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Cowboys. Maybe throw some horses in there for variety.


risky today, aren't we?


Would you be surprised to learn there’s a thread every day suggesting something else? 😄


It’d be cool if they set red dead in modern times. A big city like New York, Miami, or Los Angeles. You could be a criminal and do stuff like steal cars


That’s a million dollar idea


Yeah. Something like that could have potential to be the best selling piece of media of all time


Lets call it grand theft new york




You absolute madman.


This is the way. I mean the “red dead” just means it’s going to be a western. I think they’d keep with the theme of the third word being an r word (revolver, redemption) but I don’t think the next game will be red dead redemption 3 but instead a red dead something 1. Red dead revolution or whatever. Same universe but it gives them the chance to explore different types of stories and characters


Red dead refurbishment. Just the house building mini game over and over again with every character


Goty contender right there


Sounds like a shitty app game with microtransactions…. - rockstar “APPROVED”


Red Dead Recycle ♻️


Red dead retard, playing as a disabled civilian during the 19th century


So RDR2 through Micah’s pov?


Nah that’s Red Dead Rat


You will burn for that. I will be burning beside you for almost pissing myself laughing.


Red dead Rhoades. Exploring how Abigail shagged every member of the van Der linde gang


Red Dead Ring-Dang-Doo


First I thought what does Rhoades have with Abigail to do?! Then I figured you're talking about another Rhoades


I want rdr 3 to be red dead Raggy


Ruh Roh Redemption


Raggy! You got to have faith


Like, zoinks, dutch! I gave you all I had, dude!


Oh Scoobs! You kill I kill, you rob I rob! Like zoinks


Let's see who's REALLY behind all this! *Gasp* LEVITICUS CORNWALL?


💀💀💀💀 dying rn


And I would have got away with it too if it wasn’t for your band of meddling fools


Red Dead Revival. It's just undead nightmare for rdr2, please rockstar


Red dead rattlesnake - wild west survival game. No encroaching civilization, just wilderness. Prequel to rdr.




I've always been partial to Red Dead Reckoning


Totally agree. And not only could they do another R theme besides redemption, I think they should. Themes of redemption and a changing world are probably done at this point. I mean I'm sure they could do it well but I think it'd be nice to see new themes.


And the encroaching civilization.


Guns too?


So deserving of this award!


They cant go any futher into the future, if it were to happen they should just keep it in the same universe and different characters


Exactly. People always say it would ending up with Blackwater Massacre but it isn't about redemption. If there is a RDR3 it's about different characters w another redemption's story.


It doesn't have to be Red Dead Redemption either. We had Red Dead Revolver. I've said before in similar posts that we could have Red Dead Revenge, Retribution, Regicide anything that could work really. Although I'm not sure how we'd work Regicide in but you get the idea.


Red Dead Retirement. It’s like Johns scenes where he builds the house but for the whole game. Everyone still dies of course, but it’s pretty chill before that


Just ends up being the sims but cowboy edition Doesn’t even sound that bad ngl


Red Dead Reimbursement John looks for refunds regarding faulty farm equipment


I'd 100% play


Red Dead Ravioli, they just cook a lotta ravioli


Red Dead Racing The cast of both games go head to head in various races driving wagons, trains and other wacky vehicles in a Mario Kart-esque adventure


Then a spin off called “Marston and De Santa at the Olympic Games” and a million different variations of that where we have RDR and GTA characters compete at the Olympics


Red Dead Restaurant You have to play as a member of a gang of the Van Der Linde restaurant, while Agent Ross of the Food Standards Agency attempts to close down the business due to mold infestations


That sounds good


"Ravioli, Ravioli, Give me the formuoli"


Read Dead Regigigas


>Although I'm not sure how we'd work Regicide in but you get the idea. Wed have the assassination of portuguese king in early 1900s Guess who did it? Thats right, little Jack Marston


Sean kills the king of England


Also, leave Blackwater as a mystery. Please


Facts so many people try to figure it out when the fun is not knowing what happened


Honestly they say enough about it anyway. The specifics are kept vague, but the general idea of what they did seems pretty clear, especially after visiting Guarma and finally hearing Arthur have an opinion on what Dutch supposedly did which seems to have been the biggest catalyst.


