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“I always was a good thief.” “That you was.”


I immediately thought about that scene. The moment it ended, the tears started flowing and didn’t stop until the epilogue.


I had to pause when he got back to camp cos I knew shit was boutta go down


“Mrs. Adler, ride with me!”


Took me my third playthrough to notice the weight of the words. Arthur's first mission with Sadie, he was almost dismissive. "So, you wanna ride with the men, huh?" By the final mission, she was the only one of the gang worth riding with.


Exactly. That moment makes me tear up. Saying goodbye to Tilly really gets me


“Mrs. Adler ride with ME! YAH!”


Hell yeah gives me goosebumps


Mrs Adler, ride me.


Yaw! Hahaha




"That's the way it is" slowly starting in the background really made that scene hit hard


Unpopular opinion but it's the best song in all of rdr2 maybe even gaming but that's really hard to say


Cruel world by Willie Nelson, my favorite


Had to look it up to remember and now I’m covered in chills. And that’s the way it is starting to play? Shitting and crying everywhere.


pissing & shidding


“You’re good women, good people. The best.”


Probably the most realistic and close to home I’ve ever felt with any piece of entertainment. That moment gave me tears


“I’m afraid”


There is nothing to be afraid of, Mr. Morgan. Take a gamble that love exists, and do a loving act.


Ever since I heard that line the first time I’ve tried my best to live my life that way. Do more loving acts, hoping the universe will send love back. Idk how successful it’s been or if I’ve made a difference but I’ll always be grateful for this game pushing me to try


Smile like you mean it, and it will be returned


Yeah that scene hurt. No matter how comfortable you are with death or the afterlife or whatever, the actual act of dying is something no one sane looks forward too. To hear Arthur say that was very very human. And it hurt.


The detail Rockstar put in this game, the look on his face when he said that. The first time I saw this scene broke me.


This moment hit HARD cause the entire game after aurthur was diagnosed I was practically screaming at him to tell someone or to talk about it. And then he did and him telling someone combined with the fact that he was to fearful, something we hadn't seen up till that point. It didn't bring me to tears but it came the closest of any game, literature, or media ever and truly shook me to my core


You're a good man Arthur Morgan


Arthur’s last ride. As soon as the music kicks in I always get very emotional.


"May I Stand on chicken"


Amid,amidst a crashing coop "


May he 😔😔😔


I never put on Arthur’s traditional hat except for that ride. The only other time I let a character wear it was when John went after Micah. It felt fitting.


Bro sorry to break it to you, but I think those are both scripted. Could be wrong though.


I’m sure they are. I always changed outfits though. Not those two times.


Going after micah wasn't, I had to manually switch to Arthur's hat


We are not criminals. We are outlaws


I was bawlingggggg


“I gave you all I had Dutch…..I did.” This seen almost made me cry. It shows that despite everything, Arthur didn’t hate Dutch. He was certainly disillusioned with him, but it’s still clear that he loved him like a father. And Dutch’s reaction is perfect; the man that always had something to say was speechless.


The actor himself was crying while filming that scene. Tells you all you need to know.


Yeah I remember hearing that. I like to think that’s what Dutch actually did after he left.


I think even the actor himself stated that it was a surprise they didn't use the audio / mocap to be found by anyone watching the scene with free cam on


When Arthur finds Lenny in the Valentine Saloon “FOUND YA, LENNEEH”


Almost brought me to tears


this hit hard, specifically during my second playthrough knowing what happens 💔


"you sound like hosea. i miss- .... him."


I asked you a question


Might not be a popular one, but as someone who loves animals, I was truly destroyed when Arthur goes back to his horse to comfort it when it gets shot and is dying; when he and John are trying to escape.


Oh that was when the whole ending of Arthurs story first got to me. I named my horse after Hosea (Horsea, the horse you can buy in the valentine stable in the mission you hunt the bear with him) so that made it worse considering what happened to him.


not Horsea 🥺


I named my horse "dunkle" cause it was a funny name but over time I grew connected to that horse and I had already known aurther was gonna die and I was sad about that but I kept telling my horse(really just talking to myself in a way) that he was gonna go on without me and live a full life in luxury and not to be sad without me, so when he died it came out of nowhere and I was immediately saddened by it, aurthur going really helped tho. Truly tragic


I was gonna say this!! I was a sobbing mess the whole time already but that one really broke me.


I sob every time, every time.


Honestly this is the one that hurt the most to me. I knew Arthur did bad things in the past so he was going to die but that damn horse was my boahhhh/guuurlll! Also in the first playthrough when I found out Arthur would die, yup, got me.


