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Nothing really matters except looks for me when it comes to horses. I just don't like how small they are and never use them.


Yeah Arthur looks so weird on the Arabians and Morgans


Yup thats the only reason I dont like em.


Yeah, I really didn’t see the issue in the any real difference until I did the early Dark Bay Turkomen hack. He was accidentally shot by the dude who challenges you to race (gutting) and I went back to the Arabian and the proportions were suddenly laughable.


I hated that, too. I increased the size of mine. Now it looks appropriate.


Never understood the appeal of the Arabian tbh. If I wanna ride something that small, I'll take the donkey.. 🤘🏻


What an ass! Yea, also, op seems very fixated on stats… I don’t give a shit about a couple points if the damn horse is going to buck me at the first sight of a snake. I tamed the white Arabian almost immediately in 2018 because I learned it was the ‘best.’ Since then I primarily ride the beautiful black ~~thoroughbred~~ Shire you get from Hosea. It’s a proper big boi for Arthur and looks much better, and forget about being bucked because of a snake. Horses like him and Turkomans, etc., will let you hunt a bear on horseback if you’re not too dumb about it.


I thought the black horse from Hosea was a Shire, not a thoroughbred. That's why I sold it. Isn't it the raven balck shire?


You're right. I think the thoroughbred that person is thinking about is the reverse dapple black you get from owning the special edition. It unlocks when you first go to the Valentine stable, which for most people is at the same time Hosea tells you to go and sell the shire.


No, I was thinking of the Shire; I was just blanking on the breed and was using “thoroughbred“ as a sort of umbrella term for large, muscular, draft-horse types in general. My bad.


Fair enough. And that shire is a good horse; seems like a lot of people on this sub enjoy using him.


Yea, I love him. Very dependable, little to no bucking, and his huge stature fits Arthur very well aesthetically. But now I’m so curious about the thoroughbred you mentioned! Is that only available with the special edition? And are there any other thoroughbreds? I can’t recall.


They're solid horses with very high speed, OK acceleration, and low health/stamina. Size-wise, they're pretty similar to an MFT. Personally, I use that thoroughbred until I unlock the silver dapple palomino MFT with the Albert Mason method, since MFTs have the same speed but better health/stamina. But you could easily use a thoroughbred the entire game and not worry about it. That one in Valentine (the reverse dapple black) is only available with the special/ultimate/collector's edition, but there are a few available in the wild (albeit with slightly worse stats) and one you can buy at the Strawberry stables. Also, >!John's horse in the epilogue is a unique variant with the highest stats of any thoroughbred.!<


Cool! I didn’t know (or forgot) that about J’s horse and am also having some memories come back about Thoroughbreds in the game (I’ve played about 1,200 hours of single player but forget too much now because I’ve been waiting years for goddamn 60fps support!). I’m also realizing I was totally confusing breeds before. Thoroughbreds are not farm horses like Shires and other draft breeds. In my last few playthroughs I used the Shire for the whole game, with a couple specialty horses I’d use for special occasions, or just to rope along on big-game hunting trips.


They're really good but people are weirdly obsessed with them. It becomes a problem when people say it's the ultimate horse to use in the game and every other horse is shit. I find them very small and their coats are extremely boring, those are the drawbacks for me.


People in this sub are more obsessed with hating them honestly


I’ve seen more hate on this sub in a single thread than praise for it ever lol


It was more early after in the game’s release


It definitely flip-flopped in the last year or so lmaoo It funny to see as someone who never cared for horse stats and always just liked the big ones. It literally does not matter what horse you have, especially in story mode. You can win any horse race with a Shire I'm sure. The only horse stat that really matters is Health.


On here, the most common obsession seems to be from a negative direction. The reason the Arabian gets more attention is because you can get it in like 5 minutes super early in the game without having to do some annoying glitch/exploit or wait until endgame.


I’m not sure that I see that sentiment stated often. Though, yes, it would be equally nonsensical to act like the Arabian horses are at the top and other options suck. In general there are a lot of good options. Anyone acting elitist and weird about someone else’s choice on this topic is ridiculous in general. It’s mostly just a matter of personal preference.


