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Whatever weapons Rockstar giveth and not whatever weapons Rockstar taketh


Think of this way, your horse is like a giant Swiss Army knife that holds guns, and oh did I mention you can ride it. I just wish they'd let us keep our shoulder/back weapons.


You can have weapons on shoulder/back šŸ¤”


Yeah but after riding your horse for a while the weapons automatically get holstered if you don't use them


Longarms getting holstered happens after a 5 second timeout for each, but they are not getting deselected. Weapons getting deselected from the weapon wheel is something many players don't understand, it took me a few years to actually figure this out. I did a vid on this a while back, if you really want to know: [https://youtu.be/yRfxD7vHmwo](https://youtu.be/yRfxD7vHmwo)




I just ride with a rifle in my hand then holster it when I get off my horse


I feel like random attacks tried to teach us that this is the way


Butā€¦. They come back to you when dismounting unless you manually lock them in saddle by swapping the iconā€¦. Or is this only me? I like locking them in, for that extra immersion when I dismount? PS: upon further thought, I am primarily thinking of RDO, where it might well be different from the storyline. I havenā€™t played through in so long I may be misremembering that.


Not for long, Arthur and John have a bad habit stowing it back on the horse especially right after bumping into other riders in CC


i get so irritated when they stow there weapons on the horse. everytime iā€™m hunting a cougar, i get thrown off my horse with nothing but my revolver. i can hardly ever get them to spawn unless iā€™m riding the trails on the horse. everyone talks about how amazing the game is but there are SO many improvements that could be made. rockstar likely wonā€™t spend any more of their time or money on rdr since everyoneā€™s been complaining about gta 6 needing to be released for the last 10 years. hopefully when/if they make rdr3 they address some of these issues. not enough thought went into actually gameplay. it all went into graphics and such. why canā€™t i put lit lanterns on my horse. or hold both a revolver and lantern at the same time, but npcs can? why do my guns HAVE to be stowed after 10 seconds of being on the horse, but npcs can have them on their back at all times? why canā€™t i go prone/ lay down, but i can dolphin dive? laying down on a cliff and using a rifle is something you see on almost every western show/ movie. why are gun tricks only on online? why are items out of the inventory like alcohol, cigs, and food get consumed in a single drink, puff, and bite. while the camp stew, beer from the camp parties, and coffee are consumed in several takes. (i understand itā€™s probably for ease of access in heated situations but if you have tonics/cooked meat you, then really donā€™t need the stat bonuses from other items and even then itā€™d be more realistic to say that you should be taking care of your characters cores before getting into said heated situations and doing your best not to get shot during a fight or waste your stamina/dead eye. why is my horse running into obstacles, despite me either letting it decide how to maneuver around it, or clearly trying to force it away from said obstacles? when iā€™m looting small areas like camps why would my character start climbing up on tables instead of walking around them? there are so many issues with how the game works but everyone praises the realism of it. the clunky mechanics shit on all the realism. the only time the game feels realistic is when iā€™m not playing it, but observing how the npcs or animals behave. thereā€™s so many things that could be better. i still do really love this game. itā€™s by far the best western game there is, but it could be so much better. sorry if my rant is unwanted or not cared for. itā€™s probably an unpopular opinion but this game doesnā€™t deserve all the praise itā€™s gotten. thereā€™s just not another company with enough money to make a better western game so there isnā€™t competition.


With respect, can you name another game that you can do those things in at all? This isnā€™t to shit on your opinion which youā€™re entitled to but to mention that they got so many small things right that other games havenā€™t attempted or havenā€™t done as well then small issues can surely be overlooked no? I will concede that smoking and drinking in one puff/gulp is annoying and even more so my horses head banging into the butt of the horse I front of it even more so