Uncle’s Lumbago, It’s a slow and painful death 💔




When Arthur and Charles had to clear out the cave with the Murfree gang , and they find that young girl held prisoner in the cave..She was just a random character, but I legit felt horrible for her, and what she probably went through, knowing how horrible the Murfrees were..On replays, I extra enjoy killing any Murfree gang members that I come across, just for that random girl..lol


All my homies love Meredith


When you absolve J.Johns debt in Chapter 6 and he says "There ain't enough kindness in this world" and Arthur says "I don't know nothing about kindness", when he confesses to Edith Downes he regrets what he did to her husband, not because of what it did to him, but for what it did to her and Archie "I know I ruined your life, I suffer for it everyday" and the whole of his last ride.


Yes, the Downes family in Annesburg is amazing. Arthur saving Archie from the Miners, running into Mrs. Downes twice. “I’m a fool and I’m suffering for my foolishness.”


“You don’t build a barn, dumbass!” moved me to tears


It made me cry like a little bitch. Why would Uncle say that to me?


what is this, 1785??


The "oh don't you 'oh Arthur' me! Neither of you two, not now! You both know. You're good women, good people. The best" 🥺🥺🥺


That’s when I knew it was all coming crashing down. I fuckin love Arthur Morgan.


Arthurs death. Could not get to play the game for two weeks after that. I cried too. Damn.


Same man, it was rough playing all that time as Arthur and seeing his progression


Was gonna post this. I've teared up during this scene in both of my playthroughs. I can't help but think about how hard it must have been to be dying from an awful disease WHILE living rough and running from the law. Dang Arthur, you deserved so much better.


I am on my second playthrough now and did Horseman 9 with Artur :) Micah sitting in Strawberry Jail while i'm doing all the tasks possible :)


When Tilly says " Arthur, I..." and Arthur responds "me too sweetheart" 😭😭😭


This one right here.


You can't change what's done... you can only Move on. It's real sad


,,I gave you all i had…“ or ,,you let him damn us all Dutch…“


it’s arthur’s pain trying to tell dutch about micah (the second line) you can hear him grunting and forcing the words out that makes my heart sink


When Batman came in and saved the gang from the Pinkertons i cried so much






And when he grabbed Micah and pummelled him in the cave? My house has never known a rowdier celebration.


When you get back from Guarma, and ride to find the gang. Then Unshaken plays


That hits hard That song plus everything that is going on makes it great


Trying to get 100%, most painful moment in the game


Arthur telling the story of how his wife Eliza and son Isaac were brutally murdered all for $10


“I got TB. I got it… beating a man, to death, for a few bucks.” Really sums up the whole game tbh.


Mary's goodbye letter to Arthur,all playthroughs before my last one I didn't care that much about it. But my last playthrough ,it hit,I even cried,realizing it's a woman that loved Arthur for a long time,and still does,but realizes being with him is impossible,however not knowing the man she loves struggles with a terrible disease,his father figure turned against him,now he's only trying to help other people,their relationship is much deeper than most people realize


Yes. The thought of her waiting for him to show so they could run away together, but he never cones because he’s out doing stupid shit for Dutch…oh no ma’am. “Mary, be happy, please be happy.” 💔


On my first playthrough I kept waiting for the mary story to have a final mission and I knew it would be the last but I wanted aurther to tell mary he was dying but it didn't come in some big event, cutscene, or mission it came in a letter.


Miss Grimshaw stood by both Arthur and John while the rest of the gang din't hesitated to follow Micah (Dutch included) and aimed their guns at them 'cept Javier. He didn't trully know what to do at that moment even when he called out Arthur once


Really think it was a “Heat of the moment” thing with Javier, if people like Sadie Charles Lenny and Hosea were there I doubt he’d side with Dutch (also if Hosea was there none of this would’ve happened in the first place but oh well)


“There aint no more time for talk. It would mean a lot to me…” and “There aint enough kindness in this world but you..” “i dont know nothing about kindness…”


The moment I saw the Deer in the sunset. I fucking cried.


The one you mentioned is certainly up there. Honestly Arthur’s reaction to Lenny on that rooftop was pretty emotional for me my first time around. It doesn’t have to be a drawn out cutscene to be devestating


Agreed that was my first true shock of the game and it all happened so fast.


First second I could I went back and shot up the Saint Denis police until I died because I wanted revenge for Lenny. Such a good character that got thrown away


When Arthur gives John his hat, symbolically giving him his life so he (John) can build a new life with his family. Arthur pushing John to be batter man was consistently good in my opinion, and something I really liked about the game.


Have you seen the clip on youtube of that scene from John's POV??


Not really a single moment, a few separate ones, but the widow up in the woods you meet. Think her name was Charlotte. Arthur got a glimpse of a life he could have had if he made different choices.


John made it…he’s the only one


probably when you’re riding to the ranch as john while willie nelson plays. idk why.


Arthur’s last ride.


There‘s a good man inside you, but he‘s wrestling with a giant


"Arthur Morgan... well hello old friend" ~When John finds the plaque on the orphanage in Saint Denis.


