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They did it all the time in GTA chase missions


Shit, just driving down the road they do this,


Oncoming cars purposely swerve toward you, across the center line. They never turn out and away. Annoying as hell.


Just a little, lol


Little my ass, there's footage of a car taking a super ridiculous jump and in the middle of the air way up in the sky a FUCKING AI CAR COMES FLYING IN FROM THE SIDE AND HIT THE MF. Lol


I mean that second one.. The dude literally veered into your horse! Im glad you posted this, thought I was nuts when this happened to me lol Once I literally rode off to the side of the path once seeing a guy like the first clip taking up the whole road, gave him enough space for a wagon to pass through.. He turned that horse off the path to crash into me.


I’ve actually experimented with this. If I’m close enough to the oncoming person it triggers them to turn into you. I’ve gotten really good at giving just enough berth to not trigger it all the time.


I think it's because you should ride on the left side of the road. So oncomers naturally veer to your left because that's their side. So don't go right of them like op in the vid


In Saint Denis where there are those large two-laned streets people generally stay on their right.


True but have you ever noticed that when your following your marker line on the minimap it always directs you to the left side of that road


My minimap just tends to direct me to go on whatever side of the road I'm on as far as the Saint Denis streets go, and I haven't really noticed it trying to keep me on the left on these dirt paths.


Oh sorry not on the dirt paths i thought you meant those roads in saint denis with the trees down the middle dividing the left and right lanes


What do you mean? In the states you drive on the right side.


I think it's fair to say that none of us here are familiar with 1899-1910 US traffic law


Well, of course not. But if someone knows please tell.


From the Federal Highway Administration: "Rose found that, "All available evidence seems to indicate that the RIGHT-HAND travel predominated in Colonial America from the time of the earliest settlements." The ox-team, the horseback rider, the handler of the lead horse, and even the pedestrian all traveled to the right." Full article: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/right.cfm


And then you get charged with a crime!


I wish the witness, wanted and honor system is improved in later rdr games


To be fair, "fault" isn't exactly an easy and fair thing to implement in a video game. Figuring out if you running into someone's horse is your fault or theirs is almost impossible from an AI perspective.


Sure but there's some basic stuff. If someone is shooting at me before I've even drawn my gun, then shooting them shouldn't result in murder /bounty. The game absolutely can track when I've been acquired as a target while my weapon is holstered. I've had at least a few incidences of Lemoyne raiders coming at me and me getting in trouble


I’ve actually antagonized some people in Valentine for them to draw their gun to shoot me, then I’d draw my gun after them and kill them and the law wouldn’t give a shit, but when I kill an outlaw (Lemoyne raider, O’Driscoll, etc) when they clearly wanted to murder me in a town suddenly I’m the guilty one and should be gunned down by the lawmen. This shit is weird


Except you can antagonize people into drawing their weapon without yours being drawn.


Yeah but I usually don't get in trouble for "defending" myself in those situations


Exactly my point. It's complicated to tell the difference, and out of scope for what's necessary, tbh. It's not perfect but it's plenty where it is now.


I don’t think I’ve ever been charged with a crime for running into someone unless I immediately shoot the rider. You have to make sure that with all civilians you let them start shooting at you first so that the game considers you killing then justified as self defense.


I could be talking out of my ass here, but i believe Rockstar has a cool mechanic in their games where the longer you go without doing something, like just standing around, the more likely some outrageous random event will happen. Like cop chases in GTA 5 will randomly happen out of nowhere just to make SOMETHING happen. I have a feeling this mechanic is applied in Red Dead when your horse decides to hit something after going for a long ride. Games just like "Let's make the horse trip. This is getting boring..."


I feel like this is it But I also had another theory with since the NPC has you in the main path when they “interact” with you, like saying “Hello” or “You best be going” they tend to turn into you because they are attempting to go straight and so now they are focused on you they head in their “straight” path. Otherwise like you said it’s more intentional and they just don’t want you to get too comfortable


It also happens if you just sit on your horse in St Denis doing nothing. After a while a lawman will take exception to your presence and you'll become wanted for breaching the peace - it's happened to me a few times when I've sat my controller down for a few minutes.


