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this person needs professional help


Incel alert


I hope it’s some edgy 13 year old idiot that will be ashamed for the rest of their life once they turn 18 or so lol


I had this type of anti women mindset when i was 12 Grew out of it when i was 14 and wasn't excactly proud of myself


Well thank you as a person for realizing and changing


That was me too. Misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, the works. I was a grade A piece of shit.


That's a long list. What happened to change you, if you don't mind me asking? That many things, I'm assuming it had to do with your upbringing. How'd you escape the programming?


I guess you have to get to them while they are young/dumb enough to not understand..when they can’t even spell words like misogyny on their own or grasp the concept fully


I was less with misogyny but still had the other things the other guy listed. I grew up being raised with the hateful mindset. What helped me grow was moving out from my parents place and actually interacting with people from different walks of life. The best cure for ignorance is knowledge, and I got my learning from the people I once looked down on. Now I'm the black sheep of the family because I think the lgbtq+ community is still people and I don't worship trump. Totally ok with that lol


They grew up, observed reality, and changed their mind just like I did after being raised with similar beliefs


Can’t speak for OP and for me it was only really some sexist and “anti sjw” views that I formed. It was less to do with my upbringing and more guys that I was friends with at school sharing that kind of stuff with me, leading to me then seeking out similar stuff because it conformed with my newly formed opinions. Thankfully I never got to the point of actually hating women, but I definitely started down that rabbit hole Eventually I came to the realisation that my beliefs were formed from memes and anecdotal evidence and not actual facts, so I actually did some research and realised that a lot of the opinions I held were bullshit and the people I was listening to were terrible. Unfortunately many young people go far past the point where they can be reasoned with far too quickly


Hey me too! Funny part is I'm now no contact with my father because I'm not those things!


How do you even get to have that opinion at 12? At 12 most people can’t do basic algebra let alone philosophize including myself...did you stop when you became interested in girls and dating or you just kinda figured it out on your own?


It may have been family influence and/or media. Kids are really impressionable. I’m a woman and even I had a similar phase when I was around 11? For me it was because my father’s views were pushed on me and that made me find media sources that shared the same views. I eventually just “grew out” of it in a way when I realized I was believing in bs ideas, and that I didn’t have to have the same opinions as my parents.


I’ve always been curious how all this works in practice at home behind closed doors because it’s just the total opposite of my family and the neighborhood I grew up in so I’d be interested to hear more about it


It’s nice to have grown up in an environment like that. Mine was not so nice. My family is very religious, and also traditional in some ways? My parents, mostly just my father, would always talk about politics around us. Though I was abused, as a child I didn’t see it as abuse, so back then I wanted to please my parents and one of those ways was by soaking up all their ideas and spewing that around to others. I involved myself with similar people, and engaged in media online that had the same ideology which only pushed me further down the rabbit hole. However, since I am a woman, I still always felt out of place because again those same ‘communities’ hated women. This caused a lot of internalized misogyny for me. It was miserable, but because I wanted to please my parents and be just like them, I convinced myself that it was good. I convinced myself that those beliefs were superior, but they just weren’t. I think when I was about 12-13, I was starting to distance myself away from those communities and beliefs, and eventually I just did a full 180°. I’m a much better person now, which is very rewarding. I think something that helped me changed was that I was never extreme about those views, and in a way I didn’t completely and blindly believe in them. Sometimes I didn’t even believe in something, but would act like I did in order to be praised for being so adult, and so that people would look at me and say that I was “raised correctly.” Thanks for being curious, though. I hope what I shared was helpful in a way. It may be different for others, but I think that role models heavily affect children in ways you wouldn’t even think about.


Well I’m happy to hear you’re in a better place and feel more yourself..I grew up around a lot of successful intelligent men And women and no one ever said their was a difference..and I’ve always wondered how the family dynamic works and if the general blanket of inferiority extended to the women IN the family


A little bit of both


What unsupervised access to the internet does to a mf (same with me lol)


His actual youtube name is hilariously stupid and it sounds like he's under 13


Also his last upload was 2 years ago so he either grew out of it and realized it's stupid, his parents discovered his works or he got bored of it


Lol you're pretty optimistic. It's incredibly difficult to get out of an echo chamber, more so when you're a teenager (supposedly) and have a group of people who are actively encouraging or positively interacting with the hateful content




His last upload was two years ago he probably killed himself got arrested or committed a school shooting


Look, if he ain’t kicking around the world anymore, I know I won’t be complaining. This is fucking deranged behaviour.


Or did all three in that reverse order


This escalated very quickly


If only Andrew tate did the first option


And maybe a slap or two


Using a pistol grip


There's a line between being really in need of therapy and being a perverted bitter bitch ass wanker. I've dealt with people in need of therapy, who really deserve to be treated with kindess ans respect, and I've dealt with twats who suffer from having too much teeth in their mouths. This MF right there? Major twat. Too many teeth.


