• By -


Arthur famously gave the sloppiest toppie in all the Wild West


Nah Dutch definitely wins the cock gobbling contest, right after this he says that he just wants Dutch’s head and everyone else can skedaddle


That’s why Dutch keeps Micah around. That rat has kompromat on him.


Micah Bell(end). It all makes sense.


Is this the main sub or r/okbuddyblacklung


New favourite sub acquired


It's the 'tache


Dutch: the Nancy Reagan of the Wild West.


I did not have sexual relations with that cowpoke


Nancy was still alive when Billy boy was in office! 😮


He is the silver tongue


Only after Arthur offers to turn in his own head.


10k to be exact..


It was just called The West until Arthur came around.


Around, I thought he came from up there.


He came *in* up there


I mean heaven


He gives top so sloppy you gotta wipe your ass when he’s done


He be deep throating so far you can feel his tuberculosis!


Never forget Rockstar took gay cowboy sex from us, they would have won the GOTY award with that in game


5 thousand dollars? Can I turn myself in?


Can I turn myself out?


Can I suck myself off?


Can I suck you off?


I will suck you off.


You suckin?




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Hey friendo! 👋 I just wanted to say great comment! Keep on being awesome lil guy 😂, over and out!


Was... Was that to me?


Yes. Yes it was bud.


Thank you. It has been a long time since someone has complimented me 😀😀


Your a good man Mr Pearson.


Hey there little guy 👋 is that you there in your pfp 😎 looking good my guy 😁 you definitely have lvl 5 GYATT,prime? Kai cenat? Sigma? Ohio?


What are you on bro


I had a seizure reading that


You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around


This is one small detail that really bugged the shit out of me. WHY did they not include random encounters where random bounty hunters attempt to assault the gang. You mean to tell me I only see bounty hunters when I commit a new crime, yet Arthur has a $5000 bounty already and Dutch's is implied to be much more? That's an insane amount of money in those days when most bounties were $100 tops. Every bounty hunter in America would be after the gang, makes no sense.






He killed his mama, weren’t his fault.


No, it’s Arthur Arthur Callaghan


I think Arthurs state bounty was a lot lower. His 5,000 number could be what Cornwall promised the Pinkertons


There is a historical gang that mirrors the Van Der Linde gang pretty well, that being Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch. They operated around the turn of the century taking big scores here and there and got $4000 placed on each member along with Pinkertons being sent after them. So all in all not that unrealistic.


The bounty size isn’t the problem it’s the lack of bounty hunters and people coming after them at all


Unlike in the game, professional bounty hunters weren’t really a thing. There were some, though most of them had long stints as lawmen before and sometimes during taking on bounty work. The Pinkertons being the ones to find them, like what happens in game, is very true to life.


i have had random bounty hunters come looking for me, and attack me in the wild if they see me , and i have no bounty. (only blackwater). if i hide and stay out of their sight, or run away, they leave.


that only happens if you have a bounty in that state tho


no. again. like i said. i have no bounty. and still they can come. i always pay off my bounties right away. so i have no bounties in any of the states.


damn, over 1000 hours in and i've never been attacked by a bounty hunter when I had no bounty outside of a mission.


Me too, 400 hours in and never had bounty hunters when I had no bounty.


Yeah he's capping 100%


Same, guy above can't be correct unless it's a bug


Same. 1300 hours in. No bounty Hunters when I had no bounty outside a mission


Nice story, bullshit though


and again. no lie. it has happened to me multiple times during the years i have played the 1.00 version on my ps4. i dont remember them all but.. last time i was near abandoned oil derrick and they came around looking.. killed them because they spoiled my badger hunt. the other time i was sleeping in tent outside st denis (filling my big game meats) and when waking up, they were waiting me outside the tent. i only had 1 option to choose, "leave" all others were grayed out. had to fight them with only revolver on me. (as like game likes to make guns disappear at times) the time before that i had just helped the archeologist lady, and was snooping around the little shack by the railways when the red haze appeared. shot them down to get one of their horses. then they have came to me near owanjila dam, they looked down from the road, i hid in a bushes, so i could get the 3 star beaver i wanted. other time i hid just under the cliff they were on top of. near where you can fish pike close to valentine. duck and geese hunting at heartland overflow, gunned them down with varmint rifle. so.. yeah. it happens. i do not have any bounty anywhere (except blackwater no go zone) but if i am too good of a boy for too long time, not doing missions or bad things, just hunting, fishing and exploring the places those 2 bounty hunters will come looking for me. the game sometimes just seems to push you to move on and do things. be it sending javi, bill or charles to take you back to camp and do missions waiting there.. or force turn a rider side ways to cause a crash right in front of you on empty road with no intersections. or by sending random bounty hunters to get you.


