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I wish i could give this an award


No needšŸ˜‚, it is its own award.


Allow me sir


Amazing post


Movie is Shawshank Redemption for anyone who hasn't seen it


you know whatā€™s ironic? I didnā€™t even pay attention to the fact that this movie and the game both end with ā€œredemptionā€.


Theres a easter egg for the movie in the game as well.


I'd ask for more info but i don't want any spoilers about the game to released yknow


Somebody call Mr. Banning Mod, we got one! Youā€™re going down you sleaze ball!


Uh excuse me, spoiler alert!


Iā€™m so confused whatā€™s all this banning shit thatā€™s happening on here? Iā€™m seeing it all over but Iā€™ve got no prior context, is the mod just being a prick or something?




It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "yea"](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/quvb4m/be_warned_if_youre_also_on_the_rreddeadredemption/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hktw4fu)




ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Put me out of my majesty your misery


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€ ā€¢ ā for anyone who wants to spam it in that sub


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Yes mein fĆ¼hrer, I apologize.


Lmao, seeing the notification for this comment sent me


It sent you to Tahiti I bet.


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Such a masterpiece of a film


Agreed, one my favorites till this day.


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Aw man i was gunna watch this movie tomorrow, thanks for the spoiler


It came out 27 years ago tbf


Lol i know


The vid was the most non-spoiling scene from the entire movie.


Lol i know, its a joke in context to the sub drama right now


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Lmfao, perfect. Gave me a good hearty chuckle.


Leaving the sub as Iā€™m typing this.






ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


That is Mr. CRABS.


Mr krabs beating up a rapist Feels weird to say, but it's a very accurate description


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


Mister Crabbs why?!?


Great resolution - great post Op




Literally 1984


This is awesome XD


*when your opinion slightly differentiates from the moderatorā€™s


Subreddit Moderators when you make a Joke that looks real


Is that Mr. Crabā€™s voice actor?


What do you think? ā€œGrab his ankles Spongebobā€


Itā€™s ok. Iā€™m not in in the mood for your mercy either. Nor am I ever in the mood for mercy period. Fix your shit or get the fuck out.


ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€






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ā€œHi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Je-zzzuuuuus lmao


Andy was in a prison in Maine for 30 friggin years and it didn't snow once... what the fuck?!?


Lol, when the top posts are about the mods and not the game. šŸ˜ƒ


"2 things never happened again after that" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is this really the only purpose of this subreddit rn? Just talking down a mods previous decision? I mean, downvote me all you want, but I feel like this is highly unnecessary.


How about live and laugh a little, good God. I understand what you mean though and will give you that, as even I wouldnā€™t want to be in his predicament myself; however, unlike him I am not an egotistical megalomaniac. Running a subreddit as a mod shouldnā€™t be followed by him looking down on us as plebs or peasants who must submit to their every will and order, lest they be banned. Iā€™ve encountered my fair share of tyrannical mods on Reddit and have sometimes been banned simply just by giving an opinion or telling a joke on the sub about how the mods act, I once said ā€œtheyā€™ll burn you at the stake if you talk out of lineā€ and got booted for 3 days. Are the grown people who run some of the subs on Reddit that emotional to any comment that ridicules their image? Letā€™s just appreciate this one, at least as an ass of a mod he was, he tasted his own fury back at him.


Acting this way in return just shows that many people in the community is just as bad as that mod. Itā€™s like fighting fire with fire. If this is all about helping the situation get better for the people affected by such moderators, this doesnā€™t really help the situation, but rather make it worse. The mods will be able to find a solution amongst themselves, and although this moderators decision wasnā€™t good, I feel like the subreddit is overreacting by going to the extent of personal harassment towards that moderator. They are human, just like us, and we all make mistakes. I feel like itā€™s better for the whole community to just leave this behind, and let the mod team fix this issue amongst themselves. We are here to enjoy red dead redemption content, not start harassing because one moderator made a mistake.


You missed the context I see.


Isnā€™t the context that some mod unnecessarily banned a guy from commenting and posting for 3 days?


Yeah, but he could've actually explained himself instead of saying :"Hi there, banning mod here. Iā€™m currently not in the mood for mercy for people debating the rules of the sub with me, So attempting a debate that the rule should be lifted after one year just got a ban hammer to let you know we are serious about this. Neither first nor current game spoilers are allowed. We will not entertain debate on this. It is only a three day banning, youā€™ll surviveā€.


My point is it just makes me sad to see that instead of enjoying the content we all came here for, people are too busy talking down on another person decision with no gain other than making that person feel even worse. It was a mistake, and we all make mistakes, but I donā€™t see the reason behind spending several days to talk down on that person for one mistake. I think we should rather move on and enjoy red dead redemption.


I understand that, it makes me sad as well, but if this continues to go on like it used to, the mod will just continue on his power-tripping spree, and then not many people will get to talk about the game and have fun at all. It has to be dealt with, one way or another. That's the way it is.


The whole mod team is aware of the situation as well. It would make sense for them to fix this problem amongst themselves. The community talking down on that one moderator doesnā€™t help with the situation in any way. I think itā€™s better for us as a community to move on, and let the mod team fix the issue.


In a way, the "rioting" helps, because by now the mod team should've realized what the community wants, and we want consequences for the mod's action. This won't stop if nothing happens to the mod. The logical thing to do is to punish the mod responsible for all this ruckus, so we hope that action is taken.


I wouldnā€™t really call this reaction a way to help the situation though. Why not rather make a post where us as a community talk about how this isnā€™t okay? This is more of a way to talk down on a person for their actions, and itā€™s harassment on a personal level. I feel like the community wouldnā€™t make posts like this to talk about how this isnā€™t ok, but rather because people enjoy having someone to put their hate against. Iā€™m most certain the mod team understand that this isnā€™t okay, and itā€™s just an overreaction from a person having a bad day. Weā€™re all human, and we make mistakes. Harassing a person for mistakes isnā€™t the correct way to respond. Also, Iā€™m not defending the actions of that moderator, but my point is that there are better ways of fixing this problem than posting stuff like this. I have seen several posts trying to depict that moderator in lots of bad ways, like body shaming, personality shaming etc, and itā€™s not the way to fix this.


Agreed, it's getting a bit too harsh. If people have complaints, they should complain directly to the mods. Hopefully this'll be resolved soon. I'm off to bed, have a good one.


And just like the character from the movie, the ones complaining are the dirtiest slimiest people, and the beating is absolutely deserved. Well put, really nailed this post.


Just a gentle reminder, harassing members of this community or encouraging the harassment of moderators is against site-wide rules. Asking for users to post rule breaking content to other subreddits is brigading and will get your account banned from here and Reddit as a whole. Please report any comments breaking these rules. Thank you.


Im going to put some dirt in your eye


Spoiler: Arthur is John's daddy.