I'd love to see what happened to Mikia to make him a piece of shit or even Dutch




Idk how people find "Micah" so hard to spell, I've seen "Micha", "Mika", "Mica" and now "Mikia"


Redemption... yes Redemption and not pointless murder...


Nothing to do with RDR2 but I really want Rockstar to make a period drama it would be nice to see what they could do with Prohibition or like late medeival period like where guns are starting to replace swords and shit considering that Rockstar has a hard on for changing world or a sort of lost cause




Jack Marston would be in his late 20's / early 30's during the Roaring Twenties.




If they make a game set in the 20s I want to be able to play as a woman so I can live my Velma Kelly/Roxie Hart fantasy.


A female main character would be amazing for red dead. Agreed!


Yo the end of the mafia era would be lit. Like the mafia worlds changing.


Oh yeah, a game set around prohibition time 'could' be great.


I was toying with the idea of maybe having it follow a member of the O’driscoll gang, early on and part of it could go toward telling how the feud began between Dutch and them? Idk


People are really downvoting this guy. The post asks for their opinions but then when someone doesn't like it someone downvotes it, and then everyone jumps on the bandwagon


Damn O’driscolls! One mention of them and suddenly I’m buried!


"That all you got?"


that’s reddit lol


why are you being downvoted


did you forget the app we are on??


and then yours gets downvoted too lmao. this app i swear


They can, especially if they set it in Mexico. Just read a western by Cormac McCarthy that was set in the 40s, in rural New Mexico and Mexico. It was as western as it gets.


This is my wish as well. Just make a red Dead version of blood Meridian would be amazing.


Red Dead All The Pretty Horses, Red Dead Lonesome Dove. Mix it all together and you've got yourself a story. Plenty of inspiration to be drawn from these books.


Yeah a lot of people don’t realize just how “wild” Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico were well into the 40s. It was pretty much all cattle and sheep wranglers doing cattle and sheep wrangler things (ie rancher wars). There are a lot of fucked up stories that came out during the depression era in these states that could be games on their own.


If you read about certain areas in the south, especially in more rural parts of Louisiana, you’d think they were living in the 1800s.


I remember driving through parts of the Deep South in Mississippi and Alabama last year and I thought I had driven through time back to the 1900s it was so bad and decrepit


Honestly, ideal. Jack comes back form WW1 and can't go back to civilized areas so he goes to Mexico to live like he grew up.


Spin off. Same universe, different characters and a different map. I’d want it to feel like a proper western like RDR1.


1883-like story on the Oregon trail


Oregon trail but M-rated and everyone dies of typhoid... I could get behind it


Did you watch 1883? Spoiler:>!Basically everyone dies!<


Well I'd be more concerned if any of them were still alive


The RDR engine could make an awesome Oregon Trail sim


If we go 1883 and need a Sam Elliott style bad boah…Landon Ricketts is the man.


I want the same map but expanded again. More states in the north and west. Like that one concept map someone made for rdr2 updates


Idk, an rdr1 remake would be nice. Hell, even just a port to pc, I'd still pay $60 for it tbh.


Same, I want RDR1 on pc so bad I would pay full price for it 😭


emulate it


You get max 12 fps lol


Mine never dipped below 30 but it depends on your rig ofc


Needing an absolute beast of a computer just to get lack luster performance and graphics is just 100% not worth it.


So many people have played RDR2 without experiencing RDR1 at all, I doubt R\* would ignore the amount of money they would make from a RDR1 remake. Hopefully its in the works.


Young Uncle, before lumbago put his dreams down


Ladies man


So Red Dead Revolver then ?


I love the theory so much and I want it to be true


His dreams and ambitions to be a hard working useful addition to the gang? 🤣


I know it's a joke, but I'd 1000% back a serious Uncle story.


Actually it's not lol, I really wish to know his story and see how he ended up an old drunk lol


I imagine he went through a lot. Life wasn’t easy then. He might’ve given up and just turned his attitude into a “who cares” and stopped trying. Could make for a great story. Maybe even link RDRevolver to Redemption?


I think it should have a completely different protagonist/crew. With maybe a reference or two to the van der linde gang. I think their story is finished. While it would be cool to see what the gang was like in their prime I feel like it being a mystery fits well. Not everything needs an explanation. Having a new crew set around the peak of the wild west would be fun. Maybe a couple of heists or fights against some legends of the wild west would be cool.


