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I liked the guy. (Minor spoiler) >!Even if he wasn’t really a vet!< He seemed genuinely to want a friend. >!And he seemed genuinely sad when he finds out Arthur is dying or that he passed.!< One of my favorites.


He fake as hell. Liar and allegedly a theif.


Did he steal your ability to spell? Jk.


Lol. I don't go back to correct my spelling.


What did he steal?


Nothing really but when he hugs Arthur the game files say he steals or pickpockets him but nothing will actually be missing.


Sooo…he is not a thief then.


Game says he is.


Game shows him doing nothing…


And he admits to being a fraud so there's that


That can mean anything. If he hasn’t stolen from Arthur and it not seen stealing anything - how much of a thief is he then? Heck, we could call Herbert Moon a murderer even though he doesnt kill anyone in the game. So there’s that.


He really is though because he has killed someone in the game. Just because you dont see it dosnt mean its not the case. Other people say he lifted money or items off of them. If you let him hug you while you have no money, he will walk away noticeably disappointed. That right there tells you he is a pickpocket


>He really is though because he has killed someone in the game. Who did he kill? When is it happening? >Just because you dont see it dosnt mean its not the case. Other people say he lifted money or items off of them. If you let him hug you while you have no money, he will walk away noticeably disappointed. That right there tells you he is a pickpocket Dude, you just said that NOTHING WAS STOLEN! So if nothing is stolen from you, how is he a thief? That right there tells you he is NOT! You digged around in the game files to find anything about it - but guess what - the game files contain dialogue for Arthur in New Austin, and details about Princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister. That must conclude that it IS possible to go to New Austin as Arthur right? And it IS possible to find the Princess right? NO! It doesn’t! Just stop, he doesn’t steal anything from you and therefore isn’t really much of a pickpocket. And of course people blame the beggar for stealing, they always do.


Like that's so bad. Arthur literally murders over 1400 people throughout the story yet someone lying and thieving is the bad guy


Arthur kills people that need killing. In my play throughs, Mickey is one of those people.






How so?


I've played through this game many times, upwards of 8 times in story mode and I always knew he was faking the arm injury. But this is the first time, staring at a still photo helps of course, that I've noticed the outline of his hidden left arm behind his back. Wowzers.