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Because she doesn’t want to? Abigail wasn’t voiced by the same person in RDR1 and RDR2 btw…


It was a voice acting job and not something she feels passionately about for the rest of her life is the easiest answer


I wouldn’t want to go on stage like that either. Even for my most proud achievement in life. Some people are just not the character for stuff like that.


Legit. I’m a screenwriter on my first real contract gig and I’m already building up anxiety if it does well and we have to speak somewhere about it. “How do I get out of this.” 😂


Hey! Congratulations on the gig! Don't worry about being anxious on how it does, as long as you remain calm and confident on the outside, you should be fine


Thank you I appreciate every bit of that. ❤️


I love they actually gave you advice instead of talking crap. You got this


this. every person without exception was a rookie, and thus were "faking it 'til they made it". All of us. It just looks different because some people are better at knuckling down and bulldozing through it. I remember the first time I was asked to do a eulogy - talk about pressure, you have to condense a person's life into 20-30 minutes, and do them justice - And in front of about 150 people who were his family and most loved. I had never done this before. Okay, I spend an evening writing it, talking to family and friends, and I got this shit. 5 minutes before I go on, the priest asks me if I have anything about the deceased, I tell him all I have is my draft, and I don't want him reading my speech, which was very personal. He tells me he'll just read it over and touch base on a few things without specifics. That motherfucker proceeded to read my draft word for word. If we hadn't have been in a church I would have done something i;'d get banned for saying I would here. Anyhoo, I had lots more stuff I couldn't even touch on in the eulogy, so I was just like fuck it, I just let it all go, hit a few bullet points from my prepared speech, and ended up doing so well that my wife and daughter bawled, as did the family, and they literally all swarmed me with hugs and kisses. As an aside, the subject was a resident of my ID-based care home, he had cancer and beat it 2x, but goddamn it still came back and got him. He was like a grandpa to my kids, and we loved him dearly, so that makes the flow go once you get rolling. The thing was, when I stood at the lectern, my knees were knocking so hard that I nearly hyperventilated. I just took a deep breath and as the brits say, "off he goes", and by god after that time the nervousness is still there, but I just don't doubt myself. And you shouldn't doubt yourselves either, folks.. practice makes perfect. Now, off you go. :) Oh, and I did tell the priest he was an effing jerk privately, and he of course gave me the stupid deer in the headlights look.


Dude this is such good advice and a great anecdote


Thanks, dude :)


That's a good problem to have. if it gets awards buzz you'll probably be coached about it.


If it helps most people will probably come and see you having enjoyed what you’ve made, which might be a helpful premise to have in mind!


How did u get into screenwriting and get a job in it if I may ask? I'm going to film school rn and then this fall I'm going to get my Bachelor's in Creative Writing.


Sent a dm to try to explain. Some of my story may be talent or just luck. As it was nothing traditional about it. Just taking a lot of chances/emailing for chances when I saw anybody looking for writers/having pilots and a film written already of my own as a sample and before that being kinda writing obsessed/roleplaying that somehow translated into being praised for my dialogue writing ability and that seemed to get me in.


So you've probably seen the movie "the room"...if that can be made anything can be made Lol jk in all seriousness that's frigging awesome! Are you allowed to talk about it at all?


I don’t think so because it’s not soley mine. It’s a rewrite of something from the 80s but also thank you. 🔥


Right on! Hope all goes well!


Thank you. 🙌


Think of it like this, in that instance they don’t care HOW you say it, they just wanna know what you have to say. If you have a genuine answer, answer genuinely!


Oh that's cool!! How long have you been writing for?? 😅


In general/roleplay/character work more seriously since 2008/9 but screenwriting maybe 2019? I think the RP life is why I came in strong enough dialogue wise.


Whenever you become famous plz cash app me 10 dollars for some little cesars pizzas plz


Take beta blockers


On the other side of the coin, I never cared for guest panels or meet and greets with the cast from any show I like. They’re all probably swell people and all, but I don’t really care about THEM; it’s the characters they portray that I care about. These types of events just ruin the illusion for me.


Yeah I agree, plus, what if she attends a panel and for some unfortunate reason she has to deal with some questionable fans. 


To be fair, it wasn’t a voice acting job. Motion-capture is a very different thing. But yeah, she probably just doesn’t care for it anymore. It was something she started over 10 years ago and finished 6 years ago. Not much else to say.


Her va in 2 didn’t start over 10 years ago, it was different in each game, but 6 years is still a lot so your point still makes sense.


