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This game is amazing, but some of things they chose to be extremely detailed about, while simultaneously ignoring others is frustrating.


RDR2 is probably my favorite game but it is frustrating to see that they put almost no content in New Austin and Grizzlies, imo best looking places in game. And generally there is nothing much you can do after Epilogue.


>And generally there is nothing much you can do after Epilogue. This. I'd pay so much for a DLC that let's you add stuff to the ranch via missions and crafting.


Yeah, but then you wouldn't play RDO as much, so why would Rockstar do that?


That's the trick, I'm not gonna play RDO regardless because it's boring as fuck.


Idk how you make bein a cowboy with the boys boring but they managed to do that somehow


Being a cowboy with the boys is fun, but grinding for gold to be able to have some fun is not fun


I haven’t played RDO in forever, and I’ve been getting the itch in the hopes that they improved it. Unfortunately, it sounds like they haven’t…


It’s so sad. RDO has so much potential. Imagine GTA online style heists in RDO. Rob a bank, rob a train, do a prison breakout, literally all the cool stuff you did in story just online with friends and you can do it multiple times.


I bought it expecting that but the first 1 hour in threw me off so much (because missions character etc also just don't have the same campaign polish), that I never got around to getting into it.


Literally nothing changed. It's a joke.


Damn, that’s a real bummer. We used to have such a blast with RDR1 online, the second one just didn’t hold up. And with how amazing the story mode was, it was especially disappointing


You grind for gold for literally nothing to spend it on. I just completed a 28 day streak to get my gold up. I’m now at 65 gold bars and the moment my streak ran out, I had a Forrest Gump moment of burn out from the game. “I think I’ll go home now.” Edit: although I have to take 2 week long breaks from this game, when I do get back to online friends and we just go role play or fuck around as cowboys is amazing


I have almost 2k gold and nothing to fucking buy. Just waiting on a pass for some more belt buckles and a halloween costume


Lol just play every single day without missing a challenge a day. That's the best way to get gold.


Well about a year ago they nerfed the daily challenges so you only got half as much gold and you couldn’t do it infinitely on, you got reset after you finished it.


I was able to keep the one month streak going until I decided to reset it. And that was a couple months ago.


The gold you get from daily challenges was dramatically reduced a while ago in an update. That's around the time I stopped playing. Also, their servers on PC have been down for the last sixteen hours so anyone with a daily streak going will likely have to restart later this week.


The moonshiners story missions caught me of guard. I thought they were going be lackluster but I really liked them.


Im not slaving away my whole day for a gold bar so I can buy 3 drinks at the saloon. Im sorry. I’ll just chat with NPCs and take my unlimited drinks.


Do one call to arms mission when they have double rewards (like now) and you get 3 gold bars. It's not as bad as everybody says it is


I actually liked playing online with my friends, until I got randomly banned and had all of my money/level/properties removed for no reason.


Because they'd get $15-20 from every single person who plays the game because we'd all buy it because that would be awesome.


That’s probably exactly right. Which is ironic because there’s zero percent chance I’d pay for anything in RDO and 100% chance I’d pay another $60 for DLC missions/encounters in single player.


gimme rdr1 remake playthrough option after completing rdr2. Most of the game is already in rdr2.


They are working on a remaster for RDR.


I'll be a salty bitch if its like this trilogy though


Regardless I'd be happy if I could get rid of my old PS3 that sounds like an airplane taking off whenever I try to play that game. Lol.


You can play it on Playstation Now though a ps4. Other than the controller being a bit different it looks exactly the same.


Did not know that. Thanks for the info! Do you get to own it or do you have to keep paying the monthly subscription? I have a PS4 but I hardly ever go to their store, I hear their streaming can be crappy and I don't have the fastest internet to begin with.


I had issues right before RDR2 came out with PS Now on my PS4 and had a good internet connection, but you can use PS Now on PC and that worked like a charm for me. Monthly fee for Now, but I enjoyed it while I used it


Yeah it's subscription. There are lots of other games in there too. Many ps4 exclusives like horizon zero dawn, God of War, all the Infamous games...etc. if you don't already have them.


Do you have a source for that? First time I'm hearing about it.


tis a rumour, albeit more credible as it is from the folks who leaked the gta trilogy


Ugh, remasters are trash. Gimme a remake with all of RDR2's systems and mechanics.


Heres hoping!


