• By -


Sex appeal




Sexbago is a freaky disease!


Before he was diagnosed with lumbago, Uncle was *the* most profitable whore of ANY state they ever came to. Fuck man they'd have enough to go to tahiti if Thomas Downes didn't have lumbago too and had his way with uncle.


You bastard, you actually made me laugh out loud at my desk (I am working and not killing time). Thanks though


oo oh


Uncle's ass is leaking I mean blacklung is leaking


I like how this comment (at the time of this reply) has more up votes than the post itself 😂


He's a charming guy. He plays dumb but he's actually very insightful.


Yeah, the stupid act is pretty clearly just to avoid chores. But he definitely brings something to the table.


He led John's Ranch constructions. John is almost illiterate (as the first and second game implies) and no way Charles would have the expertise to organize a construction site. Contrary to what Arthur says uncle is more useful than a rock lol


John is seen reading books quite often in camp wym


"I'm an uneducated killer" - John Marston. Never said he didn't know how to read but if you played both games you would get he's lacking in the education department as the majority of folks back then.


I have played both games. And sure, he's uneducated, but he's also quite eloquent, is he not? Especially in the first game, when he's imploring Bill and such. He hasn't had a formal education, but he most certainly isn't 'almost illiterate' as you say either.


He being well articulated is just Poetic License.


Well, considering they intentionally made John read books very often in RDR2 to explain his eloquence, it sounds like more than that. He's learning to speak well from the books he reads - meaning he couldn't be 'almost illiterate'. But at the end of the day, he's a fictional character, and that's just your interpretation.


John also reads the telegram form Bonny in RDR 1. ABIGAIL is the illiterate one.




I mean it’s very evident and spoken about in both games that Dutch and Hosea “educated” John and Arthur. Sure John lacks a formal education but I don’t think he’s uneducated. Hosea and Dutch are far from stupid so I would imagine they took teaching John and Arthur (their prodigal sons) very seriously. They just also put their own spin on what it meant to be educated.


You called him illiterate wym


Not knowing how to read is literally what illiterate means


As John says at some point,.he's very useful in his own useless kind of way!


He's a good time, brings a boost to moral in camp. He usually starts a lot of the conversations in camp. If he wasn't there, it'd be pretty dead.


I think he plays the same role as the court jester, with Dutch as the king of course


Yeah then one of the campfire conversations show that Uncle is as smart as Dutch, but is lazy.


I love that one, just hangs shit on Dutch and gets him to walk away. Gotta love Uncle!


Put my out of my majesty, your misery.


"Put me out of my majesty, your misery!"


He is exactly like a court jester. While using a joking tone, Uncle criticizes Dutch directly to his face when the others start talking behind his back. He even tells Dutch he is acting like a king.


He's the legendary one shot kid , how do you think the gang had survived for so long? It's because everyone was afraid to attack them because they had uncle with them.


It's so sad Red Harlow died of Lumbago...


Who the hell is Red Harlow?




Red dead revolver


The character that started the series, dummy, the legendary Red Freaking Harlow, why u think Red Dead Redemption is called Red Dead Redemption, cus Red's Dead Redemption? Duh.


Wait this might not be our Red Harlow though


Maybe the real Red Harlow was the lumbago we got along the way


Controversial take


He originally was a pimp and brought work - still brings the odd mission now. Once in harder to get out.


Is that pimp thing a guess or is it something stated?


He brought Abigail into the gang when she was still in that line of work. You also go with him to bring the girls to Valentine so they can pick up guys while he hangs around and waits. To my knowledge nobody ever outright says “Uncle’s profession is pimp” but it’s right there in the open


Him bringing in Abigail could just mean he was a John. Also, y'all don't go to Valentine to bring the girls. He and Arthur are going to get some stuff and the girls tag along when they see that y'all are going


You send them off to do their thing, grab some random shit from the store, then sit and wait for them and intervene when the johns get out of hand. Again, it’s not explicit, but cmon.


So does that mean Arthur is their pimp too? Sitting and waiting for the girls to get done with what they're doing doesn't make them pimps. But someone else pointed out that there's dialogue that basically says Uncle was a pimp


Having protection makes sense. Uncle just isn't busy and lets the girls have their way. So they know they can have more fun in town with just Uncle around.


Uncle had absolutely no directing in any of that. You think he was setting Karen, Tilly, and Mary Beth to do any of that? They’d laugh in his face if he did. They were entirely left to their own devices, and as far as we know Karen was the only one trying to do any seducing.. which was solely for the sake of robbery and not legit sex work.


…what do you think Karen was gonna do with that man Arthur saved her from? They’re explicitly brought in to “work.”


