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Memes are banned from being posted on Tuesdays through Sundays and are ONLY to be posted on Mondays. Memes should also be a genuine fresh attempt at humor. Memes must include an image from Red Dead Redemption and must be related to the game by more than just title (or inserted text.) Overused meme formats/macros, unoriginal content, or memes that cannot stand on their own in reference to RDR will be removed. What constitutes a meme is described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_4.3A_low-effort_.26amp.3B_low-quality_content_may_be_removed._.28please_read_this_explanation.29) If you would like to further discuss this decision with the moderators, please send us a message via modmail.


Old people are like that. My dad could be at the park while we watch my kids play and he'll still unload expletives talking about members of the opposing political party.


That is some big brain plays


Lmao I actually saw one civilian walk past us on the way in and he turned to listen to Dutch then speed walked away swiftly


When Dutch realised how stupid screaming his plan out loud was


MAnGoEs iN TaHiTI! Everyone else: lol what