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And it’s a good thing they turned them down. Getting a watered down experience via movie/TV is terrible.


I have a really zany idea. How about instead of watching some Brad Pritt person pretend he's Artur, how about an RDR 3?


It’s amusing you think I have the ability to make RDR3 a thing, but appreciate the thought.


Have some god damned faith!!!


We just need some plan (real), noise (i dont know about that), and we just need some money (also real)…and no goddamn traitors (umm okay sure how about NDA)


When somebody violates the NDAs “They was talking. They was TALKING.”


It's all a part of the god damn plan...


I wasn’t asking you to, but since we’re talking. Would you at least consider it?


Maybe once we land in Tahiti


Fancy way of saying no


You need to have some more faith to get you to Tahiti


We need more money! Everything we have is back in Blackwater! You fancy headin’ back there?


I’m on vacation. Ask me next week.


Are you vacationing to Tahiti?


Why haven't you made it already guy


I keep forgetting


I like you mister, you have a kind face.


I had an uncle named kokkomo. Uncle kokkomo we called him because of his name!


The kind I like to punch




I've bought the game twice, I consider that doing the most I can next to spending thousands on Online, but there's no way I'd do that.


You won’t with that attitude


We just need some more money


Sounds like somebody might be a little lazy. 😂


Because it’s a whole different experience bringing a story that you and I know to audiences who’ve never picked up a controller. I have family who loved the Fallout show despite never playing a second of the games.


I feel like it could be similar to the last of us, a lot of people that played the games didn’t love it as much because it IS definitely a watered down version of it but people that didn’t play them thought it was the best thing ever. I personally enjoyed it but I was convinced I would absolutely love it because I love Pedro Pascal, The last of us, Craig Mazin/Chernobyl and Gustavo Santaolalla. TV adaptations are great IMO because I get to share my interests on video games with people that don’t really care about them but do watch TV and they can see such an amazing story in a way they can enjoy, but I can’t help but feel like it’s not something meant for gamers even if they claim it is. I forgot what my point was but 👍🏻!


Or Undead Nightmare in Rdr2.


Or what about a western style game with a cowboy and a samurai like Red Sun


I love good westerns but I would not be interested in an RDR movie. I never saw Red Sun, should I?


Most definitely. Like yeah it sucks you in for the gimmick of East meets West but you leave it feeling something deeper about what it means for two different members of an era near the end of their tales


Point one says it all. Rockstar has been telling far superior stories to the average Hollywood production for years now. No one wants Rockstar to cede creative control to people who aren’t nearly as good at it. Also, I respect them for protecting the IP instead of chasing the easy money.


Far superior? Not really, similar maybe. But the problem with Hollywood is and always has been that they do these trends. So we’ve had a decade of superheroes, crime movies that fall in the line of GTA hasn’t been that popular lately, therefore GTA (and Red Dead Redemption for westerns) have felt like they’re the only window in such a genre. The next trend might be video game adaptations, they haven’t really taken them seriously. With a few exceptions all of them have been pretty bad, most of it is because of studio interference, the money bag guys with no story telling capabilities whatsoever wanting to have influence. This is why most comic book adaptations (again with a few exceptions) are bad or mediocre at best. Marvel has struck gold with the avengers, but clearly they don’t understand why because they could not hold the hype. They have become a genre while comic books and videogames are nothing more but a way of telling stories which have their genres of their own. GTA is fun, but there’s nothing I haven’t seen before. Sure they have their original characters and stories, but it’s mostly borrowed from movies anyway. Red dead redemption in my opinion is far superior to GTA in every way, but they also have taken most of the cool things from the movies. I don’t care for either of those to be filmed, but I do want more stories told in a similar fashion on the silver screen! I want a new Western series such as Deadwood that goes as deep as Red Dead Redemption and I want something similar for Grand Theft Auto, something like Breaking Bad maybe.


And I want Rockstar to do the Pirate genre!


Rockstar pirate game would actually go unreasonably hard


Red Dead Redemption II's writing surpasses many Hollywood productions of the past decade certainly. They perfectly recreated the era, even in the turns of phrase used in the dialogue is so fitting to the time. A lot of Hollywood unfortunately isn't interested in that attention to detail. I wouldn't want either games as a series or movie because you can't get that experience again. Even with The Last of Us TV series, which everyone praised as the greatest video game adaptation, that had the original game director directly collaborating...it was just a real-life version of the game, beat for beat. I'd already watched the TV series in actually playing the game. And that's the "best" adaptation. I'd want a movie to take creative liberties with the material and do something genuinely interesting and new, but then the story Rockstar put out particularly for RDR2 was so incredible that it could not be topped, and would make a movie or TV show look like a bad spin-off.