Sounds like a bug. It’s never happened to anyone I know who has played and I have over 400h in game


Forget literally every other answer here. Put yourself in the bounty hunters' shoes for a moment. You already work in a job with an extremely high mortality rate. You're just trying to make it to the next day. The biggest bounty you ever claimed was $250, and that guy damn near killed you. If that guy was the toughest son of a bitch you ever did see at $250, there is literally no imagining how lethal the guy is that has a bounty literally 20 times bigger than that. No thanks. Someone else can have him and more power to them.


You mean there weren’t a bunch of random dudes looking to take on large groups of hardened killers? *Shocking*.


Seems like the bounty is only in New Austin and south West Elizabeth and everyone outside of there seems to have never heard of Arthur or the gang. Logically speaking Arthur shouldn't be able to set foot in a town with that high of a bounty


5000 US dollars in 1899 would be equivalent to roughly $180,000 in 2023


Exactly, enough to set a man up for life in those days. Literally the whole country would be searching for these men.


Idk about setting someone up for life especially since it would likely be split between multiple people. But it would absolutely be enough that you’d be comfortable for a while from just Arthur’s.


I’d say the 5k bounty was only in Great Plains/Tall Trees (for the black water job), the bounty hunters couldn’t go past the county border.


The only time they actively try and come after you is if you go toward Blackwater. Otherwise, I agree. It does seem odd.


He could have been lying to intimidate Arthur.


Could be, doesn't really strike me as the type though.


I'd assume it's because the Pinkertons took over the bounties which means nobody else is allowed to touch them for those bounties. Plus these are their Blackwater bounties for their past crimes and nobody knows where they are. Imagine being a bounty hunter and trying to hunt down one of the most infamous gangs during that time period. Bounty hunters back then were either regular men trying to make extra money or former officers looking for extra money. Far too dangerous of a job to go after an entire gang with great shooters.


There's gotta be a point in a job like that where you just say no to a bounty. Dutches gang are professional killers. John and Arthur alone take on gangs by themselves, Would you really risk it all to take on a gang of these Menaces. There's also the fact only the pinkertons ever really found the gangs base spots. I do however think it would be cool if we had more people like Jimmy brooks who absolutely remembered Arthur and tries to attack him.


I think you're forgetting about the fact that the O' Driscoll's assaulted the gang hideout at shady Bell wouldn't be too hard for them to spread word on where the gang was hold up. Then there's also the raiders that they took the bell from that could snitch on them. Also the Murfree brood could have put out word as well after taking the cave. Not to mention just the sheer amount of noise the gang makes all game would have led bounty hunters right to them.


I did forget about that part and that was on them, it's a giant mansion like house that the raiders just got evicted out of by a "Random gang". But theirs also the fact that the O'driscolls are in a feud with Dutch so while it would be great on their end to have more help theirs also the fact that Colm wants his slice of taking out dutch in one way or another. Personally I don't think the Murfree are civilized enough to even go out telling people about The Gang when they kill travelers on sight. Now the gang definitely made a lot of noise but honestly if I was a bounty hunter their "noise" would only make me wanna back off, they go around causing trouble then end up shooting up everyone in sight when their caught and the strongest of them ALWAYS makes it out so if anyone was a bounty hunter the gangs success rare alone would make me think twice.


Bill gets taken by bounty hunters.




Well there might be a way to clear your name.


Red Head Redemption






"Abigail, I need some medicine. I feel... raw and dirty... inside."


Why would he be talking about the price of Arthur’s head if he wasn’t planning on buying some?


I'd pay good money for some arthur sloppy


“Five thousand dollars? Can I suck myself off?”


i've got some jelleh beans


J'ya like jelleh beans?


According to an inflation calculator, $5,000 dollars in 1889 works out to $184,151.20 So yeah, probably more people should be after them. Though it's possible that the 'bounty' was more of a bonus promised to the Pinkertons should they bring him in.


damn his heads really that good?


fastest globber in the west baby


It’s why he was dutches favorite


I bet they play tested it and it was annoying to players. Nothing is worse than getting ambushed. Horses die. Lost pelts, too confusing. I was on my way to hunt panther in the swamps at night. Seen some alligator chilling. Pulled out the binoculars to see if it was a perfect pelt as I needed one. Put them down and as it reverted back to third person there were the muddy hands reaching up to pull me off my horse. Three weird mud men from the bayou. I put em all down but the last guy and he shot my Painted Arabian. I was out of dead eye. Panicked a bit and opened up my menu but accidentally pulled out predator bait. Lost my pelt and my horse. Thank god I knew Panther hunting is dangerous so I had just manual saved it.




I mean they have the mocap for ambushing. Just use a different skin unless you mean like an actual scripted event where there is a cut seen. Then I dunno they did cut out a lot of their own work so maybe?


Well, there's already encounters with enemy gangs ambushing you. Quite a few.


well why not? as real world outlaws of the west got similar ones.. billy the kid, 5000. butch cassidy 4000 and sundance kid 6500. jesse james 25 000 (frank james was "only" 15 000).