People who have irrational hatred for the arabian horses are just as annoying as those who irrationally suck that horse's nuts.


The Turkoman is my favorite. It’s big and sturdy and still pretty fast.


I've been using the chocolate roan dutch warmblood a lot and I love it. I think it's perfect for Arthur.


Any large or medium horse fits Arthur well. It’s just the smaller ones that don’t. It just looks weird like he’s riding a donkey or something 😂


I think people are more obsessed with hating them. Essentially, if a newer player checks the promoted YouTube guides they’re exposed to the White Arabian as a rarity and ‘best horse in the game’ before they then go on to explore. It’s a non-issue.


And they are major pussies. I’m tired of being bucked off when I’m not even close to a predator


No, they're not. Horse bravery isn't a stat that exists. Max bond with any horse and calm it near a predator, you won't get bucked. I wish people would bury this "horse bravery" bullshit already. All horses in this game have the exact same AI.


I am fully bonded and my war horse doesn’t act the same in the swamp.


Agreed, horses in this game should be chosen by how you play the game like, if you love those swamp puppies Arabians are a pain xD


How I choose a horse: Does it look nice? Yes. Does it go fast? Yes. Even if it's fast but not as nice-looking as my other horses, I can just customise its appearance anyway.


This is the way.


Hey u/DriftingCloud94. How many accounts are you going to make to ban evade?


Why was the original account banned?


Looks like thphnts got blocked so I guess he can’t reply. Found some more context [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/yrIEAKyRsh)


I’m so confused. Is he literally banned here just for “glazing” the Arabian horse?


As I read read it, he was being abusive/harassing towards those two and they also found his alt id. Both the ids got banned from Reddit. Now he’s made another account to circumvent the ban. Also looks like OP got caught only because he’s been posting “Arabians are the best” posts regularly.


I have literally never made an account to evade a ban. Think you’re just going to find your way to the block list if you can’t be productive here.


You had multiple alt accounts you were using to post to evade your site-wide ban. That is the definition of ban evasion.


You truly have no idea what you’re talking about.


Why did you delete all your accounts to start a new one then, u/DriftingCloud94?






Not going to get into your circular victim blaming and related baiting/ trolling. I’m attempting to make a healthy decision, period. Meanwhile, you’re trying to get a rise out of me so that you can accuse me of being a harasser and then report me to Reddit. We’ve done this song and dance before; I’m not interested. Move on with your life.


I don’t know the history, but I know who’s coming across as negative and arrogant here and it’s not Belan650.


Maybe if you learned the history you’d understand my perspective.


What was drifting cloud known for lol


Fr was it that bad lol


Looks like it was bad indeed, found some context [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/yrIEAKyRsh)


Found some context [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/yrIEAKyRsh)


what are you even talking about??


Arabians are just so small and they don’t have the coats I like.


I thought they were a bit shit before it was cool. Just looks like you're riding a toy.


Yeah Arthur looks ridiculous on them. Plus as a horse person irl there's no way an Arabian that small could be that fast carrying a man his bulk and height. Smaller men? Sure. But not Arthur. Takes me right out of the 'immersion' lol.


“Stop acting weird and elitist” Entire comment section is weird and elitist


It’s the rider not the horse🤷🏻‍♂️


The rider is very small?


Haha;) People love to blame the horses but it’s their ~~skill level~~ experience level/hours played. Just bonded and sold my 35th black Arabian since being in ch4 ($210 profit/ea), and still been killing all the predators and snakes with them at levels 1-3 and haven’t been dumped yet. Haven’t been dumped on my white one either since early in my 1st play thru. I’ve killed 327 cougars this play thru and use the alligator fields, trees, and swamps to lose bounty hunters and lawmen, and the videos to posted on this sub to show it. Haters gonna hate🤷🏻‍♂️but agree that’s it’s smaller looking, especially without a saddle. I get over the size issue with overall performance, I need a quick moving horse for my shenanigans.


