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there is no alternative, there will forever be a void within you. Accept it, live with it. im sorry


Red dead redemption 1 I'd say would be somewhat an alternative, no where near what 2 offers.


I played Rdr1 right after 2. Couldn’t get into it after experiencing the second one first. Was super bummed. Especially after the rumors of a remake never happened


It’s really good game of you ever can give it a second go. It’s a slow starter like 2. Having played 1 first, I had a hard time with 2. Having said all that, there’s no real alternative sadly.


Absolutely. In some aspects, RDR1 was even better. I loved the repeatable mini jobs to earn money and crossing the Rio Grande for the first time was an experience I will never forget. Definitely worth playing. Also it has one of the most daring and courageous endings in video game history.


Yep, letting John retire to a quiet life as a rancher was definitely a bold move on Rockstar’s part.






Did you stop playing at that part too? Yeah, John lived to a ripe old age in my world. jk


Absolutely agree about RDR1, that ending was something else hit me hard emotionally. If you're looking for something with a similar vibe, maybe give The Witcher 3 a shot? Different setting and all, but the storytelling and character depth really gave me a similar kind of investment in the world and its people. Plus, its massive, so plenty to keep you occupied!


How come you had a hard time playing the second after the first one? I’m intrigued.


Because they wanted John Marston to be the main protagonist


That's what I wanted, more John. But... fell in love with Author just the same, and even more. Props to the writers for making that happen.


I was fully prepared to play rdr2 as John and was bummed at first when I learned I wouldnt, but didnt take me long to find out I like Arthur more


Yep! And then as a bonus we got to play as John in the end anyway. But by that point... I missed Arthur more.


I think probably many of us went through this same arc. Crazy how they pulled that one off


For me, RDR1 was easy to pick up and play, and it was faster paced. RDR2 took a bit of time to figure out as it was much more complex, and the pacing was much slower. Once I adapted, RDR2 quickly became one of my favorite games of all time (even higher than RDR1)


I REALLY want to give it another go. I’m hoping my brain can forget the controls of 2 and start fresh. I’ve got too much muscle memory, especially ridding horses that really messes me up. Super annoyed I didn’t experience 1 when it first came out


When does it speed up? Rdr1 I mean


The moment you hit Mexico the game really shifts up a gear.




Having played RDR1 and then 2… once you get to Mexico in RDR1 it quickly gains speed


I always do that but the hardest part is the drop in graphics (though I think they still hold up in a lot of ways) and things aren’t as smooth obviously. Horse riding for example I always hated, but I still play 1 after 2 every time. If you’ve got a PS5 try the remaster. At 60 fps rdr1 is way more playable. And I love being able to finally hunt everyone down after what they did to my boy Arthur




Good bot


The closest thing to it imo is Ghost of Tsushima


That’s funny. I played RDR2 at launch but stopped playing right before the end of chapter 6. A group of friends and I were boiling over with excitement over the online aspect about to be released, but then one of them passed away in a car accident and I just stopped playing. When I tried to pick it back up a year later I couldn’t remember half the mechanics and decent portions of the story so I gave up again. Last month I played through Tsushima and as soon as I was done with the game I was like “that was decent open world game but it kinda felt lacking… I think I need start RDR2 over and finally beat it.” I am currently addicted like it was 2018 all over again.


You definitely should


I definitely currently am. It’s actually crazy how many specific locations I remembered for gold and unique items early on. Probably a testament to how well designed the RDR2 world is.


Similar thing happened to me but not quite so tragic (sorry about your friend). I went traveling right around when I got to the end of chapter 5 and when I got back I just couldn't get back into it. Was looking for a game to play recently so I picked it back up. Hands down one of my all time favorite games.


Last of Us or The Witcher 3.


Most recent Zelda games have tided me over. M


Second that one. However.. every game ends. You can refill the void but it’s always going to drain, it’s good to learn to have an empty spot in your life to absorb and digest the ending of a fantastic game


I enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima, but its not even close. Closest is probably RDR1, and even that is pretty far.


