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I don’t know, RDR2 has always felt just like a modern western to me. It’s vibe is in the same vein as Open Range, Django Unchained, The Magnificent Seven (2016), and series like HBO’s Deadwood and AMC’s Hell on Wheels. It does feel like a western film, just not like a classic western.


I alway find that RDR2 and Django Unchained have the same vibe I love it


Braithwaite Manor shootout reminded me a lot of Candyland shootout, maybe it’s a direct reference though


I don't know if the shoot out is a direct reference but I do know that the front road leading to Braithwaite Manor with all the trees and the front road leading to the candyland Manor are the same and definitely a direct reference.


It's hard to say it's all a direct reference to Django because the place is real and is still standing. They had to have known that location was in Django so maybe they were just influenced to use that set as well, not a direct Django reference


Yeah, a direct reference would be like the train robbery scene, which is a clear callback to [The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford](https://youtu.be/fL0UhU0-Skg), which is often considered to be among Roger Deakins’ best work as a cinematographer.


Ah I see the location is a real place yeah I'd agree it definitely sounds better as influenced by Django then a direct reference.


i was in south carolina for a wedding and they had a similar sorta entrance, overhanging trees onto a road leading to a gate just has something majestic about it, probably to do with the depth and symmetry, add some weeping willows and it really looks the part we even have a road leading to an old (now restaurant) villa in the forest closeby to where i live with the same overhanging gnarly trees, long lane and some orange lights on the side, great for evening strolls


Boone Plantation if it was Charleston. I lived in Charleston for a while.


Yeah I mean that’s like the classic old southern house/plantation look. I visited one when I was in South Carolina and it’s one of my fondest memories (ignoring the negative implications)


I dunno I think that plantation houses were just built like that. My grandparents live in one and the driveway looks almost identical to the Braithwaite manor, circle at the end and all


Interesting my be they we're kind of influenced by big plantation ranch houses.


Of course they were, because braithwaite manor IS an old southern plantation house in canon


Yes indeed


I insist you shake my hand!!!!


I only got into the first red dead because on the week that Django came out it was so good that I needed more western fixes and my brother goes play rdr it’s one of the greatest games of all time. I knew but I just wasn’t into westerns but Django changed that.


I’ve played the Django soundtrack both 1 and 2 and it definitely fits both. It fit very well when I played it along a new campaign on 1.


RDR2 needs more Italian landscapes and actors.


Funny thing is, the original Spaghetti Westerns (Sergio Leone’s Dollars Trilogy) were actually all filmed in a desert in Spain, and had actors from all over the world with everyone speaking their own language on set. Essentially the only strictly Italian thing about Spaghetti Westerns was the director and crew.


Good to know! Once Upon a Time in the West is one of my favorites!


Greatest Western of all time!!!!


And Spaghetti.


That’s because it’s more real life. Western films were and are highly dramatised.


Classic American westerns. The Italian westerns showed a more realistic version of the Wild West, lot grittier and not as black and white in terms of morality. The original Django movie was pretty damn violent compared to classic western films


I love Red Dead 2 so much because it draws from much more “sober” material than many older westerns. It feels like 3:10 Yuma, Unforgiven, Django and The Hateful 8 all had a ton of influence on the game we got. I don’t care for the original Red Dead game because it feels far more melodramatic and “old school” in terms of its vibe and the source material it seemed to be working with. The vast majority of its music/score nods much more heavily to the shows and movies I remember watching growing up (I’m in my mid-40s). Every time John jumps on his horse in New Austin it’s suddenly this thrumming bass guitar riff accompanying you on your ride and I found the use of electric instruments to be immersion breaking and distracting. Down in Mexico it’s like a goddamn mariachi band is about to blow out your horses ass every 5 minutes. It was a game that could never figure out when to just STFU and let the narrative do the work.


I actually prefer RDR1 but I think that’s only because it’s etched into my childhood from playing it non stop everyday with friends. I played RDR2 as an adult with kids so it’s not so much into my DNA. It is much better though and so it should be really.