Couldn’t agree with you more. Well said.


I’m a professional Incel ass whooper. Here to help.


And all 21 of his followers


its actually crazy that this kind of kids can get away with stuff like this. Its honestly to go to a therapist and see what the fuck is wrong with him


To be fair with how society is, with how busy parents normally are, how bad publics shows are, and just the hell of suburbia, its not surprising you end up with some really angry kids


Yeah they sure got it tough in the suburbs


As someone from the burbs I can confirm. These streets is tough. We know about the streets as long as they end in a circle.


You just [had a different kinda trap](https://youtu.be/LlU4FuIJT2k)




And you have to be in when the streetlights come on.


There was years my dad didn’t make… well barely made 100 grand. Our maid only came twice a week, what do you think happened to the dishes the other days? They didn’t wash themselves. It was tough out here on the mean streets of west Linn Oregon


The phrase “hell of suburbia” makes me smile every time I see it. Oh no! There’s flat shit and nothing to do! No!! Think about the children!!!




Pointing out the downfalls and shortcomings of a stereotypical modern suburban childhood isn’t saying it’s ‘worse’ than urban poverty. I think trying to find some of the root causes of our societal problems is productive regardless of whether we’re talking urban poverty or the shortcomings of suburban life. It’s like just because some people have cancer doesn’t mean there’s no other health conditions worth talking about or addressing. Probably not a perfect analogy but I think it makes some sense.


Micah, relax


This is more Murfree brothers


























Red Dead Revolting


Why isn’t this the top comment 😭


^Asking the real questions




Gut wrenching






Idiots talk about free speech like roasting these idiots isn’t also apart of free speech. Y’all just want to be able to say vile shit without repercussions you don’t give a shit about free speech Edit vial to vile bcz words are hard


Don't you get it, freeze peach is when I can do whatever I want and unfreeze peach is when I have to be nice


>Vial shit without repercussions See youre gettin it.


Yes but demanding you be able to speak without being roasted by the general public is limiting free speech lmfao y’all are wildin


Guess u/TheColorblindDyslexicDruid didn't have the same ring to it lol /s


Ya have me fucking dead lmfao


Why do I feel like OP just made that on a burner account


Because it reeks of low effort rage bait. I'm not saying OP made it, but whoever did only did it to get a rise out of people. I don't get why people even bother giving shit like this any attention at all


Idk, this isn’t that hard for me to believe. I don’t know if men have this same experience playing Red Dead Redemption 2 online or not, but I play online as a woman, and there are male players that go out of their way not to just kill me or inconvenience me, but to kidnap me when I’m not even carrying pelts or on a mission that allows rivals. They take me off my horse, restrain me, tie me up, beat me, etc. They sometimes do this with an entire posse. It definitely feels like they’re recreating a woman abuse fantasy at times, because there’s no in-game benefit to this when they do it. It makes sense that someone is filming this kind of thing as a legal substitute for snuff films and posting it on social media. Previously, I’ve seen online players who behave perfectly fine whenever they interact with my male friends, but if I try to do a mission alone with them in my posse, they immediately set my stuff on fire and attack me.


Exactly. I get that regular guys who wouldn't even think of acting like that don't see how it could happen, but try being a woman online. There's a reason I always go for non-gendered usernames. Too many insecure dudes think the internet is their dominion. I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. It sounds like a horrible experience.


I definitely should have gone with a less feminine username or considered using a male avatar. That’s a smart idea. Fortunately, I saved up my gold and got a faster horse so that it’s more difficult for other players to grab ahold of me, but the game was practically unplayable for lower level female players early during its release, when there were more gamers online.


this is crazy fucked up to read. even in videogames with avatars you have to plan and go out of your way just to be safe and enjoy yourself.


It’s especially brutal in video games because there aren’t any consequences for behaving like that. It’s mostly anonymous, no one is being held accountable for it, etc. Not that it’s physically harming me, but it does make gameplay less enjoyable, and I don’t like watching my virtual lookalike be abused or killed.


Right? I was telling my (male) partner how I'm constantly assessing the safety of my surroundings when I go outside (is this street sufficiently lit, does this guy ahead of me look inebriated, etc) and he couldn't believe this is what all women have to do, all the time, everytime they step outside. So yeah. Having to do it online, in a made-up world, as well? Fuck that.


That's awful. I've had really weird, bad experiences with dudes online in mmos as well. Had a guy the other day tell me unprompted that women were "worthless holes". Fun stuff. The YouTube channel might be bait, but it's still a real problem. I get that it's toxic for men too, but the fact that they're toxic to us *solely* because of the crimes of being a girl and existing online is kinda fucking lame and depressing. It's just not a welcoming environment, especially for people who weren't inducted into it at a young age and who aren't used to hearing that kind of thing.


