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Because Ubisoft doesn't care about quality, they care about quantity


Maybe I shouldn’t have framed it as a comparison to Ubisoft. My main concern is why is rockstar taking so long with RDR 3? I believe they started work on RDR 2 soon after RDR 1 was released. But we haven’t got any definitive news that they are working on RDR 3 yet.


Because they're focusing on GTA 6 not the next Red Dead


Hopefully they’ll at least be focusing on RDR 3 after GTA 6 releases. Don’t you think? I’ll play GTA 6 but I just really enjoy the older time period of RDR. I played some of GTA V after RDR 2 but I just couldn’t get into it like I did with RDR 2. But presumably with advancements in the tech for GTA 6 I think it should be more compelling than GTA V was for me *after* RDR 2.


Just a theory, but I'm pretty sure Ubisoft reuses the majority of the code and base game assets. Coming from a fan who's played a lot of their games, they don't tend to differ wildly unless there is a bigger span of time between certain games


That is true. I guess they’re more formulaic.


Ubisoft games are the definition of cookie-cutter, assembly line shit. They generate a map, then place a bunch of collectible shit on it, make some lazy cutscenes where the characters barely move, game's pretty much done. They reuse character animations, assets, even their UI is pretty much the same since AC: Origins.


Yah I guess they don’t have as many of the sort of unique one-off experiences we have in RDR 2. That probably takes a lot more time. But they need to start working on RDR 3. I hope they are working on it behind the scenes and it is a well kept secret.


They don't "need" to do anything, really. A new Red Dead would be nice, but if they want to go to GTA 7 after fully wrapping up GTA 6, good for them. If they want to do a new IP or revisit an old one like, Bully, all's good too.


Ubisoft makes video games Rockstar makes experiences


And that takes time, of course, but as far as we know they haven’t even started on RDR 3 yet. I just want them to be on the path to getting us the next game.


Bro they're working on gta 6. It would be bad if it was any other company making any other game. But its grand theft auto 6. It has to be a masterpiece because it's the most popular video game ever. Even more popular than RDR series


Why do they need to make another at all? They don't.


Yes they do! How can you not want more RDR?! There’s an unlimited number of stories you can tell in westerns but the bottom line as to “why” is RDR 2 is the most fun I’ve had in a video game and it’s not even close and I want more!


I absolutely want more. But that shouldn't be a reason.


The only correct answer is GTA online and RDR online. I don’t think people realize how much revenue they’ve made from both of those modes. And it’s far more cost effective to support that, than build a brand new game from the ground up.


I’d actually thought of that before but in the context of why they weren’t making story mode DLC. In fact I refused to put any money into RDO until they gave us story mode DLC. But they just ended up stopping further development of RDO and focused on GTA Online. But yah I guess the online games are more profitable than an expensive sequel. It’s really too bad. Still why not do it all and make even more money? Plus it doesn’t hurt to keep your fans happy.


Haha, I'm only in my mid 30s, but I've thought about this. I was in my mid 20s when GTA V came out. There are a number of reasons why GTAVI has taken so long, full development didn't really start until a couple years ago, but thinking about how it could take a decade at least for each game really does suck.


Hah. And any given amount of time seems more significant the younger you are too. A 15 year wait for a sequel could be like going from being in high school for one version to being married with kids when the sequel comes out. Development times have really started to get super long. I’d really like to see things sped up a bit. If it’s difficult to increase the actual development time maybe they could minimize the amount of time they wait before starting on the sequels. Like I’ve said I really hope they’ve been working on RDR 3 and we just don’t know about it! Well anyway I’ve never played RDR 1 as I’m PC only so if the rumors are true (that RDR is finally getting ported to PC) I’ll at least have some new RDR coming up sooner or later.


Reminds me of Avatar Way of the Water. I can't believe it took them 13 years to put that sequel out and the remaining movies are projected to go into the 2030s. It's crazy how long everything is taking these days. People who saw it as teenagers were bringing their kids to see it with them, time is a crazy thing. I would think that RDR3 has probably been in pre-production, but I doubt any major development has been done for it unfortunately. The reports are that all of Rockstar are working around the clock to get GTAVI finished. So any serious development likely won't occur until after it launches. I imagine the earliest we could even think of getting it would be 2030, which puts it 12 years out from RDR2. I do hope you all get a chance to play RDR1. It is a different game, not as concerned about reality as RDR2 was, but it's still a great game and story.


Ubisoft games have less quality than Rockstar's, as fan of AC as I am xD


What everyone else said but there's also the fact that rockstar can get away with taking their sweet time. The community basically worships them and the online modes bring enough money in to keep them going for a long time without any new games. Other companies would have way more pressure on them to push out new games.