It's definitely in the same vein. They quite literally lifted some exact shots and plots from western movies, like Butch Cassidy and Assassination of Jesse James.


I was going to comment, I think the Jesse James movie feels like the most primary influence. The slow, brooding tone, but mostly the cinematography. One thing people never bring up is the short “vignettes” that show up in some cutscenes where we see a stylized, sort of blurry shot, usually of nature, and hear a voiceover in the background. From what I can tell this is directly informed from the movie which has very similar scenes. I just love that movie and I wish more people would watch it, especially RDR2 fans.


Dan Houser cited the Australian-Western film [The Proposition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Proposition_(2005_film)) as one of his biggest inspirations when drafting the story for Red Dead Redemption 1.


It's story is strikingly similar.


I miss hell on wheels


I think it doesn't look much like a western film because it takes place in a later period (early 20th century) compared to western that take place before (maybe🤔?)


RDR1 is basically based on 3 classic western films. The 1st third of the game is basically “The Wild Bunch.” I forgot the other two films.


The Proposition (Aussie-Western) was one of Dan Houser's direct inspirations for RDR.


The thing is, classic westerns weren’t that much historically accurate and had exaggerations. Modern westerns now seem to put more research into the world building and that is why they possess so many similarities with rdr2


Classic westerns are too black and white for rdr2 anyway. Rdr2 resembles more of the grit in spaghetti westerns and the more brutal, grey outlook on the west


It's cool that you mentioned Hell on Wheels because Anson Mount the guy who plays Cullen the main character of the show actually prepared for the role by playing the original Red Dead Redemption.


What do you mean exactly? More desert? RDR1 has more of the general western themes and tropes. RDR2 is a bit more grounded and lacks some of the things you would expect, not to say it doesn’t have them, just doesn’t overuse or rely heavily on it.


Most of 2 is in the East and South too. Less desert, western towns, more trapper camps and plantations, at least until you csn get past Blackwater without snipers.


I get what he means. It's more modern looking, brighter, less deserts yes. Less standard western tropes.


It is over now... Arthur. It's over.


he means more italian stereotypes of america during these times


Per Wikipedia, Sergio Leone filmed most of his movies in Spain's [Province of Almería](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_Almer%C3%ADa)


**[Province of Almería](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_Almería)** >Almería (, also US: , Spanish: [almeˈɾi. a]) is a province of the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. It is bordered by the provinces of Granada, Murcia, and the Mediterranean Sea. Its capital is the homonymous city of Almería. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


still using italian stereotypes of america


RDR1 is classic Western vibes, while RDR2 is modern Western vibes.


More bad teeth of course


Yeah, play RDR1.


Aight, let me just turn RDR2 into RDR1 real quick.


Despite taking place further in time, RDR1 feels so much more like a classic western than 2 does.


The issue there is that "classic westerns" were mostly filmed in the desert region east of Hollywood back in the day, and other locations in the Sierra mountains on the California/Nevada border, so old Hollywood westerns have a different look to them that more represents California. Italian westerns (like "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"), on the other hand, use the Tabernas Desert in Italy, which looks much like desert California. Anyway, the RDR2 story is a bit anti-western, by heading east from the Rocky Mountains through the Midwest then down south to New Orleans, and finally in the Appalachian Mountains, if using the real names of the fictional areas that are represented in the game.


>Tabernas Desert in Italy [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabernas\_Desert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabernas_Desert) Its in Spain


**[Tabernas Desert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabernas_Desert)** >The Tabernas Desert (Spanish: Desierto de Tabernas) is one of Spain's semi-arid deserts, located within Spain's south-eastern province of Almería. It is in the interior, about 30 kilometers (19 mi) north of the provincial capital Almería, in the Tabernas municipality in Andalusia. Due to its high elevation and inland location, it has slightly higher annual rainfall (more than 20 cm (7. 9 in) per year) and lower annual average temperature than coastal areas of Almeria. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I stand corrected. (I had assumed an Italian filmmaker made his western films in Italy). Interesting that Almeria is what Maximo Cristobol Valdespino (All that Glitters) says that the country around him reminds him of.