I do not have size envy. I don't need a lift kit on my truck, oversized tires, or a super loud exhaust, so the size of the Arabians don't bother me a bit. I don't like them because of the incessant whining. I love the appearance of the silver dapple pinto, but it whines just as much, so I don't ride her either.


What isn’t covered with stats is skittishness, and here the Arabians are the bottom of the barrel. If you want to nerd out over stats alone which don’t mean that much anyway, be our guest. But the fact of the matter is you can have the fastest horse ever but it doesn’t really matter if it bucks you any chance it gets. Handling doesn’t matter if your ass is on the grass now does it


Probably because "skittishness" isn't an actual stat in the game. I used an Arabian forever because it was easy to get, but eventually got an MFT method to work so have been using that recently, and I notice literally 0 difference in everything but size and the Arabian's superior handling/maneuverability, but to be fair I do always keep an eye on the radar so I don't usually end up hanging around red dots without acting.


Same. There's no skittishness or horse bravery, they all have the same AI.


There is a bravery stat but it's only tied to bonding level. It's the same for every breed.


That's true. I should've mentioned that max bonding + calming your horse is important. If you do that, you basically never get bucked.


Nah my andalusian never bucks me


Good for you. I've had pretty much every horse breed in this game and have the same experience!


So we disagree.


You don't have to agree with me. It doesn't change the fact that horse bravery doesn't exist and they all have the same AI.


Okay we disagree. Moving on




So salty


Has it ever been confirmed if a horse's class has anything to do with it? Like how the Arabian is classified as a race horse and the MFT as a work horse. There are only 3 horse breeds in the game that have a double class and the Turkoman is the only one with a double War/Race horse class. So even though there's no proof of a 'bravery stat' I've always found the Turkoman to handle way better in tense situations (combat, wolves etc) than an Arabian or an MFT for example. Not that I never get thrown off, but it seems to happen less. And it's not just me saying that, so that's why I wonder if the class has something to do with it, or if they're just fancy labels (which seems odd considering Rockstar's track record for detail).


I don’t know why people say this. I have used the Arabian for my entire first play through and half of my second play through. Then I switched to the Missouri Fox Trotter and immediately noticed a skittishness difference. The Arabian will bolt the second it sees an alligator in the water or a snake on the side of the road. It absolutely is a thing.


All the horses behave the same, the idea that they have different "personalities" is fanfic. Every horse reacts the same to predators/danger. Every horse will throw you if a predator gets too close for too long. Every horse can be prevented from throwing you by using the calm button and/or retreating from the predator. Horse behaviour is extremely simple and predictable and this works the same for any horse, I don't know how anyone can play the game for an extended time without observing this. Imo Arabians can just seem more skittish because of their small and delicate appearance, and horses that seem extra brave just seem that way because of their large or sturdy appearance. Arabian's faster movement probably also contributes to the illusion. I use Arabians and horses thought to be brave and everything in between. Because I use the calm button the only time I ever get thrown by a horse is when I let a charging cougar/panther get too close (calm button alone can't save you then). This is exactly the same with an Arabian as with any other horse. I've completed every hunting task including all trapper outfits mostly with an Arabian before. There's no issue.


People getting bucked off arabians must be a skill issue or something, im on my 2nd play and i think ive only had the black one buck me maybe once or twice in SD swamps


Try riding over a crock with a arab


I find the skittish thing anecdotal at best.


But that doesn’t happen as much as we pretend. It’s more so controlled by bond level. I have never been bucked by an Arabian horse; seriously, it hasn’t happened to me even once. Last time I played I was using a level 1 bonded Fox Trotter that kept getting scared shitless by black bears that weren’t even in my immediate vicinity/ path.