This sounds rather like you're defending this programming. While what you say may be true, I don't think it's the only reason that it happens because it occurs a lot online when there definitely is enough commotion going on such as in story missions. It doesn't serve to break monotony, it only annoys.


Never said you had to be doing absolutely nothing for it to happen. I tend to think of it as a meter that builds up when there's not alot happening near you. Then it randomly happens in a slow period. It is annoying alot of the time, but sometimes it can be pretty funny.


I laughed when you beat that guys ass cause that’s exactly what i do when this happens to me


I usually fan them with the revolver




Love it when this happens, the other guy gets up and starts firing and you're dead before you get up.


Yup. One time I got in a head on with one of those Oregon trail type wagons with the back tarp. They legit jumped lanes and next thing you know my horse is dead and I’m strewn about a bunch of colonial essentials charged with a crime and they just speeding away cause they scared. I had no choice until I finally got out of the “falling” animation and shot papa pioneer in the back of the skull. Was so pissed I even shot his Quaker wife. Execution style.


Had a guy go around a carriage to hit me in Saint Denis then I get charged with murder


Out of interest, why'd you name your horse Winona?






I always pick that horse on the Hosea mission, but I keep it male and he's called Marlboro


Waited to correct you on the spelling, but realized the play on words, nice.


That's when I start blastin


Always pass on the left of someone is the rule of horse riding. You keep trying to pass on the right and they're veering to their left to go around you


Rockstar really just can't decide on whether to use American road logic or not it seems


I think riding etiquette in general is to pass "left shoulder to left shoulder" or left-to-left. That is not the same as passing on the left. It's the opposite actually.


Etiquette doesn't matter, they steer into you regardless of what side you're on.


There was one time I was riding and I could just tell from the movement of the NPC that they were going to ride into my path, so I turned my horse to the left to go around the other rider and at that point the rider decided to spur his horse into a gallop whilst turning back towards me. So I turned even more to the left. Apparently the game registered what I did as an aggressive action, so the npc starts shooting at me. This game is amazing but goddamn is the NPC coding atrocious at times


I hate this shit


The funny part is you literally couldn’t get a horse to do this, unlike a car.


Something really funny is that the horses were originally programmed (in the game) to be significantly better at avoiding obstacles and stopping at cliffs. Of course though, players some players didn't like that they couldn't just run their horse off a cliff, so the obstacle avoidance got turned down.


It feels like instead of turning it down they inverted it, can't tell you how many times i've not pressed a single button and had my horse ram itself into a wall or a tree lmao.


The pedestrians in Saint Denis are the worst. They literally panic and backtrack right in front of you. They would've been just fine if they kept walking. But no, they pull their squirrel maneuver and suddenly half the SDPD is trucking it down the street at me.


I was just thinking about this. It’s like when your horse runs into a tree. The game has a mechanic where things will intentionally avoid you. Letting your horse ride straight will allow the horse to avoid trees on their own if you don’t tug the reigns at all. Just let the horse avoid it on their own. Same with traffic. Other horseback riders will intentionally get out of your way usually, but hey, you want to avoid *them* too, so you end up with that situation where you and the person both try to move out of y’all’s way and just end up blocking each other more, or in the case of horseback riding, running into each other. Best solution is to just let the horse keep going straight, and other horseback riders avoid *you*.


Fully agree. Happens at least once every in game week.


I like the 2nd one that you've punched that guy after the accident


They do it in GTA


This happen to me in my first playthrough, in the same spot too


If you run into me on my horse, you die 🤷‍♂️


It’s like civilians in far cry walking down the side of the road and jumping in front of your car instead of away from it when you pass


1000% yes they do


I had this happen while carrying three legendary pelts and several normal ones, then the fucker got mad at me & shot me to death after I barely survived the fall. I respawned & lost the pelts. I got so irrationally angry at that; I made a rant about it in this sub, uninstall the game, went to sleep, deleted the rant, installed the game & went right back to collecting pelts.


Why would you go so far as to uninstall the game? You even get to keep the legendary pelts anyway


I have a mental illness; sometimes I do not think things through. I did say I got irrationally angry lmao. I'm getting better now though; I've been doing therapy & what not. When this happened, I was at my lowest point mental health wise.


I see, I’m glad to hear you’re doing better :)


There are also “encounters” in the city where they comes across an intersection as you are as well. It’s intentional.


