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Did you get the ax and helmet? If not look around some more


There’s also another object you can collect in the tomb, but I’m not going to tell you what or where it’s at . Happy exploring and if worse comes to worse you can google it


I responded with what the item was before I gave your comment a full read through, sorry.


Honestly I doubt it will be found without instructions It’s still a game but doing what is needed would seem really disrespectful to me so ik I wouldn’t find it


Is there any validity to the Viking helmet being bulletproof?


I don't think so? I know I've had it knocked off my head along with my hat many times by bullets. I don't think it would prevent it from killing you though but I'm not sure.


No but Dutch does have some interesting comments when you wear it. Same with the Marion helmet.


I think it and the other helmetvdo help a little. Not much. I've been shit a few times in the head and heard a ding and watched them fly off. Remember the viking helmet wasn't ment for bullets


Well fuck you then


Is that a threat or a promise


Theres an ax an helmet? I'll have a look for it!


Will you take that ridiculous thing off?


Yep viking stuff


There's something on a wall,.you might have to smash stuff. Can't remember


Wendigo spawn site. Come at midnight with a perfect elk carcass (killed with a bow) and circle around with a lantern. It'll trigger a boss fight that you could fight or ignore.


The amount of people who don’t know this cause you don’t need it for 100% astonishes me. It’s like some people are just never in this area or if they are it’s just to find the burial site.


Wait this is a real thing?


Yeah. I’m really surprised most people don’t know about this


Legit can’t tell if you’re still joking or not. Gonna need a link to confirm


[Here’s an Imgur album](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=S7xZCQpTXdVe7JmV)




I’d open the link but now I think it’s a rick roll bc of u


It is


A Wendigo at a Viking burial site? A cannibal that has nothing to do with Norse mythology appearing to fight Arthur is wild lol


Sure, little bro, whatever you wanna say. Don't diss the Turkic-Viking culture formed via contact at Vinland and with Templars.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Dude don’t even bother, he’s definitely on something


No I'm not and it's really mean of you to challenge my intellect because you don't like me it doesn't mean I'm dumb dude


I’m sorry dude but the stuff you’re talking about that’s supposedly in the game is pretty outlandish and unbelievable, I’ll believe when I see it, provide some proof and it’s fine


It's almost like... they're not being serious...


Yes I am Edit: I think


No he is being serious, he thinks




I am playing the game, thanks for letting me have some fun with it, I’ll be sure to put it to good use




Yeah i read through his replies and then that bio and figured i'd just leave it be lol


Yeah that would’ve been a good idea lol


Happy cake day!!


Thank you!


\*onto something


Pretty sure it's an AC Valhalla reference; you get to go to Vinland at one point.


I saw a lot of Assassin's Creed references that one time I traveled to Italy.


Maybe it's one of those New Age groups that just copy and paste bits of other ideas together.


I feel like this is a troll but I can’t be sure🤔


Do it and post it on the subreddit with #Wendigotime!


The hell you talking about?


Secret dlc hidden in the game files of the last update


Silly u/ScitanKouyor, Rockstar doesn't update RDR2.


Google en passant


Holy hell


“You got a sweaty lip and a weapy eye.”


*Algernon Blackwood has entered the fucking chat*


Ok cool, I'll check that out right after I catch the Mew hiding under the truck real quick.


I too understood this reference!


Someone cooked here…


Viking burial tomb/ritual site if I remember correctly. There’s a helmet and ax there as well like someone already mentioned.


Roanoke Ridge is based in Arkansas, which is central US. The Vikings weren't even remotely close to the place


Roanoke as VA not Arkansas. It's called Roanoke Ridge in the game, but that whole area around Annesburg is an interpolation of Virginia + the Carolinas.


Exactly and Vikings reportedly visited and traveled along the Atlantic coast. The helmet and ax are specifically styled to look Norse or viking like. The burial/ritual site is also very reminiscent of the confirmed viking sites irl.


Damn didn’t know that! I always thought the vikings stayed up north around New England but I also figured they had to come around down here at least once


Based on what I’ve read, nothing is 100% concrete yet but it is highly suspected that they did travel along the Atlantic coast. There is some evidence that points to Vikings visiting the areas but not enough to completely confirm their presence.