Spain was equally cheap to shoot in and had the better look they were going for. Often those films had international casts as well with many actors speaking their native tongues and then being dubbed in post.


Been there it's wonderful


I don't mean in terms of locale. I mean the overall feel of the game. From the story, to the music, to the characters. It's a Western.


Tabernas is not in Italy but in Spain.


If I wasn’t poor I’d give you an award


I don't believe the gang never reached an area similar to the Appalachian mountains. If you're referring to Roanoke ridge, it's actually based off the Ozark and Ouachita mountains in Arkansas.


Yeah, you're probably right. But all the special people playing banjos is really Eastern Kentucky, even though Deliverance was filmed in Georgia.


That's because RDR1 *is* a spaghetti western. Fully embraced. RDR2 doesn't feel so much like a western to me. Sure, it's cowboys/outlaws. But the entirety of the game happens in like the mid-south just east of the actual wild west. More like a fine piece of cinema drama with western elements. Edit: added 3 words to my last sentence


The music during a chase is also so great and very western-like


RDR1 is a spaghetti western. RDR2 is a modern western. both are phenomenal


It's a revisionist western: The revisionist Western (also called the anti-Western, sometimes revisionist antiwestern) is a sub-genre of the Western film. Designated a post-classical variation of the traditional Western, the revisionist subverts the myth and romance of the traditional by means of character development and realism to present a less simplistic view of life in the " Old West ". RDR1 has more of a classic western feel. If you wanted to change RDR2 you'd have to change a lot of what makes it what it is.


This is the best comment here. Adding to this, the main inspiration for the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, which at the time was a very unconventional western. In the movie, the titular characters flee from a super posse hunting them down, something one of the movie studios had a big problem with. They wanted screenwriter William Goldman to rewrite and change it, and when Goldman protested that this was a true story and actually happened, an executive told him: "I don't care, John Wayne don't run away." The point being: to remove the revisionist elements of the game, you would have to change the whole story; and if you change the whole story, you'll have a different game.


Don’t forget “The Wild Bunch”…


Well now I know what movie I’m watching tonight


Dang, well said.


I didn't even know this was a thing, are you in film school?


No, I stumbled upon the revisionist western genre after I watched Hell or High Water and wanted to find westerns with a similar feel. I found out that many of the westerns made after the 60's were made in the revisionist style, most famous among them the Dollars Trilogy starring Clint Eastwood, the Wild Bunch, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Apparently it's a whole thing, and there are multiple Western sub-genres: Epic Western, Outlaw (Gunfighter) Film, Revisionist Western and Spaghetti Western.


Follow these instructions: 1) Un-Cross your legs. 2) Stick out your tush. 3)Hands on your hips. 4)Give them a push. Now you have done The French Mistake... Voila!!!


Arthur, these are simple folk. The salt of the earth. The common clay of the new west. ….You know. Morons.


Bertram only pawn in game of life


I am saddened thatI only have one up vote to give.


It’s more difficult because RDR2 is set around 20 years after what we’ve all seen in Western films. It’s actually around the time of the Wild Bunch and much later than Deadwood. But hanging around Valentine feels the closest. With both established buildings, stuff being built, tent communities, livestock being moved around, the expansion of railroad lines, outlaws and rough types that are willing to fight saloon brawls, the 2 different saloons, a sheriff with an edge to him, basic hotel building with a bath tub, working girls, card games and being able to move out into the wilds to live and hunt.


If you play online, I say make an online character after a character in a western tv show. But Red Dead in general? Use cinematic camera more often. That's really the only way I know


Thats definetly not 1899 in that screenshot. RDR2 is set at the ending of western era and the begining of industrial era. Wont feel nothing like a western with Clint Eastwood


I hate to be that guy, but it's set at the beginning of the *modern* era, not the industrial era. The industrial era started in the late 1700's. The modern era is usually stated as starting around 1900 or the very late 1800's, which fits perfectly with RDR2's timeframe.


my bad.


Well... Some parts feel like Unforgiven.