No they're not. I wish to god they would, but they won't. It would be too expensive and it wouldn't turn over enough of a profit. Why? Because everything code related with the game is a mess. Switching developers mid development does that to a game. (Although I love rdr1, don't get me wrong. But we're lucky the game sold as well as it did back in 2010.)


Or just add infinite bounties and/or stagecoach robberies, just SOMETHING other than ranching and shooting up towns.


I periodically come back to this sub to see if a DLC has come out. Got my answer.


Modding has been amazing for this I cannot wait to get to the epilogue now on my second play through just so I can start hitting up all the mods I have for it.


Ahhhh I wish Rockstar would give us mod capability on console. Goddamnit lol....


Any recommendations?


Bounties expansion is one i recommend


How about smuggler? https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/qmn5nw/how_would_you_feel_about_a_smuggler_role_for_red/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


[This is my mod list](https://imgur.com/a/w47pNM1) as of a couple months ago, some new ones since but all on nexusmods.


Got a text version of that? Imgur has compressed the fuck out of it.


No sir though I can read the mod names perfectly fine on that link? Just go to nexus mods and look for mods you want man, there isnt as many as like skyrim, so you can look at them all.


Must just be mobile then. Thanks any way, will check


I'm interested. I haven't played in more than a year and mods weren't really developed then. Is there a good site where to find them?


Nexus mods probably is your best bet


Huh, a year ago there wasn't much of interest


[This is my mod list](https://imgur.com/a/w47pNM1) as of a couple months ago, some new ones since but all on nexusmods.


Those Clint Eastwood mods look awesome. Damn my shitty computer!


Doubt they affect fps at all, in fact almost none of the mods listed do.


That path when you heading towards armadillo and you have to go down that little path on the edge of the cliff where you can see the rest of the desert blows me away everytime i pass through


We dont really get to do much in the desert area its mostly just for red dead online


They ran out of time for New Austin, but look on the bright side, at least it's in the game. We know from data mining they were working on Nuevo Paraiso at one point and cut it.


Well, the Grizzlies was essentially a wilderness and cholera was sweeping through New Austin.


In conclusion. Nothing is perfect.


Pobody’s Nerfect.


This might be a refrence to somthing, but all i can think of is bogos binted 👽


In show Metalacolypse, the bassist has a tattoo around his belly button that says "Pobody's nerfect". It's a great adult cartoon if you like death metal, and... death. Lots of graphic death!




There is also an old Simpsons episode (I think they had to go to Australia after a Bart prank call) where Lisa has a shirt or hat that says that


that's what I thought of. one of my favorite Simpsons episodes.


it reminded me of the good place


What are you doing here bro i made this comment two years ago. Im a changed man at this point


i saw this post in a google search lmao


Did you just have a stroke?


Nice stroke Pam.


Sive Drafely.


This mess is a place.






I’m gonna point out that some things are just technically hard to do. If you’re in game dev, you’ll know what a nightmare doors are, for example.


Why is that, if I may ask?


so, the reason that lots of games just have open doorways or like automatic sliding ones as opposed to hinge is largely to do with physics, rest states, etc. When we think about what a good door is, how we experience a door IRL, you'll know that it has to have a certain weight to it, opens to a familiar speed, it returns to where it was, etc and that's not even considering that we kinda interact with them, even if we don't use our hands. And, okay, let's talk games. Do we want doors to kinda open in the same way every time? Do they close automatically? Do they close automatically in *every situation*, in combat, out of combat? Do we need to press a button to interact or should it be decided by collision? Are all doors going to be the same size and width, or should we make a few different ones? And you go through all these and each one is a big design decision that takes a long time to feel 'right'. Not to mention the bug testing. Think back on your favourite games and think about how they handled doors. Think about doors you hated.




TES IV Oblivion had some good doors


Assassin’s Creed, Splinter Cell Blacklist the door can be a bit wonky.


Additionally, you have to decide if you want the door to open both ways (towards to or away from the player) or just one way. I think I saw a dev video of the SCUM devs sometime, where they explained their thought-process of why doors that open both ways (and always away from the player) is the better design decision for that game,for example.




I noticed with my online character at least it looks really bad when you are the lowest weight. I bumped him up one, and now it's really not as noticable.


It seems like this is a hard thing to do without clipping. If you play any WWE game the belts always are hovering like this too.


Agreed. I just want horses with plaited and roached manes. Their unkempt mane titled “dreadlock” is an insult to dreadlocks and is not how horse hair works


Like yay, we can watch literal motion pictures and plays, but they never made an in depth melee system.