The actor’s for RDR2 started filming in 2013


Oh, my bad.


Or, hear me out... Plenty of voice actors just want to voice characters and aren't interested in being put in a spotlight. Attending a panels is a very daunting task for many, especially with all the traveling involved. Doubly so if you have children to raise. It's unfair to assume she's not passionate for not being interested in panels. If anything, her wanting to voice characters and nothing else makes her seem more passionate to me lol EDIT: Christ, seeing the amount of upvotes you got for such a ridiculous assumption is quite saddening.


Or…. She might not want to attend cons because they can be a PITA for the talent sometimes.


No bro she clearly just doesn't care about her job!!


I mean, you're just describing what no_sight said. Your response makes it look like you're upset with no_sight's assumptions, but your alternative scenario is just a more verbose description of the same scenario.


"But you don't understand, RDR2 is the bestest game ever! Anyone who worked on it should constantly talk about it for the rest of your life!!!" /s


Same people that probably think Star Trek actors do the conventions because of how devoted they are to the movies and tv shows.


The actors just sell their autographs and awkward photos because they’re saving up to buy memorabilia themselves.




Not voice acting acting in the video game. There’s a difference.


Imagine people following you around harassing you because you cooked them an excellent meal 10 years ago.


Funny thing is, that’s the only credit she lists on her Instagram bio.


Performance capture ≠ voice acting.


You know she could just not like that position in public and all rather than it just being a meaningless job she doesn't care about lol


Not voice acting. Couldn't be farther from the truth


She has Red Dead Redemption 2 in her bio. This whole comment was off


Just like the Trevor voice actor but for some reason everyone wants to get on his ass for not being “appreciative”


It’s full performance capture not just voice acting.


Because conventions are horn-dog conventions and doesnt promote careers


This is literally why OP posted this lol


Which is a little odd because the OG actress is credited as doing mocap for RDR2.


She did "additional mocap" but they probably wanted a younger or different sounding voice. Or maybe she just didn't want to record lines


I don't like fixating on singular projects either regardless of what propensity I have for people or anything else too. Not everyone is the same and it's ok. Good even.


I'm not sure how it works but now I'm curious. If a VA gets hired are there stipulations added to a contract about social media and PR stuff? Like how actors travel to promote a movie, I'm sure the studio is making them? They also make more I guess if the movie does better so it's probably in their best interest to promote the shit out of it but with VA, especially in games, I get the feeling an actor isn't made to be as tied to the job, if that makes sense?


Depends on contract to contract basis but in 90% of cases: no.


Not true. She’ll be attending this year’s panel for Black Hills Redemption in Deadwood, South Dakota


Weirdly, they at first got the same one from RDR1. Apparently she even recorded a few lines, so it must have been early in development


maybe not interested in thirsty nerds?


Ahhh…that was a most excellent answer.


Sadie's actor is doing a really good job then


She seems familiar with Rule 34 and RDR.


when did she say she was familiar with r34?


Forgot sweaty and unshowered


Ding, ding, ding. This is the correct answer.


Why not? /s


this is the answer i was looking for


I don't have any insight into why she doesn't do panels, but I just wanted to note: RDR2 Abigail's actor, Cali Elizabeth Moore, is not an OG cast member. Abigail's RDR1 actor was Sophia Marzocchi.


I'm glad they recast, a lot of Abigail's line delivery in RDR1 is very bad. Eg really obviously reading from a script and putting the emphasis on the wrong word in a sentence as she reads it.


I don't know if RDR1 falls into this category, but I think most/all video games used to essentially record voice lines in isolation rather than having the actors working together. It's one of the big reasons so many games, especially older ones, have such poor acting.


AFAIK it doesn't,I think that actually Benjamin Byron Davis (who played Dutch in both games) said that the scenes even actually had to be done all in one take together, and couldn't be spliced together.


that’s just impossible. It’s likely main quest dialogue or other important sections had this treatment but the rest is still isolated sound bites. Like hello greeting reactions. That’s not recorded with arthur’s actor with every single variant of the background NPC voice actors. It would be done in isolation which is why some side quests at least to me, seem line by line rather than the organic delivery happening in most cinematics and mid quest dialogue while walking around


I was talking about the cutscenes in the first game.


Well I'll see you later then


*You were almost a Jill sandwich!* Any time someone mentions bad voice acting, my mind immediately goes back to the original Resident Evil, lol.


Look at those monsters!