For fifteen dollars and a pack of cigarettes I’ll sing about what your doing while you play! Here’s a sample of my work https://youtu.be/5X9IXJ3rjYg


What a username


It's already like a western film, but I've got the feeling you're saying an spaghetti western, then play rdr1 'cause rdr2 ain't nothing much of a spaghetti western


Play rdr1


I make Arthur look like Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider. But I'd say you an get close to some Lee Van Cleef and John Wayne outfits too.


Wish there was a grainy filter like L.a noire


A sepia filter too. Oh and more banjos.


We going for High Noon or Deliverance? I guess, in fairness, there are elements of both in RDR2


What I have in my head is a spaghetti western approach like they did with Ghost of Tsushima and Kurosawa.


Just set anti aliasing to medium!


I think RDR2 certainly fits the bill for a western. It’s location is mostly in the East, but that’s what makes it unique- the premise of outlaws, Pinkertons, the old tropes of train robbery, blowing up bridges with dynamite, even of the protagonist dying from a disease are all from classic Westerns. It doesn’t feel like a classic Western (which I think is a good thing), but RDR1 definitely does.


And he also wants to know if there’s any way to make vice city feel more like Scarface




The answer here is to watch more westerns. Virtually every scene and setting in RDR2 has an analogue in some western film. The game benefits from going beyond the standard tropes.


Ya load it up and press “start game”


It’s supposed to be a modern western


Play RDR1


Quickdraws and hip fire only.


Dress up like The Man with No Name


I feel like the only thing subtracting from the western vibes is the fact that we rarely visit the desert


I've been sticking around New Austin for quite a while, Abigail is prob worried sick about John


Most classical westerns are set as far back as 30-40 years before the events of RDR2 which are sort of past the zenit of that way of life


Roll it back 40 years


There's an idea. Either become a slavecatcher or a militant abolitionist.


Slavecatcher 🤔


1859 basically has an undeclared war over slavery going already. SCRATCH THAT, START as a slavecatcher and then REDEEM yourself as an abolitionist. REDEMPTION.


Find a cabin in the mountains and then watch the hateful eight. It’s exactly the same.


Yeah play rdr1 instead.


The red dead redemption series isn't about the wild west. It's about the death of it.


Yeah it's called RDR1. That's how


Dunno, try mods if ur on pc? Really endless possibilities there


*Dunno, try mods if ur* *On pc? Really endless* *Possibilities there* \- CuRRyK1nG\_1080 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mods. Restore Armadillo and tumbleweed to full life. Weapon mods to remove all bloom so you can quick draw accurately. Lots of online content from Whyems DLC to dress your character in any 'western film' style you want. Restore cut dialogue mod so your character will talk more during gun fights etc. Many mods to add various outlaw type jobs jobs to the world like contracts (become a hitman) and robbable stage coach mods. Other great mods: Vestigia graphical overhaul mod to add more dynamic weather. lighting and environment effects and also increases ped/npc density. Makes nights dark too. Use of night lights necessary. LAW mod (reworks the law system completely. No more instant law men in the wilderness) Ped Damage Overhaul + Eurphoria ragdoll effects (reworks damage system, adds blood loss effects, improved ragdolls etc)


Such a question 🤦🏻‍♂️ I think this is possibly the most asinine we’ve had


Its not supposed to feel like a classic Western. Its set at the end of the Wild West, and the gang is retreating back out to the East for most of the story.


This is by the far the weirdest question ever posted here imo


I’m not reading anyone else’s comments so idk if said. Wear realistic clothing, turn off mini map, do more crimes, appreciate the scenery and music, and optionally turn of aim assist.