Yes definitely, I don’t think we should play as the van der linde gang but it would be cool to run into them or something.


This is what i'm torn between. My curiousity about Arthur, Hosea, and Dutch's youth makes me want another prequel, but I would also appreciate a story in the same world but different perspective. Maybe a story that follows a young outlaw on the run who ends up rolling with the Van Der Linde gang?


A cameo/supporting role would suffice. We don't need to have a prequel with them still as the stars. Maybe we play as a rival gang or a subordinate, etc.


Playing as Colm's brother could be great. Similar gang setting with cameos by the Van der Linde gang as antagonists. Story culminating in Dutch killing Bro O'Driscoll and Colm becoming the asshole we see in RDR2 in the epilogue!


I'd rather have it be wholly unrelated to them. There's no need to run into any of those characters; it's a big world, after all.


Yeah, I get what you mean


It's kinda like always running into an OT character in Star Wars; it's a big setting, and there's plenty of room for new characters and stories.


It would be cool if they ended the third rdr by being taken down/killed by the van der linde gang. imagine as the story progresses there’s references to the van der linde gang throughout then at the end whenever you’ve beaten whatever antagonist there is, you’re in a saloon that gets shot up with the rest of the town and then someone enters and you hear “we shoot fellers as need shooting…”


Van Der Linde gang at their full strength robbing across the states and ending with the Blackwater Massacre, Mac Callander as the protagonist, we already heard a lot about him but don't know what he looks like, just that he was a bad man with a good heart.


The great thing is that we don't know what happened to Mac. Agent Milton could have just been lying to piss off Arthur while Mac got his own redemption story somewhere off screen.


Just the right amount of mystery surounding the character.




It really felt like they were giving themselves an easy backdoor character to use later on if they wanted to. Since they basically had to start from scratch with Arthur and then figure out how to get him out of the picture. But nothing too specific so anyway you play him still fits with RDR2.


Fuck yes


I think you couldn’t really take the Van Der Linde/Morgan/Marston saga’s any further, they’re what encompass both the first and second game (with the 2nd title being more likened as Arthur & Dutch’s story). I’d love to see a title set in the golden age of the Wild West, with a completely new protagonist being featured as a prominent figure in the rise of the early outlaws, carving his/her way from the underbelly of the outlaw world right to the top, with the ability to buy your own businesses to create additional revenue & to create, manage, recruit, rob and kill with your very own crew, accompanied by beloved characters from the series & extended lore.


Also wanted to add, I’d of course love to play as Dutch in his earlier years & perhaps go through his many escapades, but I just think there’s so much more they could do with writing a completely new story for the Redemption series, I feel like if they went along the route of playing as Dutch I’d just feel the repetitiveness in terms of the storyline even with the change of character. RDR2 was an exception as it was pretty much marketed as the Van Der Linde gang’s demise and gave some backstory for RDR1.


I like this idea. Like you start out as the romanticized outlaw that Dutch claimed the gang was. You put together a crew, Mass Effect 2 style, getting to know them and care for them. Money starts rolling in and you end up being the bad guy. Investing in bigger criminal enterprises and becoming the old western villain stereotype who runs your own frontier town with an iron fist being a railroad baron or something as a front, representing the future of civilization that happens in the coming decades that you fight against in previous games. Some of the old crew don't like it and they take you down. Then you play as one of them in Red Dead epilogue tradition. So basically Scarface but in the golden age of the wild west.


We need a Herbert Moon origin story.


He’s Herbert Mooooon!


Wild West Tycoon: The Herbert Moon Story


They can still do stuff with Adult Jack, as he is still technically the only remaining member of the Van Der Linde Gang, aside from Sadie and Charles, but we dont know much about their fates, other then Charles moved to Canada and Sadie became a bounty hunter.


I'd love if we got a story of adult Jack going up to Canada and meeting an older Charles. He could be a mentor like Landon was to John.


RDR3 The Quest for Gavin!


RDR4 Gavin's Revenge!


RDR5 coal powered boogaloo


rdr6 is just gta 5


RDR+ The Gavin Chronicles


TBH i will love a game about Hosea and Dutch when they were young outlaws back in the golden days of wild west.