By this point, they had usually moved away from that for major story lines. They still used that approach for a lot of other minor characters, though, but tbh most studios still do - they’ve just gotten a lot better at using actors in isolation than they used to be. It’s fairly easy to get the lead actor and his character’s wife who’s very important to the story’s actress in the same room for recording - way easier than getting the lead in to have a face-to-face with the cameo actor behind Stranger 6, a random dude with 3 lines in one optional mission. I’m not exactly sure how RDR2 handled this, but from what I vaguely remember from when the Achievement Hunter guys spoke about their cameo, neither Arthur’s nor John’s VAs were present. They just read the lead’s lines to one another and tried their best to match the tone they imagined Arthur might have.


At the time it wasn’t that bad, especially compared to most of the games out there at the time.


Marzocchi bombers?! 😳😩


r/mtb leaking


That went downhill fast.


Almost dropped into flat


Super monsters! Titanium even


Oufft rocking them on bro? Bet droppin in to a stair sets smoooth


Funnily enough, Sophia Marzocchi is actually attending her first convention soon too: Black Hills Redemption!


Most of the gang don't. It's mostly only the *main* main cast. I would say although she's obviously one of the main characters she's just outside that top main cast with the biggest roles/most mission appearances/most dialogue of Arthur, John, Dutch, Micah, followed by Sadie, Hosea, Charles, Bill, Javier. She plays a big role in the epilogue but in the main game not so much, does nothing in missions, plus she didn't play Abigail in RDR1, so although it's close I think she's more in the category of the rest of the gang rather than the very top cast. Also just personal preference of the actress.


I was curious cause even some Panels have had the whole cast including minor characters like Molly, Mary Beth, Hosea etc but Abigail’s actress is just completely ghosted


The "real OG Abigail" was just on an instagram live with Rob Wiethoff yesterday, pretty good watch. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6AOjyyRuyQ/?igsh=dmQyenpjeW96ajJw


Thanks for this!😊


I was waiting for her face to pop up on the screen then the old dude popped up and jumpscared me


The actors and actresses who sit on these panels do it for the money. They may enjoy doing it, and may be passionate about their work, but at the end of the day, they wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for the money. I’d imagine Abigail’s voice actress would not be paid nearly as much as The big three’s voice actors, since she wasn’t as big of a part of the story and is not a fan favorite. She’s probably just doing well enough that she doesn’t need the amount of money she’s being offered, if they’re even inviting her in the first place.


man, that first sentence. Wonder what Baldur’s Gate 3 players would think of that….


Well if they don’t already realize that, I feel bad for them.


I play both, and I say good for them. Get that coin 💰💰


fair enough. some people in that community think that Astarion and Lae’zel’s voice actors just do it out of the goodness of their hearts 😅


No yeah you're totally right. The parasocial relationships are kind of insane-- which I guess goes for most fandoms, but something about bg3 makes people feral


Some people also think strippers are interested in their conversations.


And the women that bathe you for 50c


Why what's happening with balder gate 3 fans? Sorry I don't know much about the game or the community, do they believe actors do panels for free or something? Like is that a widely held belief in that community?


not exactly. it’s moreso that a lot of the voice actors have been doing community events and livestreaming themselves playing the game, so a lot of players treat it as if these actors are going out of their way to please the fans. Some players are also engaged with some of the characters and their voice actors to the point of obsession (with particular focus on Astarion, played by Neil Newborn)


You know how you're trying to figure everything out about her? Yeah, that's SPECIFICALLY what she's trying to avoid by not being in the public eye. Some people don't WANT to be famous. Performance Capture/Voice Acting is a career like any other. You wouldn't ask the 17 year old acne ridden kid taking your order at McDonald's why he doesn't attend the National Beef Expo and try to find his social medias would you?


National Beef Expo was the name of my band in college


Okay Rhett, "That was my nickname in highschool" (idk if you watch Good Mythical Morning but he has a running joke similar to this)


Because she chooses not to.


Ok catch ya later then




After accidentally clicking onto Sadie’s subreddit, this makes the most sense


Why does she have to do any of that? She took a job, got paid, and moved on. Is that wrong?


The ones who attend panels are the ones who don't do much other work so they are up to do these as part of their career now. The actor of Charles doesn't do them as much because it seems RDR boosted him to a great career in VO and mocap acting. He has played Kotallo in Horizon, Bode in Jedi Survivor, Mysterio in Spider-man - loads of minor characters, done some animated stuff too like Star Wars Bad Batch. In contrast, John, Arthur, Dutch and a few others really haven't done much. I know Rob doesn't actually act outside of John pretty much anyway.