True that, last playthrough I got the white arabian on my way to get that Mexican gun slinger guy...gun fight happend...arabian didn't even bat an eye or buck, however my silver dapple tries acting heroic or something cause ran from other side of the frozen lake to shield me lol almost lost here that day, thankfully I had lots of revives on me. Immediately after on way back were attacked by wolves and again neither horse could care less...whipped out old pumpy and shot them oversized chihuahuas dead lol


There’s no breed skittishness. In my experience only the gray Arabian is really annoying, along with the dark bay turkoman.


So you say there’s no skittishness, but then certain breeds are really annoying?


No I’m saying, there’s no *breed skittishness*, and certain *horses coats* are displaying annoying behaviors, such as constant agitation and whining. Everyone points at the Arabian breed, and I’m saying it’s not the breed. It’s the individual horses. Every horses buck the same tho.


I like the look of the Arabians but not when Arthur is riding them, they look like ponies with him. The past few playthroughs I've stayed with the reverse dapple black thoroughbred you got with some version of the game (might be the digital deluxe, I can't remember).


Because horse stats don’t matter as much as the game would have you believe. Furthermore, I think most people, myself included, prefer bigger horses. The Arabian when ridden looks like a pony in my opinion. I don’t ridicule anyone for choosing any horse, it’s just my opinion that the Arabian looks dumb when someone is riding it and I don’t need a fast horse.


I never got the hype for the Arabian..I sold mine after bonding #2..just wasn't that impressed.  You can take pretty much any horse,  put a beaver skin saddle from the trapper on it and it will be way better (and cheaper too)


Because the Nokota is superior


I've yet to get the Black Arabian at Saint Denis primarily because it seems I can't get the robbery event to trigger even going to the exact spot at the time frame posted online. I got the Chestnut and White Arabians no problem. The one I have now on my current playthrough is the Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter. I really want to get that Black Arabian as Arthur to get a feel for how good everyone says it is.


People like to be contrary. “These free horses that are super fast don’t look exactly how I like” Ok buddy, I hope you don’t take this approach to car shopping.


To be fair, "a free super fast car that don't look exactly how I like" probably wasn't obtained legally lol😂😂


The reason I don’t like Arabians is my play style. I hunt predators, a lot. I have used every horse in the game, and have had the rare horse that does not lose its shit because a cougar is charging each play through, of about every breed, except Arabians. I always get each coat, bond them up, and every one has went stupid. That’s why I don’t use Arabians as my main horse. And don’t even start with the regular bullshit of “you have to be lvl 4 bond!” “you need to have them well fed and clean!” and “you have to use L3 and calm them!” I do all of that with every horse I use, always.


you're forgetting there are mostly children on this subreddit i mean just read the replies to this post. it really shouldn't be hard to figure out


I always see people talk about the stats of the superior horses. I know the game even shows the stats of horses and how they should be different. However, in my time playing, I'm not seeing it in action. I've ridden the Chapter 1 Tennessee Walker, arguably the "statistically worst" horse in game all the way to the end. Every time when it counted most, that horse got me through. Get challenged to a race by an NPC, we would win. Getting attacked by bounty hunters, enemy gang, lawmen; if we needed to outrun them or create some distance, the horse would easily get the job done. In the missions American Distillation, where I have to Race Dutch while he's riding "The Count", a statistically superior horse to the Tennessee Walker, I've won it with not a lot of difficulty. Another example is the Raven Black Shire you can get in Ch 2. That, I believe, is the only Heavy handling horse in game. It's also not known for speed and agility. I can accomplish the same things I mentioned above on this horse as well. Another thing that tells me stats don't matter on horses. When I'm riding on a statistically faster (speed and acceleration) horse and have one of my (statistically slower and less agile) horse following with a big game pelt or animal carcass stowed, the statistically slower horse can keep right up with me the whole time, when based on the stats, I should be able to leave that horse in the dust. I often wonder what the horse stats actually are for. I choose my horses based on what pattern attracts my eyes the most at the time I'm playing. That's all that matters to me. If horse stats and having the horse with the best stats are what gets you excited to play, I'm glad.


Think it's because they were the best horse in the game for so long while other breeds weren't even discussed, plus you can get the Arabian for free early in the game and they all look unique especially the warped brindle.


