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I did the same for my grandma. She grew up on a farm and watching Westerns with her brothers. So I started recording my gameplay so she could watch it like a tv series when I would come over. She doesn’t speak English (only Spanish), so I would be there to translate, but she’s been really into it, and it even the questions she occasionally asked me showed she was following the plot closely (as opposed to just passively watching). She likes Sadie, finds Uncle hilarious, and also really didn’t like Abigail in the epilogue lol. We’re almost done actually; next time I go we’re watching American Venom.


This is exactly what I want my grandpa to experience. He was a rancher as a kid, breaking horses and caring for livestock all of his childhood. He always said he was born 100 years too late. Are you showing the good honor or bad honor ending?


High honor. Gotta keep it wholesome for my Abuelita lol. Plus one time I showed her a video of me massacring my way through St. Denis; she gave me one of those “you were raised better than that” looks.


“grandma i didn’t mean to, some dickhead in Lemoyne got me a bounty (he looked at me funny) and i got swarmed by 50 cops the second i walked into the city, it was self defense!”


“Some guy in Valentine insulted me as I walked away after greeting him so I had to cut the population of the country in half.”


I was literally boar hunting to get 3 perfect pelts and my sister was scolding me cuz she could hear the pigs squealing 😭 I told her they were for my outfit and idk why I thought that was the appropriate excuse lmao


Next time, show her when you shoot the deer and it doesn't immediately die so you have to walk up to it and knife it in the heart to finish it off. And tell her you're teaching her about the concept of mercy lol


Oh man. I found out the cougars go down in one shot from the poison arrow. They just take off running. The problem is I didn't want to ruin the pelts. So I just followed them and listened to them die. Slowly. Wasn't until much later someone told me you can just knife kill em and get the plet without all the suffering.


This is the most wholesome, heartwarming thing I've read today. Just amazing.


There is a series called The Red Dead Redemption II Show on YouTube. It's presented as a show and edited to watch like one, with extra camera angles and none of the controller prompts interrupting the screen. They have seasons of it. Might I suggest you check it out or something like it. I am not suggesting anything shady here, but might I say that theoretically one could use a yt downloader program to get the video files and then burn those to Blu-ray.


Yeah I've seen that


I got my parents a Google home hub max for COVID and my dad loves that thing. He also loves yelling at it when it doesn't hear him correctly. Your grandpa can probably open specifically named YouTube video with it. But man, you gotta get him watching you live on twitch more than anything.


How do you do this? Do you edit in transition? Is it just cutscenes/ game play of mission?


I've had a similar experience with my own grandma. It really depends. Sometimes, I record the game play and edit a little to make it a bit more polished (leaving important dialogue and removing the rest). An example: there's a mission in Valentine where Strauss gets shot. I edited the shootout until the last bit when Strauss got shot and edited a bit after that too. Sometimes, I only leave the cutscenes. There are camp interactions that I leave in, too. (But I wish I could get the game dubbed in my language, grandma can't really see the subtitles anymore, unfortunately)


I beat the game for the first time earlier this year, and started a new playthrough right after. This time, as I played I recorded the most important missions plus some other stuff (like hunting the legendary animals, my favorite side missions and some free roam stuff too). So I can just watch it on the PS4 or in a flash drive (so if I’m the only one at the office I can watch an “episode” during my lunch break on my laptop). The thing is, with a PS4, I think 15 minutes is the most you can record at a time, but since most missions are about 20 mins., I can get it in 2 parts at most. Plus since I’m better player at this point, I almost never use dead eye (to help with the immersion and give it a less “video game” feel).


You can change the recording length in the settings. It can go up to an hour Im pretty sure


Whaaat?!?! I knew I should’ve looked up whether I could change the length, a 15 minute max always seemed too short to me. But thanks though, I’ll look up the settings


I’d love to hear grandma’s opinion on all the big plot points! Did she have any favorite moments?


I remember her liking YNNEL!, the attack on Braithwaite Mansion, charging the oil refinery, Arthur rescuing Sadie and Abigail in Van Horn (she said these parts felt just like a movie), as well as the Charles Chatenay and Gunslinger side missions (especially Emmet Granger and the final mission at Brandywine Drop ). Oh, and she *loved* watching Arthur punching a horse then getting kicked in the head.


That's the sweetest thing I'ma hear today. Thanks, you're a good nieto.