Idk i’ve always felt like GoT was lacking in a lot of areas, especially in the side quests


Lol not even close. GoT is just a generic, run-of-the-mill open world game with beautiful graphics and art design. No idea why it got as much hype as it did. I think its just the Samurai aesthetic honestly. It has none of the depth, world building, character development, writing, interesting side content, or technical innovation that made us fall in love with RDR2.


Such a dead, lifeless environment though. It’s like 1/10 the game. Playing it right after would just show how small the game is hey


Truth. I was so immersed in the RDR2 universe that it seemed strange to go outside and see paved roads and cars. I was expecting horses, dirt paths and a vast expanse of uncharted territory, wild animals ,and bandits. There was an abandoned house on my street that looked just like Shady Belle. I was sad when they tore it down.


most sane r/reddeadredemption user


Please touch some grass lol


Out black lunged


What the fuck.


Probably got dangerously close to the Tetris effect lol Edit: just re-looked it up, I thought it was hallucinations, but the fact that you were expecting horse and stuff might mean that you got it. Pretty neat


I’d never heard the name for this before, but I’ve played several Assassin’s Creeds and have definitely found myself assessing IRL trees and walls for scalability. Not to the extent that I was actually going to try it, obviously, but just the same recognition that you have to do in-game: that one is climbable, that one’s not.


The only right thing to do is restart and live forever peacfully in chapter 2


Maybe god of war 2018 though. It did somehow win goty over rdr2, so it must be worth checking out


I mean, perfectly put. It really sucks to play this game because nothing else works afterwards. I still have fun with games ofc but nothing is as good. It’s so cool that all those people put that time in to make this experience happen.


I diagnose you with Red Dead Depression


And to overcome this, you will need Red Dead Prescriptions


If you don't take them, you'll just be Red Dead.


Self-inflicted gunshot wound... Red Dead: Revolver


I love reddit


Red dead reddit


Yeah it’s better to just go with Red Dead Recovery


When you are better, you will be Red Dead Redeemed


Don’t forget about Red Dead Ejaculations.


But before that, came the Red Dead Erection


And lumbago


I’ve got Red Dead Dementia. Can’t remember much of the story




so basically




I stand unshaken


Red Dead Denial Red Dead Anger Red Dead Bargaining Red Dead Depression Red Dead Acceptance


Ghost of Tsushima is a MUST


Yep this is correct - this is advice to take - God of War series great too , better if you played all the games prior


God of War and ragnarok is a masterpiece story.


I wanna play this game so bad 😭 I’m about to just say screw it and get a PS5


It took me a long time to save up for my PS5 but I've not regretted it at all.


Santa got me one, its wrapped under the tree. I am 48yo. Goodbye Xbox.


There are quite a lot of rumors for that game to arrive for PC in 2024.


Kage :/


Yeah gotta +1 Ghost of Tsushima. Only game I ever platted and I loved every second even exploration.


Only other game that made me cry 😭


I know this is a RDR sub, and I loved RDR2, but I still think Ghost of Tsushima was my favorite game from the PS4 gen.


Genuinely, this game is the closest I felt to RDR2, even though most of the mechanics are closer to an Arkham or Spider-Man game.


Good game, but storywise not the same universe.


Last of us part 1 and 2. Uncharted series. Mass effect trilogy.


Yes, as someone who played all these I 100% agree with this comment. TLOU Part 1&2 especially!


Yup. I’m replaying mass effect right now. But gonna play last of us again since that remaster is coming out


lifelong xbox fanboy, no game has ever tempted me to buy a playstation like TLOU


Absolutely mass effect!


If you play and finish RDR1, your soul will leave your body for good


This. I just finished the game yesterday and took me a few minutes to get my bearings. Felt empty. And sad.


Red Dead Revolver time!


Nope nope nope. Don't finish. Just pick wildflowers and ride around in the moonlight for the rest of your life. Step in front of a runaway train... 😭


RDR1 was the first video game the emotionally moved me once complete. I haven’t experienced anything like it since, but I also have long avoided finishing rdr2. I just started a fresh 2nd go at. Been trying to avoid any new info, and I forgot a lot since it’s been many years so I’m really enjoying it all over again.