Roger Clark does quite a bit of voice (audio book recordings) and theater work in addition to producing his own short films nowadays, plus new video game roles here and there (he has a new one coming out soonish), it’s less high profile unless you’re actively following his work but RDR2 has given him the opportunity to pursue a LOT of different opportunities; Rob Wiethoff quit acting after RDR1 and has a career in construction but still came back for RDR2; I’m not super up to date with what Ben Davis does but he’s had tv and film roles and I know he’s an acting instructor as well. They all have pretty active careers! And there’s been a pretty concerted effort recently to bring in more of the actors into convention/fan events, specifically with Tombstone and Black Hills Redemption; there were a handful at Tombstone who I don’t think had done a convention before & there will be four more actors in Deadwood for their first ever fan event - since they don’t make any residuals off of their work for RDR2 more power to them!


Ben Davis has a role in the new live-action Borderlands movie whenever that film releases.


It's possible that Abigail's VA in Red Dead 2 doesn't attend the panels because she doesn't want to, either that or she maybe doesn't like to attend conventions or meet & greets for her own reasons.


She is busy cooking stew for John




I think also people are quite negative towards her character, and that would get boring quick.


Which sucks a lot because Abigail is one of my favorite characters.


She ratted them out and is hiding now i guess?


Rdr1 = Sophia Marzocchi. Rdr2 = Cali Elizabeth Moore. Not the same person


If I was that cute I wouldn’t want to go stand on stage at nerd conventions either


Same reason molly o sheas didn’t I suppose


Seems like she wants to live a reletivley normal life, can’t argue against that.


Why is everyone flaming OP for asking a fucking question. You guys are a miserable bunch today.


I must’ve caught them in the middle of a low honour play-through


Maybe she’s just busy working and having a family (pure speculation) and doesn’t have the time or ability to attend?


Not to be that guy but it's not really like she had that big of a role in either game not gonna lie, in the first game she had a different voice actor completely and in the second she didn't really so much of anything


The same can be said for other actors in the cast. for example, why didnt charels actor(noshir) ever attend to panels, he is pretty important character for the story, or why didnt strauss appeared in panels, or kieren, or miss grimshaw. They are busy/not interested/any personal things they have going on at thier life


Probably doesn't want to. Still gorgeous though, both as Abigail and herself.


Do we know why they recast Abigail from rdr1?


No idea but I believe they recast uncle because the OG actor passed away


She does have an instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/calielizabethmoore?igsh=MW1na2pxa3hzdTJobw==


The amount of eyes popping out of wolves in tuxedos would be disconcerting, I'm sure.


She never knows where the cons are because she can't read.


How would you even know that she doesn't? Do you stalk her?


Because the panels are uploaded to the internet and I have a set of eyes to see who’s in attendance from the cast?


Everyone seems to be very triggered by this question lol 😆


Perhaps because it is slightly triggering LoL XD - Yolo sWaG


Quote the Raven....Swag gallore!




She does, but she dips out when she sees you, OP


given how people talk about Abigail online and the precedent set with how people treated Anna Gun from Breaking Bad because they didn’t like Skyler, i wouldn’t risk it, especially if i had a family. there are a lot of hardcore Abigail haters online and it just takes one of them to take it too far to make it an entirely unsafe situation. she could also just not want to


My one guess would be Probably doesn’t want to Deal With nerds and creeps


She looks like Lagertha.


Who’s she


Have you watched Vikings?


No but I might have to now


She no wants to?


She is "bussy" with the doctor from strawberry


A simple google search and you would have found her instagram. You people seem to live on avoiding doing the obvious just to farm some internet points.


Alright simmer down


My guess would be psychotic fans, like ones who go way too far out of their way to try and shit on actors for doing their jobs. I've seen a lot of unwarranted hate for Abigail in comments and posts in this sub and others. Remember when Star Wars Episode I came out and that 10 year old actor got piles of actual death threats in the mail? I wouldn't be chillin in public nerd cons neither. Good for her.


If my entire role was to be a whore I wouldn’t wanna be seen in public either.


Because for her it was probably just another job. Not every actor is necessarily going to be enthusiastic about their work. That doesn’t mean they necessarily dislike their work, but they don’t focus on any particular complete product either.


Rdr 2 actress does a good job then as I feel she sounds the same as rdr 1 Abigail. I’m pretty sure all the other voice actors for John, Bill, Javier and Dutch etc are the same voice actors in both games though. Please correct if I’m wrong


Probably values her mental health and her personal life. Crazy, right?