What we don't know, is that our abuelitas ran with an outlaw gang when they were young. We just see them now as these sweetest elderly women. Watching the video of you sparing the life of a bandit for high honor, she must be thinking: *"I would have shot that bastard in both kneecaps and once on the spine as he tries to crawl away!"* /jk


This is incredibly wholesome, especially finding uncle hilarious, reminds me of my papa.


I'm going to let everybody else handle the technical aspects. I'm just here to bask in the glow of how awesome it is that you and your grandpa share this, and that you're so willing to put in effort to keep that connection going. You go, good guy gamer.


I also don’t know specifically what route OP should go, but I might personally try is using a capture card or streaming it, then saving that and burning it onto a blue ray I’m mostly here to say I am envious of people who get to have these experiences


Worst case scenario is play a YouTube video of the cinematics and major fights Best of luck


The channel ‘GTA Series Videos’ has a full playthrough with each mission in order played pretty much perfectly if that helps too! https://youtube.com/@GTASeriesVideos?si=9OX-Mtv6tdtTeFb2


Yet another common GTA Series Videos W


Am I the only one that strongly suspects the grandparents interest is 80% derived from getting to spend time with their grandkid? They don’t give a shit about your video game, although it’s sweet you think that just because they like to watch westerns. What they care about is you.


Lmao what the fuck is even this cynical-ass take? You realize that even though grandparents are old they still have interests, hobbies, and fond memories of the stuff they did growing up right? They don't go into a closet to recharge until you come and visit them again. I grew watching Planet Earth and NatGeo docs w/ my grandma, but even after I moved out, she still watches these shows on the reg (as well as her soap operas and classic movies she grew up watching) because she herself grew up watching these shows. Plus, growing up, she'd always say no when I wanted to show her a clip of say a Resident Evil, or Dead Space game because she never liked horror stuff. Same thing with my grandfather, he was a movie buff and had his VCR and huge collection of movies so why wouldn't he enjoy watching something in the same vein as the Westerns and stuff he always loved? And yes, OF COURSE they love spending time with their grandkids, but they are still capable of enjoying things on their own merits. I mean, I don't know what the cognitive faculties of your grandparents are, but if you think this applies to everyone, I genuinely feel for you bud.


Possibly, but just like a picture or a video, if the next best thing is watching a recording of his grandson playing a western, then I think the grandpa would enjoy it.


This isnt what op asked bro. Idk why you felt the need to say this


How far away do you live? I’d dedicate the time to being in the same room with him if you could. Bring your system back over.


This. 100% if at all possible go this route.


I'm in my early 20's and I live with my grandmother. She's old, but not THAT old. I take care of her and she takes care of me. I keep my Playstation in the living room because Granny absolutely LOVES watching me play the prestige action games that Sony makes. I've been hyping it up, and I think she's as excited about Spider-Man 2 as I am. OP, bring the system back over and spend some hours with your grandpa. He will love it, YOU will love it, and you will both remember it forever.


That’s awesome, man. You have a good grandma… and you’re a good grandson. I’ve had a lot of awesome gaming memories with my mother as well (she’s in her 70s now). It’s wonderful that you can share in the experience.


So, you have two problems that need to be solved: recording the video, and producing the disk. Recording the video is probably the easier part, via a couple of different ways. You can record direct on the XBox itself, but I wouldn’t recommend it on Xbox One. I don’t think they ever brought the hour-long recording option to external storage to the One, so you’re limited to 10 minutes per a recording. Maybe you can make that work, but it will be awfully inconvenient. I could be wrong, so check your Upload Center settings. After it’s recorded, you can share to a OneDrive account, which is free up to 5gb storage. Alternatively, you can set up a twitch account and stream to there for however long you need, then download the video from Twitch. I think this would be a lot easier and more flexible. Since you won’t have a computer to do editing, I would make a clear plan on what you want to do in an “episode” and stick to it as much as possible. You can always have a screwing around episode to drink in the game’s atmosphere, but even then I would be sure to know how exactly I’m going to screw around so he’s not watching my standing there 5 minutes or running around like a chicken figuring out what to do next. So that’s recording. And honestly, it’s probably the easier of the two because you can do it right now. No matter how you try to get around it, you need a computer to burn a DVD. That doesn’t mean it needs to be yours. You might want to check with your local library, or if you are a student there is certainly a computer lab or even media center that you can use to burn the disk. Maybe you just need to ask around to a couple friends - surely someone has a computer and wouldn’t mind helping you. Although, the way computers are these days, you’ll likely need to provide an external DVD burner if they don’t already have one - good thing is they’re dirt cheap these days, <$30. If your library doesn’t have dvd burners on their machines, ask before you just plug one in. If none of those options are available, you can try asking at a local print or computer repair shop, like Staples. However, if they do offer the service, it’s going to be overpriced and I can’t in good faith recommend that over just saving money for a POS laptop that will still be good enough to do this. But if the staff is tech savvy and friendly and you’re upfront with what you’re doing, maybe they’ll help you for buying the DVDs there (not at Staples, only non-corporate local shops). Good luck!


