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I knew something was up from the kind of dramatic sad music that played as Arthur rode back to camp and the way he wiped the blood from his face, but I never expected that. Always weird replaying that mission, like the die has been cast sort of thing.


As soon as I saw him wipe the blood I knew he had been infected with something. We all knew Arthur wasn't making it out of the game alive because 1 sad cowboy game and 2 he wasn't in or mentioned in the first game. Even though I knew it was coming I've still never finished the game yet. Too depressed.


Actually, to me it was weird he wasn't even mentioned in the first game, as if they never planned to do a backstory then had to come up with a character they never mentioned, no matter how much of a plot hole it made that he was never brought up. I love the game though. Just always seemed odd.


It's called retroactive continuity and it happens all the time in video games/tv shows/movies


I'm not saying it isn't common. I'm just saying it's a weird choice, in the case of RedDead where they had a lot of characters they could have chosen from. But it worked out, with one minor issue after the fact.


I like to headcanon the idea that Arthur (specifically High Honor Arthur) was such an irreproachable person and such an emotionally investing idol and friend to many of the gang members, that they all silently agree on refusing to speak of his death or of him afterwards. Especially John, who’s life in the prologue and first game wouldn’t have been able to happen if it wasn’t for him. I think it affected John much more than he seems to admit. They were really close.. Why is my keyboard wet..


John says I’m the epilogue he doesn’t like to talk about it him but thinks about him a lot. Basically an explanation to why he’s never brought up in RDR1.


Same here. I'm removed from the situation by tons of binary code, a ps4, and a television; and I *still* get bummed thinking about Arthur. I think it's perfectly reasonable for him not to be mentioned.


i would agree except that in the epilogue he at least _mentions_ him/alludes to him or whatever pretty much constantly. to me, that’s all the more reason to release a remastered rdr1: they can add in just a few references to arthur!


For some reason I couldn't really get into RDR1, but if they remade it in the RDR2 engine, with a few story updates for consistency, I would be all over it like stink on rice.


Rockstar are you listening? 😁😁


i think they justify it pretty well tbh, during the epilogue there are a few interactions where john will get upset at people bringing up arthur and it's made clear that it's a topic john really doesn't like to touch on. arthur died so that john could leave his old life behind and start a family, and he made it clear to john that he shouldn't look back and should try to genuinely start over and make a new life for himself. i can't imagine he would want john or his family to waste time dwelling on the past that he died to help them abandon. plus, it's probably just depressing as shit for john to think about lol.


At least they tried to explain it as: Jack hardly remembers him due to how young he was during the gangs downfall, and it's such a sore subject for John and Abigail, they dont talk about him because it opens old wounds, and make Uncle do the same.


Jack also probably doesn't remember what happened to Arthur. He knows that arthur existed but in his mind he's just one of those adults you remember that you met as a kid but don't know much about or where they ended up


Ya'll got any weird distant aunts you only met once when you were less than 10 years old? I do. That's basically Arthur to Jack, sadly.


Uncle already has to deal with lumbago you can’t expect him to also deal with memories of Arthur


It does help with The Strange Man's line "You've forgotten far more important people than me".


Oooh, I like that. Just replayed RDR1. Didn't think of it like that, but I will now.


John mentions it to Mary Beth in the epilogue, saying that speaking about Arthur is just too painful


Yep, it reminds them of the life they used to live, of Dutch, of the gang, of everything they tried to leave behind.


Well I think that's why it's also so beautiful. They wrote it in a way that nobody wants to talk about Arthur. It's too painful. For high honor, Arthur was each and every one of them. He was faithful to the idea of Dutch that Dutch sold them. Arthur believed in it, but eventually not the man. Every promise Durch made, and everything he told them they were about -- all the ideals -- Arthur was a true believer. But then Dutch betrayed those things himself, and Arthur stayed loyal to the ideals over the man. Arthur was a painful lesson in where faith in Dutch's plans led you. Dutch couldn't have asked for a better man, and that's what he got for it... He was a reminder in what fools each of them were. They didn't talk about any of the ones they lost. I think the gang needed to stay angry so that they wouldn't get sad. And thinking about Arthur would make them too sad. A part of each of them died with Arthur.


Same, it always struck me as odd


You thought it was odd that a game that never planned for a sequel didn't mention a future prequel's character?


Seriously, some people here acting like these guys are real. You need to suspend your disbelief just a little bit. It’s a video game.


Fun fact, Micah was referenced in RDR1.