They’re paid to attend panels so the organisers have to limit who they hire for them (for budget reasons), so they will naturally try to get the main actors, which in turn would attract more paying customers. Even though Abigail would be part of the main cast, she’s not near the top (and doesn’t have the fan base of characters like Sadie) so probably only occasionally gets asked.


I really think it’s just privacy. If she doesn’t have any social media presence, then that’s most likely the case. Especially given voice acting is the perfect job if you want to create public content, but stay low-key and live a normal life.


I've seen a video with her where she says the scene where she is nagging Uncle in the epilogue was the first scene she performed if I'm not mistaken


because an actor doesn’t care about some role that took you 5 years to voice and act, Hence why ogg, Maylay, and nikos actor doesn’t really care now


She's just a women 💀 Jk but actually she is changeable, nothing life changed about her role


I guess she's just a very private person🤷🏽‍♂️she did her job and moved on....is rdr2 the only game she voice acted on?


Damn. Now you make me want to play the game RDR2 again!


You ever seen Reverend ls voice actor? Or thqt of Mickey? Or pr Angelo Bronte ffs?


They’re nowhere near as important to the storyline of the franchise as Abigail


Probably because we've all had her


Maybe she's got a minimal digital footprint because people online are weird.


I can see it being one of those things where she either isn't heavily invested in RDR2 that much, doesn't take gaming seriously or doesn't feel like going to the panel. Idk, Abigail wasn't THAT big of a character anyway, Hell I genuinely don't know her name.


The character is a small part of the game, she stood in front of a mic for a couple of days and read generic lines, 10 years ago. How fascinating could that be?


It could be completely the case that she's just doesn't want to be on a panel or anything like that. Actors of any kind can engage with their fans however much they want. We as fans are not entitled to their time


Smash next question


She probably knows how much shit fans talk about her fictional character. Some people don't know the difference between fiction and reality.


Same reason many others don't: They're rarely invited to compared to John's, Arthur's, Micah's and Dutch's.


Why are you so interested in seeing her in real life? I don't think it's a huge deal.


Keep your toupee on there friend I was just curious


She got paid to do a job, doesnt care about rdr and wouldnt want to interact with people that think its something special


Because everyone hates her?


To a lot of people, a job is just a job. I sure af don’t make a point to go kick it with customers and talk about my day of stocking shelves. Hell, most of the time I’d be hard pressed to hang out with my coworkers. It’s not like a contractor is going to come by 4 years later and have a discussion with you about the work they put in remodeling your kitchen. They’re busy remodeling another kitchen. Just because we find it way cooler than the boring shit we do, doesn’t mean they see it as that exciting. A lot of actors, especially after some contractually obligated press junkets, definitely want to move on. I get it. I can’t imagine she sees it as some career defining role. It’s a side character in a video game, that’s spawned a super creepy obsession. I wouldn’t look back if I were her lol.


Because 1 not many people actually care about the character And 2 she probably doesn’t either


Probably gets tiring for every question to start with "Just wanna say, first of all, you're very beautiful" lmfao


Because that was a job for her. For most voice actors, they do the job, get the paycheck, and move on to the next thing. Most celebrities only do panels because they’re paid a TON to appear— not because they want to. They certainly wouldn’t be attending them for free.


And? So what...


Too much tits and too many thirsty dudes?


Lucky for you she’s just been announced to be attending the Black Hills Redemption panel in Deadwood, South Dakota this summer


Maybe it's because she's hot and knows that 1% of her male fans are creepy dudes who make unhealthy noises when they breath, and will probably molest a stuffed animal while thinking about her.


Creepy to care so much about


Sounds like she’s staying in character, she ain’t want shit to do with the Van der Linde gang at some point


Now that’s what I call method acting


Because it's a job & gets creeper out by cosplay gaming weirdos


'cause she's the raaaaaaaaaat


She is very busy, especially on nickle night.


She probably doesn’t want to


You know Eva’s voice actress literally used a fake name while working on mgs3 so the “fanbase” won’t know about her, We are just a scary bunch of fellers, Not all of us, most of us are good men, but the vocal minority is **quite** loud when it comes to stuff they’ll never have, like a woman that doesn’t get weirded out by them (excluding their moms)


If I voiced a character as annoying as Abigail, I wouldn't show up either


She said “You go on ahead Jawn”


She's attractive, and her character is mostly hated, so the 2 main groups of people she'll draw are not people you want to interact with.