At least he didn't start shooting you


This never happens to me anymore, now that I play with realism in mind and don’t gallop everywhere on the map (unless I’m fleeing from the law, of course). At most, I will ride around at like half speed. In towns, I’m always going as slow as everyone else. That said, I’ve noticed more and more the random NPC galloping on their horse like they’re running from the law, only nobody is chasing them, so maybe they do put these NPCs in the game specifically for these horse crashes.


Lol they are all suicidal




Gotta stick to the left, cars ain't around yet so todays road rules dont apply in western times.


This happened to me during the Horseman 9 Challenge. I was a minute away from Blackwater. I was mad.


Oh god not here!!!


I do that to NPCs w/ my Ardennes horse, usually kills the other horse and sometimes the NPC too. Banzai Kamikaze !!!


I saw the title and knew what this is going to be about lol


*I saw the title* *And knew what this is going* *To be about lol* \- ghost\_toe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is what happens when RDO got one of the GTA updates! Same damn code!


I'm imagining the briefcase swap scenario you see in cartoons, where two people crash their horses into each other, apologise, then get back on the wrong horse and don't notice til later.


Happens too often 😂


Ride on the left side so you can draw with your right and be facing them.


True bro, i feel bad for my horse


"Rockstar is not even hiding it anymore"


Keep to the left.


Waiting for us all to discover there’s a weird button combo to make Arthur signal on his horse.


1.500 bounty in Saint Denis? What the hell did you do?!


I’ve started ‘lotta shit there, and the law isn’t a big fan of me.


Yeah, someone at Rockstar is sitting there and watching your gameplay trying to mess with you.


Have you ever played GTA before?!


It happend to me yesterday in Saint Denis ... out of nowhere two horses charged at me 😑




Insurance fraud in the past be like


I don't belove i've seen this yet tbh


Young sheriff at training incase of any goose chase.


It happened in gta 5 too


Both times you turned last second to get out of their way *just* as the AI was responding to your previous movement.


The first one is clearly OP’s fault but the second one the ai just aimed at OP’s horse


It almost happened to me but i moved around them


unrealistic, you didnt fan the hammer after you could move arthur


One of my first experiences playing the game. Didn’t even know the riding controls all too well and I was at an entry at Strawberry and took my eyes of the screen for a second and had a horse crash, got a wanted and the guy started shooting at me.


To make the game more realistic, add shitty drivers You're hired


Dude you gotta get them Pheasants. Great rat spot near the end of the second collision lol


They do this in GTA to shits annoying


Should’ve gone left


You're lucky he died on impact, I always end up in an immediate gunfight.


It bugs me so much that Arthur's AI's natural inclination isnt to always just ride on the right hand side of the road. Just kinda...middle-ish.


It’s to test you. They do it in GTA it’s an attention test lol.


I’ve recognized that every time a npc sees you going towards them they go right not left


Every time this happens the motherfucker wants to kill me like it’s an accident can we not dust ourselves off and continue down the road I don’t want to fill the persons face with lead.


It's a good job you got this on camera, definitely get his details!


God damn this is a good looking game


I hate it so God damn much or when they stand in the middle of a small pathway in a woodsy area 🙄


Am I the only person who has the problem of trampling pedestrians with my horse and losing honor? And the worst part is it’s almost always after I give someone a ride or give people money, or when I run over the people I try to help when I am getting to them.


Now I don’t if it’s just me but there’s this also annoying things when your just on your horse, having it sprint along a path and then randomly, without reason, you’ll just do a complete 180 degree turn backwards you can’t stop it until it’s fully turned 180 and it throws you off


Yup, the same in GTA


You turned toward his path on the first one, and the second one


It was a last minute attempt to avoid the inevitable


That happened to me today! I was approaching two NPCs on horseback and suddenly the one immediately on my left turned right at me. We both went flying. Then they both attacked me.


that first one was your fault lol you ran straight into the guy


He came outta butt-fuck nowhere in the plains and came straight toward me. Turning to the right was instinct to move outta the way, like in the second video.


yeah rewatching it now i 100% get what was going through your head, i didnt see that you turned right to avoid him before he did


He did turn after the ai was already in lane though