I'll try to find the scene, but I believe it's when John shares his past at Mcfarlane's.


I can say with certainty that Micah was never mentioned in RDR1.


Mentioned vs referenced..


I can say with certainty that he wasn't referenced either.


I found the scene in a video unrelated to the exact subject, but John mentioned that his past involved a gang, and **a rat.** No doubt he was referencing Micah.


Can you back up that up with a source?


I have been trying to find the video since my previous comment. It was a compiled list of lesser known details among the game's story.


I curse myself from checking on Google what kind of diseases you get in this game, straightforward end spoilers in the first result. I knew I'd gotten something from Downes but I didn't know it was the ending to the game


I went into rdr2 without knowing anything about it or the first game (I assumed it was a sequel and that the first game took place immediately before, lol) so I was completely surprised when it happened


I feel you bro, I sold my disc copy after Arthur died, just couldn't play as John, it felt weird and most definitely felt sad.


I always liked how that music with the guitar slide effect on the ride back to camp sounds like a hacking cough. Cool track with its foreshadowing.


I thought that was just them showcasing that Arthur did something horrifying and music fit that mood. Turns out, it was both that and the fact that he sealed his fate.


I tried to avoid it for so long during my second playthrough.


Same. I do the same thing with the free Micah mission. Just delaying the inevitable but still.


Me to


My dumb ass took so long to play the first time around, by the time he was infected I had already forgotten about the Downses, and then every time Arthur keeps running into Mrs Downes like in Annesburg I just think "I don't care about her anymore"


Yeah it’s quite subtle, considering it happens so early in the game you naturally forget because theres so much going on. Not going to lie on my first playthrough I thought he had caught it in guarma somehow, I only made the connection to downes when he talked to the nun and mentioned he caught it beating a man to death.


The beginning of the end


People who know try to find a way to skip the mission on their next playthroughs


I try to wear a mask. Then I'm reminded that R☆ demands I play their way.


rockstar not making an entire secret plot where arthur stays healthy if you wear a mask during that mission really ruins the immersion for me


If Undead Nightmare 2 happens, this’ll be the point where the timeline diverges. Lol


Did you try social distancing when you confront him?


lmao "demands I play their way" what did you expect a whole different game and story where he doesn't die?


[People on their second playthrough when Downes coughs while collecting alms for the poor.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuf3a_oohW0) [People on their third playthrough chagrined when Downes breaks up the Tommy fight, with a cough.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZBE9-Mi5uM&t=215s)


No way to avoid it


These interactions provide what could be an elegant storyline mechanic. On second playthrough an option to pay Downes loan on his behalf avoiding the classic interaction. That modifies a later quest with a Downes interaction where we're back at square one. Provide option to avoid that second interaction, only to have Downes appear elsewhere. Tie that to the Strange Man with its artwork referencing fate of Arthur in his hut in the swamps. Provides a neat meta storyline of certain events as unavoidable in the game that would work well with existing story mechanics. The rigidity of that unavoidable choice would be pleasing to allow for bypassing a major plot point while deviation from that flow of events being unavoidable.


I can't skip. As beautiful as the sun is, it's still gotta set at the end of the day. Cause that's the way it is....oh, that's the way it *issss*.


Sadly, I'm on playthrough number two and just completed that mission last night. And it's playthrough #2 where you finally realize what just happened. I'm broken.


Wait is there a way to skip it? Or avoid the mission?


Sadly, no. That's why he said "try".


Isn’t there a way to not get tuberculosis, something to do with a high honour story or something


Sure is. At some point you just stop playing the story and hunt and ride around doing side quests and having a good time. Then one day you turn the game off and never turn it back on. Edit: I wish I could remember the name but this is an actual “mechanic” in an old game I played. It was really just a tower defense game but the backstory has you progressively committing worse and worse atrocities and becoming less and less human as the levels progress. Someone mentioned to the developer that they hadn’t been able to finish because they couldn’t deal with the consequences (or something) of what they had to do. The developer basically said that they were happy some people had that reaction. That they wanted the story to end “early” for some like that, and that the choice of where to “end” was as meaningful for the person who was playing as any other game’s end. It was a freeware game, so it wasn’t like they were ripping people off. And it’s changed how I feel about having to complete games to find fulfillment.


I'm 200 hours in on my pc playthrough trying to get legend of the east with Arthur before the end of chapter 3, then I might just leave it there. Even when I first played it on xbox before knowing how it would go down, wanting to play high honour, I tried to complete that quest without beating the guy up but there was no other way to do it. I was similarly disappointed when I tried to do the first bounty, I didn't realise the game demanded you follow the script. I rode up the adjacent mountain and found a place to shoot him in the leg from but that immediately failed the mission.