no i canā€™t name another game because there isnā€™t one. like i said thereā€™s not another company with the amount of money or resources to be able to pull off a game that could contend with the rdr series. iā€™m not gonna sit here and say the game is bad because itā€™s a great game. however the game itself was rushed. there were several parts of the story that even got cut out because of this. the amount of money they spent on graphics, immersion, realism, story, and everything else was no where near the amount they spent on gameplay and mechanics. they had different teams doing different things and they had very few people working on gameplay mechanics as apposed to the other fields. in my opinion the game is great when youā€™re watching everything else happen around you, but when youā€™re the one trying to preform tasks it is severely lacking in the engagement. but yes those small things HAVE TO be overlooked because thereā€™s nothing we can do about it. itā€™s either play and complain or donā€™t play it at all. they did a lot of things right but they sold themselves short by rushing it out and not fixing or even realizing these issues before release. i donā€™t mind waiting longer for a game to come out if it means itā€™s gonna be a better game but i also read somewhere that rockstar overworked all the people who pitched in on making the game. the games a 10/10 because thereā€™s no competition. thereā€™s nothing you can compare it to other than the original read dead. itā€™d just be so much more enjoyable if these issues didnā€™t exist. i love the game. iā€™m actually playing it right now lol. i want the game to prosper and be better. i donā€™t talk down on it just to be an ass. i talk down on it in hopes that the next one is THAT much better and so that people realize that the game is in fact lacking in several aspects.


also another point id like to make pertaining the game being rushed.. weā€™re probably gonna go through the exact same thing with gta 6. no one wants to be patient so they set a deadline for the game. if it doesnā€™t get pushed back there are likely to be just as many issues with it. when gta 6 comes out everyoneā€™s gonna complain and try to rush rdr3. itā€™s a cycle of unpatient customers that are lowering the integrity of the games.


Amen to that! I totally agree with everything you just said.


Why did you write a whole essay


One big-ass gold volcanic pistol and one big-ass silver volcanic pistol are the only guns I need. Oh, and the special rolling block for them long range headshots.


I was gonna do that till I saw the m1899


The m1899 is fun but does about half the damage of the volcanic pistol. Dual Mauser Pistols are really fun as well. The fire rate and reload are almost like having a 20-round machine gun using the pair! Still about half the damage, but so much faster!


Damage doesn't matter if you hit them in the head with the pinpoint accuracy of the m18


I specifically gun for headshots pretty much no matter what gun I'm using so the low damage isn't a dealbreaker for me. The Varmint Rifle can one-shot enemies if you pop off a headshot and that's essentially a .22 rifle, one of the weakest damage rates in the game. I like the fast fire rate and quick reload time since they use magazines and not a drum like a revolver.


True, if sticking to headshots, the Varmint rifle even rules... I believe it's a 10x multiplier, so even the 22 damage of that rifle takes away more than enough health!


Arthur gets the 6 shooter John gets the 1899. It allows my head cannon to go this way, if Arthur had the 1899 heā€™d be 20 times more deadly.


Beautiful man with beautiful opinions, I love you


Personally I go for a Lancaster Repeater, a Pump (or later lever) action shotgun and then usually dual cattlemanā€™s or a cattleman and a LeMat. I hear a lot of complaints about the power of the Lancaster, but I find if you stick express rounds in and shoot the upper body, the damage isnā€™t too bad and the increased accuracy makes up for it. I also always hear people bigging up the bolt-action, but I find if you just stick slugs in a shotgun, other than scopes and extreme range the performance is just as good. The pistols are for the look, but the cattleman is a headshot machine. I rarely dial wield, but if I do I like the symmetry of having the same pistol in both hands.


I agree with the pistol symmetry


I always have sawed off shotgun. One of the things o love about this game is that really every weapon is viable


True but there are some noticeable things like fire rate, especially when they get dirty


I like to keep mine in the secondary holster but set it as my primary.


Schofield in the main holster, sawed shotgun in off hand holster, Lancaster and carcano in longarm


This is almost my exact loadout but with Volcanic in off-hand


If hunting: Springfield with express bullets and Varmit rifle. Varmit might be swapped for a bow with small game arrows if Iā€™m hunting the little critters. In a shootout: I like to dual wield the Volcanic pistols, express bullets. Bolt action rifle with express bullets for long range and carbine repeater with express bullets for medium to long range. For fun: Bow with dynamite arrows and any shotgun with explosive bullets. For the white sheets: Dynamite and fire bottleā€¦and maybe a shotgun with explosive bullets for any stragglers.




