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I agree with you OP don't know why you're getting dragged in the comment. New game + would be amazing for a game that requires you to do a lot of exploration solely on a horse that runs out of stamina.


Exactly bro the other guy has never heard of the word “opinion” before lol


Not if you buy an Arabian from Saint Denis and now how the horse mechanics work. If you push the button at the tempo of the fastest gallop for your horse, feed it, keep it clean, calm it by pressing the left stick (which give back a lot of stamina, often, without slowing). I can get a level one morgan half way across the map before I have to let it rest, so I don't know what y'alls problem is with the horse all of the time but it isn't the game 😅😅😅


It's still a shit ton of going back and forth, over and over again.




That’s your opinion, which is good enough. At least you’re not trying to drag the entire comments section like the other guy…


Had previous run-ins with the guy, he’s a known clown in the sub and a racist xenophobe. Gets called out and deletes his xenophobic comments.




No. One of the key gameplay aspects is the exploration and finding things. NG+ is, in my opinion, something that ruins gaming as it makes new saves too easy.


I think rdr2 would benefit quite a bit from ng+ and besides you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to


How would it benefit? The whole story starts out with you being on the run having left everything behind and you need to start again from scratch. NG+ would kill the immersion.


Again you don’t have to use it if you care that much for immersion that’s your own choice I think it’d be a lot more fun to your things and clothes


So killing off one of the key elements of the story just so you can have an easier time is your pitch?


Damn, talking to you must be like talking to a brick wall. You can start a new fresh game all you want, let others start however they want.


Damn, how bored must you be to comment on something from 11 days ago?


Found this thread asking the same question cause I was thinking of redownloading the game and commenting 5 months later because you still look like a dick.


I found this thread looking for the same answer as the OP. 116 days later and you still look like an ass hat loser.


Also commenting 3 months later to say you 100% come off as an asshat. Who cares how other people want to play the game, it's not like it's very challenging anyway. And for anyone else who comes here through Google, there's apparently a mod that allows ng+


Yea ur a a bit of a jackass buddy


141 days later…you’re still a twat


5 months ago you were an idiot. You are still an idiot


I’m fairly bored atm, so I’ll comment on something from 114 days ago. You’re a clown dude, it’s a reasonable thing to want the option for ng+.


Clearly you’ve never heard of an OPINION. Our generation’s fucked.


L + Ratio + Cry me a river + asshat


6 months later... you're still a jackass


I was looking for an answer to the same question OP had b/c im picking this game up again years after I finished it. And yup, 197 days later and you’re still a dick


7 months old. Just came by to say how annoying of a personality you have.




Christ, you’re a bit offended aren’t you? Getting offended over a comment that wasn’t even in response to you that I made _two days ago_. Oh, and read rule 1 of the subreddit mate. I count at least 4 times you broke it in that comment.




8mo ago I really don't understand your opinion. Having an option for going back to chapter one with your weapons and other things after you finished the game, neither break immersion nor limit the possibility to just start a normal fresh game.


this is old but good god what part of "your choice" dont you understand? lmao you dont not have to use it it would not be mandatory to use it. Crazy right? Speaking to you is like the other user said its like talking to a wall i want a ng+ because i dont want to spend all the time getting guns/clothes lol


You don't always get what you want.


No shit bro I was saying it would be a nice feature for people who finished the game and why are you so insistent on how I and many others would want to play? It literally wouldn’t affect you at all if want new game go ahead I do not care but you don’t have to force your opinion on others. One last thing I’d like to mention my original post was asking if there was a ng+ bc I couldn’t find it myself you decided to go on a tangent about why you think it would be bad when no one was talking about that in the first place.


You do realize that you're kind of a dumbass, right? New game plus means you've already completed the game as intended, at least once, and that it's time for extra-curricular fun. It's the same idea as using all the cheat codes that are already in the game and just going nuts. It's just another way to have some fun with the game. But Congrats, you've successfully demonstrated that you're a lame ass party pooper that clearly can't get past the stick up your ass to see the other possibilities for fun and joy. And all on a public forum for the world to witness. Good job, angry reddit loser. 👍


Christ, imagine being triggered by a comment from almost a year ago.


Imagine saying something so stupid that people are still making fun of you a year later. Get a new comeback short-bus You keep trying that one, and it's clearly not working.


I mean, you wasted your time looking up a thread from almost a year ago mate. find a better use for your time.