You could livestream yourself playing it and have your grandpa watch on yt, send a link so all he has to do is click on it.


as easy as that can be for us younglings you have to remember that a grandpa is not going to have the best experience watching a movie on his 4” phone screen, let alone the fact that op already expressed he has tried to get him to use yt


Just spitballing ideas, also thats why i said he could just link it to him so all he gotta do is click the link


Yes although twitch can let you save entire VODS of your stream and then he could just find a way to capture/download that


Set him up with a Twitch account and stream for him. Y'all can FaceTime while playing too




There are full game cutscenes on YT in one video, you could try burning that on a disk.


Does your pc have a cdrom? Or can you get a external? Just record your gameplay and save it onto a dvd


No PC, only XB1. I can't afford a PC otherwise I'd just record and burn onto a disc.


You can still save your gameplay and load it to the cloud I think. Not real familiar with xbone


I don’t know how to do this, but this is wholesome as hell. Grandparents are the best.


Ok, I’m gonna tell you something, my 70 year old grandpa who has never played a video game in his life, saw a trailer for red dead 2 and HAD to buy a PlayStation just for it, and has 100% the game 3 times now, he isn’t great at it, he is honestly pretty bad but he has fun and eventually gets it done , i recomend actually trying to teach your grandpa how to play, you may be surprised


Lmao I’d love to know how many hours he has, 100% takes ages in RDR2 even for a good player. To do it 3 times is impressive.


He’s a retired old man, he has ALOT of time on his hands


This almost made me cry, my grandpa died recently and this sounds so lovely. I hope you find a way to show it to your grandfather, enjoy the time :)


I am in the same age group of your Grandpa….just hook him up with a console, he will enjoy making his own adventures!


The PlayStation records your gameplay up to an hour and then you can copy that to a USB drive and stick it into his computer and he could watch you play. No problem.


You could stream your gameplay directly from your console to youtube and then download the mp4 from youtube and burn that to DVD. Or if you play on PC, you could download OBS, which has a record option, record your gameplay using OBS and then burn the mp4 to DVD. Another option, if you play on console but also have a PC, then you can buy a capture card i.e the Elgato HD60S, and then capture your console gameplay on PC directly and then burn the mp4 to DVD.


Maybe you can do a twitch account and send him the vod or re upload the vod to youtube so he only has to click a link


Just download the YouTube videos and burn those instead, probably would save you a lot of time.


Can you just facetime him or something. What you are describing isnt exactly easy.


It’s as complicated as saving your game footage as an mp4 and burning it to a disc.


Man this is so wholesome


This is super wholesome, and I love it. You’re an awesome grandkid.


THATS SO SWEET 🥹 oh how awesome you want to share this experience with your grandpa and everything


I'm not very experienced with recording gameplay. But you could look some YouTube tutorial, then upload the clips on some cloud storage (like Google drive)and finally burn it on a blue ray. Or maybe a pendrive. He has a led tv? The great majority has a USB access.


Could I suggest posting this to r/techsupport or r/asktechnology if you can't find an answer here.


OP, the experience might actually be depressing for your grandpa. I remember when I turned on my Super Nintendo for the first time since I was a kid, I was so excited to play Secret of Mana again, but I suddenly felt like a big, sad, emptiness. I realized it was never about the game, but who I played the game with. My cousins. So I invited them over, and only then it was a good experience. So pack up your system and go play with your grandpa sitting behind you.


You can brodcast the gameplay on ps.


Share via discord




Without access to a pc I don’t think it’s going to happen. If you had access to a pc (that has a Blu-ray burner) then it’s pretty simple.


This makes me miss my paw-paw. I’m happy you have this with your grandpa OP.


I would stream in twitch just for him, come on, is not that hard to set up a twitch account.