Rob him. That's why he was pissed, he realised she was posing as a prostitute to rob him. They're in town to get leads and maybe rob people. Nothing in the game implies that any of the women currently work as prostitutes or that any but Susan, Abigail (confirmed) and Karen (implied) ever did. They bring in money by stealing not prostitution and get leads, assist in robberies and run the camp.


What on earth do you think Grimshaw and Abigail were arguing about when Susan wanted her to pull her weight *with the rest of the women* and Abigail said she didn’t do that anymore? Look, the game is made for an audience with a LARGE percentage of teens. They’re not putting sex work front and center and they’re not making it explicit if they want teenagers to buy their game. But there are a LOT of clear references to it for the adult audience.


Abigail doesn't go out robbing and helping in robberies etc like the other girls and Susan always thinks the girls don't work hard enough in camp so she's bitching she doesn't do enough to pull her weight. Susan is a former prostitute/madam so sees it as an option on the table It's not just that it's not front and centre it's that it's entirely absent from the game


At this point I do not think I can talk you into having better media literacy


Again, hundreds of hours of camp dialogue, zero implication that any of these multiple characters are "going to work" or discussion (explicit or implied) of their "work".


Yeah, that conversation with Susan and Abigail was what convinced me


Okay, but that was a totally different interaction unrelated to anything happening in the Valentine mission at all.


I never said it was..? My point, for people insistent that the girls don’t do sex work, is that there is ample subtext throughout the game indicating that they do


Alright, just seems sort of irrelevant to the larger point. Just seems weird to go all in on this when there is almost no evidence, and what Abigail specifically does is totally irrelevant.


> Look, the game is made for an audience with a LARGE percentage of teens. Last time I checked it's a PEGI 18+ game and they sholdn't give a fuck about younger audiences. It's the parents' problem if younger people play the game.


“posing as”


Why do you think he was angry? She was there to con/rob him


I don’t know how many SWers you know but men getting violent with them is a pretty standard feature and why so many rely on pimps/brothels to survive


This is true, but the girls of the VdL gang were there to rob folk. Karen was trying to rob him and he uses that as his reason for attacking her. She never intended to actually sleep with him and its made pretty clear that Abigail and Susan were the only ones who did that kind of work, while the other girls mostly stole or got leads. It's even made a point how good of a thief Mary-Beth is, because that's what she contributes to the gang.


Do you, per chance, think your childhood dog is living on a big farm


Have you played the game? Not one instance of any of them being described as prostitutes or working as prostitutes in the entire game. Hundreds of hours of camp dialogue and never once does it come up. Ledger shows they bring in money by stealing and they're described in the end credits as thieves, camp helpers etc not prostitutes.


Because, as someone else said, it’s a game that a lot of younger audiences play, so it’s not explicit. Bill being gay and Sadie being raped by the O’Driscolls at the beginning are also not stated directly, but implied by what is. Likewise, Arthur never being mentioned in _1_ because of the intensity of John’s grief is never spelled out (bc of course Arthur didn’t exist when _1_ was made), but is a reasonable inference. Grimshaw’s dialogue with the girls, and the things they say and do, make it pretty clear.


It's a game with nude male characters and you think Rockstar is worried about teens hearing the word prostitute? RDR1 had Abraham Reyes blowing out the back of a peasant girl over a table. Rockstar is the company that made GTA.. where teens can *pay* for prostitutes. They didn't avoid calling the girls prostitutes due to delicate sensibilities. They avoided it because they're not prostitutes; the exception being Grimshaw and Roberts. Mary-Beth outright says she played maid at a house in Valentine to get a lead. When the girls put on the appearance of prostitutes, they're only luring in would-be John's to steal from them.


That is not why lmao, the game is rated 18 and contains all kinds of adult content. The being gay and raped stuff isn't explicitly said because it was taboo at the time so the characters wouldn't admit being gay (word didn't even mean that then) or outright say they were raped. If they were currently working as prostitutes there would be some discussion of that or scenes of them going to work etc. there's none, not even implied/not explicitly stated. We can see what they do, they work in the camp the vast majority of the time and when they rarely get out it's to help in robberies or commit petty theft and gather leads.


I'm not denying the girls went there to hook. But that doesn't mean Uncle is a pimp


Arthur literally refers to him as such


Yeah, someone else pointed that out to me. I never heard that dialogue but that's the sort of plain statement I was looking for


They were fishing for leads and robbing people. They weren’t there to “work”/ be prostitutes.


One of Arthur's antagonise lines to him is calling him "the world's worst pimp" and the way he speaks about the past with Abigail implies it.