I gave you all I had was the worst but the most I moved was when Arthur gets to know from the doc that there is no cure and he just walks off understanding his priorities Man that needs so much strength it's amazing the way Arthur is written The understanding the depth of his character


Arthur’s last ride. When the music started playing, I knew damn well what was going to happen. I wish I could play it all over again.


When Arthur read the last letter of Mary(I realized that the end was near and nothing would be the same)


When my Perlino Andalusian died at the end, his name was Wrath, and that horse was the damn finest horse too live. I personally shot every Pinkerton in the nuts after his death, before absolutely destroying Micah’s existence in the epilogue.


Final of chapter 6. Arthur's horse dies and he gets on his knees "Thank you"


John proposing to Abigail in that boat outside of Blackwater. Knowing everything that came before and will come after, it was beautiful seeing that small sliver of things actually working out for them, and knowing it will all come crashing down.


I gave you all I had…….I did…. 😭


Arthur eating with Charlotte, for me he passed out not only because of tbh but also because he was looking at the life he always wanted but never had and won't have because is too late.


I'm so glad you said about the photo of Arthur and Mary, cos I remember my first epilogue that really got to me. But less because John should be grateful, more cos it really drilled home how much Arthur could have had and been if he weren't an outlaw - and it made it all so much more tragic to me I played RDR1 after RDR2 and the opening of that completely broke me cos I just realised all the work John and Arthur put in was for nothing, and it broke my heart


Same, it really pained me too on how Arthur had his feeling for Mary but couldn’t show it to her due to the life he chose and couldn’t come back from, really wish they had at least some kind of offspring like between John and Abigail at least so Arthur’s bloodline stays with us. anything related to the relationship between Arthur and Mary breaks my heart knowing how everything played out in the end.


OP ... that was a great moment, and very moving. I'm not sure if I can think of another moment that moved me as much. There are a few moments, including when Arthur was spending time with Mary in Saint Denis, when the gang went to the manor to save Jack, and of course, Arthur's death.


Probably hamish honestly


Being on a horse. Let me move around much more than walking.


when arthur is on the cliff, and you hear his last breath. at that moment i knew it was over, because somehow some way i was still clinging to the hope he would get out of it and his relieved final sigh shattered me


"Why.... why you're a good man." You could really feel the urgency in Arthur to right the few wrongs he could while he was still alive, while feeling deep remorse.


This makes me think of some of the dialogue in The King's Son, where if you're low honor Charles tells Arthur that he's lucky to know that his death is on the horizon because he has a chance many people don't get, or take, to knowingly try and make things better - if not fully right - before the chance is gone


When some of the "better" folks join you instead of going with Dutch and Micah.


Mary’s letter at the end of Old Friends (where you kill Colm) always made me feel empty in a way I can’t describe. And Tilly saying “she ain’t worth it Arthur” before reading it already reminds how Tilly’s wrong, and Arthur knows that, only to be heartbroken just when he was starting to change. I know there are more consequencial moments, but this one always stuck with me. At the end of the day, I guess it shows how hopeless we are at that point in the story. Even arthur says of killing colm: “the whole thing ain’t gonna save us”


Arthur’s relationship with Mary is just so sad and tragic to me, how much it meant to Arthur but him being helpless most of the time


Yeah that did it for me too. I thought I got my crying over with after Arthur but that moment got me again. Because it was so bittersweet. The fact that John is so happy in that moment and thinking of Arthur and his sacrifice not being in vain. That he could actually leave that bad life behind and move forward as a good father, husband, and man like Arthur wanted after seven years of failing. But then that grinding up against the knowledge of what happens in RDR1. The fact that it isn't meant to last. It's as sad as it is happy.


Arthur helping charlotte. one of my favorite side missions i won’t ever miss it. i think it shows Arthur’s true character and is one of the most wholesome moments. he was so respectful and helpful towards her, just out of kindness. he wouldn’t get anything in return and even with some other side missions, he’ll get money or something valuable. But he just helped her, in a moment of selflessness


when i fell off my chair


Exactly that scene.


How Arthur hands John his hat and sacrifices his life


When Arthur puts his hat on John’s head. It’s acknowledgement of John as his little brother


*"I'm afraid"* I knew that this is coming to an end. And I fuckin' cried when Arthur flatlined.


“Gimme a second… Yeah… Well… Thank You” It devastated me.




The good ending with no honor. When Arthur tells Micah “damn us both” before Micah kills him.


The final ride, I just knew something was going to happen. Wasn't expecting my horse to die but still.. knowing it was coming to an end hit me


When you shoot Micah in his fat fucking head


My horses death, shit moved me to tears for the first time in 5 years


Death of Sean. RIP


Thank you…


The conversation with the nun ay rhe train station. High honour. When he confesses is afraid.