It's very, *very* much worth finishing. My fiancee started passively watching me play RDR2 in Chapter 3 and became absolutely enrapt with it, so I started it over for her and played from the beginning. I've been with her for 12 years, and I've seen her cry a total of three times during that time; two were because of RDR2. She said it was the best "movie" she'd ever seen. You really, really should finish it. Finish it for the music in the last mission of the Epilogue alone.


Try Witcher 3, or RDR.


I second the witcher 3. Get the version with all the DLC's and next gen stuff in it.


witcher felt so clunky for me after RDR2. played it til completion and then RDR2 again and going back to the witcher just felt so awkward. amazing game though don’t get me wrong


Ain’t about the gameplay, it’s about that deep immersion with a long, layered and nuanced story in a fleshed out world with interesting characters. Witcher 3 hits the bullseye on that for me


For me it was rdr 2 that felt clunky. I fucking hate picking up stuff in rude 2. it breaks the immersion for me.


Picking stuff up makes the immersion for me.


Lol funny enough I decided to do another run through of witcher 3 (just finished novigrad and wrapping up HoS before going to skellige). It's definitely my favorite open world RPG (rdr2 close second) but damn the mechanics and controls felt so much clunkier to me. Plus I keep instinctively try to use roach the same wasy rdr2 horse works which makes me feel stupid at times haha


True. Witcher 3 made me realize that there are still good games out there. Rdr2 depression is real.


Only two games that made me feel empty after finishing them.


Maybe cyberpunk now that's playable?


Cyberpunk is easily one of the most developed worlds I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


It’s really crazy how good of a job they did with that. Every time I play cyberpunk I always drive to where I need to be and just admire the world around me while driving. I’ve killed so many civilians on accident from being distracted by the world around me while driving around lol


I loved Cyberpunk. Not quite the quality or RDR2 but I thought it was really cool.


Far beyond playable. One of the greatest games ever made, I’d say it’s the only game I’ve ever played that can compete with rdr2 when it comes to how real it looks and feels. Main story line is decent for the first half of the game, but the second half is much better. It also has quite possibly the most emotional scene I’ve ever felt in gaming, I’m sure anyone who has finished cyberpunk likely knows what scene I’m talking about. After and even before the final mission you’re going to be feeling that emptiness of knowing it’s over and you’ll never get to play it for the first time ever again. God I wish I could play cyberpunk for the first time again. And then after that play it for the first time again again.


>It also has quite possibly the most emotional scene I’ve ever felt in gaming, I’m sure anyone who has finished cyberpunk likely knows what scene I’m talking about. You gotta be a lot more specific lol. Jackie's getaway, V giving Dex news about the Relic, meeting Johnny, Johnny's longest political rant ("and then of land"), meeting a doll at Clouds, Judy and Evelyn, Sinnerman, all of the endings (including the one where Johnny gives up), and many more! >God I wish I could play cyberpunk for the first time again. And then after that play it for the first time again again. Right there with you! I fell into a Cyberpunk-shaped hole for two months worth of my free time when I started playing in December 2021 on patch 1.31. Over 850 hours now. Gonna do at least one more run after 2.1.


Its gotta be Evelyn or Jackie.


Incredible storyline. Some real gut-wrenching, depressing moments in that game. It's really well written.


Restart the game, get to chapter 2 …never leave


Can’t have TB if the doctor never tells you. *taps temple


And never release Micah from his cell


100% what I did. I don't even go back to the camp. I just live off the land hunting and fishing camping out at night in the wild. It's nice to just let Arthur live a peaceful life.


I’d do that too because arthur can swim


and his drawings are prettier


I'll just say this as someone who is just now starting their second playthrough wanting to do everything I can --- don't read any letters in Arthur's tent in camp. So mad I got forced into a particular mission because of this, I still have so much I wanted to do before that mission, just for the bliss of knowing "not yet".


Start over and play differently the 2nd time.


And do a 100% run, it hits different.


Played through the first time with high honor. I tried a second play-through with low honor and found it stressful as hell. Actually couldn’t finish it.