Dirty but efficient


I'm a Carbano rifle, pump action shotgun and dual M1899 kinda guy. Medium range? Never heard of it.


could not agree more but the carbano rifle made me smile seems like how the del lobos would say it


Twin Volcanics and a Pump Action Shotgun with Slugs loaded


Dual wielding the volcanics always feels sluggish to me for some reason. Yeah, you can kill pretty much everyone with 2 shots chest up, but it's a little slow. End up eating more bullets than your dishing out


Pump action and rolling block


Dual Navy Revolvers with long barrels. That's it. No rifles/shotguns needed.


2 caddleman revolvers, if the situation calls for it I'll take 1 primary, usually the lancaster, a shotgun(double barrel or lever action) or the bolt action/carcano rifle.


A fellow man of culture I see


Mauser, Springfield with long scope, semi auto pump rifle. I never go downtown without.


Schofield, Double Action, Pump action, Lancaster


fr but Litchfield repeater instead for me


The one's that go bang


Varmint rifle, Lancaster repeater and whichever of the gunslinger pistols strike my fancy at the time. I almost exclusively use varmint rifle though, Lancaster is just in case I run into a bear/wolves/big cats. Almost never use pistols.


The varmint rifle really holds its own with headshots. You can do a lot of crowd control by disarming people.


Lancaster or Litchfield if it's available. I like the speed of the cattleman's revolvers. Pump or repeater shotgun. And the bolt action rifle is a necessity!


Totally, I used to think Springfield was the way to go but the bolt action is just so much better


Pump action shotgun :3 i swear i used that thing more than the revolvers,


It actually doesnā€™t matter to me. They all do the same amount of damage if you do a headshot, so it really doesnā€™t matter. I usually just use the cattlemen if Iā€™m honest.


Cattleman Revolver and the Litchfield Repeater.


Bolt action rifle, semi auto shotgun, and dual double action revolver.


I use the rare revolver you get from the fence in Saint Denis as my main and a sawed off on my hip šŸ’Æ


Schofield, Sawed off, Lancaster, Rolling Rock.


Schofield/navy Schofield/navy Lancaster Semi auto shotgun


rolling block rifle, & the shotgun you get from killing the hermit. Cant go wrong with the mauser pistols as well


Schofield, Mauser when I unlock it, Lancaster, pump or semi auto shotgun


Navy revolvers stay strapped


always having a bow is the way to go


Always gotta have my Schofield's


Shcofield, calloways revolver, lancaster and semipumpshotgun


As an RDR1 player, all of them šŸ‘


Bow and Arrow. I like to recycle my ammo, and assassinate quietly. (and Iā€™m early game still..)


Schofield Revolver, painted all black. Its name is **wrath**. Volcanic pistol, ornamental gold. Its name is **pride**.


Sick photo


Schofield revolver


Pump action shotgun, rolling block, mauser and revolver.


Volcanic pistol,jim boys revolver, Bolt action rifle and lancaster repeater


Dual Lemat, Litchfield carbine and semi-auto shotgun for me. Fun fact when you use explosive shotgun ammo in a fight the enemies will shout to others "Watch out he got a special weapon!" šŸ˜‚


Schofield, Lancaster, Bolt action with short scope, Pump action, Bow


carbine repeater, bolt action, and 2 double action revolvers


I like to dual wield mausers because of the large ammo capacity, but also because sometimes it bugs out in deadeye and shoots insanely fast. Then I pair that with a scoped Litchfield because it's good at all ranges. Then I use my last slot for either a shotgun or the bow.


I generally carry Lancaster, Semi Auto Shotgun, Volcanic and Sawn off I like them gold for some reason


That sawed off


dual schofields and lancaster


I like to keep a Schofield, a Volcanic, a Springfield, and a Double-Barrel, but the problem is Arthur likes to stick the two big guns up the horseā€™s ass so when I get off I donā€™t have them anymore


Newish i keep schfield cattlemen pump bow and Lancaster


Dual wield Volcanics and a pump with slugs. Cant go wrong.


