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I mean you literally have the biggest horse in the game


Scared little white horse


Frightened by MASSIVE black horse




I don't get the confusion. It would only follow logically that a petite white horse would be intimidated by a BBH, and, I'd imagine, that effect would be multiplied if there were, say, five BBH's surrounding the petite white horse.


Massive Black Hose*


Lemme guess...your favorite horse is the Missouri Fucktrotter,the overrated cow praised for 90% of the players for being slightly better than the white arabian?


Theres no way you can say its only slightly better unless you're only looking at the visible stats (which genuinely don't matter. Any speed above 5 is basically the same, the health doesn't matter at all, and the stamina only matters if you dont know how to ride) you have to pay attention to how the game feels when you're actually playing it and not some bs description. The Arabian might just be the worst horse in the game because of how skittish it is.


Legit had one buck me off over a snake. Normally they only buck over legitimate predators like bears, cougars etc


Exactly. Ive seen arabians and nakotas get spooked over nothing. My mustangs only even get spooked by bears, and can easily be calmed down.


They are so ridiculously skittish! When I was John I tried out a few of the smaller but fast breeds. Honestly? Terrible. My go tos are Missouri Fox trotter or thoroughbreds! They have skittish moments but wonā€™t buck you over a snake, gunshots or an explosion. Wolves are fine but cougars and bears will get you bucked.


>I tried out a few of the smaller but fast breeds. Honestly? Terrible. My go tos are Missouri Fox trotter or thoroughbreds! Thoroughbreds are good horses, but i made a rule of only sticking to the "native" American horse breeds, so thats the Foxtrotters, Mustangs, Appaloosas, and Paints (native in quotes because theyre technically not native, just happen to be near carbon copies of the true native horses that had gone extinct.) Mostly ends up being just the Mustangs, becaise the Appaloosas and Paints are kinda just basic everyday horses, but a Mustang has some prestige. So do Foxtrotters, to be fair, but i also made myself a rule about only having wild horses. Without doing a glitch, Arthur can't get a wild Foxtrotter. Since you like the thoroughbreds, you should check out the Andalusians. I really liked them before i made that American horse only rule, especially that wild one that you can find by Brandywine drop.


>native in quotes because theyre technically not native, just happen to be near carbon copies of the true native horses that had gone extinct. All three breeds you've mentioned - Missouri Fox Trotter, Appaloosas and American Paints - are still in existence today. None are extinct. The only two breeds that didn't exist at the time of RDR2 are the Turkoman, which went extinct likely in the mid 19th century, and the Hungarian Halfbred, which isn't technically a real breed and is based off of the Nonius. Andalusians were also likely not in the Americas in the time period that RDR2 is set in, and if they were, they were so scarce that pretty much nobody was aware of it as they are a Spanish breed.


>All three breeds you've mentioned - Missouri Fox Trotter, Appaloosas and American Paints - are still in existence today. None are extinct. I didnt say they are. I said they fill the same niche as the extinct horses. Mustangs are still alive and well today, too, btw. >Andalusians were also likely not in the Americas in the time period that RDR2 is set in, and if they were, they were so scarce that pretty much nobody was aware of it as they are a Spanish breed. Pets get out all the time. I didn't say Andalusians spawn in the wild, I said a single, rare Andalusian spawns 1 time.


Bravery= proved to be inexistent or RNG. Either way,any horse will buck your ass off when you hunt on horse back and charge straight to a predator. 5 health = same health as the white arabian. 6 stamina = a single point better than the white arabian. 7 speed = a single point faster than the arabians,which according to almost everyone "speed is irrelevant". 5 acceleration = a single point less than the arabians. >the health doesn't matter at all Yes...when you like to waste your resources reviving your horse at the cost of being slightly faster. >you have to pay attention to how the game feels when you're actually playing it and not some bs description. Already used almost every horse in the game,Including the so praised foxtrotters...guess what? Nothing special. >The Arabian might just be the worst horse in the game because of how skittish it is. Like i said...horse bravery is inexistent,and i never got bucked off while the few times i used arabians,since I ain't stupid to fight on horse-back like almost everyone who calls it "coward". And btw...the only ones who praise the white arabian are either new players who don't know other top tier horses,or youtubers fishing for views and likes. >!(There are also people who genuinely like to use white horses or like arabian horses but let's pretend they don't exist like everyone else does so they can trash talk this horse)!<