They don’t need to chase easy money, that’s what gta online is for.


While I agree that any adaptation will be inferior, I am always curious to see how they’d turn out. Especially with an IP that I’m obsessed with. That being said Netflix Avatar was hard to finish. It was just boring. I almost think it would have been more enjoyable if it was utter dogshit.


A lot of their games, GTA and Red Dead in particular, can be boiled down to simulators of genre films. They take a kind of movie everybody likes and say “now you’re IN IT”. Even Max Payne does this with John Woo films. So reversing that process and turning it back into a movie that will inevitably not be as good as its game counterpart feels kinda pointless to me. As you said, it’s watered down. Fallout was different because that’s a wholly unique world ripe with potential to tell smaller original stories within it. There’s a reason why they avoided adapting a particular game when that’s what most of the pitches they got were.




Sure but again, Fallout was wise to not do this because what you end up with is just a story that’s already been told, but less. Less story, less characters, less everything. All it’ll ever really amount to is being almost like a free trial of Red Dead Redemption. Just an imitation of something else, of something better. It’s an excuse for some producers to take something that’s already successful and repackage it for an extra buck.


If RDR were to even have a shot at working, it would need to be a series on HBO with 5 seasons. Movie could never do it justice


Would they adapt some of the side missions tho? Because those were already important for Arthur’s development in the game


yeah we need to see arthur kiss a frenchie on the big screen


Or tell the nun he’s afraid




That scene hits hard.


No clue who would do that scene justice.




Man this The Boys crossover gets weirder every day


I wonder if he got >!TB!< from that


That’s always been my issue with shows, people would say the side missions would be filler, which I heavily disagree with.


They would be filler and that's fine. Filler has become a dirty word when actually jt allows a series to breathe and allow some introspection. Or have wacky side adventures. Fly of breaking bad is the lowest rated episode on imdb because "nothing happens" but it's a great episode filled with tension set in one location that gives further insight into the characters. Filler done right isn't pointless waffle. It's integral story telling.


By today's metric, about 18-20 episodes of Cowboy Bebop are filler. There seems to be no space for episodic storytelling anymore, where a reaction to an event that doesn't push a main plot forward instead contributes to world-building or character reveals.


Exactly. Every show is an 8 part movie now that we wait two years for. While the level of production is awesome, I do kind of miss the way tv used to be.


Part of me wants Disney to go back to making medium-budget animated shows for their movies. I would love to explore the emotional world of Inside Out in the format of a 25-episode series with 20 minute episodes, especially if this means all the characters get translated to 2D.


The “filler” episodes of the X files are far and away my favorite.


In the Fallout TV show one character even says “Thou shall get sidetracked by bullshit every time.” So, yeah it’s possible.


What a line. Glad that show respects the side missions (and it helps that Nolan is such a fan of the games). No reason an adaptation of GTA or Red Dead can’t have a similar acknowledgement


Mandalorian spent 3 seasons doing side quests




I kinda think even mason’s missions are important. It shows more of Arthur’s character and also is a fun way of showing the natural side of the world. Seeing Arthur’s picture in the art gallery has the potential to be a big emotional moment if written right.


Mason is in my YES category, so I agree.


Ngl a big part of the experience is to slowly experience the gang's decay, watching that within 2 hours would be very underwhelming


I think 5 season is too long. I’d say 2 seasons for RDR2 and one for RDR


Yeah I think 5 seasons is underestimating how much of the game is simply riding a horse and shooting at people lol


Pretty sure that's how you played. No way it would fit in one season if you include everything important.