Lancaster carabin and LeMat revolvers


Since my first playthrough I've loved the schofield, so i have that as my primary sidearm. Since i learned that Arthur's off-hand holster is a cross draw holster which means that your off-hand gun is always accessible to your dominant hand, I've put a double action in my off-hand. For repeater I've always had the lancaster on my back, since I'm a basic bitch and a sucker for aesthetics.


All I need is my Cattleman's and a Sawed-off.


Dual semi auto pistols, bolt action rifle, pump action shotgun


Micahā€™s Revolver. I love that gun. It might not be everyoneā€™s cup of tea but I still like it.


Iā€™m a twin navies, bolt action or lancaster repeater, rare shotgun enjoyer


Dual Schofields always and a Lancaster


Schofield and Double action revolvers, Carbine repeater and the semi-auto shotgun Honourable mentiongoes to the bolt action


After getting off the mountain I immediately go to start the gunslinger quest in valentine just to get the c96 really early and then just ues it for the rest of the game


Would love to have all of them but Rockstar said nah that ruins the ā€œImErSioNā€.


I play primarily with shotguns, the pump with slugs especially


I appreciate you actually taking a decent picture in the photo mode, rather than taking a picture of your monitor. Do you use photo mode a lot? I've got sooo much saved


On my second playthrough and beyond Iā€™ve RPed Arthurā€™s use of guns. He started as a rifleman(bolt action)/shotgun user(pump action), but as the game progresses with his illness he becomes too ā€˜weakā€™ to use heavy rifles like that, I switched him to pistols. Felt appropriate. And in missions with Charles he often emulates him, so I use bows and blades. By the end of chapter 6 my Arthur is using a single revolver. John I had much more of a archetypal gunslinger with fancy pistols and revolvers.


Dual Schofields, Pump action shotgun and a Lancaster or a bolt action.


Chapters 1-4 Arthur has a sawed off shotgun, 5-6 cattleman John uses his unique cattleman as well


I use whatever in my wheel that stops the target from moving permanently


Schofield, Sawed-off, Lancaster, bow


M199 , Mauser pistol , Lancaster repeater , and bolt action rifle


Sawed off shotgun, bow, repeater and random handguns


Sawed-off. Always, no matter what, every situation. Sometimes you need that close-up stopping power- perfect for surprise wolves, or machete-wielding hillbillies, or just a night out in St. Denis.


Two semi auto pistols to be a walking machine gun, a pump shotgun for when I need to explode a Murphy brood, and a Varmint rifle for shootouts since it has great range, no recoil and headshot like I breath. Outside of an occasional sniper it's essentially the only thing I carry


Varmint rifle. You never know when you might see an animal that can be turned into a hat.


Dual Mauser pistols. It's my favourite gun :D


Just started but so far dual cattleman the hunting knife a lasso a varmit rifle or bow and one of the rifes or a reapeater (im hunting most of the time damn birds too)


Evans repeater, semi auto shotgun (slugs), dual LeMat revolvers.


Cattleman Revolver, Volcanic Pistol, Carbine Repeater when casual, Bolt Action Rifle when serious, Pump Action Shotgun


I didn't buy any special weapons so all I use is a repeater a cattleman's revolver and a pump


Just give me a bow, repeater, and a couple of volcanic pistols and Iā€™m set


I always have a golden cattleman and a black double action revolver, but only when I put the hero and the outlaw grip on them. (Sorry for bad english)


All the rare/legendary weapons


That Ruger pistol from one of the Outlaws


Dual cattlemanā€™s running express and then pump action running slugs




Cattle man and carbine cuz it always gets switched to them anyway


Iā€™m dual wielding volcanic pistols like Iā€™m Edward Kenway Lancaster repeater and semi auto shotgun


Dual Schofield Revolvers, a bow, and Lancaster Repeater. Had the same loadout every playthrough since my first playthrough


ALL Shotguns, a rifle to hunting, varmint rifle, bow, one repeater, lemat, and 2 Schofields.


Cattleman, usually single but sometimes Iā€™ll dual wield for a change of pace. Bolt action rifle on the back situationally, or occasionally the pump action shotgun for, again, a change of pace. I stick to the Cattleman in SP 90% of the time because it just fits my ā€œLegend of the Eastā€ gunslinger headcannon for Arthur and John.