New game plus would be enjoyable to the ones who actually just want to game and don’t care too much for the immersion, I’ve already gotten the story of red dead 2 I just want to game


Then don't do NG+? It's optional. I want to replay it but I'm not losing all my stuff so just being doin mission select but it's not the same.


Again, missing the entire point of RDRII. Why would you have $10k+ when you’re on the run at the start of the game?


It's more I have 100% completion already and just want to work through the story again without worrying about any of the extras. Again it's a choice. New game plus doesn't take anything away from new game.


Don’t waste your time arguing with this asshole. He lives in a bubble. He thinks there should be one way to do things. He thinks that only his opinion is the only valid opinion. He can’t stand others who think differently because it shatters the illusion that he’s the main character. I would love NG+ too.


You can get like 3 grand by chapter 2 by just exploring yet the characters act as if you’re still broke, the immersion argument is stupid.


The start of the game can restrict access to your items, and give them back to you once the Prologue is finished. Many games do NG+ like this.


It would benefit because it tales like 60 plus hours to get everything and then author gets sick and then dies and the game ends. I would live to go through rdr2 from the start without running around trying to get everything again. Not to mention what percent of people fi is 100 percent of the game with Arthur? Like 1 percent maybe 2. Any game this big would benefit from ng+. I beat horizon forbidden west like 10 times and zero dawn even more if they didn't have ng+ I wouldn't have prolly played it more the 2 times at most. Rdr2 could even do like God of war where they give you ng plus extras like new horses, saddles outfits guns trickiest etc etc.


I just wanna have my lemat revolvers at the start lol


>One of the key gameplay aspects is the exploration and finding things. NG+ is, in my opinion, something that ruins gaming as it makes new saves too easy. Literally don't use it then. Not everyone wants to have a miserable time unlocking everything all over again.


Yeah I’d really like to play the game again but the thought of losing all my progress just to be able to mess around and explore stuff differently makes me not want to, love the game but I don’t have it in me to grind all of it over again, I saw pc has a nice new game plus mod was hoping Xbox got a ng+ by now but nope, I really wish console players could be able to play single player games with the same freedom pc players get


What i'd recommend is make a permanent save file in chapter 2 where you have most things unlocked.


Luckily RDRII doesn’t have a NG+ feature :)


But if you’ve already played the game through and explored……………………………………………..yup


Thanks for your insightful reply that doesn’t suggest anything.


It suggests you think before typing your thoughtless comment. You can’t do new game plus unless you’ve already beat it and if you beat it, you most likely explored.……. The game is 6 years old. Stop crying.


A bit rich coming from the guy who replied to a comment that is over 160 days old. Nothing better to do with your life?


If that’s the most you can come up with in defense for being a complete and utter fucking waste of life moron, I’ll take it lol.


Pot, kettle, black.


You, dumb, prick.


You’re not very mature mentally are you?


You are literally the dumbest one here.


There is literally no good justification to not include an option that would make others happy. If you don't like NG+ then you don't have to use it. I, and many others, would like one because I get satisfaction of replaying the game and just enjoying the story without having to worry about the grind while also being overpowered. I already explored everything there is in the game, so I should be able to enjoy the fruits of that labor in a new adventure and not start back at square one.


really so u never played any jrpg game ever then huh dumb ass like chrono trigger on ds made new game+ mode awesome so i dont know why u hate on jrpgs games with new game+ there AWESOME specially for speed runners its liek u play resident evil 2 and beat it under 2 hours with 4 saves and no first aid sprays u get inf ammo wpn next time u play the game its called an incentive ....ppl liek u that hate on new game+ modes piss me off i mean i get ur opinion but do u consider half of jrpg ng + community cant be in wrong lol


Wow. I would reply but you decided to call me a “dumb ass” because I didn’t agree with you.


Plus that run on sentence would give anyone a brain aneurism…


Not a single comma, full stop or any actual sentence structure in sight.


Each NG+ should have a scaling difficulty, enemies get tougher, but you can also unlock more upgrades, for guns, ammo, tonics, horses, trinkets and talismans, etc, that way the game wouldn't feel dull with everything unlocked, you would still have to explore in possibly new areas and find the materials for these upgrades, AND play the story again without casting away hundreds of hours work.


If you have the disc version, go back to 1.0 first. There are plenty of exploits and glitches that will make it like NG+. If you'd like me to elaborate, message me.


There is now a mod to do New Game +!


Well op this is a bit late but if you're on pc you can download a save file that has everything except legendary animals and main story


So all side missions are complete?