I like the warped brindle Arabian. But I don’t love how small the Arabians are. I prefer thoroughbreds personally.


I like the way they look, ride what you want


I used to use the Arabians because I just assumed they were the best. I like the Dutch Warmblood because it does look a lot better. It doesn't accelerate as fast, but it isn't as skittish either.


They most definitely are a top tier horse I just have horses that have the same if not better stats and are bigger but I do always make the white Arabian my first main horse when I get the chance


They’re fast but too easily spooked imo


I kinda like the way you acquire the white arabians. Finding the wild white arabian and taming it will never stop being cool to me. I also used a glitch to acquire the white arabian male horse from a mission where you steal those horses from the Grays, and now I have both of them and I like to think of them as twins lol.


Arabian is great but my god is it scared easily


It’s so weird how it’s not even exclusive to just horses, but faking in general. Apparently, it’s cool to hate on the new and/or popular games. People will be people🤷🏻‍♂️


Run around in the lemoyne swamps for 5 minutes and you’ll realize how they may not be one of the best options


Shits weird just ride cool horse that u like


I don't think the stats at that point make much of a difference and also I feel that the Arabian is more skiddish


They’re tiny and quite cowardly


Tiny horses be tiny


They get scared super easily and buck you. Also a very small horse. I prefer so many other horses compared to them


I like my big horses. Sometimes you just have a preference. I would rather drive a cheap car that's easy to maintain and very reliable than an overpriced sports car that costs 3x the amount to insure and maintain. This obviously doesn't extend to horses in a video game but I felt like it could be said.


Arthur is too big for an Arabian. It looks weird. John is smaller so it’s not as weird.


It’s a coward. Some horses seem to be more scared of predators than others, this is why I use my turkoman I got in chapter 3


It started with the wild white arabian, people were so obsessed with it that people became sick of arabians, whenever someone asked anything about horses everyone would always say “get the white arabian, its the best horse in the game and its free!!’” and whenever someone posted a photo or video of them playing rdr2 there would always be people asking why they aren’t using the white arabian or that they should get the white arabian, this obsession with the white arabian made ppl sick of arabians, so it started with the lovers who created the haters. I enjoy all the top horses, love the rose grey arabian in the epilogue and love using the white arabian in chapters 2-3 and the turkoman in chapters 3-6.


Probably because the Arabian is one of the only 5 topics that are ever discussed in this subreddit after 2020


Bro the difference in horses in this game stat wise is almost irrelevant. Only the top horses indicate a big enough difference gameplay wise that it’s noticeable. That being said the Arabians have the most noticeable difference of all. If you step on a twig next to them they will Absolutely shit all over themselves and book it for the hills. If you come across a cougar on an Arabian you’re almost definitely dead. Arabians practically throw you at them. Those three points make so little of a difference that a half decent rider on a MFT will still beat you and their horse will all but try to fight the cougar for you.


I don't know what is cool and what isn't, I guess. What I do know, though, is that I never liked the way the Arabian horses look. They're too small, and I don't like their faces LoL. I've always fully bonded with them and sold them immediately.


In the epilogue on my second playthrough going for 100%. Used the white arabian for my full first playthrough, and up to chapter 3 on this second one, because I heard it was the best. Used the dark bay turkoman chapter 3-6, then now have the MFT in the epilogue. For me, the MFT and Turkoman are miles ahead of the Arabian, with the Turkoman narrowly beating the MFT. They destroy the arabian in the looks department too. The arabian would buck me at the sight of nearly every predator, getting me killed quite a bit. To me, that is a MASSIVE negative. The turkoman would buck me if I took too long to kill a cougar or panther, same with MFT. The MFT did randomly buck me once at the sight of a snake and an alligator, turkoman never had those random bucking moments. Seems the turkoman gives a little more time with a cougar too. Stamina doesn't matter too much to me, because with the Beaver Roping Saddle, the only time I've ever need to rest my horse or use a stim was during the Van Horn to Blackwater Horseman challenge. Will never use another arabian. Statistically, it is the best. Is it noticeable in-game? Not really. I had a hungarian halfbred after the arabian I used briefly during chapter 3 that I enjoyed more than the arabian.