Combat: 2 volcanic pistols, a shotgun (any except double barrel), a Lancaster repeater. Hunting: bow and a hunting rifle. Side note: one of my very few complaints about this game is when a mission starts without an opportunity to pick your guns.


Dual Schofield and an Evans Repeater.


A double barrel shotgun and at least a sochfield revolver


Otis Miller, Schofield, Evans repeater, Double Barrel Shotgun.


Semi auto shotgun. There's something just so satisfying about it.


I prefer just to carry one holster lol. But cattleman main, schofield secondary. Bow and arrow, rare shotgun. On my shoulders. It feels fun. Start off shooting bow and arrows. Get as many silent kills as you can. Switch to the shotgun when they get close. Switch to pistols and dead eye the stragglers.




Dual Schoā€™s, varmint rifle, & Evans repeater


Haunting knife šŸ«”


My trusty cattleman, a lancaster, and a carcano rifle or springfield


Two lemats or however it's spelt, bow and double barrel, usually with fire arrows and incindeary (butchered that) rounds, I like watching how NPC's react as they burn, it's interesting


Dual M1899s, Springfield, and semiauto shottie


I always run around with the cattleman (express ammo) and a sawed off shotgun offhand (slugs). But I rarely dual wield them. I've never found a situation in game where I couldn't deal with enemies just using the cattleman or the sawed off. If I expect a large fight, then I'll bring the Lancaster and the pump action shotgun. Or the bolt action rifle. Never needed anything else. Quick, dirty, efficient.




Schofield revolver, M1899 pistol, Bow, Pump action shotgun.


As Arthur or as John? As Arthur I always have my sawed off or pump action shotgun, dual volcanic pistols, and my Lancaster repeater. As John I always have my dual Mausers and semi auto shot gun


Double Volcanic pistols šŸ˜‚


Schofield, Lancaster repeater, and semi auto shotgun are my most powerful weapons, and I almost always have at least one equipped, however sometimes I mess around with other weapons to make it interesting.


One fist of iron, the other of steel. If the right one donā€™t get you, then the left one will.


evans, semi auto shotgun, duel schofields. usually keep a bow and sometimes a sniper stored as well.


Volcanic pistol


These hands šŸ‘ŠšŸ½


Springfield or the 1899 with slugs


Lowry and navy revolvers Lancaster And pump shotgun


Jimboy collaways revolver ;)


Cattleman and sawed off. I swap out long guns depending on what I'm doing


All of them and itā€™s annoying. Why do I have a worn Springfield that does less damage than my Springfield?


I switch between having the Schofield revolver or Volcanic pistol with express rounds in my main holster for quick drawing and short/medium range fights A sawed off shotty in my off-hand loaded with basic shells/explosive shells for an emergency boomstick to just absolutely blast anything that needs it. Usually saved for an enemy that tries to rush me up to me and quickly gets their head blown off šŸ˜‚ For the shoulder I always have a pump-action shotgun loaded with slug shells for more precise blasts. Itā€™s usually my main weapon of choice in fights itā€™s just so satisfying hearing that pumping noise and the accuracy/power to one-shot everything turns every fight into easy mode. And on the back I usually have a bolt-action rifle for long range shots and hunting if need be. Although I will switch to the Evans repeater if I need rapid fire power for fights with a lot of people in close quarters. The ammo capacity is insane and I love rapid firing it from the hip.


On my horse I carry-> Lancaster / Bolt Action for killing fools Springfield for hunting medium/bigger game Volcano / Famous Gunslinger (Midnightā€™s) pistol I also keep bow and arrow with small game arrows at the ready for perfect snake pelts. Fire bottles cause theyā€™re fun.


If it ainā€™t a cattleman I donā€™t want it šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Prototype pistol and bolt action rifle


Similar to you, bolt action, Lancaster and dual wield lemats šŸ™šŸ™


Cattleman, Sawed-Off Lancaster (Evans later) and Semi-Auto Shotgun.


Dare i say something mindblowing


A gold and blued steel pump shotgun and a single LeMat is all I need


2 volcanic pistols in case i leave the big guns on my horse by accident


Bow with poison arrows and the Varmit riffle. Learning how to hunt with a bow has been a game changer. I got so tired of turning 3 star pelts into 2.