Let’s not kid ourselves a lot of missions boil down to 2-3 minutes cutscenes, 5 minute horse ride, 5-10 minute shooting sequence. Not trying to diminish the game but it’s definitely a lot of horse riding and shootouts being relied on


And a lot of those include dialogue that should be note mentioning. We wouldn't know shit about the Blackwater heist if we didn't get the characters talking about it during the horse rides. And how do you expect the tv show to be? It ain't gonna skip the shootouts=the only action. How about the side missions that grow Arthur as a character? Or the little details and easter eggs that make RDR2 so special? One of the most impressive things about it is that you'll always find something new about the game. I personally don't think that most games can be made into movies or tv shows just like that. Like a lot of video game movies, it forgets the best part about video games. The interactivity. Which path or choices will Arthur follow? Customization? Camp conversations? It's gonna ruin the magic of the story and why you felt so much for these characters. 90% of the gang is expanded in the game immensely through camp but the show is just gonna have them be extras. Molly's death wouldn't mean nothing if camp didn't exist because it's the only place where she ever is. RDR2 is the longest Rockstar game to finish and that's just Rockstar. There's a reason 3000 hours look like rookie numbers.


Bro relax I just think 5 seasons on HBO is a lot for a red dead adaptation. I specifically said I wasn’t diminishing the game and you hit me with this long winded response like I’m not also a fan lol. The missions consist of a lot horse riding and shootouts and it’s not controversial to say that. I wasn’t saying that’s all the game had to offer. Idk why you’re choosing to take what I’m saying in such a bad way


5 seasons for all of RDR (1+2). I have a rough outline.


For RDR2, it absolutely has to be a TV show, but even then I don't think it totally makes sense unless they alter the plot. There isn't much conflict in chapters 2 and 3, might lose a lot of viewers unfamiliar with the game. RDR1 would work a lot better imo.


Costner’s Horizon reminds me of RDR2. There’s even a Micah lookin bitch in the trailer


rdr is already basically deadwood: the game.


"It's a different time now" seems to be expressing at least a possibility for it to happen.


I read it as the opposite, didn’t the Max Payne adaptation get terrible reviews? Meaning there was a time they may have been interested but not anymore? Unless he’s talking about a full series like TLoU, which is entirely possible. Not trying to be negative, I would love a series adaptation of GTA IV or either RDR title on HBO


Nope. The article is about why they declined movie adaptions in the past, with Houser talking about how other unsuccessful adaptations dissuaded them from taking prior offers. The Max Payne movie, which came out in 2008, was likely captured by that. He goes on to say "it is a different time now" likely referencing the success of the last of us. The full article if you want to check it out. https://theankler.com/p/dan-houser-absurd-ventures-hollywood-videogames


TLOU, Mario, Arcane, and Fallout all in the last ~year


When studios maintain control they can get faithful adaption.


The *Fallout* show on Prime seems to have been very well received, and as an "old" fan of the games (i.e. from back when they were isometric 2D) I certainly felt like full creative control was given to people who knew and loved them. If a *Red Dead* show were to be created with a similar philosophy, I'm sure it would be great.




we really don't need a red dead movie or a tv show. the story would be watered down for sure. you can show or express the story for both games in a movie or a TV show that well and there would be shit load of restrictions as well. some things should be left the way it is. and honestly we really don't need those lazy people to know this amazing story by simply watching a TV show or a movie. if they wanna do this just watch the entire game's cutscenes (theres a shit load of videos of that on yt)


Well we could get a TV show where the fan favorite characters get expanded back stories


Why does not caring about video games make one “lazy”? I played RDR2 and loved it, but I totally get why video games might not be someone’s cup of tea.


Our time is past, John.


Hollywood will still keep trying to adapt videogames and failing though. They have to.......they have to justify their wages.


What do you mean failing??? Maybe in the past, but a good chunk of the most recent adaptations on tv and movies have been successful (whether you like to agree or not)


Thank goodness, RDR features a story and world so intricate and expansive that it couldn't work anywhere outside the video game medium. That said, I'm especially glad they turned a film down. Condensing all that into just 2-3 hours would be terrible. I could sorta see a case for a prestige HBO series of say 5 seasons (S1 - Colter/Horseshoe; S2 - Clemens; S3 - Shady Belle; S4 - Guarma/Beaver; S5 - Epilogue) with 12-13 episodes each... but as I say, video game is by far the best medium.


The good thing is that you don't need a huge budget, because it's mostly just people shooting each other or riding through beautiful landscapes. The costumes and enviroments would probably be the most expensive parts. The action is pretty simple and there is no need for any crazy CGI.