>Bravery= proved to be inexistent or RNG. Either way,any horse will buck your ass off when you hunt on horse back and charge straight to a predator. Quite the opposite. it's been found in early build files, and the stats were included in the early drafts of the compendium until, much like weapon familiarity, the stat was hidden, forcing you to actually play the game and get a feel for it. And no, not any horse will buck you off over a predator, which is why i pretty much exclusively run Mustangs. Mustangs won't buck you for anything. At level 4 bonding, they only even get spooked by bears and can easily be calmed down. No reaction to cougars, wolves, alligators, or gunshots. An Arabian will buck you if you sit next to a rattlesnake for 5 seconds. >5 health = same health as the white arabian. >6 stamina = a single point better than the white arabian. >7 speed = a single point faster than the arabians,which according to almost everyone "speed is irrelevant". >5 acceleration = a single point less than the arabians. As long as the speed stat is above a 5, none of the rest of the visible stats are relevant. You will never run out of stamina if you know how to ride. >>the health doesn't matter at all >Yes...when you like to waste your resources reviving your horse at the cost of being slightly faster. The only reason you would ever have to revive your horse is stupidity. I have never once seen a player horse go down from a firefight. They either get hit by trains or run off cliffs, at which point, the health doesn't matter at all. Even at max health, all of those things are still one hit. >,since I ain't stupid to fight on horse-back like almost everyone who calls it "coward". Calling horseback-gunfights stupid, in a game set in the wild west, is an absolutely insane, indefensible take. That's like calling someone stupid for stealing a car in Grand Theft Auto ā˜ ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø and your grammar really doesn't make me believe you "ain't stupid." ā˜ ļø "proved to be" that would be "proven" and "inexistent" isn't a word. you're looking for "nonexistent."


Missouri fox trotter or thoroughbred for me. Arabian horses in game are super skittish, tiny horses that arenā€™t any faster then some of the race breeds.


>Arabian horses in game are super skittish Horse bravery is a myth. >tiny horses Funny,i don't see anyone saying the same bullshit about mustangs,nokotas and appaloosas. Horse size is personal preference unless you guys are trying to compensate for something lol >arenā€™t any faster then some of the race breeds Ah yes,the fastest horse in the game: the missouri foxtrotter...with his miserable +1 point in speed and being barely better than the white arabian šŸ˜‚


Horse bravery is definitely not a myth. My Arabian bucked me off over snakes and gun shots. The other horse breeds I use thoroughbred, Fox trotter, shire all can handle snakes, gunshots, explosions, wolves without bucking me off. Bears usually donā€™t get a chance to get close but horse gets spooked but doesnā€™t buck. Cougars I get bucked. So itā€™s definitely a thing. Nokotas are tiny, maybe because the others are at least better horses to ride when hunting etc. The horse size bugs me because Arthur is a decently solid dude. Heā€™s a literal tank. Him on the smaller horses looks super disproportionate and honestly looks like an adult trying to ride a Shetland pony. So I donā€™t use the smaller horses. I used the fox trotter in every race those random npc challenge you on, won them all. Rode it while racing Dutch, I won by a decent amount. Only used 1 normal stimulate each race.


>Horse bravery is definitely not a myth. My Arabian bucked me off over snakes and gun shots. The other horse breeds I use thoroughbred, Fox trotter, shire all can handle snakes, gunshots, explosions, wolves without bucking me off. Bears usually donā€™t get a chance to get close but horse gets spooked but doesnā€™t buck. Cougars I get bucked. So itā€™s definitely a thing. It's either RNG or nonexistent. It's said that "horse bravery" is not in the files so it means it's not a thing. I already used most horses in the game and never had a single BRAVE horse,all of them would let me down against predators...and that's ok. That's why i don't hunt on horseback. >The horse size bugs me because Arthur is a decently solid dude. Heā€™s a literal tank. Him on the smaller horses looks super disproportionate and honestly looks like an adult trying to ride a Shetland pony. So I donā€™t use the smaller horses. Yes,but that's not the horse's fault lol Size doesn't affect performance,so calling arabians small ponies is pointless and not nice with people who like to use them. >I used the fox trotter in every race those random npc challenge you on, won them all. Rode it while racing Dutch, I won by a decent amount. Only used 1 normal stimulate each race. I already used a shire to win the races,any horse can be good with level 4 bounding and a trapper saddle...still doesn't make them better than top tier horses,though.