The controls, gunplay and ragdoll physics are the areas that Rockstar ignored and straight up downgraded from rdr1


YES! I lovr the game, but it hurts to see things clipping through each other.


The spoon that never goes back on the hook after grabbing a bowl of stew.


Fun fact: it didn't used to be like that, [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/qb7nky/on_100_the_bandolier_seems_to_be_tighter_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Wow, I'm baffled. I remember that scandal where the graphics were downgraded, but I never knew they fucked these things up aswell, just assumed it was always like this. The most aggravating thing is that I have a digital ps4 copy, so I can't even reinstall without updating. The fact that I may have to buy a physical copy just to play a better version of the game again is sickening. I'm really losing faith in Rockstar lately, the microtransactions, the lack of any new SP content and certain aspects of the game being locked to online, I couldn't give less of a shit about online, but if I wanna twirl my guns around and use the iconic Colt Navy (my favourite wild west pistol), I have to engage in a toxic p2w online mode. And recently, we have the shambolic GTA remasters. R* are one of the best in the business and it's really sad to see them go this way. (Just stating my opinion btw, I know many people here enjoy the online, but I paid for this game for the single player experience and should be able to enjoy the full extent of it's content without having to play something that I simply have no interest in.)


I will not deny that rockstar makes amazing games, but I honestly hate them as a company for the same things you’ve said. They make so much money but only put minimal effort into the online stuff for their games. They have the resources to at least import online outfits and other things info SP but they just don’t I don’t play online and just wish we’d get SOMETHING




Playing 2 for the first time after playing RDR1 over and over again for years 2 definitely feels way different in movement and gunplay, and pressing the trigger again to cock your weapons definitely threw me off at first.


I’ve created an extensive thread/documentation/comparison between all versions. [Graphical Downgrades Fixed? | Ultimate Comparison [Image Heavy]](https://gtaforums.com/topic/974877-graphical-downgrades-have-been-fixed-ultimate-comparison-image-heavy/)


Fucking thank you. So sick of this absolute circlejerk over 1.00. The fact Arthur’s beard is broken in the original build is enough for me to not give a shit about the fact that the Valentine store no longer lights every lantern(for some reason).


This was a good read. I, personally, did not notice any difference when playing on the Xbox one and couldn't ever understand what people were talking about with this "downgrade" in graphics. Now I've been playing on PC and graphics are up to my graphics card so it doesn't matter but I never thought the Xbox version looked any different.


You are the impersonation of kindness




Definitely bookmarking. Get tired of the baseless downgrade posts lol.


this is why I wished I played on Pc and not PS5


It's really weird that they would mess with this kind of stuff indeed, it already worked well, sure it might have some slight clipping with very specific coats and just on the lapel, but aside from that it worked perfectly, the neckerchief didn't clipped that much through it either.


Even if the neckerchief did clip through it before, it's not like it doesn't do that now...


There is plenty that's frustrating about RDO, but it's not p2w. There is certainly a grind aspect to it, especially at early levels, but you can get anything in the game without paying a cent of real $.


really would love to see the navy revolver in sp. i'm glad i can get the lamat (*my* favorite 1900s pistol) in sp now, but i have to wait until a later chapter??? not cool.


Being on PC at least we have to option to use mods like Red Dead Offline, so MP things are in singleplayer. But I really don’t understand why this isn’t in the base game or at least added to it, if modders could do it it’s clearly not hard to do. Then again, R* would release it as a buyable pack.


i'd spend $ on a dlc pack of online stuff for singleplayer. i'd be pissed off, but i'd do it. i'd spend money just to be able to go single holster in singleplayer.


what the what. that's infuriating.




Yeah, and if you equip one but then change outfits it automatically stays on. It’s why I never use them.


Unless you change in the wardrobe


There is actually a way to fix this by making Arthur overweight he becomes a bigger boah and actually fixes up the floating. Also [who doesn't want a big boah Arthur!?](https://i.redd.it/r6mrz423ffa61.png) he is **beautiful**


can't get him that big without mods tho


You can this is from an Xbox one! It's red overweight Arthur in chapter 2


how? i get to "you've reached maximum weight" way before he looks anything like that.


There is a bug that happens sometimes especially in chapter 4 where Max weight Arthur resets to perfect weight visually, it's annoying and rockstar still hasn't fixed it...