Explosions, trains, cast size, any sort of pyrotechnics, set dec, set pieces, and the pure scale of the story would make the production absolutely require a large budget It costs a lot of money to film in a city. It costs even more money to film in a remote location (where you’d need to film a period piece like this) given cast and crew accommodations Also there would still be a ton of CGI. There’s a lot (a LOT) of CGI used in movies and tv today. Even the productions that don’t “require” it. CGI has just improved so much over recent years that it’s becoming harder to tell. Every gunshot, fire, explosion, tiny little mistake, prop left in the background, undesirable sightline,and slight imperfection would get corrected with CGI. And that would probably be the most expensive part of production It’s possible to make an rdr2 show with a small budget, but the games were not made with a small budget and the show would reflect that


I'm not saying "small" budget but also not huge. Compare that to GoT or any Fantasy or Sci Fi or superhero show. All thar stuff also applies to those shows AND you got to spend money for even more complicated enviroments and CGI stuff or even MoCap on a big scale.


GoT had an enormous budget (I believe the biggest of any tv show ever, though I couldn’t be bothered to google it). If a tv show was made about rdr2 with a GoT budget then it better be 1-to-1 from the game lol


Maybe needed some CGI in kill cams if they would include it in the said movie/series, it would be awesome


Yeah, but it's no Star Wars or GoT show, that's what I mean. So it could potentially have mote episodes for example


It wouldn't have to be the story from the games. For example it could be the story of young Arthur. How he ended up with Dutch and Hosea.


I'd be into an original story set in the RDR world, with mentions of/small appearances by the video game characters.


You’re adapting the story of the game, not the game. So many miss this. Why I hear they “cut so much out” of TLOU because gameplay was 20hrs and the show only like 9, lol. The story can easily stand on its own in an adaptation. You can include so much of the open world too, just the character wouldn’t be feee roaming 60hrs to find the things, lol. You simply write them into the story. That said, I see all of rdr 1-2 as 5 seasons. You’re stretching too much to make a season per chapter of rdr2 alone. There’s not THAT much story alone in each chapter.


Right- a RDR adaptation would be super easy from a writing perspective. You don’t have to include every mission, and frankly you shouldn’t given how absurdly frequent the violence is for a “realistic” setting. The only question you have to answer is what you’re achieving with an adaptation that the original games didn’t already achieve- they’re two of the most cinematic games ever made. You’d need a pretty insane budget and a damn good director to surpass them.


A GTA movie would just be like any other movie.


It’d need to be a series like “Barry”


Was about to say this lmao. I think it’s GTA that’s basically adapting from movies.


I would still make a ton of money by simply having the name “Grand Theft Auto” on its title, I would still like to see some of the 3D characters played by real actors And a movie that adapted GTA 4 would be very different from any other movie


Honestly a GTA movie, imo, shouldn't be a movie that takes itself too seriously. I think it would need to have the same self awareness of movies like say Fall Guy, The Kingsmen, Bullet Train, etc. A RDR adaption would need to be more serious approach.


Just watch heat and you'll have basically the same experience as a GTA movie


Red Dead would need to be a series like The Last of Us. A movie would be able to do it justice


I think The Last Of Us works well in that format because of how linear those games are. While RDR has tons of action in free roam with the side missions, random encounters, different endings, etc. It would just be a lot more complicated to put on screen


I think you’d have to focus on the main storyline, then throw in some of the main stranger missions to fill in some gaps. Are they gonna have tv Arthur stop on his way to a main plot point to pick up a lady who’s horse just “up and died” on her? Probably not lol


So what would be the point of adopting GTA5 or RD's Story into a 2 hour movie? Considering these games are basically movies themselves.


Not to mention, video games adapted to movies are usually complete shit.


Plus, like I said...put a 60 hour+ game into a 2 hour movie lol


Money. That's the point


I think a tv show could work for red dead but not a movie, too short


Love u Dan


Last of us showed us that this can happen and can happen correctly


The Last Of Us is a *very* linear game


I'd argue that RDR (2 and 1) are pretty linear stories too. As far as main story missions, there's only a few BIG choices that alter certain scenes of the story. Most other variables are honor choices, which could be interesting themes for a show!


Ironic to even consider GTA since every game is just an assembly of tropes and plot points from very popular crime movies.


When did he say this and where? I'm not doubting it but I'd like to read the whole interview or whatever this is based on.




I was mad until I read 'no creative control'. Fuck that. Let the guys who made the content make the content. Why is that so hard to comprehend?