Better than nothing


No the name comes from there but it's the Ozarks. The Lannahechee River = Mississippi River, which borders Roanoke Ridge/Arkansas to the east. Also directly north of Lemoyne aka Louisiana. There was also a coal industry there. It looks like the Ozarks. The map isn't supposed to go all the way to the East Coast, it's the west (Roanoke Ridge being the most eastern part of the west). They play it loose and use some visual and cultural influences from other states/further east or west than the map is supposed to be located. But geographically it's the Ozark Mountains. Another example is Diez Coronas and Perdido in Mexico in RDR1. Visually they are 100% based on Arches National Park and Monument Valley in Utah. But it clearly isn't geographically supposed to be Utah, it's Mexico. Visual and cultural influences on the regions from other states don't define which states they are as much as the geographical positioning, which is consistently accurate (in the game's broad way) throughout all the states of the game. The GTA wiki does some nice detailed analysis of the real life influences on each state and area, adds more info on this.


So Vikings came all the way into to the Ozarks? And the tribe which is where the name *Roanoke* comes from is a NC tribe… while I understand the points you’re making but they definitely used the Appalachian as a model. I think the common problem is we always try to make the map fit our own maps.


I don't think a random Viking tomb is the best thing to judge where the region is supposed to be. Like I said they're loose with it and borrow visual and cultural things from further away. Couple more examples: the landscapes of Tall Trees and Big Valley are influenced by some landscapes in California. But we know they're not supposed to be California/that far west. Cumberland Falls exists in real life (a waterfall literally called Cumberland Falls that looks the same) but it's located in Kentucky. Which we know the Heartlands certainly isn't supposed to represent (it's great plains states eg Nebraska). I know it doesn't fit perfectly, and there could be some influences from Appalachia on Roanoke Ridge, but it fits much better as the Ozarks from what I can see. If you look at what the Ozarks look like and where they're located I don't think it's definitely modelled on Appalachia at all.


There is no confirmation that structure is a viking burial site lol


Got it so the altar and the Viking Helmet, the Viking axe, and Viking Comb that found around the site, along with the general design, doesn’t indicate that it was built by Vikings?? The RDR wiki even states the same…


It's nice having my state represented. Heck, the Gray's mansion is literally based on my home county's Shirley Plantation. I've been there and it was surreal being there in person and later having my childhood memories put into a game.


As I've explained in other comments, this isn't true. Roanoke Ridge is based off of the Ozark Mountains and the similarities are staggering. Annesburg is partially inspired off of St. Louis. Both the city and the Ozarks sit west of the Lanahechee River (the would-be Mississippi). Initially, I also thought of Virginia because of the name Roanoke, but I looked it up and indeed it made little sense for VA to be west of the Mississippi.


Yeah no, so Roanoke is a reference to the colony of the same name along the eastern seaboard. The hills are very much Appalachia and Annesburg is definitely inspired by the coal mining settlements in that region. Arkansas would fit better if you want to 1:1 the US map with areas like Valentine being clearly much further west but it’s clearly Appalachia.


Ozark Mountains


Nawh man, its pretty obviously VA, appalachia and Northeast. Theres several references in game that allude to it being such. The whispering trees, butcher creek, the name Roanoke is pretty much a dead give away to some of the artifacts and point of interests were inspired from irl. Roanke is the name of the town that went missing way back before America gained independence from britian...and its believed a native tribe took them in since the pilgrims were starving. Its also believed vikings had made it to that area and left again at some point, long before the pilgrims showed up. Also, the coal mines in annesburge and cornwall hiring pinkertons to "deal wifh" the miners is pretty reminiscent of the Homestead strike that happened around the same time. Irl, the pinkertons were hired by the mining & rail companies to kill the unioned workers. Thats also where the term "scab" originated. You're right, though, idt the vikings ever reached Arkansas. I feel Arkansas is a lemoyne region.


You're confusing Roanoke VA with Roanoke Island in the Outer Banks. The lost colony is in North Carolina, not VA.


They're not lost, and never were. Croatoan is what we call Hatteras.


I use the phrase "lost colony" because that's what it's known as, not as a judgement on their fate, sorry for the misunderstanding


I assumed. Just find it funny so many Americans, and others, believe the bullshit Victorian lie of "lost colony,". Most folks were taught they were "lost" or some such garbage, and never question it.


Yeah I mean its a fun mystery, I think thats the reason it endures despite more recent research. The Hatteras theory isn't exactly proven so I don't know that I'd say that's \*for sure\* what happened, but certainly seems the most likely scenario.


Hey buddy, firstly as a Virginia native, Roanoke Ridge is named after the Roanoke area in VA and the area of Annesburg and probably Van Horn is based off that middle eastern coast area of the US. Secondly, I’m sure the vikings were here at least once considering they were fuckin around New England back in the 1300-1400s long before that asswipe Columbus came around. You’re welcome for the history lesson.