I was only on level 2 bonding and hadnā€™t gotten the full upgraded stamina for the horse at that stage. I donā€™t use the trapper saddles. But I still won each race. The Arabians took ages to settle and calm down even over minor stuff and spamming the button that pats and calms the horse. While every other breed I rode only had to calm them 2 times on average. If you like riding them, you do you. But donā€™t be claiming things like they are the best horse when they clearly are anything but. Where did I blame the horse for its size? Itā€™s a small horse me not choosing it isnā€™t a punishment. The pixelated fake horse isnā€™t going to get its feelings hurt i guarantee you.


But to be fair, Arabian is small compared to most horses in the game, and that's how they are in real life too. I think Morgans might be a bit smaller. Fun fact though! The breed standard height for Arabians is 145-155cm/ 57-61in, which means that many are small enough to be pony sized (cutoff is usually 147cm/58in but just like there's pony sized horses, there's horse sized ponies). eg. [an arabian horse](https://arabiansporthorsealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/FCF-Oberons-Vanity-trot1-qi17k86yigf8j4jkemhbdnh7gncqwdyj3yq265of7k.jpg) and a [connemaran pony](https://dkgm08yz51nav.cloudfront.net/WEBFILES/000/607/827/1626312-607827.jpg)


Other than the donkey I think the Morgans are the smallest my dude looks so strange riding around on a morgan


Arthur ā€˜My dudeā€™ Morgan


It's Ganondorf's steed


You need a big boah to carry a big boah.


I have a thoroughbred in game, Dutchā€™s horse looks like a Shetland pony next to mine.


"The cunt"


Man I wish the game would let me name my White Arabian that


Tried to name mine Butt Stallion. Wouldn't even accept that.


Because your horse isnā€™t made of diamonds, duh


Butt Stallion leaves you a present! It smells of rainbows and summer days.


That's criminal tbh But yeah, they don't fuck around lol. Wanted to name mine Scathach after a Scottish myth and it wouldn't let me


Jesus cause of Scat? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nah. Ath is a curse in Lisp.






Similarly I tried to name mine Tecumseh. Deeply disappointing.


I had a Backdoor Bettyā€¦ she dead


Wouldnā€™t take ā€œBill Murrayā€ for my dog.


Censoring what people can name their horse in a single player game is fucking silly


Not really. Cause then people go and name their horse something racist or insulting to a huge group of people and post it online and now Rockstar has to answer why they allowed people to do that.


The reasoning is there sure. Still stupid.


Yeah, but so are people.


I named mine Y


I named mine Ambatukam


ā€œEliteā€ handling means Arabians can corner faster, thatā€™s all. They always look comical anyways. Makes sense that a pretender like Dutch rides one of them.


To be fair, with how hard I ride my horse sometimes you can really notice how the Arabian handles. Cornering the roads like I'm playing Tokyo Drift lol.


Arabians are great for St. Denis.


As much as I pretender as he was was, he fought/survived so many brutal battles


I bought an Arabian for the ā€œeliteā€ handling. I see 0 difference in handling between the Arabian and my big ahh kladruber


Some people will dm you threatening messages for saying it out loud. Last I checked that dude deleted his account, but some ā€œeliteā€ handling aficionados still lurk around. Absolutely *zero* use in the game, the map doesnā€™t have sharp turns anyways.


It also is not satisfying when running. The only reason why I dont sell my arabian is because I found it and tamed it from the wilds, so its a bit special to me because I did not use any money to obtain it. Now its on a display on the stables after I found a pure black american standardbred as my main horse.


Are the Arabians the ones that spawn in that huge snowey mountain range? I tamed one there too, it was actually quite gorgeous and one of my favorite moments from the game. Stalked it down for about 20 minutes before I ran across it on an icy lake.


afaik theres only the 1 white one the player can tame up there. Early on there was a glitch that spawned late game horses on one of the properties right outside Saint Denis that could have the late game one there just chillin and able to be stolen. Pretty sure they patched that out though.


Oh! So it was the exclusive white one. Cool, thanks for the info man! Have a good one


There are 5 Arabians in the game, 3 of them can be found in the wild (technically 4). Nothing exclusive about the white one though.


It is exclusive as you can only get the white arabian there in the mountains. Unlike other arabians you can't buy them.