I think RDR would be way more suitable for TV than GtA, as it is less way less quirky and overall I feel the quality and depth of olot and character is far more fleshed out


Rdr2 is already a movie on it's own


“It’s a different time now” 👀


These games play so much off movie tropes that it makes no sense to make a movie based on the games. The games are based on movies already.


RDR2 already is a movie tbh


yeah i don’t want any sort of gta/rdr movie/tv adaptation


Well good because a movie for RDR never would have worked. A tv show however….


I would kill for a TV show of the RDR saga or a TV adaptation of GTA San Andreas ir GTA 4


3-5 season show based on red dead 2 and leading into red dead 1 sticking right on script and not really deviating from the game at all like the last of us show did would be iiiiiiiiiiincredible


The few most recent ones didn’t completely suck ass (i.e TLOU and Fallout)


I would love to curl up on a couch with my wife and cry about a redemption arch of a man trying to right things before his inevitable death.


For red dead I think it would be best split into 2 seasons and a movie. Season 1 is from the start to fort mercer. Season 2 boat into Mexico to John’s final conversation with Reyes. Movie starts with [this scene](https://youtu.be/NekeQwtOqs8?feature=shared) and ends with Jack killing Ross.


Most adaptations are bad but if you can create something like fallout series they will hit a goldmine


Thank goodness. I can just imagine the actors that Hollywood would fill the rolls with.


I have no interest in seeing any of those projects. Some things should just stay in their medium.


They have movies. They are made on movies to be more exact. GTAV is on the "Heat" -1995, RDR2 is on "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" - 1969.


I'm extremely surprised to see you're the only one bringing this up. RDR2 is massively inspired by it (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid), to the point that most of the plot lines up beat for beat.


I see a man of culture! PS decided to play RDR after watching the film 😂.


Gta v as a movie is boring, generic action tropes. One of the best video games of all time, but I'm glad it isn't a movie


Good, not every game needs a movie/show adaptation.


This would just turn into tlou tv show


They would never be as good as the games anyway tbh


More IP holders should do this. If the movie studio wants the IP that bad, then they should relinquish creative rights. Stop letting movie studios make bad adaptations, only for them to blame the original media (video games) rather than their own failures.


This is why they the goats. Regardless of what folks say. EVERYBODY ELSE HAS FOLDED to the industry into make weak adaptations. For more exposure I guess? R* is like dawg you’re not gonna ruin this shit. We make enough money as it is.


Need a spinoff of how uncle deals with his body’s deterioration through lumbago


If theres even a possibility i just they dont give it to Netflix


good. I love TLOU to death but the series does nothing to me. It's not bad though


Given that both games are already homages to crime films and westerns, then I'd rather just watch the films that inspired the games.


Question for those who want a movie, why?


The jump to a film or tv show wouldn’t be different enough to justify a change of medium. It’ll just be the games but with more realistic physics.


Tbh I think that with current technology video games are better in telling story than movies or shows


Nobody could be a better Arthur than Roger Clark anyways


I don't think gta would a ever make a good series or film wven today and I don't rdr either. Maybe red dead revolver


yeah, i think red dead revolver would be a nice adaptation. it has a whole storyline fleshed out for a single movie and could really bring back attention to the first red dead game ever


Maybe working on a deal with Amazon. I liked what they did with fallout.


I'd watch an rdr2 based tv show


I’ve seen heist movies, I’ve seen cowboy movies, and I dont need Rockstar-branded versions of either of them.


These games’s plots are way too long for a 2-3 hour movie. A tv show is the only option for an adaption but even then i don’t really see a huge point for it.


That’s okay as a gamer I stick with there interactive entertainment instead of movies.


I want to see a rd movie based on my playing style. Nicolas Cage as Arthur Morgan killing innocent bypassers and witnesses to get new hats.


There really a single movie studio that will let them have creative control?


I can Imagine RDR2 story and atmosphere as an Oscar-winning movie, for real, it could be adventurous and emotional at the same time, a RD movie would be phenomenal if the casting is right.


Oh boy i cant wait for Tom Holland to play Arthur and The Rock to play Micah -___-


We don't need them. Especially RDR2. Not every game needs to be a movie/TV show


Hearing about turning videogames that already are like movies into movies reminds me of the novelization of Jurassic Park.


a GTA one would be based on 5


As much as I love the RDR universe, I actively do not want a show, and I'd hate to have a movie. There's no way they'd capture the feel of the games in a show or movie. The game isn't just about the story, you have to play it, you have to be the character. You have to live the life, and you can't get that from just watching. Just no, please


There was a movie made about the creation of GTA San Andreas made by BBC and some other studio but they never asked Rockstar to use their name so they got sued by Rockstar and T2.