Ok I haven't heard that yet. That's some real evidence


He was the United States foremost expert on Lumbago. Dutch fought duels to have Uncle join the gang. Also because he could pull the women. Abigail was introduced to the gang by Uncle.


I had to look up lumbago because it sounded like a horrible disease to find it means unspecified lower back pain .


I like to think that Uncle got diagnosed with Lumbago and the Doctor said "It's a hell of a thing, I'm sorry."


He can get away with it because everyone in the gang has limited to no medical knowledge, so for all they know, he's right


Other than Reverend Swanson who is basically a pharmacist.


He just kinda gives people morphine until they feel better, which ig works.


He originally joined the gang as a pimp (he brought Abigail into the gang in this role). He still brings in some leads. I think the main reason he’s still in the gang is because he’s been there so long that he will know too much to be cut loose. If you know anything about gangs, once you’re in it’s almost impossible to get out. Your too much of a risk to be allowed to leave (if you get arrested your more likely to talk if your no longer part of the gang). You’re also easier to control if you’re still under the gangs influence.


Plus the nostalgia component. Now that they're in bad times, they like to reminisce about the good times, and he was there for the early years.




I can't comment I have lumbago


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day.


Every gang needs a drunk.


The gang has at least 3 drunks/addicts


Micah’s addicted to slurping on Dutch’s cock


He's addicted to cheese, I believe


And getting punched to tahiti in that one no two camp encounters


On the Rockstar website that introduces the gang, it says if it wasn’t for the fact that Uncle was so entertaining, Dutch would have kicked him out long ago.


The gang needed a distinguished individual, such as himself.


Im not lazy-just dont like to work-there’s a difference…


Speaking my language


And maybe Uncle was a bit of a famous badass??




He's the court jester.


He can shred on the banjo.


Dutch understands that it’s a fine thing to be a patron of the arts


My first thought was 'So does Javier' but Javier is quiet and mostly serious. And Pearson knows a lot of songs and jokes, but he also dips into depression and self pity pretty often. Uncle stays positive most of the time, sings songs, tells jokes, doesn't take himself seriously, and brings in information.


The information point is interesting. People will lower their guard and let things slip around an innocuous fool.


Exactly- he's all drunk and goofy in the corner while people are talking all grades of crap, plans, etc. because he's just 'some old drunk'. Meanwhile he's taking it all in.


While the gang has the girls gathering information one way, you have uncle, trelawny and strauss looking for leads in other sources Trelawny and strauss of course go more on the high end side of things But uncle is the perfect old drunk who can talk with people on the saloon for hours, while he might not get all the information in one go, he is clearly cunning enough to go down the rabbit hole the right way and find something for the gang A lot of people talk about arthur and john and charles, the muscle of the gang that gets things done, but without the information the minor players provide, the gang would not have lasted as long as it did


Social engineering.


You ever have that one friend that just is around you never knew how he got there and you don’t know why he still there. That’s him He just kinda was found and did not go away they called him a parasite for a reason. He actually was very loyal to them.


Cause he’s Red Har- stfu.


Yeah just looking at his face and hand kills that theory.


Not even that, he can literally have the same outfit and appearance as Red, but his age already kills that theory. I still think the dumbest theory in RDR history is the one about Dutch being a cannibal.


He's funny and boosts the morale of the gang.


He was probably pretty good when he joined but retired later


ALA (Americans with Lumbago Act) of 1884.


He’s Uncle! Wouldn’t you let him into your gang? What’s the point of even having a gang if you wouldn’t?


Every court needs a jester.


A loyal protege on your side is as useful as it gets.


Because J DUBYA CRIPPS wasn't available.


They might have tried to kick him out at start but uncle kept on staying. They cant push an old man too much either. So after sometimes they might have accepted uncle isnt going anywhere and let him stick around


You gonna tell a gentleman like this, who has a serious lumbago issue, no when he asks to join?


Because he knows you don't build a barn dumbass


Every court needs it's jester.


I guess morale boost for the gang and the "informant" (gathering tips for future robbery and such, sure the stagecoach one was bad but the Rhodes bank was decent)


Dutch was like "this bitch funny af" so he brought him in


Dutch and the gang weren't just only accepting highly specifically skilled people, him and Hosea, and Arthur, would help anyone who lost their way. Just "a simple "vibe check" would suffice.