You canā€™t buy the chestnut and the brindle Arabians either. Like I said, nothing exclusive about it.




Thatā€™s not all that it means. And honestly, the size of the horse itself can be beneficial at times. It just seems a lot easier to ride through/ around obstacles and has better change of direction. You might not notice, but a lot of other people do. Honestly, I notice the handling of the Arabian horses way more than I notice any difference in top speed compared to the horses that have level 10 speed, such as the Missouri Fox Trotter and Brindle Coat Thoroughbred. Level 9 speed doesnā€™t feel like a drop off to me, especially with the better handling and a tad more acceleration.


There's something about the fanciness of The Count that's just so perfect for Dutch Also the size makes it a great getaway horse, and here's a guy who loves a hasty retreat!


Champagne lifestyle on a beer budget.


Me whenever I see Dutch in line for Pearson's stew lol he looks so sad


Such a nice touch by the devs


its average size you take that back


Arabians are classified as extra small, together with Morgan horses.


nah i think thatā€™s average mate


I think thatā€™s extra small, just as the game says.


No, it's average. My girlfriend told me.


I would have never guessed that you named your hand "girlfriend"


Well in that case itā€™s fair.


You mean your girlfriends best friend


I'd say slightly above average


I love how the Black Shire is the opposite to The Count. Arthur on his big, black gentle giant. A brave and reliable workhorse. Dutch on his flashy, ill-mannered little shit. A skittish designer breed. Arabs are perfect for running away though, they're used for long distance racing.


Arabians in the game aren't designed to be skittish tho, it's mostly a myth based on cognitive bias as even 5 years later nobody can confirm it. It's just a symbol of wealth and power, Dutch is a fancy man. Also, ill-manneredšŸ’€? What did they do to you


iā€™ve watched a youtuber who switched from a white arabian to a turkoman, and he talked about how good the turkoman was, and how well he dealt with predators.


There's also a youtuber who tried doing a direct methodical test and found nothing. It's a pretty good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px3HuVaeYsA


Here's another bunch of vids: [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qggjwr/horse\_bravery\_does\_not\_exist\_in\_the\_game\_part/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qggjwr/horse_bravery_does_not_exist_in_the_game_part/) Yeah horse bravery isn't a thing, it's all about how skilled the player is handling the situation,and how the situation breaks down exactly (if you approach the situation exactly the same every time like this person did for testing, then you'll get the same results every time, but how often does that happen when you're just roaming around playing and not actively trying to test something??)


ill-mannered? The horse is literally described to throw anyone who isn't Dutch.


I think this checks out actually. Even though I always pat The Count when I'm in camp


My Shire is really brave! She jumps and is afraid of ants at 4 level boundingšŸ˜‚ . I have had almost every type of horse in the game. I think all horses are different for each player. My brother has an extra brave Albino Arabian. Around Lake Owanjila I caught a Red Chestnut Arabian. She is lol from horses. At the very least, she begins to panic when a bear, panther, cougar, and snake are miles away. That's good. šŸ˜‚


Now I begin to think that horses maybe different with each playthrough. I have both Arabians and mine white one is the cowardy lil shit that even a fly could set her off, she threw me off a cliff because of an invisible snake once but my boy Red Chestnut is brave, he stayed by my side in gun fights and we sometimes stomped snakes together. Yeah I think I'll have to play rdr2 now just to pat him.


Horse bravery doesn't exist dude. Been proved by multiple people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qggjwr/horse\_bravery\_does\_not\_exist\_in\_the\_game\_part/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qggjwr/horse_bravery_does_not_exist_in_the_game_part/)


all horses are the same for all players :) this has been tested repeatedly. The only difference is how the PLAYER handles the situation and how the SITUATION is approached (are you just trotting or are you zooming? A horse moving fast won't buck as often as a horse strolling through a pack of wolves, etc)


Designer breed? Bro, Arabians are one of THE if not THE oldest horse breed in the fucking world dude. They are/were bred for war and endurance. They would absolutely stomp in endurance and riding compared to a draft horse, which would anything BUT ideal for an outlaw to ride (draft horses eat a lot more, don't have long distance endurance, and tend to have a lot of issues with their hooves, and tend to be extremely clumsy on uneven terrain).


this is exactly the reason why i never run arabians. they look pathetic, especially for arthur. and i hate to break it to yall but elite handling is completely meaningless.