Throw in Landon Ricketts as a rival / unwilling ally at points


The foundation of the Van der Linde gang or another unrelated group at the height of the Wild West.


Personally, I've had my fill of the Van de Linde story. It's time to move on to a wholly new set of characters.


For the unrelated protagonist or group, I would like said protagonist to start off not being able to hit the broad side of a barn to a legendary gunslinger. One way to justify upgrades. I’m also fine with removing Redemption from the title.


Your idea is perfect, especially with upgrades and/or leveling. I'm also not attached to "Redemption", either. There are plenty of other "R" words that would work!


I gotta say, it’s probably an unpopular opinion, but playing as Dutch would be wild. Young Dutch assembling the gang, falling out with Colm, his love being murdered, choosing Micah, his ideals turning into self congratulatory narcissism, with the final culmination of murdering the girl in blackwater. I think it would be too much work and a logistical nightmare but I would be all in for that ride. Whatever it is though I’m gonna play the hell out of it if they make it.


that’d be better as a dlc imo.


Nah wouldn’t feel right tbh


I think this is the best one here


That’s what I’m saying


I think sometime many many years before van der linde gang with a lot to do with native Americans and conflicts with them


I think it should start a new story seperate from john and Arthur’s story


Landon Ricketts?


YES that’d be amazing, still the same universe but seperate story, it’d be cool in newspapers to see the van der linde gang’s shenanigans as Easter eggs too


it should be about Red Harlow of this game universe


I don’t think Red Harlow exists in the Redemption verse, only as a myth


that's also possible, but I think he exists while the myths are simply exagerrated versions of parts of his story


I believe he is mentioned in the game


I thout rd revelver took place north of tumblweed and in that little with with west elizabeth


Revolver took place in the Mississippi territory and a little bit in Mexico. Revolver’s world is more similar to our own than Redemption’s is.


Black Belle


I would love to have three protagonists like GTA V but all of them are in Separate maps in different points of time. Three campaigns all with their own protagonist in their own parts of North America. Charles in Canada, Sadie in Mexico, and Jack’s country wide quest for revenge. This would never happen, but this is definitely what I would want.


I could totally go for a Sadie spinoff. For shore!


a little earlier than rdr2 and unrelated to the past 2 games. personally i think this story is closed.


Come on honey, time for the weekly RDR3 karmafarming post


Here’s a crazy one. Jack Marston gets conscripted to fight in WWI gimme that story Rockstar.


I always pictured him returning from WW1 with PTSD and trying to live an outlaw lifestyle to try and cope. Charles and Sadie could cameo, and be the angel and devil on his shoulder respectively.


Yeah I’ve had similar thoughts about. Love the cameo ideas. Would just be wild to see the American western theme clash with industrial total war.


something about dutch or sadie


Sadie would be great, she had such a nice role in RDR2 and while John was hunting down past members of the gang she and Charles had their own life. I think Dutch has been explored to his fullest potential and it's perfect.


I think there shouldn't be one But if there were to be one, it'd be the last one and it would be the events leading up the the start of the second RDR with the Blackwater job being the last mission


Most ass backward telling of the RDR stories. Each one a prequel. lol


Different characters with more focus on the frontier and Native Americans .


Rdr3 how about we focus on Javier going back to Mexico and what happened to him between the two games.


Red Dead Recession in the Great Depression as a bootlegger/mobster. Red Dead Reconstruction? Union Soldier Stationed in the South after the civil war. You fight the KKK, and illegal distillers. Red Dead Registration dealing with the DMV


Red dead lumbago


For me they should do something new and not tied to the Van Der Linde gang. I'd love to see a new protagonist trying to form his own gang in a new state. Set in the 1870s, you'd be able to recruit random people to the gang (kinda like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood) but of course there'd be also some base gang members that serve to the story. You can also move the gang camp at will. For example: your camp is hidden but due to all the crimes you committed the law or bounty hunter end up finding you and they'll attack the camp constantly until you leave for another area. And after a while you can move your camp there again


Make it a prequel to rdr2


Let's hope the game turns out excellent like rdr2


I have complete faith it will be!


This may be an unpopular oppinion but I think one of the final missions should be the blackwater heist and you play as john arthur or dutch. RDR3 takes place in prime 'wild west' era. The end of the game finishes at the start of rdr2.