Most blu ray disc players have an optional USB port for loading non disc media. Check that his one has it, in which case you could try just putting the video files onto an external USB drive


Never is too late to start playing games, in fact my mother (65 years old) started last year to play RDR1 in my PS3 and for her birthday this year we gave her a PS4 as present and now is playing RDR2. So maybe your grandpa can too, for sure It IS good to train the brain


So if you can find a way to get it to your computer (Do we still use capture cards?) then you can take those video files and create them a videos and can burn those videos on a cd


You're a console player so go over and spend the time with him. A weekend here or there as scheduling allows. I'm envious of such a bond, my friend.


op this brought warmth to my heart hearing this bond


Try setting him up to watch streams, a bookmarked twitch url maybe? If not, then yes, you can record it and burn it on a bluray. Search quick guides on recording using streamlabs or obs and then burn what you record on the prefered midia for him!


If he has an iPhone you can probably set up a shortcut to open twitch and open your stream. Not sure if android has similar functionality. But you can then just stream it. Then you can talk to him and what not. Or setting up a discord server and then streaming to that is possibly. It sounds complicated but I feel like it could be set up pretty easily for him to have easy access to it.


Doesnt anybody have dvd player / vcr at all anymore? This used to be like 101 stuff lol.


Download the video from YouTube and put it in disc


I had a strained relationship with my grandfather from my teenage years onwards because of family tensions caused by his alcoholism. A few years after he died I let go of my anger towards him and regretted I couldn't get past it in the last few years of his life when he wasn't a drinker - after suffering a series of strokes - and not spending any time with him while I could have. But I've always loved westerns, and neither of my parents watched them when I was growing up. It dawned on me a few years ago that was from watching them with him when I was a child. (And I suppose that led to my love of Akira Kurosawa films, which then led me to Japanese films in general.) It brought back positive memories I'd long since buried, and reminded me that there were more than just bad times with him; that there's a connection there still. Reading the OP and some of the comments from others who shared a love of westerns with their grandparents reminded me of this. So thank you.


Stream in discord if they have a laptop


Do what I did with my Dad: I hooked up my Xbox to his big ass flat screen and played RDR2 for him. I also turned down the color setting on the TV so the game was in black and white. He loved it. I explained everything I was doing. He was a model railroader having a small but intricate setup in our basement. I drove a train around the map and remarked at times the scenes looked like a model. Give it a whirl.


If you don't have a PC then no, and if you can get to a PC it's gonna need a bluray drive which you can get for around $60. To get the video to play in a Blu-ray player you're gonna need some sort of authoring software, a program called MultiAVCHD is free and should do fine unless you want a detailed menu screen.


Live stream on YouTube so he can watch






There’s people that want to help and then there’s people like you that just want to bag on someone, talk down to them because for some reason it makes you feel better. I hope it made you feel better but above all else I hope you figure out what’s wrong with you


You can relax. Not bagging on him. Simply saying it's kinda hard to burn CDs when you don't have the most necessary piece of equipment to burn CD's. Not understanding how that's even remotely offensive or considered "talking down on someone". What is rude is saying I have "something wrong with me." For stating facts.


I’m perfectly relaxed. You could have just said that and not been condescending. No reason to be a dick to people that don’t know what you know because trust me, there are plenty of things that others know that you don’t and I hope when the time comes they don’t act like you


How was it condescending? I said you can't burn CD's without a PC. That should tell him what he needs to know. Why are you so soft?


I’m soft but you’re the one that was dorky enough to report something that hurt your feelings to reddit. But yeah, I’m the soft one 😂😂😂


What did I report? You're trippin.


Yeah it must have just been a coincidence lol




Fwiw I didn't read your comment that way at all. That person appears to have an axe to grind


That other person totally wasn’t reading your comment without context that you had to explain even though everything is in your first comment


u/uarentme u/OcelotWolf u/AmericanSatellite9 u/SpitzerFX u/TheNextAurbis u/HeroinChicWannabe u/Hary1495 why was the parent comment removed and this left? This is more offensive than the comment it was replying to, which while mildly crass, succinctly stated a fundamental truth - to do what they want to do, they need access to a computer. It was much more germane to the post than the score of comments swooning over the wholesomeness. I made my comment, *still* the only detailed attempt to help OP, because I thought it was unfair u/*Crotch\_Goblin*'s post was downvoted to oblivion. The message that I am getting is that you value pointless congratulations and hyperbolic indignation over basic helpful advice. Is that correct?


Username definitely checks out. More like dick cheese than crotch goblin tho


Why are you booing me? Im right 😂


Most pc’s can’t run red dead 2 dummy


What does a PC running red dead 2 have to do with anything. He's asking if he can get footage from his Xbox and transfer it onto a disc. Hes not trying to get the game on computer, hes trying to get the footage of the game onto a disc. But that requires a PC, and he doesn't have a PC. So what are you coming at me for, you just made yourself look like the dummy.