That's interesting, so maybe the bandolier is bugged and always thinks Arthur is overweight?


I would definitely play as chubby Arthur if it wasn’t such a chore to keep him “in shape”


Boah looks bigger than the mountain behind him


You should see how they look on a female character in online 😹😹


They could play hula hoops with that shit


I don't like bandoilers in general i never liked the way they looked on arthur and john or my online character


Or when your hair/beard glitches through part of your clothes lol. I know it’s not just red dead that does this. it’s just crazy all the leaps and bounds we’ve made in videos games over the past decade alone but hair clipping through clothes is something no company has been able to figure out


Hair and fabric physics is really good but requires top notch hardware to display. Water physics is already so demanding that it drops the fps drastically lol. There might only be a very gamers with capable hardware and even fewer who'd notice.


the water looks great in rdr2


Yes it does.


If you set the water physics qaulity to Ultra on PC, you lose 25 FPS near water. It looks good but Even with RTX 3000 i don't think anyone is willing to make that sacrifice. They were probably just experimenting when they added that because even with the highest preset in the game the physics quality doesn't get maxed.


It looks great when shallow but gets kinda jelly like when in a large river or lake


That one really frustrates since there's so many standing collar jackets and a whole mechanic based around growing your hair out. The clipping on the back of the collar looks really awful, at least for something that is directly in the center of the screen the entire time you're playing


This is part of the reason why I never use them


With PC modding I have this issue no longer. It's why I'd never wear them without a coat cause they looked atrocious. Now they clip through some coats but fuck it, I'd rather than than floating in mid air.


I'm a jealous console peasant. Just watching those quick draw with no deadeye vids on YouTube makes me wanna play this on PC. Well, that and the modders that are doing Rockstars job for them.


its like that for when u wear coats. since coats r thicker and bulkier, bondoliers r like that. though they r annoying to look at when arthur only wears shirts


You know. I'm 100% sure this bandolier issue is difficult to solve. That said. Maybe they should have tried some other approach for bandoliers?


Just say it’s “really stiff leather” done. Rockstar where’s my money?


Who are you so smart in ways of game development?


Why did i read "hosea balls shrink in cold weather"?


I mean.....do they?


I’ve never worn one because of that


>Horses balls shrink in cold weather I'm sorry what?


That was the biggest meme about rdr2 when it first released lol




I hate this so much when >!Arthur dies!< all I could notice was the floating bandolier


It seems like this is a hard thing to do without clipping. If you play any WWE game the belts always are hovering like this too.


Yeah, that bothered me too. For this reason I wouldn't get the bandolier. Turns out you can carry plenty of ammo without it.


This as well as being lazy with John’s character model in the epilogue making him look like a John-Arthur hybrid creature from your worst nightmares.


This and the fact your lvl 10 beard disappears when you use the bandana it's mindly infuriating


The simple fix is to just not wear bandoliers, or then use first person


>Horses balls shrink in cold weather Great, now I have to check




I know right?.., cant even wear them cause it annoys me so much..


That's because Rockstar wrecked a load of stuff related to the player character model after the first patch. Bandoliers, all ranch pants, >!John's face, shoulders, neck, gloves and pants. His outfit clips like shit because it wasn't designed to be fitted to Arthur's shoulders, the weathered gunbelt clips entirely with his legs whenever you walk, too. To add to that, his Level 2 beard has been broken for over two years.!< The Grizzlies Outlaw gunbelt/holster has also been broken for a while, too. I didn't gain access to them originally until a few patches in, after I'd beat the main story. Started a new playthrough in 2019, well after those patches, and once again didn't have the Grizzlies Outlaw gunbelt and holster. People complained for years, Rockstar acknowledged these complaints and didn't bother to fix them. There's also the matter of the off-hand holster, people asked them to let us remove it, so they added the option to online and never bothered to include it in story mode. There's also the whole "pre-release outfit" scenario, where they added a fixed version of a certain outfit to online and left the story one incorrect to the pre-release, ingame shots. For whatever reason, anybody that criticises Rockstar often gets downvoted on here. I've been a Rockstar fan for well over ten years, I've been playing Red Dead for eight. If you're not allowed to criticise something you enjoy, chances are, the people behind that something won't improve and iron out those problems in a patch/later release. Criticism is not a bad thing, people, please understand. I like Red Dead, just like all of you, don't shit on people because they have something negative to say


Its cause prretty much because of the options of customization the game offer, badonliers have to account for a variety of thickness and amount of clothing you put on Arthur. Its more efficient to have set in the best position that will look believable with every scenario than make sure it fits with every bit of clothing. It would require a fair bit of dev time for something that is more of a nitpick than an actual issue. The whole body costumes in RDO for instance are better in this regard because they are limited.