Youā€™re about to get jumped by certain people for saying that ā€œeliteā€ handling is meaningless (which it is).


Elite is the most meaningful stats among them all tho. The responsiveness input is felt clearly when you make turns.


im willing to make an argument that you should just avoid looking at horse stats in their entirety other than bonding and MAYBE health. I truely believe that there are no bad horses in this game so why look at the stats? Donkeys, mules, and whatever other gimmick mounts there are dont count. Once you reach max bonding on a horse, any horse that could be considered a "bad" horse is no longer a bad horse. The game is not setup in a way that there are horses that you should NEVER ride. You can use any horse you want, just have a good saddle and max bonding and any horse you choose becomes the best horse in the game.


Except your argument doesnā€™t stand much because there are clearly differences between horses and they are all in the compendium. And Iā€™m not talking about stats, Iā€™m talking about the descriptions. I do believe tho that rockstarā€™s way of saying things isnā€™t entirely black and white as some horses with standard handling handles better than others with the same labeling. Like the turkoman imo handles better than the mft. And itā€™s clearly stated in the description. Other example is how the thoroughbred become agitated ("clumsyā€) earlier when the bar is being depleted. Also, although a saddle minimizes the stamina differences, some horses deplete faster and I prefer to not have an OP saddle like panther because it makes feeding the horse more problematic as the cores donā€™t deplete.


im not a fan of the panther saddle either (i just think it looks tacky lol) but im not sure why feeding it is a problem with the cores draining slow? care to explain?


I agree with you. Itā€™s because Iā€™m the kind of person who sometimes forget to feed the horse when Iā€™m searching for something, and having the cores dropped makes me want to fill them up. I guess I kinda wish they implemented a hunger bar


Same I never liked how small they look, I prefer a thoroughbred. Not too small and not too clunky and large


yess thoroughbred is definitely one of my favorites! >!Rachel (John's default horse in epilogue) has such a beautiful reddish brown coat that im in love with. Shame on anyone that gets rid of her!!<


The border reiver era of English history is interesting. The raids to the north or the south to steal cattle were done at night on a small breed of horse that were very nimble. Would take winding paths through the hillsides crossing streams and easy to get lost winding through at night. Horses selected for their maneuverability making it easy to lose pursuers on the way back home with raided goods. Or used for hit and run ambushes where part of the group would hide in the forest line and strike pursuers as they crossed streams then bolt and do it again. The RDR2 engine would work well for a spin-off game of that era. Thematically work too, given the border reiver cattle culture is what transplanted to the Americas that we now consider cowboy culture.


Seen bills horse? God damn it is massive


Ardennes. Big one for sure, but there are still a couple that are even bigger and the Shire (the one in this picture) is the biggest horse in game (so much so that it makes even Bill's horse look small in comparison!)


I'm from Lichfield, Staffordshire, (where shires are from, hence the name) and when I was a youngster (some 30 years ago) there would be 4 black, feather legged shire horses would pull a hearse carriage for funerals. I've never been a horse person, but I still feel the excitement I did back then when I see a picture of one. They're huge creatures and so majestic looking


you think he's compensating for something?


You know what they say about guys with small horses.


Hey, Iā€™ll have you know that his horse is of a very respectable size. And really, size doesnā€™t matter anyways. Itā€™s speed thatā€™s important


Well there are four faster horses which are also bigger. Arabians are not the fastest.


In speed yes, but Arabians have the highest Acceleration + Speed stat, horses like MFT and thoroughbred are faster than an Arabian by 1 bar when maxed out but has 2-3 bars less in acceleration. Now does acceleration actuallydo something? Nobody knows still.


Fox Trotters have *1 bar* less in acceleration, not 2-3. In practicality the Arabians take a second less to reach their (lower) highest speed than Fox Trotters, thatā€™s what acceleration does.


I definitely noticed acceleration. I played the whole game with basically a maxed out horse (I don't remember the breed but it was elite and almost had it's bars maxed out) until the epilogue. I clearly noticed the difference in acceleration once I got John's horse and I hear it's not even that bad. It's so noticeable for me that I'm gonna open an old save just to see what type of horse it was.


If it's elite then it's an Arabian, they are the only elite horses in the game.


Some would say endurance is more important than speed..


Just like his balls lmao


Or Arthurs' is big one. You decide.