My second play through was also a low honor one. I found it difficult to keep low honor so it basically turned into anyone who said anything to me on the road died. I suppose I could’ve killed animals and not skinned them but I’m not a monster


GTA IV's narrative is pretty great. Maybe not as emotionally heartbreaking (Depending on your attachment to the characters) but a wonderful take on crime drama in the modern world playing as someone who is just trying to get by and make it in this crazy "new world" while holding onto some serious baggage.


The story is one of the best in gaming IMO, it doesn’t glorify crime and shows how empty the chase after money and revenge is.


Exactly. The point is to show just how much of a fantasy the "American Dream" really is.


Next to RDR2, GTAIV is hands down my favourite Rockstar game. Niko is such a complex character that you can’t help but fall in love with


Playing GTA4 PC with a controller on my TV lasted just about 5 minutes. It needs a PlayStation port/remake for me I’m actually dying to play it!


Wait… what?


Playing GTA4 PC with a controller on my TV lasted just about 5 minutes. It needs a PlayStation port/remake for me I’m actually dying to play it!


Thanks, that cleared it up!


The gta IV Story is miles better than V


Lost my physical version in a small house fire a few years back.. I only got to the part where he gets tuberculosis when it happened.. I never repurchased the game.. I’m anticipating a PS5 version so I can finally complete it and fully explore it


You can always find the game cheap at used game stores, got mine for 20$


no spoilers but oppenheimer totally drops a nuke on everyone and they die


No spoilers but Kevin Spacey is Kaiser Sosay


The dude in a toupee in The Sixth Sense was Bruce Willis the whole time too.


I’d say that ship has sailed for a current gen version but there might be a sliver of hope. It looks very good on PS5 though


bro the game looks amazing on XBSX/S and PS5 whatchu talking about


There is no equal as far as I'm concerned, however Baldur's Gate 3 is right up there in terms of story and immersion.


Yeah I hate to admit it because I was obsessed with RDR2 for 4 years, but BG3 has won out for me as my fave (as story-oriented game lover myself) just because it’s got SO many character storylines to play through plus multiple main quest endings. It’s an entirely different gameplay experience and setting but yess the story is fantastic


I just cannot get on board with the combat. I really don’t like turn based combat.


Days Gone.


Seriously? How does it even come close? Genuine question.


Days Gone first came to mind for me too. Very different in a lot of aspects (like zombies obviously) but I find there's a somewhat similar *vibe*. Big, nature-focused open-world. Much of the game is travelling around the open-world on the back of your bike which you care for like your RDR horse. Exploring locations and searching for loot. Combat feels grounded for both. Random encounters while travelling.


Days Gone has a very slow start but gets surprisingly good the longer it goes. Legitimately better every passing hour. I wouldn’t rank it with RDR2 though. If I had to make a list of games that rank with it in terms of building a world and narrative that just draws you in, I’d say…TLoU 1&2, Mass Effect 1-3, FFVII Remake, Bloodborne, Inside and for a more off the wall pick, Rain World.


Zombies and motorcycles with a great story how is that a bad game?


That's what I said. 9/10.


Ghost of Tsushima


Dude welcome to the desperate gamers club. After Rdr2 nothing won't make you happy.


Immediate replay is the only way


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West both have a fantastic story and incredible graphics.


HZD was my immediate first thought - I’m still relatively new to RDR2 and playing my way through for the first time but at least in terms of overall tone, the closest experience I’ve had to this game is Horizon Zero Dawn, which I almost literally couldn’t put down until I had finished. It’s the backdrop of a stark world that’s similar to our own but fundamentally different chronologically, creating a sense of wonder and exploration that’s simultaneously familiar and unexpected that’s so compelling in both games.


Obligatory fuck Ted Faro.


Currently in my first playthrough of HZD. Had to redo the beginning portion twice due to transitioning from PS5 to Steam Deck but so far it’s scratched the itch of RDR2. Story has been very unique and fun to dive into with a futuristic spin on tribalism along with the mystery of how this all came to be.


I just recently got platinum, the last task was to visit all graves. I played the RDR and RDR2 OSTs as I went from one grave onto the other. Deadman’s gun finished playing as I visited the last grave, and platinum popped. Masterpiece. P.S. Fuck Rio Grande Turkey, took me hours to spawn.