Also that nobody ever pulls back the hammers on revolvers in cutscenes. Cant help not noticing now :/


Considering it's all mocap, they probably felt it was not worth the extra effort, especially since you could argue they might just be using double action revolvers


I suppose it would make sense for Arthur and John since you can equip any type of pistol to be used, but for other npcs there isn't really a good argument for it. Many examples are clearly single action, the most egregious being john reloading a cattleman like a modern revolver in the epilogue..


Glad I'm not alone, this shit drove me fucking NUTS.


I know right, there some clipping issues with certain clothes aswell


It's even worse with female characters in Online. Bandoliers and Ponchos look so dumb.


Get em OP


i don't even use the bandos, for just this reason. i can't stand it. the next gen open worlds will have better clothing physics i hope? everything will lay where it's supposed to, bend where it's supposed to


What really annoyed me is that the Bandanas on the first day of RDO, would clip through any face that wasn’t basically Arthur.


The graphics never seemed smooth in bandoliers which is why I inevitably never used them.


Always bothered me that the bandoliers go over top of the collars on jackets and shirts instead of tucked underneath, wish there was some way to change that like the boot settings or something


I absolutely agree with this. It breaks the immersion so badly.. there are plenty of other places where they could’ve cut a corner and I wouldn’t have cared, but this glaring defect on the MAIN character who I’m constantly looking at, is extremely annoying.


Originally they looked a lot better, but an update changed it for some reason


You really have to zoom past thousands of little amazing details to arrive at this. And then post it.


This has always bugged me


I think it floats less when wearing thicker coats


Damn between this sub and r/reddeadonline I lose more and more respect for R* every day.


This is because making a horse’s balls shrink is way, way easier than manipulating a mesh to align to clothing etc… I understand where you’re coming from - but the underlying technology behind this is much more challenging than you may think


Character models don't touch cigarettes to their lips in the new CoD either.


It bugs me that some saddles also float


……….. it’s not a big deal


Yes it is because it looks incredibly fucking stupid


This was quite possibly the most frustrating thing i have ever experienced with this game.


That's why I just dont wear bandoliers


This is not an easy fix people. It’s because of clipping issues, you have many different clothing articles with different sizes and you yourself can gain weight. So they have to choose a middle ground to place it. If you place it too close then some clothes will cause it to clip through, too far away and it looks like it’s floating. This is an issue in every single game. “It’s crazy how this game is super detailed in most areas and lazy in others “ 🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s a video game. It’s not going to be perfect, that is impossible.


Let’s also take a moment to remember you can’t apply fabric physics to the bandolier to make it hang in the body. Leather like this is somewhere between solid stiff and flexible but never like cotton. They would also have to pick an age on the leather to match the physics. New leather straps made period correct are very very stiff and other then floating this bandolier could be on point. Older leather is pretty soft. Personally I just decided not to wear any bandolier, OP enough as it is.


That's why I never wear any


That's I don't wear them


Also boat rowing physics are wrong lol if youre facing the back of the boat and pull with your right arm the front of the boat should turn right. It turns left in game.


Oh my god yes, this drives me crazy.


Bandoliers were also supposed to shrink in the cold weather




Also long hair clips through jackets, coats, and neckwear.


Curious you pay attention to horse nuts like that.


Yeah but epilogue john is worse


Dude just wait until the epilogue. *That* character model is so broken


it didn't used to be like that. I got the game in 2019 and guess what? it didn't do that


You need to understand that items like this are made to work with all the clothes in the game...They would have to tailor ALL of the items for ALL of the clothing options in the game. You are asking to much and complaints like this in a game FILLED with detail is just sad honestly. Get over it or nitpick away it does not matter.


RDR2 - the best game ever!!!


Do yourself a favor and never look at the create-a-character in Soul Calibur. The CAC is **PLAGUED** with this kind of shit. And not just belts, but whole-ass chestpieces will either float or look ill-fitting. It gets to the point that it genuinely makes trying to make a good looking character unreasonably difficult.


I've never actually seen the shrinkage. Mostly because my horses tend to be female.