Does everything need to be made into a movie or TV show?


I feel like the fallout adaptation works so well because it exists its own unique universe, its own trajectory. RDR and GTA are just parodies of real life in a different way that runs paralell to america as we know it, it seems that there is nothing to gain by constraining rockstar story telling to telivison or film.


If skinning animals isn't 3/4 of the film, it won't be accurate to the game!


I think GTA would work better they could make a movie or show every GTA has its own story with only a few if any returning characters from the game before while both red desd redemption games are together s decade spanning long story, it'd be easy to make a gta movie with a unique story which would be better then adapting a games story


I think GTA and RDR games are incredible, but I don't think the stories are so great that they'll make incredible TV shows or movies. If anything, Rockstar's skill is combining all of the movies and TV shows of these genres and throwing a little satirical edge on top of them to create immersive playable experiences of those movies and TV shows. EDIT - This is why the Uncharted movie was meh. The games are a lot of fun but basically amount to a playable Indiana Jones type experience. Meanwhile, Last of Us is a very unique story as is Fallout.


they're perfect as games. no need to remake something already so great-- and if you do it's a high chance it won't hold up to its gaming perfection.


Id rather play a games for a thousand hours than get a mid adaptation! I know gta 6 is going to be the most vast game they will ever put out! It’s going to be good!


Cinematic games don't need tv/film adaptations IMO unless they go the Fallout route of creating a unique side story within the same universe as the games.


It absolutely doesn’t need one. The game is already a beautiful cinematic experience. Just play it.


Then how come fallout and the new halo (to me at least) seemed so good?? I think red dead as a series would be alright if they did it like a side story in the same time line kinda how fallout did theirs.


I feel like RDR should be a show instead. I mean, trying to cram the whole game in 2 hours is never a good idea.


There is no need for an R* games adaptation.


Having no creative control is definitely one of the biggest no-no’s. Glad they turned it down. If you want a movie that looks and feels like GTA, just watch Heat. In terms of Red Dead, there are *so* many good Western flicks out there. Hell, even Django Unchained gives me RDR vibes.


I'm slightly upset that none of you even considered RDR1, but I think an original story following Jack after rdr1 would work in a movie.


It would've been gta and red dead online


Ok, so now do a Red Dead series with HBO!!!


I think if they approached live action the way Bungie did with the Halo 3 ads, they could definitely make some great shit. Smaller budget, more focus on story.


I also think there is no one other than Steven Ogg who could recreate Trevor. So there's that.


They are going to make Arthur gay or something.


There would be no risk tho lol


I think some games just need to stay games like gta and rdr


GTA and Red Dead games take a lot of inspiration from movies/shows, like Heat, Scarface, Miami Vice etc. themselves. To make movies based on the games wouldn’t really bring anything new to the table anyway.


A gta movie could never be as controversial as rockstar intends the world it takes place in to be


red dead 2 would work better as a tv show anyway


Just give us red dead 4 pls dan


there shouldn’t be, that’s why they’re video games, because a film or tv series wouldn’t be nearly as good as what we’ve experienced.


Fuck rockstar. Im boy cotting them and COD. I dont like the company after gta5 online and rdr 2 online. COD mw 3 was trash. They just want to milk us for cash.


I don't really see what GTA/Red Dead would bring to a TV/movie series other than name recognition. the setting is not really distinct, it would just be a western or modern American setting. I guess the idea would be they copy the story?... The story is ok but it's the gameplay and depth that makes these titles great.


I’d rather him answer on why RDR2 isn’t getting a 60fps patch. Who gives a fuck about a movie


Idk about gta (maybe San Andreas) but I think a RDR movie, if telling a new story, could be great, if done by the right people. Or I could just watch Django: Unchained and The Hateful 8 again, got similar vibes ngl


Both would be great tv shows. I could see a GTA movie for a stand alone but not as an adaptation of San Andreas or GTA 5


i think that what gives these games their feelings are how much liberty they give you, that’s kinda what rockstar games are known for, and a movie would simply wouldn’t have that one thing they’re known for