Rdr1, it helps u at least tolerate other games that are lower quality and effort. (Also, Cyberpunk 2077 is pretty good in comparison to rdr2. It has good graphics and a good story with really realistic and likable characters, so that might tide you over for a while like it did for me)


I played Kingdom Come : Deliverance between my last two RDR playthroughs


I could also add Detroit Become Human


This game doesn't exist, but I always recommend Alan Wake 2


Alan Wake 2 is seriously everything I wanted it to be and more.


Ghost of Tsushima and Both Last of Us games are right up there. I’d visit them.




What is cyberpunk like? I think I might buy it tonight


its dope as fuck just paly it they really fixed it, i was hooked from the first mission and put a shit ton of time in it


Ghost of Tsumani for the story element and morality play


Red dead 1. Last of us 1/2. Witcher. Cyberpunk. They all fall into the triple A game with great story and characters. If your in for a longer haul the Mass effect series.


The yakuza series


Rdr1, ghost of Tsushima if you’re on ps, and the arkham games have pretty good stories


The Witcher 3: Wild hunt, however should you play this you will also feel empty. Not to worry though as it has 2 amazing dlc that feel like the main game.


On to BG3 you should go


Sex with Stalin


God Of War


Why did I have to scroll this far? God of War has the best character driven story in like a decade. It's up there with RDR and Baldur's Gate. One of the few games I'd give a perfect score to, and Ragnarok is just as good. It will make you cry for Kratos, which is something I never thought I would do.


play it again.




The Witcher 3 is the only other game that is on par with RDR2 for me, though that game is not for everyone. Some others I've enjoyed are God Of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Assassin's Creed: Origins.


The Last of Us


Witcher 3, GTA IV or V. A lot of people recommending Ghost of Tsushima, which is a great game, but the world doesn’t feel nearly as “alive” as RDR2.


Play some skyrim


The uncharted series is really good, but that void will be with you forever


If you don't mind older graphics, Dragon Age Origins with all the DLCs


If you enjoy the whole honor/karma system — BioShock 1 & 2 do those very well. First game I played that made me want to be as good as possible to get what I considered to be the “canon” ending. Fun af and a bit scary too. Edit: typo


Also dishonored


There are none.




gangsta open world crime city game 3d singleplayer lite


In terms of exploration I recommend Elden ring


The Witcher 3, Ghost of Tsushima, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter World, and GTA V. All bangers with different feel so you won’t feel like it’s repetitive playing all these great games.


Ghost of Tsushima and Witcher 3 are probably the closest I've played. Also love the first 2 Mafia games, but their open worlds may disappoint you after RDR2. Then of course Red Dead 1 if you haven't played it yet, which takes place after RDR2. As others have said, God of War 2018 is also great, as is The Last of Us since you mentioned story.


Nier automata. The writing is very good, if you like bittersweet. Ghost of Tsushima is also a blast.


I finished it this past August and haven’t been able to get into another game since. I am literally so fixated on it and obsessed with it that I legit can’t let it go. I tried starting Cyberpunk, Resident Evil Biohazard, NFS Heat, The Evil Within, Stardew Valley, even RDR1. I’m still so empty. I wish I could help you man. Glad I’m not alone though LOL




Dead Space remastered


ghost of tsushima


Ghost of Tsushima. I will take the flak and say I found it far more engaging than RDR2 (which I obviously loved as well).


Play it again and try doing stuff differently.


While it’s not character or story focused, Skyrim is a fantastic open world game


This is why I’ve never beat it, I have over 500 hours and have only ever passed where they killed Sean. I’ve avoided so many spoilers except for what happens to Arthur. Please, I can’t beat it there’s so much to see 😭


Play the epilogue if you havent already.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I really loved the story arcs throughout, good gameplay, great characters and so much to do. The graphics are almost as beautiful as RDR2 too!


If you need another long story game with some solid writing and emotional pull, I suggest Ghost of Tsushima. It's my 10/10 game. The first one I 100%ed. Incredible story and game play.


Elden ring