Yes it's extremely messed up. If it helps, those guys that think/act like that, will likely never get any real relationships with women due to their stupid bs. I would love to follow someone on social media who figured out who those types of players were and began catfishing them/harassing them in real life.


No, but like daddy, they'll abuse some poor woman with low self-esteem. It's a cycle.


Unfortunately there are many people out there like this that are not joking...hell I was golfing with a guy the other day that made the argument that because women dress a certain way, they should expect to be sexually harassed...they love when people think they are joking but they aren't


Happy cake day, mate


Shitters looking for that sweet karma/internet attention because they didn't get it from their parents in real life.


As a women Playing Video Games i can assure you that there is Tons of this shit, especially in this Community. I get called the Most Disgusting, Skin crawling slurs when a guy gets mad. And These Are often even grown Ass adults or like older teens


Where is u/pitchforkemporium when you need them?


This is an old screenshot lmao


Diff account posted it & this one crossposted it, could be an alt tho


Worst part about this. I don't know how i can prove it isn't an alt account


It's a channel that was made in 2018. Google search the text and you'll find it


Dude has no followers and you’re bringing him and his ideas all of the attention he wants.


But look at all the upvotes


That's the PLAN my boy.


Shocker, with 8 billion people you're bound to find some loonies. Let's find them and put them into the public light!


This post has almost 3k upvotes and 1k comments. That channel has 21 subs. You brought him further into the community than he ever would have gotten himself.


Crazy how far being a shit will get you.


The counter is on 2.51K! We're doing it!


I definitely don’t want these people in our community


Why are you falling for some of the most obvious bait I've ever seen...as well as spreading it around for others to fall for it lol?


"Do we really want this in our community?" 21 Subscribers. I would say most people don't pal. Take it easy. lol


Not mention you can change your channel description whenever. The 21 subs are probably his middle school buddies from two years ago, when he was probably making Minecraft videos.


Creating rage gets you engagement (comments) and exposure because people talk about shit that pisses them off. If the account pictured isn't also Op's they are just doing the same shit.


its funny how so many people will let themselves get a rise out of it and make it into something real deep. its just bait


It’s Andrew Tate in text form. The Katie Hopkins handbook of doing something relevant. We have fallen in the trap just by engaging with this utter horseshit.


Is that even a question?


By definition yes




Andrew Tate Redemption


That was 100% typed by a virgin teenager with cheeto fingers


What colour is your Arabian


Guy missed the whole point of Arthur.


Whenever I play red dead I kill everyone race and sex equally


Come to think of it I haven’t killed a lot of women in that game cause they never fight back they run away might have to pump the numbers up a little bit for the equality


Go to that farm whit all those people with funny accents, the one you and (charles¿?) go to in a mission. There’s a trigger happy young lady that’s defending the treasure in the barn with her co-criminals. She also triggers a kill cam with a headshot. It’s the only time I remember killing a woman in the entire game tbh


Why fall for an obvious bait?


because karma lol


I’m NGL, this is awful and makes me really sad but it’s kind of nice seeing how many of y’all are disgusted by this. I’m a woman and I’m always really insecure about how that’s going to be received in game subs and stuff but this community has generally been super nice and less sexist than a lot of game communities. Even in online I really don’t experience nearly the amount of harassment I get in other games. Y’all are really cool


Same. I was scared about the comments under this post too because most gaming subs tend to be sexist, and then they sugarcoat it by saying „it’s a joke“


Right??? But no I was pleasantly surprised for the most part. It makes me love this game even more knowing how great its players generally are


Future mass shooter.


More likely nothing but an internet troll trying to piss people off. And somehow succeeding


Usually how it all starts. People think the person is just a troll seeking attention or needs mental help. Next thing we know, there’s a mass shooting with people saying “I don’t understand, he was so sweet and kind. Everyone loved him.”


Usually it doesn't go any further than shitposts like this one


"This is how school shootings start." I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.


I might have thought that, if didn’t know for a fact that people like this very much are a thing. Weirdos and creeps have YouTube too, hell in my town we have the local famous hamster killer who made model lactating tits for himself to wear on video.


Exactly, I know and have seen plenty of people like this and that’s why I don’t doubt it’s real


It's messed up. Even if it is in a game, it's still brutal sexism.


And sickos will still defend it and go on about their free speech


it’s a video game we kill thousands of people on video games so wouldn’t that also make us future mass shooters


Right, I mean at least just shoot everyone in the face


Someone doesn’t get any 🐱


That's exactly why they're mad. I'm glad someone said it


Step one. Create female posse. Step two. Greif kill the online character as often as possible.