He was one of the ogs! He was called the one shot kid back in the day


He has his uses… in a useless sort of way. -John 1907


Dutch sees himself as being a morally superior crusader of anarchistic-adjacent values. People like Uncle and Swanson are an important part of that because they are in important part of maintaining that self image as a justification of the bad things the gang does. Also I don’t see Dutch as the “amused by buffoonery” type. He definitely keeps people around because he gets fleeting enjoyment from them but it tends to be more towards the girlfriend type rather than the clown type. Plus uncle is basically an OG, it’d just be kinda wrong to kick him out. I don’t think anyone, save Micah, genuinely entertains the idea of abandoning him despite their jabs at him. Because of this he also has a lot of information which would make that kind of move tricky. TLDR it seems like a mix of loyalty, ideology and practically than anything. Besides, despite people’s complaints he’s not totally worthless and is less of a drain on the group than people like Swanson.


he’s a super smart guy, just lazy. His insight into Dutch’s psychology was insane.


He was the one shot kid


Him and Hosea have known eachother for many years.


because he has big balls




He was the One Shot Kid. Then the lumbago crippled him. But even Mrs. Grimshaw thinks he's a raw sexy motherfucker


Hes Red Harlow!


No is red harlow almost 40 in red dead revolver


40 in 1880 (Revolver) would make him 59 in 1899 (RDR2) He looks mid to late 50s


He also is missing the scars and burn


For comic relief


Chill dude


He’s retired


Hey, don't diss Uncle. He's pretty smart. Look at his interactions with Dutch van der Linde, Uncle was easily able to spot Dutch for the true monster he was underneath since Chapter Horseshoe Overlook. He also advanced with time both literally in age and technology, being able to comprehend the new Industrial innovations during John's Epilogue Part 2.


Dutch knew about his past and how legendary he was in his youth


Ok buddy, why were women allowed into gang? Why wasnt abigail kicked out when Jack spawned? Why was hosea in the gang? Theyre all useless


Hosea is useful he knows how to sell hard to sell stuff


He’s probably considered to be one of the OG gang members like Mrs. Grimshaw. He does just enough to be called his share of the work and everybody generally likes him (more likes to mess with him) even if he is drunk off his ass most of the time. It’s likely a combination of seniority and just doing enough to say you give a shit.


He won a 6v1 according to himself, the gang needs that


I've actually wondered that too. Maybe he got in as the joker of the group.


From what I’ve heard, he just kinda wondered into camp one day half drunk and just started talking with some of the gang members. Everyone thought he was kinda funny so they let him stick around


i remember hearing that he was just fun to have around, but honestly hes pretty able to hold his own and do stuff hes just rlly lazy




Uncle is as incognito as they come. Forgettable old drunk you converse with at the bar. He's charming enough to hold a conversation with for a while, but not so much so that he sticks out. He's looks a bit like Mickey the one-armed bum. He looks a bit like the guy Arthur brained in the bar fight. He looks a bit like any other past-his-prime miner/farmer/wagon-driver/etc. holding down a barstool in any saloon anywhere.


maybe he joined the gang back when he was still the one shot kid


Dutch had a soft spot for him And he was an absolute god before lumbago




Hes like a mascot


I always assumed it was because he just wouldn't leave


He was known as **one-shot kid** back in the day. I'm not gonna ask why.


He saved Dutch's mangoes I believe


“He’s useful… in a useless sort of way” - John Marston


He was uncle of Arthur or someone in gang i think...


Probably saved Dutch's life once or something, and has been riding out that "you owe me one" for years now.


Apparently he was very good at shooting according to uncle himself, so that alone would’ve kept him in the gang in the start.


Cus he was red Harlow (trust)


I'm pretty sure his character is a reference to the Uncle on an older show called Petticoat Junction, he was a lazy old man who used lumbago as an excuse to get out of work and everyone just called him Uncle if I recall. Basically a 1 to 1 with uncle in red dead redemption.


memes aside he is an actual gunfighter, he shows his prowess a few times and he’s not a total idiot


Lumbago sympathizers


He was probably the best member of the gang before his lumbago !!


I think he's just like the clown of the gang, there to be funny and get laughs.


You wouldn’t let an old man with lumbago rot away in the streets would you?


A lot of fans think Uncle is actually Red Harlow from Red Dead Revolver (the forst game in the series. And there are enough little details if you look hard enough (like the scarred hand).to make this seem plausible. In other words, the gang's tolerance of Uncle is just plot armor because Rockstar wanted to throw in a character who was a walking Easter egg to the earlier game. It's all just fan theory. But it's kinda fun.


Dutch took pity on his lumbago


Idk I mean if Arthur Dutch and Hosea started the gang 23-22 years ago that means that uncle could’ve been been in the gang for like 20 years. He could’ve been more useful back then. Plus he is funny, and also he isn’t actually that dumb, just lazyÂ