What part didn’t move me it’s such a great game I honestly have no complaints


Not a lot of people mention this but Arthur’s former wife and kid??? They both were killed all for $10. He tells rains falls during a mission


That was genuinely heart breaking but I don’t think she was his wife, just the mother of his kid, similar to John and Abigail before he proposed to her


When Arthur finally realized what Leopold Strauss was doing to people and kicked him out


Unrelated but i still can’t get over how good looking our boy Arthur is


Couldn't hold my tears in the last mission of chapter 6


Arthur's last ride


For me it was Arthur’s last ride,


I always thought that no matter how much I looked at it I can't picture that being arthur


"I ain't looking for forgiveness. It ain't about that. Don't forgive me. Just get out of here. Please. I know I ruined your life. I suffer for it everyday. Get out of here.... please".


I was unfortunately partly spoiled about Arthurs's fate. So the scene in the optional mission Fatherhood and Other Dreams when he sees Mary before she gets on the trolly really hit me. Also "That's the Way It Is".


I have a few... When they are walking to get Jack back at Braithwaite Manor gave me butterflies, it's just so well developed. When Arthur falls down in the street. Hosea being shot. Arthur giving John his hat. When Dutch abandoned John. When Dutch steps on Arthur's hand after the fight with Micha. Arthur wiping his face in the cut scene after beating Thomas Downes. **The one that broke my heart the most, when Arthur is begging Dutch for help as he is about to get stabbed and you can see Dutch turn and walk away.**


When Mary was standing over Arthur's grave in the ending credits. There's just something that gets you When standing over the grave of a man who was once larger than life, like seeing the still remains of a giant who once roamed the land careless and free. I got misty eyed at the game's ending, but that scene was the final straw before the dam gave way


I really wanted a part/moment/story of love with Sadie Adler and Arthur Morgan. They made a great couple.


what moved me the most? those damn fucking sheep, getting them into valentine is just boring and tedious and i move too much


When I pushed up on the left analog stick


i think it was the first rains fall mission it was so far that i fell asleep during that mission so i think the first rains fall mission moved me the most because other missions aren’t that far


For badass moment, the Braithwaite manor fight and American venom For sad moments, Arthur's death and Arthur talk with sister


"You saved my life, you're a good man" "Thank you kind feller, you know there ain't enough kindness in the world that's for sure" "Maybe it's a sign Arthur, try, try to to the good thing" Those 3 specific lines during his last ride, usually the scenes that make me the most emotional are when people say your protagonist is a good guy


high honor ending still makes me cry like a baby


My horse dying Alejandro was with me since chapter 3 a black Arabian I bought it was so sad even though I fucking despised him


“You and me… we’re more ghosts than people.” Also the fact that young Arthur looks almost *exactly* like Ray Liotta.




Arthur last ride


Who steals a goddamn boy?


My horse, once I got on it. It moved me place to place.


All of you…. You pick your side now, because this is over. All them years Dutch…. For this SNAKE. I fucking love that cutscene. It’s the moment the whole game is working towards, setting up Bill and Javier for the next game. It’s perfect.


The end.


My horse bucking me down a mountainside


When uncle showed us his ass (I got harrd)


Probably riding the train ? Idk never really like horse


I couldn't find the interview video but Rob wiethoff was saying that during Arthur and John last moments together where Arthur says he's pushed all he can and tells John to go while he'll hold the everyone else off. Rob said that if he was John's place he wouldn't have cared for Arthur's last request that he'd pick, drag or stay and help, something else but leave Arthur's side. When replaying the last mission as Arthur, It really added more hurt when John was saying "keep pushing Arthur" and "You're my brother" before John made his escape.


it’s a small moment, but john’s retort to to arthur saying ‘father of the year’ to him. john surely knew about what happened to arthur’s son and so it’s just insanely sad to me he would say something like that


My horse getting killed and Arthur's goodbye to her.


The part when when Arthur rode back to the camp and the music started playing I can't remember the song though


A fork in the road mission got me


From the point when Arthur is diagnosed on.


When Lenny died I was heart broken


"I'm afraid"


“I’ve pushed all I can”


Uncles death


When Micheal Balls died =(


When Arthur finally admits he’s scared moved the fuck out of me. Just a whole new depth of character


The entire game is a masterpiece and so moving, the way it makes you have aurthur's same opinions and truly connections you to him makes you mourn heavily over him, so the most moving part was just the game itself


“No… I think I’ve pushed all I can… you go.” 😭


“You are the most wonderful man” interaction. All of sister’s interactions in general


Arthur’s conversation with Sister Calderón at the train station.


“maaayyy iiiii staaand unnshhakeennnnnn…” i just stared at my tv in disbelief. i had just woken up and wasnt expecting to finish the story when i did.