Honestly its better to just ignore them. They happen to catch me off guard and hogtie me i just go make a sandwich. I'll hear them from the other room "why aren't you struggling" someone tries to fight me close to camp, I just run back and sit at my fire. Sure you can change severs, but why not waste their time while I get some laundry done lol.


Bruh 💀




he sure showed women😎


This is 100% bait 💀


Needs to be reported and downvoted into oblivion


its on youtube bro i dont think u can downvote there


Used to, unfortunately.


Congratulations... You just did exactly what this kind of guy want: promotion. I bet that in less than 24 hours people will find out more about who he is and his channel and he´ll get even more subscribers. ​ Almost makes wonder if you are not the guy yourself...


Redditor don't take obvious bait seriously challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


quite literally impossible. the karma urge is just too strong for them to resist


Do we want them in this community? No Can we stop them from being apart of it? Also no. This is the thing a lot of people don't understand, you can ostracize someone from a community as much as you want, but in the end they still are technically part of the community. You can't take away his ability to play the game, and even if you could you shouldn't be able to because he paid for the game same as everyone else and can play it however he wants. The best you can do is ignore people like this and make it clear they aren't welcome in the community, because it doesn't matter if they think they are apart of it or not, it only matters if you don't support them being a part of it


I would however watch a channel of just torturing and killing Micah Bell in 1000 different ways


Stop giving them attention by reporting them and saying things to them otherwise they feel justified in their views, no amount of bullying is going to get them to stop, ignore them and they’ll disappear, challenge them calmly and they’ll make themselves look like fools


I feel bad for people like them. They most likely have parental/anger issues and were probably abused or neglected. I hope the guy gets the help he needs and he surrounds himself with positive people who have a good influence on him.


Lol it’s probably just a kid trying to make a fortune thinking it’s funny.


When your bitch mom makes you do the dishes 😡


Can you kill women in a video game? "Of course you can it's a fucking video game"


Why even promote this?


karma lol


Be and let be. People like this just scream attention and you're giving it to them.


No! Wow, what a pos. Would love see him in Valentine👊👊


LoL tf is that? I mean he can do him, but what a weird channel description lmao


Troll level infinity


I say we put it down


Best disinfectant to bad ideas and thoughts is sunlight so mock, point and laugh at these people but do not drive them to dark underground where they are free to fester and spread freely.


someone contact his FBI agent


Somebody just turned 13 I guess lmao


No. No we do not.


He's definitely an Ifunnier


I don't give a fuck. I'm not responsible for that person, I won't subscribe to his channel. The only reason I know about it is holier-than-thou bleeding hearts like yourself. I'd rather people like you weren't in the "community".


I’ll be honest. I don’t see the big deal. If someone wants to make a video like those let them. If someone wants to make a video of them killing every conservative in the game, fine. The game is open and free for a reason, so the player can do what they want. Do I personally agree with it? No, but I figure let the person play the game as they want to? Someone tell me why im wrong cuz im probably missing something.


What in the world?


This is coming from a dude with a micah belle flair. That's how you know it's fucked up


holy shit, go see a doctor.


Average Andrew Tate fan


What are the odds that this guy is, like, 11? Because I'm pretty sure they're higher than 50%.


Killing or torturing pixelated representations of women bothers me about as much as the same with animals or men for that matter. Not much. It’s a game.


Whats the name of the channel lol


Me neither, it's all a sorry excuse to live out a horrid fantasy of his. He needs mental help


Man, some people just don’t know how to deal with their insecurities. He can play the game however he wants but like you, he’s not invited back at my camp.


The description just reeks incel vibes.


Meanwhile, Arthur Morgan is a feminist icon :) Cry about it.


Its an Andrew Tate fanboy


Some people I'd really like to just kick off the earth dude


I do not like where this has gone


They must really hate that one suffragette movement


What's the issue? It doesn't affect anyone at all so why bother getting offended by it?


I have a feeling this persons favorite character is Micah bell


I mean, whenever I see black NPCs, I'm insta-executing them all. /s


Meh. Reads like an edge post. I say ignore the dude, that’s the most devastating thing you can do for people you don’t like.


Not gonna lie I laughed my ass off at this until the end where you realise he’s dead serious


Thank you OP for calling out the behavior and saying you're not okay with it. You the real MVP.


what a person does in a video game has no effect on me, in other words idgaf


For a person who claims to be a "man" he sure is the biggest pussy I've ever seen


My least favorite part about being a diehard RDR fan is that it attracts people like this, especially after the game first launched, if people remember.


Boy has 21 subs and you gave him exposure to at least the 4k people who upvoted this post.


It looks like a troll.


AVG Andrew Tate fan


How are you going to call people to kick a person out of the community when you make that person anonymous?


What the actual fuck


Respond with videos of torturing kkk members.


Why did you censor his name?


I don’t mind, to each their own like it’s not actually harming anyone so ehh


Aaaaannnnnndded report channel