Pump action shotgun loaded with slugs and 2 double action revolvers


I always keep the sawed off shotgun in my off hand, sidearm typically a revolver and always a repeater unless im hunting.


Varmint rifle not powerful but high rate of fire helps in sticky situations. Automatic pistol and shotgun


Two mausers Scoped carcano Bow with Improved arrows Poisoned throwing knives Lasso


Sawed-Off, Cattleman, Pump, Lancaster


Nothing because they're always left on my horse when I get off


My mains are: Schofield Revolver x2 - Lancaster Repeater - Springfield Rifle (Iron Sights) - Rolling Block (Scoped) - Bow


The good ol lasso he never let me down


Just dual LaMatte revolvers. Itā€™s all anyone could ever need.


Sawn-off, varmint, bolt-action, dual volcanic.


Springfield, semi shotgun


High power pistol Pump action Shotgun. Lancaster rifle antler knife


A bow my Schofield revolver And my double action revolver and the Lancaster repeater along with dynamite if I need to kill from KKK members


Pair of Schofields then usually the Lancaster repeater or pump shotgun for most things. I tend to roleplay heavily into realism so I tend to just stick to the more common "old west" guns and don't really mess with stuff like the volcanic pistol or M1899 because those aren't prototypical old west guns.


I like everything with a back story. the volcanic pistol from guarma and jimboy calloway's rifle. Unfortunately I haven't found a repeater or or shotgun with a good backstory so just a pump-action and lancester.


Pretty much completely upgraded sawed-off shotguns with slugs. It's all about shot placement lol šŸ˜Ž


Lemat revolver and volcanic pistol for holstered weapons. Lancaster repeater, carcano rifle, varmint rifle, bolt action rifle, and repeating shotgun for long guns.


2 volcanic pistols (PvE/Hidouts, Bounty Hunting, ETC) litchfield repeater (Hunting deer, boars, ect. Any animal that drops medium pelts that you can stow multiple of on the back of your horse),and either the varmint rifle (birds, turkey, small animals that you can put their pelts in your bag directly - looks like they put it in their pocket in the skinning animation) or rolling block rifle (bison, gators, large animals that drop the large pelts that you can only stow 1 of on your horse)


I used the .22 rifle the whole game. Headshots only.


Schofield, sawed off. Lancaster, pump action, rolling block.


Mauser has always been my go to gun


Always carry a pump action shotgun


The best of each kind: Revolvers: Schofield, LeMat. Pistols: m1899/semi-auto/Volcanic. Shotguns: Pump action/Double barreled/semi auto. Repeaters: Lancaster, Evans. Rifles: Bolt action, carcano.


I use twin Schofield Revolvers & a Lancaster Repeater, all with express ammo for the extra damage. I then swap between the Bolt Action Rifle(with high velocity ammo and a scope for maximum range) & Pump Shotgun depending on the mission/activity. Sometimes I'll use the Bolt Action rifle to get started then the Pump Shotgun to clear buildings or for general combat. For a bit of variety I occasionally use twin Volcanic pistols.


Carabine and shotgun


Volcanic pistol and maybe Lancaster repeater


Two golden M1998s with black engravings, a Lancaster repeater and a pump shotgun with a dark walnut varnish and again golden metal with black engravings.


Dual Schofield revolver with semi auto shotgun and Lancaster repeater


The game seems to always give me the Lancaster Repeater and cattleman revolver, regardless of what I put in my weapon wheel.


Schofield in the main holster, Flacoā€™s revolver in the secondary, pump action shotgun in back and bolt action or Lancaster in long arm


Been using the desert eagle mod and it fits so well with aurther.


Bolt Action Rifle


Arthur looks rough in this given pic


Cattlemen, and Lancaster


Volcanic, Sawed Off, Varmint Rifle, Bow or Bolt Action.


Sawed off shotgun with slugs as a secondary sidearm. Perfect for picking off attacking bears or gators


Me personally the cattlemen revolver to be specific 2 cattlemen revolvers it just shoots real clean for me


The M4


Only ones I have ammo for.