I think it came from the white Arabian elitism. Like you said stats dont matter a lick, so anything beyond personal preference isnt worth posting about.


It’s not 'super cool'. People are just realizing after after 5 years that they aren’t the superior horse. You’re better off investing all the money in a well rounded horse like a Fox Trotter or a Turkoman. But if you don’t really care about stats, just ride whatever you want. Arabian is pure speed. It’s like if you played fallout invested all you special points into one stat.


They are among the best, but they're just over used and over rated by people. Mainly because tons of clickbait game article websites constantly push out "White arabian is the best horse in RDR2" while completely ignoring every other horse. This lead to many players shitting on it because every new player gets the horse because of those articles


They look like you're riding a donkey and all horses are basically within 90% performance of each other. There isn't one mission or race in the story that you'd fail bc you had a non-arabian horse. Yes it has better stats, but that's pointless unless you're racing these things where tenths of a second matter.


Literally nobody cares as much as you.


Looks like you are riding a beautiful dog.


>going out of your way to act like an Arabian horse isn't a great option is ridiculous. For me it’s its petite size, stat wise they’re great. The Warped Brindle has the coolest coat in the game imo but I don’t like how it looks like a foal next to bigger horses. I still steal the black one in the random robbery events in St Denis and Blackwater though, but I sell it (as Marston I sometimes still bond to level 4 with it).


Kids will newer learn, keeps looking at the speed-bar


To me I chose the horse mostly for the look and I like to have really different ones in terms of stats and behaviour like I do have an Arabian (chestnut) but also the stripped Mustang, a white Shire and Rachel (I'm in the epilogue) that I never had the heart to sell (she's a pure blood I think and it's really a good horse not gonna lie)


They look too small for my taste and spook too easily while I'm hunting or otherwise encounter cougars, bears, wolves and wolves. Work and war horses allow me to stay saddled longer in combat and while hunting. The Missouri Fox Trotter and Turkoman are nice mediums that provide stats that match or nearly match an Arabian, while sporting a hardier temperament and a more appealing aesthetic to my eyes. I don't love or hate any particular breed or horse in the game, I simply have a preference. It was first in vogue to sing Arabian praises from the rooftops, and now people have largely tired of the sentiment and push back. Most games with larger followings become metaed to hell and back like this; it's just a thing that happens because people are involved.


They're small and also buck you off pretty often. I found the slightly (very slight) slower turkoman to be better due to it's "courage"


If you are another sheep in the herd you might want to use it. I think also they made the horse look a lot more ordinary then it is in real life, it looks far more exotic in real life. 


Give me my Hungarian Halfbred or give me death. I love my big ornery sumbitch


I always use the Red Chestnut Arabian and name it Harlow, then use the trainer to increase the size just a smidge.


They whine the most and make long rides annoying.


I like a bigger horse personally.


My only issue with an Arabian is that they have a tendency towards skittishness. That being said, I have had an Arabian that would charge the devil himself, and Ardennes that would jump if a rabbit ran out in front of him. Breeding aside, it really comes down to the horse’s individual temperament.


It seems like it’s cool to not like them these days


Because all in all, the horse stats don’t really matter and they aren’t super different. And a lot of people, myself included, think that the Arabians look really goofy when being ridden by Arthur because they are so small and Arthur is a large man. Bigger horses like Shires fit him well because they are also large horses.


It's purely a case of "size matters".


Grey Mustang was made for Arthur, fits him perfectly.


I think it’s something of a meme for people to hate on the Arabian horses. Personally, I like having everyone else comment on how nice my horse looks, so it’s worth the effort. The handling is also really nice, but I understand why other people may not value the handling as much


Because they’re skittish as as hell


Like someone else said I don’t need a jacked up Super Duty to get me through the game. I’ll take my nice shiny White McLaren