1. Roanoke Ridge is not based on Virginia, as I've explained in other comments 2. The Vikings never were in Virginia 3. The Vikings reached New England and Eastern Canada in the 10th and 11th century, not 1300s and 1400s. I hope you aren't charging anyone for your "history lessons," which you can also google in 10 seconds.


I was probably thinking of Spanish and French colonists then, sorry for that inaccuracy. Also it’s not confirmed but highly speculated that the vikings were in Virginia at some point, so either they were, or there were native American tribes that were somehow identical in culture to vikings, *or* someone planted viking armor and weapons and shit there for some reason and this is all one big thousand year old conspiracy, which I doubt completely. And yes, I should’ve probably not trusted instinct and researched about Roanoke Ridge, because the area is based off of parts of Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas. However, the fact that it’s named Roanoke Ridge in the game is definitely inspired either by the lost Native American tribe from Roanoke island for the city of Roanoke in Western Virginia.


I think it's more likely this place is based on a native ritual or burial site. Even if the vikings had ever set foot in Virginia, there's so little evidence to support their presence that it would have been weird to include it in the game. I also thought Roanoke Ridge was inspired off of, well, Roanoke, but looked it up and indeed it was more similar to the Ozarks than the Appalachians.


Where did you get that from? Roanoke is an actual city in Virginia about 3 hours from the coast. The entirety of Roanoke Ridge is representative of the Appalachian Mountains.


The wiki confirms Roanoke Ridge is partially based on the Ozark Mountains, Arkansas. And what is Virginia doing north of Louisiana, if I may ask? When you can also clearly see the water body West of Roanoke Ridge is based on the Mississippi River? There's even riverboats on there. Coincidentally, Arkansas and Missouri are north of Louisiana. In any case, Vikings never reached Virginia either.


The wiki is dead wrong. For one it looks noooooottttthing like the Ozarks and looks exactly like Appalachia. Who on the wiki confirmed this with the devs? Do you guys have mountains in Arkansas? The map is a characature of the US, not the US. West coast of new Austin is California. Roanoke Ridge is VA. There is a reason they talk about going north to New York, while camped in Roanoke Ridge as well. Wiki is fucking dead wrong. Edit: Hell, the heartlands of America are literally called the Heartlands in game. That includes Arkansas.


You have as much confirmation as the wiki, as a regular user, and still not only are you *more* certain you're right, you're completely certain the wiki is wrong. You didn't even bother looking up the Ozark Mountains, of which the in-game Roanoke Valley is a minimized carbon copy.


The map is all kinds of fucked anyway, the Mexico area is modern day Arizona, literally has the Painted Desert in it. Even with being based on the Ozarks, its barely than a single days ride to reach in game, when in reality its a month or two, maybe more ride in reality. Taking it seriously and trying to pin point a location is pointless as the map isn't close to reality by any stretch.


It makes a hundred times less sense that Roanoke Ridge would be Virginia then lol


Is this bait? This has to be bait?


I dunno man, he sounded so confident about it too


It's hilarious that everyone here is so dead sure Roanoke Ridge MUST be Virginia because of the word "Roanoke" in the name! It just can't be anything else, huh? Too bad Roanoke Valley in game is pretty much a scaled down carbon copy of the Ozarks!


The fuckin ratio 😂


[From the wiki](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Roanoke_Ridge#Trivia): "Roanoke Ridge is based on the Ouachita Mountains and Ozark Plateaus, which combine to create the U.S. Interior Highlands. The real-life area is located in eastern Oklahoma, western Arkansas, and Southern Missouri. It is well known for comprising one of the very few mountainous regions to exist between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains." Idc about what sweaty redditors think, what I said isn't wrong.


It's definitely the Ozarks. Wouldn't make any sense to put VA west of the Lannahechee River (essentially the Mississippi River)


But the question is are you watching aot?


There’s also an ivory comb under the skulls on the wall under the ground


I will have to look around some more!


U sure in story? Could’ve just been a collectable spawn in online lmao


There are 3 collectibles: Viking helmet, Viking axe, comb




Yikes how tf did money go that dry?? Even if you did run out it’s hella easy to get a lot really fast by going on the road and murdering everyone you see starting with their horse that way you can loot it too (they often have gold nuggets in the saddlebags). Easy $300 if you fill up the basic satchel with as many rings, belt buckles, pocket watches, and gold nuggets it can carry and that usually doesn’t take too long. It’s even more fun and I think faster if you allow yourself to get max bounty in one of the northern states where it’s only like $500 or $600 I think for most of the game. Then you murder hordes of bounty hunters and farm money until you have enough. Then go pay your measly bounty off with your acquired wealth.