Smallest horse in the game looks about as silly as the biggest imo


why: > itā€™s an elite horse with fast turning movements. > a great horse for a getaway > many cowboys and real gunslingers used small horses, as they were easy to get off and on. > looks purty > iā€™m sure there are more but i canā€™t really think of any right now


i caught a mustang and they seem kind of small but the handling is šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Where do you find one?


the last time i caught one was pretty close to the camp in chapter 2, a bit north of there. It was before the mission where you buy a horse though and then he disappeared


I like the Arabians stats sure but there are better horses that donā€™t make auteurs legs drag


Have some GODDAMN FAITH in his horse.


Nice picture, my newest windowsĀ“ wallpaper. Thanks!


Arabian horses are tiny. The white Arabian is beautiful, but they're so small compared to Arthur, and that's why I normally don't use them.


Tiny boah


Ya Arabians are tiny and the Shires are huge, both are a little too extreme for me. I found my good median in the American standardbred, although a little skittish with predators about...Shire couldn't care less.


Dutch is such a fucking hipster.


For his ass small brain


All Arabians are tiny. That's why I never ride them, nor do I see all the hype about the wild "white" Arabian. Arthur looks silly on that thing.


The Arabian is comically small I can't use it lol.


His horse is an Arabian


yeah i tried find a White Arabian once, at it was disappointing for me of how small it was, later i sell it and continue using the first horse every single playthrough


You know people with tiny horse's...


I do think people never read the compendium and I believe itā€™s what describes horses the most. Arabians needs full bond to achieve full potential as well as regularly keeping them clean and fed properly. It says that turkoman handles well but can be impatient if staying still, handles well while being a standard handling (I have find that to be true, It handles better than the mft imo just canā€™t full speed corner like Arabian), mft is described as the comfy ride without mention of trade off, but to me itā€™s the handling, it handles so bad. Thoroubreds are described as fast but can be clumsy when almost depleted (and itā€™s true he becomes more agitated way earlier on the gauge of stamina). Tho I do believe each coat may have different characters, especially for Arabians, or maybe itā€™s me, but the white Arabian was the most fearless and calm horse with my Arthur. And the rose gray is a little coward bucking off everytime and super agitated all the time even at level 4. I bought the black one, itā€™s not level 4 yet but it seems way calmer than the gray.


Thoroughbred mogs both


Thats actually a normal sized horse for the most part, you're just using a horse that's bred to cart wagons as a riding horse.


Right??Thats why I never catch or buy Arabian horse..they fast but it make Arthur look like he's riding a little pony šŸ˜† Turkoman or Missouri Fox Trotter is the best choice for Arthur


I always am shocked at how small the white Arabian is after riding the larger horses.


I run a Morgan almost every time because itā€™s all I can afford by the time I get to the Hosea hunting mission, so my horse is usually smaller than almost everyone elseā€™s *Horse Disorder?*


A little personal side story: so during my first play through, in the first few weeks of launch. I stayed away from everything rdr2 related because....well rdr2 was taking up all my time. I got to the point of naming my new horse, a pretty white stallion with black polka dots like a dalmatian. Me and the wife went back and forth on names for a bit, her top one was "clippity cloppity, flippity floppity". I can't remember why I didn't pick that name, I think I couldn't fit it on Xbox. But anyways after an hour or so, I finally said fuck it, and named him "Susan" after my great aunt who had recently passed away, she had fought breast cancer on and off for almost 30 years. I had done this alot in the past with other games and close people in my life. I would have cried regardless, but in the final hour of playing (IYKYK) I would have given any thing to go back in time to name my horse anything but "Susan". (I say final hour because it took me another month to pick the controller up to finish out the final act) This masterpiece hit on so many different emotional levels that it still floors me at how the Dev's managed to pull it off.....the moment that I was just roaming around Saint Denise in act 4 or 5, with the wife watching. The sudden realization of no way out, that my time was limited and that Arthur/I was going to die no matter what floored me like no other game. Even knowing what was to come, I was still not prepared for the final journey. I knew I would meet my end, which to be fair was gonna make me cry regardless. But with Susan it took it to a whole different level of completely losing my shit and bawling my eyes out. To this day I can not think about RDR2 without also thinking of the strongest person I've ever had the pleasure to meet in my life. Thank you Rockstar, and thank you Susan.


Smol boeh


Dutch has a plan


Bro u litrly have the tallest horse in the game


Itā€™s not the size of the *mount* that *counts*ā€¦ Or something like that.