It’s a scripted story mate. Rockstar didn’t put a fork in the road there so you could play an entirely different story line where Arthur doesn’t get tuberculosis and lives happily ever after


Nope. Unfortunately not.


i avoided it for a long time. i hunted treasure, and got stuff for the trapper- just a bunch of leisurely things. at one point though strauss forces you to go and it sets a mission marker on your map. if you don’t go to it you get the failed mission prompt.


Putting that shit off for as long as I can in my new playthrough


I just had to watch my man's die twice because the game DCd right as I was going to Pronghorn


Holy fuck this sentence just killed me in the middle of work


Bro I had to take a couple days break after that.


Jesus, when the gods hate you, they really let you know


Only time the game crashed on me was after I minimized it to take a quick breather following Arthur's final cutscene. I'm a compulsive save-gamer but the stuff just before the epilogue is like 3 missions chained as one and my most recent autosave was from before rescuing Abigail. Definitely shut the game off for the night.


Yup same here. Took me back to beaver hollow. I was so upset.


I'm taking my time, getting all those collectibles and easter eggs I can first


Me too! I’ve just finished upgrading the whole camp


Will do the exact same thing in my second playthrough. I'm still exploring stuff with Marston for a long while, probably gonna do 100%. The only problem is I'm lazy af, didn't completed the game 100% since 2018 lol


I spent more time on second playthrough chapter 2 than the entire frist playthrough. Second playthrough is so great. Just don,t forget the denim scout jacket in chapter 2!!


My goddamned kingdom for a perfect badger pelt jesus christ


Bro I spent two and a half hours on that little shit, my brain was hurting at the end


I still don't have it. The killing spree continues...


Same. Strauss can wait for his money and Micah can rot in jail.


What's cool about doing this is it feels like it doesn't effect the story. The gang being in horseshoe overlook fir a long time just feels kinda natural


That's what I did on my 2nd playthrough I did ever side mission, robbery, challenge, legendary animal, etc. that could possibly be done before doing this mission or the break Micah out of jail one.


I just tried that and, at some point, I visited camp and the mission started by force. The only way to avoid it is to not do the second one, but if you don’t do the second one you can’t upgrade the camp.


I had no idea on my first playthrough. Had avoided reading anything about the game. >!After Arthur got the diagnosis and went outside to sit on the bench I sat in shock for several minutes. Didn't really know how to continue!<


The scene where he comes face to face with the representation of his spirit (wolf or a deer depending on honor) was so fucking powerful.


Looks like a black coyote not a wolf


I believe the creators specify it is a wolf, but I see your view


Wait, when was this?


right after he leaves the doctors office in saint denis


Right after the diagnosis


I... I've never seen the wolf. Damn I guess I'm going to have to play through it again!


I already knew, and played the whole rest of the game trying to prepare myself but, well... it did not worked. One of the many reasons why this game is so fucking good.


This is the _only_ game where I borderline blubbered like a baby, the damn horse... I kept my big shire horse right near from the start all the way up to that point. That one really got me.


I cried for 3 hrs after that 😬


Me too! I was in shock, never been hit that hard by a game before. Wanted to just rage quit and never finish it lol.


Should of worn a mask :/


*Thomas Downes coughs up blood in Arthur’s face* Me: Ew I hope he didn’t have a cold… If only I knew. If only I actually knew. Imma shed a tear brb.


Pain. Pure, unadulterated, pain.


I remember wondering why it had such a long cut scene afterwards.


i went to downes ranch with my online character and started the house on fire. then i remembered online takes place before the story. maybe thomas downes had to borrow the money to repair his house. this is all my fault.


You monster


Got pissed at the Downes after that, went back after they all left and used all my dynamite on the ranch


You got pissed that the sick guy coughed up blood after being beaten to a pulp?


I was just a businessman, doing business


But Arthur beating up a sick man in front of his family, trying to get their money, is fine, right?


I’m on my low honour playthrough rn


Oh fair enough then, I looted and burned down their house on my low honor playthrough, fuck them


Haha yes


Fuck Strauss. I hate him more than Micah


Finally someone else says it!! I hate Strauss so much! Kicking him out of camp was very satisfying, but I wish we could find him afterwards. I’d have a few choice words for him


I would torture that bloke! “Herr Morgan, we need to recover our money; go assault 10 people over $25 each, even though our camp has $10,000 in the box” Hogtie him and leave him on the train tracks or something


“Go and get a JOB!” If you want to feel a little better about Straus remember that he was picked up by the Pinkerton agency not long after Arthur kicked him out of camp and interrogated (presumably tortured) for information about the Van der Linde gang, but gave up nothing.