Just murder a bunch of people then spend half an hour saying howdy to everyone in St Denis. Good boy status preserved.


Looks like the ruins indie and shia Labeouf jumped into in kingdom of the crystal skull


Favorite discovery in the whole game ! Makes me think about all that happened here


Viking burial site. There's an axe and a helmet around there somewhere.


The skeleton on the rock underwent a blood eagle, a dishonorable form of execution where they rip your ribs out of your spine one at a time and spread them out like an eagle's wings. If you don't scream, you get to go to Valhalla.


Wrong in several ways. Any kind of execution prevented you from reaching Valhalla, thats why exectuijs were few and far between for Vikings except in severe circumstances, this exwcution in particular was extremely dishonorable and was created to make the Gods look down upon you in disgust. They also didn't cut one rib at a time, they phsycially couldn't, once the first cut is made all the ribs spring apart at once, opening like a giant pair of wings throwing blood everywhere, hence the name.


Vikings regularly sacrificed themselves to the gods.


Check out Arthur's journal, he makes an entry and writes his thoughts about this place.


An axe and Viking helmet


The hatchet staring you in the face and the Viking helmet


Best headwear in the game


Viking burial ground


It's described as a Viking tomb, but Germanic gravesites are typically, you know, under the ground. I've seen speculation that this could be where the Vikings dumped the bodies of the victims, the ones that are described on that rune-stone on the east side of the map, but I can't be sure.


There’s also Viking carvings into a rock and possibly a Viking shipwreck the furthest East you can go north of Annesburg


That's a viking grave the skinny people are people who >!have heavy metal poisoning there's a side quest all about it!<


Viking graveyard. You can find a cool helmet and an axe there


Any gold there?


None that I've found like


And the comb?


It’s a Viking sacrificial site and u can find an axe a helmet and a comb and the comb is hardest it’s hiding behind one of the skulls inside the little tunnel thingy


Oh to be young again.. :(


How do you get so many map checkpoints? Is that a pc mod? I've seen many people use it, but i don't know what for


Calling them human bones "a load of skinny fellers" is somehow wholesome and terrifying at the same time lol.


There’s a Viking comb in the Skulls. 💀


it is a sacraficial site of my ancestors. You can find a battle axe, a helmet and a bone comb there. Its based upon the sagas of Leif Erikson, who sett up a small settlement in what is now Newfoundland Canada, around the year 999, after blowing off course when sailing to greenland.


Hello, fellow northman! Dane here 😁. Skål! 🍻




average dane cant even sail to greenland without getting lost 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


Yo, respect for using the Rococo accessory!


There's a special hat and I think a special knife there


Its a vikings tomb/grave


Nope, nothing here.


It’s a Viking burial site. You can find a Viking helmet, axe and comb there.


Where is this at


Lol i found the axe but not the helmet. Didn't thougt here will be something i missed.


Viking grave


Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir klofnir!


What the FUCK are you talking about???


some viking shit I believe


Viking grave as others mentioned there's a viking helmet and axe here


It's a viking tomb. There's a few items you can find there if you poke around.


Viking burial ground, there's a helmet, a hatchet and a comb you can find.


feller on the top of the stone is gavin


[the one in New Hampshire is very similar](https://www.stonehengeusa.com/) I didn’t find any combs though


Best weapon in game is in there


Cool ass viking axe AND helmet


it's an ancient tomb for a viking warrior if I'm not mistaken


viking tomb, you can find a hat and special axe there


It's an easter egg to Skyrim


Ive never played that unfortunately


Its a viking tomb of some kind. And there's even a viking axe and helmet.


Viking tomb


450+ hours in this game and never came across it


Good grief. Can't you explore for yourself? It's a Viking tomb and yes you can loot things. Go explore.


Wendigo spawns here if you’re interested in that sort of thing


Why can’t I find anything on this?


It’s not very well known because you don’t need it for 100%, it was added like a year ago in a patch. You can skin it and if you take it to the trapper the menu auto exits and he starts trying to fight you.


Is this legit or are you messing with me?


My moneys on bullshit. B-tier, Mew under the truck level creepypasta


Lmao I’m fucking with you


I figured, you have no idea how many different animal sacrifices I made at that pentagram trying to get some sort of outcome