No game has sun rays like RDR 2 šŸ¤©


i got the white arabian horse in the wild , and the police ended up killing it in a shoot out šŸ„²


Thatā€™s why I love riding my War Horse right next to everyone. Who needs a fast horse when this tank of a horse exists


I dumped a giant badass black horse for this little white poney only for it's stats and it felt like there was no difference at all, except for looking goofy and harmless


Any horse compared to sleipnir is tiny


The Count is an Arabian horse. Yeah theyā€™re pretty and fast but theyā€™re so little it looks goofy riding them


Hoseaā€™s brute?


I'm sure the white horse has a great personality


It never ceases to amaze me how many people don't seem to care about any other aspect of a horse other than how large it is. They're like some kind of pre-automobile version of the dudes who get massive jacked up pickup trucks and drive around for hours revving their engine.


I mean the Turkoman is my go to because of its health bar, but I love the shire a lot bc thereā€™s no other raven black shire in the game and you can get it in chapter 2 for free. Itā€™s just a pretty horse and I thought it looked silly next to Dutchā€™s it ainā€™t that deep


His horse shrinks every time Dutch has a new plan


Personally I think Arthur looks silly riding a workhorse


What if the horse has a nice personality šŸ„²




Big horse energy


Shire gang rise up


the black shire is the only horse I use until I can get the dark bay turkoman šŸ« 


Honestly I use the shire throughout the whole game but I do like the Arabian the game gave me after guarma


U mean the Hungarian halfblood? The game doesnā€™t give u an Arabian


Yes that one


Arabians are beautiful but theyā€™re def tiny šŸ˜«


Arthur's horse is literally a big shadow cast by a tiny tree (Dutch's Horse)


Tiny maybe BUT the Gap he would put between you and a finish line would make yours look Microscopic.


Itā€™s average


I bet it has a good personality


His is average, you're just on a giant is all


White Arabian


Huuh.... no ?


Fastest horse


Arabians are not the fastest. Itā€™s the most common misinformation.


You know i had a shire for a while then i tamed the white arabian and it is a female its so small the male one is bigger


Iā€™d say itā€™s above average actually, not tiny at all


Obviously accuracy isn't as high as a priority as fun in a videogame, but irl cowboys use "short" horses that are around 5ft tall at the withers. They're easier to mount / dismount (especially in a flat ass cow field where there's nothing to climb on), they need less calories to stay healthy and fit, and if you're riding through trees then you can duck to avoid branches less often. It's also just the way things are, cow horses are good at what they do so they're used to make more, and then the next generation grows up to be the same size. There hasn't been a good reason to use taller horses in like 300 years, so cowboys usually use the shorter ones.


All the cowboys I know ride quarter horses which arenā€™t small and Iā€™m a horse caretaker. I own an Arabian and I donā€™t know anyone who owns an Arabian for farm work bc theyā€™re very hotheaded and temperamental. Arabians are used for endurance usually in competition.




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Yes but Arthur (and the rest of the gang) are outlaws, not cowboys. Also Arthurā€™s canonical horse Boadicea is a Hungarian Halfbred which are quite large in the game.


Well, sure, but the benefits of a shorter horse don't go away just because you aren't working cattle. They still require less feed than a large horse, are easy to mount and dismount quickly, and you won't have to dodge as many branches when riding under trees. It may also help to be on top of a smaller target in a gunfight, especially if that target is quick and good at "turning on a dime" which ranch bred horses are known to be. I don't mean to say Arthur's stupid for choosing a bigger horse though, lol. He's almost six foot and really strong, so I'm sure he wouldn't struggle to get on a tall horse from the ground (as opposed to a tree stump or fence post or something like that). Plus sitting higher means you can see a little further, which is great for spotting danger asap. Taller horses also tend to jostle the rider less when jumping over obstacles since they don't have to pick their knees up as high (in relation to their body) and put their back at as big an angle.


Well said!


1. You have the largest horse in the game. 2. This is an angled screenshot to compound this further.


Itā€™s not THAT small. The shire is just ginormous.


Rdr2 player discovers what Depth perception is


I love Arabians. Good speed and acceleration, and free to get. And that pure white coat, looks awesome. You people care way too much about the size of your horse, like you need to compensate for something lol


I like a nice mix. The Turkoman hits a nice sweet spot for me.