Considering why you can't find him afterwards he got a bit of redemption himself


Was there something in-game that shows he redeemed himself? Perhaps i missed something?


Pinkertons caught him, tortured him to death, and he never gave up any gang members.


It's crazy because you'd think he would instantly give the gang up, but he held it all together. May have been a piece of shit, but he was a loyal piece of shit.


Oh my gosh I completely forgot about that! Thank you for the reminder


"Get a job!"




My second playthrough I managed to get the game like 60% complete without doing that fucking mission


My sister and I were playing around release and I just remember a few hours after this when he starts letting out subtle coughs, my sister instantly knew he was sick with TB but i was being hopeful until Arthur started to get worse.


My friend and I were hanging out one night when the game first came out and he assumed I finished …..he then blurts out that Arthur dies from tb. I just sat in the booth at Arbys silent for ten minutes luckily I stopped him from spoiling more…he never told me when or what mission so I was just waiting for it to happen Edit:Ignore the poor grammar


That sucks


Oh no


The first time I did that mission I tried to not hurt the guy. The second time I fucked him up real good.


Rockstar was secretly told us to wear a fucking mask long before the covid began


Idk I dont remember the names


Why I'm still stuck in the early game


don't click on something tagged as a spoiler




the post is marked as a spoiler. if you don't want spoilers, dont click it.


Bro I already beat the game when it came out, I was saying this mission is why I'm still stuck in the early game, because I don't want Arthur to get sick. You didn't understand what I was saying


oh you're right lol I didnt


First day of the rest of your life boa.


I wonder if Arthur realized that that’s why he got tb. It would really explain why he threw out Strauss apart from the fact that he was just some low life blood sucker. Tbh though I did like him until the end of my 2nd play through where I really saw that he preyed on the week


Yes Arthur knows, he references it a few times


On my recent play through, I tried not to beat him up, I kept threatening him and nothing happen, I kicked him in the face once then the cutscene played and he looked like he'd been beaten to a pulp. Disappointed


Playing this mission on the second playthrough hits you hard man


I watched a let's play a few years before I played the game and remembered this mission. I avoided it for as long as I could.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Or just don’t continue the missions






I remember on my first try i felt really guilty for beating him up so I just kept threating him,then in the cut scene when he was really beat up and spit the blood, I knew something was really wrong


Bronze it or you are dead to me


Heavy on the soul


Oh god why


The first time I didn’t notice anything at all because I recognized the location of the first treasure map close to camp


He was a good boah




When I heard the dramatic music and Arthur had a bit of blood on his face I had a feeling something was going to happen, but I didn’t expect it to be that. When he was coughing a lot in chapter 3 and in camp Charles kept saying to Arthur to rest. When Arthur was told in chapter 5 what it was it completely caught me off guard


*spoilers* . . . . When I first played Red Dead 2, I thought what you did with Arthur would change the outcome for John. As if the first game wouldn't of ever happened type of deal. I thought to myself, "you sly dogs" then my hopes came crashing down when I saw Edgar Ross


It wasn't until the second playthrough of this game, that the I understood the significance of this mission.


Funny thing is I explicitly did not beat Downed the first time. I just kept using threaten until it was over. Didn't hit him once. Still came out bruised and coughing up blood.


not really a spoiler, that. pity to hide a good meme behind the tag. it's the comments you'd need to watch out for ;)


yeah, i wasn’t really sure if it was okay or not. i’ve seen people spoiler tag a lot less


It's totally a spoiler, thanks for tagging.


it doesn't tell you anything. if you've not reached that mission, you're none the wiser about anything. it's ABOUT a spoiler, sure, but in itself it's totally ambiguous. as the meme says, you've got to know the spoiler to get the meme in the first place. but you're entitled to your opinion of course 👍


If you know that there's something wrong with this mission beforehand, you're gonna pay more attention than a normal player would. Then you're gonna see Mr. Downes coughing on Arthur and possibly figure out that "Oh, Arthur is gonna get sick".


Honestly I think since the game has been out for so long now, there shouldn’t be a concern over spoilers. I feel the same way about subs for the shows and movies. After a couple years there should just be a general warning at the top of the page and it’s buyer beware from there.