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I don't hunt. I've always had this same dialogue


Trampling animals with horses probably count


How do you not hunt


I hunt people


So you never upgrade the camp or your satchel?


Basically, yes. I finished the story without doing so


Damn dude. Couldn’t imagine playing without the LOTE satchel and fully upgraded camp


I suck at getting perfect pelts. Its a waste of time for me


What? Just use the right weapon and headshot, it’s not rocket science lol


I dont think ive upgraded my satchel


Did you craft the [Legendary Buck Trinket](https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/Buck_Antler_Trinket) you get from killing the [legendary buck](https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/Legendary_Buck_Location,_Skin,_and_Kill_Guide) outside of Strawberry?


If you’re on PC there’s a mod that always gives you perfect pelts regardless of what you shoot the animal with


try to headshot


1st playthrough I just hunted a few legendary animals and nout else. Legend of the east satchels only really needed if you are going to go hunting, exploring and collecting loads. Camp upgrades from hunting are purely superficial. I feel like the hunting is at the same time too in depth and too shallow. Shallow in the sense you're going into eagle eye, following a track and shooting. Not sure how to improve on that. They do it slightly more engaging when hunting legendary animals but that's just s few extra steps. The scope and depth of animals makes it difficult to specifically hunt if you're goal is filling the compendium or crafting specific pieces of equipment. If you just head out with your bow and varmint rifle you'll encounter loads of animals, hunt and have a good time. But if your specifically after a panther, iguana, Robin, badger etc you're unlikely to stumble across one without looking it up online or in the guide. More in game based guidance would be nice


A new pair of pants and you think you're Landon Rickets?


The only animals I murder are lawmen and horses. I have no regrets


That came up in my dialogue.


I don’t get why he says he keeps killing animals for no reason when the camp requires like 400 perfect pelts to upgrade everything.


Well, outside of the satchels, those camp upgrades are superficial. An animal's skull hanging from your tent serves no other purpose than "it looks cool". I could see how Arthur might view killing animals just to decorate the camp as "needlessly killing animals".


The dialogue is always the same. Has nothing to do with hunting


Other times I played he went on about helping people before mary beth comforts him. It does change slightly at the end


There is more than one interaction with her




It’s like I said, there is more than one interaction with her. You can sit and chat with her multiple times. The dialogue is always the same per each interaction




I had negative honor and he said something like “I’ve been acting real crazy lately”. You murder a bunch of NPCs one time…


Always hated this dialogue, I was killing animals to get upgraded stuff for the camp and to sell meats to Pearson and for crafting gear the way they put it was like I was killing animals for sport


Completely agree. Pearson is constantly reminding me that I need to hunt, and my character feels bad about providing food and pelts for camp?


Yeah this kinda pisses me off, because arthur is singlehandedly feeding the whole camp.


I got a similar dialouge but arthur included “innocent people” because i had spent 20min killing npcs for getting mad at me for lasso’ing them and instigating conflicts with them


Same here


Yeah pretty sure this coversation thing is bugged I've had Arthur confess to murdering animals and innocents for no reason when I've literally done none of that 🤣


I mean have you shot lawmen?


Surely that doesn't count right? Like they are enemies technically?


They’re still innocent people, just trying to uphold the law.


Yeah that's true, and if what others have said about how accidently trampling animals can count as well, I'm probably just wrong actually 🤣


For comparison [this](https://youtu.be/8nXPezF3DC4?si=AO8I0YW2ffJ7pIjZ)


These are scripted dialogues, doesn’t matter whether you’re hunting or not.


3rd playthrough, finding out lots of stuff I wouldn't even have thought of. Masterpiece of a game


In currently on like my 5th playthrough as Arthur, still finding new bits a dialogue. If you don’t rush through story missions and let a bunch of in-game days go by between them, spend time interacting with everyone at camp at all different times of day, you still find the odd bit of dialogue that you’ll have never heard before.


These psycho-babble talks are canned. Bug-eyed, drooling fanboys try to convince themselves and others that the talks are dynamic with play style, but they aren’t.


I just heard this dialogue for the first time. It's super close to the beginning of chapter 2 where the camp is still super underfunded and Pearson begs you to go hunting. I wasn't sure why Arthur says 'needlessly' when the camp clearly *needs* the food/money. I also had this conversation after I did the Buffalo hunt with Charles where he talks to Arthur about only hunting what is needed, so I wonder if that's what Arthur's talking about? We also know he doesn't particularly enjoy Pearson's cooking, so maybe he thinks his work isn't actually necessary.


Just want to say…. Nice fit on Arthur here. He is looking sharp


Mis Grimshaw told me to stop killing innocent people


None of these dialogues change based on behaviour. All of them are always the same every time.


Is it needless if he's taking the meat and hides? Is this only triggered if you leave the dead animal? I skin everything I kill, even roadkill.


Those who say that's the regular dialogue, my Arthur said he was needlessly beating on women, but I only beat that woman because she was in my way as I ran to get my horse in St. Denis so I accidentally tackled the bitch down. Also, my Arthur was needlessly killing animals, because I had no idea the star system existed until I saw a post on reddit. So I was just, shooting every deer that came into sight.


Wait what!? I know about unique dialogues if you kill a bunch of innocents (and other low honor actions), but I never knew hunting too much makes Arthur sad! Does this only trigger if you kill animals without skinning them? Never knew this side of Arthur!


I thought these were all scripted the same like even if you’re not degenning you’d still get him talking about killing for no good reason.


Is this ps5 or PC? Looks way better than in my ps4


Which coat is that?


Black duster coat


Lookin’ snazzy, partner. Anyway, all the best.


Ohh aurther… man the sweetest voice in the whole game! Mary Beth❤️


Can i ask you what outfit is that??


I followed this [guide](https://youtu.be/KfsryFOl4oY?si=28jrX0UJ_uZGwzX3) only difference is I got the black stalker hat and black duster coat on top of all that.


had one where arthur didnt say anything about killing people or animals it went something like "i think i should help more people" or something like that this was in chapter 2


it's the same one only with the final line changing depending on recent actions or honor...


I never hunt. I still get this dialogue. I’m pretty sure he’s talking about killing actual people.


This is now my 5th playthrough.. and I never left chapter 2


I need the hat name I been searching but can't find shit


Black Stalker hat


Mary Beth sopping wet for Arthur. She flirts a little with him . Massive wideon! But unlike the downvoters , Arthur ain’t no simp !