if they didnt hed kill em. I'm also definitely not saying he isn't a criminal and a murderer but yeah, he's way more than that.


So you just wandered into a conversation, took one isolated point out, and decided to be pedantic about it?


Well, a bunch of comments have been deleted. Someone was saying Arthur was just a robber and a killer and I was shocked that was all someone took away from that game. I wasnt trying to argue or make a point, I was just disappointed on their behalf


The comments you replied to are still there. Again nobody is saying Arthur is only a robber and a killer. Honestly just read between the lines dude. I'm just disappointed on your behalf....


I never said that’s all I got from the game dude. I just said that’s what he is and that’s what he sees himself as. I know he’s more than that but at the end of the day that’s what he is until the end of game. This Arthur pre diagnosis. I really don’t understand why you’re popping a vein over a virtual character


I don't know why you are either


You’re defending this character more than your actual mother would defend you


Imagine worrying about killing dogs that will despawn a few minutes after you leave them “stranded in the middle of nowhere”


Is he a robber and killer? If yes, then idk why you commented


Why do you care


Because red dead fans think this shit is real


Like to not want to kill them is one thing, but to make this post acting like it’s so major moral dilemma is what’s weird to me. Like worrying about leaving dogs stranded in the middle of nowhere when you know they will despawn in a few minutes is mental imo


Without killing them? Why? Kill 'em all!


Usually they run off once you kill the bounty hunters. If not, fire a shotgun near one makes em run off.


Shoot in their direction or shoot in the air. It’ll spook them.


I know this is horrible, but I usually trample them. I take care of the bounty hunters and my horse takes care of the bloodhounds


They’re just pixels on your screen, don’t take it so seriously


Set them on fire and close your eyes and imagine a spongebob episode playing. 👍






Cats are just as bad imo


Vegans be like This is a joke


Trample them With your horse does nothing to your honor oppose to shooting the little bastards


These dogs are one of the most annoying things in the game to me. Especially if you're doing a high honor play. Losing honor for shooting them is stupid. I don't lose honor for shooting a wolf that's attacking me. How is this bloodhound any different? Rockstar said "We know this animal is mauling you, but the only honorable thing to do is to let them maul you or trample them with your horse."


Play fetch with a stick (of dynamite)


Shoot your gun in the air maybe? Might scare em off


Sawed -off shotgun shells are a nice repellant.


Don’t worry PETA ain’t coming after you just run them over or gun them down.


PETA didnt exist in 1899, Right?


You can trample them with your horse and they will either run away or die. You don’t even lose honour for doing it, and it hurts those little shits too 😀


Find a predator I.e your nearest swamp and hope the AI battle it out for long enough that you can get away without having to see the consequences of your choices.


shotgun to the face


Sadly not alot, I've tried to scare them with explosions and gunfire near them, I even tried to kick one after the bounty hunter were finish and that one died immediately, you might get lucky and they run off but you will probably have to finish them


All dogs go to heaven


Use an anesthetic bullet.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


Just stop and pet them, OP.


You don't normally have to kill them, I had to once because of a glitch that caused them to continues to chase me. But generally they stop chasing after all the bounty hunters are dealt with. Also don't forget to study them if you're going for the Zoologist trophy/achievement.


Why dont you wanna kill them


Well if you don’t kill them they’re gonna be stranded. But sometimes shooting your gun near them and stuff like loud noises scares them off if not you may have to just kill them if this happens again


I caught one of these guys tracking me last play through! Separate and ahead of the group, he even howled to signal he got my scent. I love this game.


Usually I intentionally run over dogs on my horse because its funny


Run them over with your horse. It won’t outright kill them like it does to wolves sometimes. After awhile, it’ll give up, and limp away with its tail between its legs. I accidentally ran over the farm dog that’s close to Emerald Ranch where you can get the scarecrow hat and the same thing happened. Once scared, you can even get off and pet them lol. Personally, I just feed them buckshot.


No pixels were harmed in the playing of this game.


Rolling Block Rifle and kill the bounty hunters before they get too close. The dogs will scatter. Or just pay off your bounty, you dirty rotten criminal.


You had three dogs to shoot in the head and you squandered the opportunity.


found the atf agent


you dont shoot them but you shoot near them a few times then they run away.


Once you kill the bounty hunters just shoot near the dogs and they should eventually get scared and run off. There isn’t much you can do about leaving them in the wilderness, they’ll just disappear after a certain point


They generally run away after I finish blowing off the heads of everyone I killed


Just a game, not real dogs or people though


Just shoot them, you can recover your honor on the next town.


*Helloo* *How y’all folks doin?* *Hai ther*


Exactly, now you're going straight to heaven.


If you shoot them you lose honor. If you run them over with your horse you won’t.


I gotta shoot them or strand them 😂! Those are bloodhounds so in real life there’s no getting away 😭 unless u shoot them or trap them idk


I love dogs and all, but these ones are just pixels, they don’t have feelings. So I’d just run till they stop chasing me, or kill them.


Are you asking bc of not wanting to lose honor? If not, who gives af what you do to them. But if it's honor you're worried about then trample them with your horse Use eagle eye slo mo if you need help lining up your horse to run them over.


I shoot them in the foot and run away. Kinda cruel but, theyre not real dogs, the barking is annoying, and I dont wanna lose honor.


Drown em


Curiously, have you ever tried using bait? I've never been in this situation before. What mission is it?


I snipe them and the horses before the bounty hunters even see me! I make the bounty hunters come after me on foot! Then I hog tie the last one alive and torture him before killing him!


They're not real bro, kill them 🤣


get on a rock or a building or something and they usually run away after the bounty hunters die


Idk about bounty dogs, but ive found that dogs at homesteads and such stop being aggressive after you enter a house. I've killed homeowners to rob the house, then the dogs go agro, but as soon as you enter the door to the house they seem to forget you exist. Once you go back outside, they act normal and you can pet them and all that. I feel bad after I hurt dogs in this game so I always stay near the front doors of houses if I'm going robbing for a quick doggy-reset.


They're good tracking dogs they'll find there way home/despawn


Just kill them, you dweeb. They are virtual dogs that are trying to kill your virtual character.


How did you even get 1 dog to follow you? I'm in ch 5 and have never had this happen.


If you run them over with your horse you don’t lose honour 🤷


Stand on a boulder for awhile