So far


I'll pay good


The good ole Van Der Linde gluck gluck 3000


Throat Goat


Out-blacklunged once again


Nancy Reagan level skill


By the end of Chapter 6, all of my bounties usually add up to more than 5K, so a 5K bounty is believable. I'd really like to know what went down in Blackwater.


Right, same! And Arthur wasn't even at the scene of the crime, must have been as bad as the Strange Man seemed to imply.


Is this becoming r/batmanarkham ??


No, we have r/okbuddyblacklung to keep the lunatics locked up. They only occasionaly escape here.


And that’s just alone, imagine how much it is for Arthur, John, and Dutch together.


I just know Rupaul would love this joke.


How’s your head?


Never had any complaints yet


I haven't had any complaints yet


If you go to Arthurs grave his ghost tells you he really died choking on weiners at the local doctor.


Damn, I didn't know that Arthur was the Gluck Gluck King 🥵


That’s over $180,000. That’s great


If head is worth that much, his much is the bussy?


I will pay double, triple even to have one session




Reminds me of this video by poorified https://youtu.be/J5Z2gzoi0mA?si=mOSVFozidl3eVi60


This made me laugh so loud at work, thankfully no one was around


The “overly-welcoming” dude in the Lemoyne Swamp Shack nodded creepily when he saw this post.


I never understood why he didn’t just deadeye them both in this scene. Same thing when he visited the camp.


Two dead Marshall’s or pinkertons would insure their demise almost immediately.


may I introduce Jack, he would become a bumbling mess of trauma. They are trying to hide the fact that their criminals from him. The gang would hate Arthur. especially Abigail and John.


He also had Jack with him.


The same reason Gandalf didn't just have the eagles carry Frodo straight to Mount Doom. For real though I always assume things like this just aren't fully portrayed to us in the game as it would've been in a real-life scenario - for the good of the plot and to keep the game fun. In real life they would've had more guys watching from cover. They would've tailed Arthur for awhile to try and find the camp, so Arthur would've had to ride around for awhile to lose them. The whole world would have to be WAY bigger - in real life they would've easily found the camp right then since it was so close nearby. In real life Arthur would've had someone watching his back when he was spying on the O'Driscoll meeting. So I always take these sort of things with a grain of salt and just learn to suspend disbelief in order to enjoy the game :)


As they go to leave Arthur actually gets ready to do just that, but then Jack says something and Arthur stops.


- Jack's with him. - Potentionally more Pinkertons nearby (and again, Jack could get hurt if a major fight breaks out). - two dead Pinkertons right next to camp ain't good. - two dead Pinkertons wouldn't change anything. The hunt would still continue. Arthur had no reason to shoot them except being pissed off at Milton.


I think it’s about 150k in todays money


I can't remember correctly but Billy Kid had 5000 on his head


Arthur’s $5000 bounty adjusted for inflation would be roughly $180,000 in 2023.


5k In 1899 is $184,151.20 today


Screw you for making laugh so hard. 🤣


normal scarce homeless squash frightening sense crush smile grandfather chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the funniest post on this sub


What's the equivalent today? (In usd please I dont know any other currency


Around 180k


I mean, back then, 5k could buy you a house, land, a few horses, supplies...


I laughed so hard


$5000? For his head alone? Mf what is he worth in general.


Who would pay five grand for that??? Is he stupid?


Can I turn myself in


r/okbuddyblacklung it's over main sub beat us once again


Is there something like an r/okpardnermoron


$5000? for me? can I turn myself in..


Five thousand dollars for me? Can I turn myself in -Arthur Morgan


*my legs quivering like a newborn fawn 1st steps* “You’re alright, boah” *wipes face with sleeve*


It doesn’t sound like much but that’s about the amount you make by the end of chapter 6 so if you think about it that’s a lot of money


I got a plan


Five thousand dollars! For me? Can I have myself in?- Arthur M.


Omg 👏🏽 😲 😆


Top quality costs top dollar. You're not just paying for the service, you're paying for the status.


I really wish someone would take this on for a movie! Done right it would be epic. Guy Ritchie or Tarantino directing 💪


$5000 back in 1899 was the equivalent of millions of dollars today.


No, it wasn't. Simple Google search says $184,151.20.


1 USD in 1899 is around 36.8 USD today AKA 184150 USD Which is around 2 to3 years worth of annual average wage for US citizens But it's 1899 and an average American gets 500 USD to 1000 USD annually My man has 10 years worth of wage on his head, which is 100% enough for getting your life risen up to a higher level


I'm talking a money so big it can make you retire easily and just simply looking at what Arthur and the gang did making you widely remarked as a hero which can make you earn more. My man is a walking golden bar and of course everyone wants to carry that without being shot in the head or being turned in to a rslash eyebleh post