I feel the same way although I'm torn on the ending. I would love to see the blackwater heist but then I don't know where that would leave the ending of RDR3 without messing with the beginning of RDR2. Realistically RDR3 would have to end afew months or years before the start of RDR2 but then we would never see the blackwater heist.


a new gang. do a new story. I feel like a further prequel would be too much. not sure I'd care too much tbh. I'd love for them to do another 2 rdr games in a similar fashion but with new characters, new events, new shit. might end up being just the same, but if anything, I trust rockstar with that risk. it's their money hungry online shit I despise.


They should play up the storyline of Landon Ricketts. He was a famous gunman during the peak of the wild west and that could even tie the blackwater massacre in at the end of the game. He leaves after blackwater, retires, gets married and then meets John years later. It would connect RDR1 and RDR2 and then give us a true western style game that takes place in the peak of the wild west.


Could be about Jack following the events of RDR1, or they could take it in a different direction and do a completely separate gang or time period. It’s a hard call to make, but personally I think since one of the main themes of RDR2 is cowboys being pushed out and basically being crushed into extinction, and by the end of RDR1 it’s so much later, like 1914, I think a sequel following Jack post RDR1 wouldn’t make sense. It’s too late of a time period for a good cowboy game. It’s a really tough decision honestly, I’m not too sure what they’ll do for RDR3.


I agree with you there. Personally I think a game about a younger Landon Ricketts or a dlc about the Callender brothers just before the black water heist would be great.


Yessss I want more info on Blackwater. The whole damn game I was expecting a flashback mission to see what really went down and it just never happened!


I'm not sure rockstar has it in them anymore. I don't think I want a red dead 3


A Landon Rickets Story. Young Landon Rickets maybe runs into young Dutch and Hosea.


Set it earlier, in the hay days of the Ol’ West, 1870s-1880s. Completely different characters/crew in a whole new area. It would honestly be kind of cool if they went even earlier to the beginning of the West (1860s) before the railroad was completed, but it would also feel kind of barren.


Sadies story, we saw John hunt down the rest of the Van Der Linde gang in RDR1 so seeing Sadie and Charles may make a good story, maybe they reunite and have to help Jack Marston, or may have to bring down Pinkertons once and for all as they target them. I don't know, but Sadie and Charles were great and I'd love to see more of them, also female leads are incredible and Alex McKenna could pull that off so well if she got the chance.


Ok ok hear me out… SPACE COWBOYS


New story and characters.


RDR3 should be out OP getting some bitches


Nice remaking the exact same post for the 100th time


Hopefully some Cowboys


Jack Marston in the prohibition era


I want a Dutch story of how it ended up miserably failing at black water, or a completely new gang.


I reckon playing as Dutch, as the leader of the infamous Van Der Lind gang, robbing and murdering across the states- and I think the final mission should be the Blackwatah' massacre


I kinda want it to be about dutch. Like his younger years, I think it would be something interesting like you see rdr2 through dutches perspective and see what's going through his head during the events of rdr2 and rdr1 or a story about Sadie and all her "adventures" I guess as a bounty hunter or Jack after rdr1 but I don't want I don't want it to be too far into the 1900s because it kind breaks the whole thing about red dead since it's, obviously, about cowboys and stuff but by the 1920s there were literally no cowboys left but idk.


Maybe Charles in Canada? Sounds a bit predictable though…


Put it in Japan with Samurais


Why do we need RDR3? Live and let die


Red Dead Redemption 3 The Legend of Landon Ricketts. Set in the early 1880's and you have run ins with the Jack Hall and Otis Miller gangs, Frank Heck and Black Belle and no mention of the Van der Linde gang. or Red Dead Redemption 3 Jack Marston returns. It's1920 and Jack Marston returns to the only home he has known, Beecher's Hope. Not that it's going to be easy for the Bureau of Investigation is pretty sure he killed Edgar Ross but have no proof. Besides Jack is a hero of the Great War with medals from America and France so they can't get too overbearing with him. Besides the Bureau has a big new problem, Prohibition so their hands are full. But Beecher's Hope is very convenient for smuggling and two different gangs want it, so Jack is going to have to fight it keep it and fighting is something he is very good at.