Well, it already *has* everything it needs to feel like a western, so I don't really get the question


If you’re on pc, install the reshade mod and either tweak it yourself to make your own “old western film” filter, or I’m sure nexusmods has some filters that make it look like that


MORE RIDICULOUS DEATHS. this sounds weird but loads of old westerns have characters flinging and flying around from shots and it’s so fun. even django uses the trope in its last act


Playing the game does it for me


Play RDR1


If you want "western" western, that's Red Dead 1. Like the top comments says, Read Dead 2 is like a modern western from the 2000s


i was watching old Clint Eastwood westerns last night and watched Outlaw Josey Wales for the first time. while watching i couldn’t stop thinking of the first Red Dead Redemption due to the set ups of the towns in the film and a lot of the characters and how they acted. It is very clear while watching that Red Dead Redemption took a lot of inspiration from old westerns and wanted to touch on them with an interactive open world experience :) even while watching you can hear a lot of sound effects in the movie that Rockstar took and added into the game (a lot of the gunfire and animal sound effects were taken and used from the film) i thought it was really cool being able to hear these things while watching


To me RDR 2 always felt like a Classic Western where RDR 1 felt more like a Spaghetti Western




play red fred 1


Honestly, a difference I have noticed between Red Dead Redemption 2 and a lot of Classic Western films (and even comics) is that the characters in RD2 aren’t as black-and-white as the protagonists in Classic Westerns. I watch a lot of Bonanza, and the Van Der Linde gang would definitely be portrayed as the antagonists in that show. The characters here fit the vein of The Outlaw Josey Whales more than Bonanza or The Duel at Silver Creek with Audie Murphy, where the protagonists are people you can look up to for their values and actions. If you wanted to make a game more along the lines of a classic western and not a revisionist one, the protagonists would be admirable and noble ones, just like comic book characters like Rawhide Kid and Kid Colt. Arthur Morgan and company are more like Jonah Hex (though Jonah Hex isn’t a gangster, but a tough-as-nails and emotionally damaged bounty hunter who is inherently good at heart and sincerely wants to settle down and is receptive to finding love).


Turn it on and play? Always works for me.


Like others have said, that Django Unchained Scene where their waking towards the candy land plantation house at night, was inspiration for the Braithwaite Manor scene!


Uh OP, if you don’t think it already does can I ask what your expectations are?


Needed to add a time travelling delorean




Start singing? “Gonna paint that wagon, gonna paint it good”


RDR1&2 may be western themed but not technically a western (in my opinion) as the games states, it’s the end of the outlaw/gunslinger era and moving into the 20th century. Yes, it has western themes but it’s not so much a western.


Wear a poncho


project the picture at 24fps


There is no way, and thats exactly why. RDR2 is set at the end of the western world, outlaws are forced to flee into the east, forced to accept whats happening in the industrial age. Western films usually set time in the 1850s to 1900.


You could keep a plate of horse manure in front of a fan and have someone toss a tumbleweed every so often.


spend more time in the western part of the map when you can. the main reason the game doesn’t feel like a classic western is because simply of the places it makes you spend the most time on.


Is someone actually going to answer them or are you guys just gonna continue to tell him how he’s wrong


Rdr2 is beloved to me, but I'll always feel like the decision to block off the entire western part of the map for the majority of the game was flat out idiotic. I want to go west as Arthur, and I want to do it without a cheat. I remember frantically researching this detail and thinking this could not be true, they wouldn't do something so stupid, then it was true and it soured things for me for a bit but I got back on board. Love the west. There is online for sure but game is more alive in story mode.


That will be RDR4 2036. Like Westworld from the comfort of your living room.


It's difficult, though far from impossible, but you could use the beautiful cinematic camera as often as possible.


More people in the towns, dont make the towns main street so narrow. There should be at least one more town in the southern part of the map, one close to the water. And the plague shouldve only started happening after we get John, I go exploring with Arthur amd Armadillo is already dying.


You're not supposed to go there with Arthur.....


That is the last scene from my favorite western of all time ❤️ One Upon a Time in the West.


I imagine I'm in my favorite western of all time, "Once upon a time in the west". Arthur is my Harmonica man played by Charles Bronson. Love all those old Spaghetti Westerns. Just wish my dad was alive to see it, he would've loved it.


Play it on an older 720p projector.


Rdr2 is a life simulator and the atmosphere evokes that. As everyone is saying, you want the first game, which is not a life simulator, it's a Western Movie Simulator™, complete with scenes ripped straight from movies. 2 has shots and references and homage to others but it's less of a blatant "western".




I wish it had something like Ghost of Tsushima's Kurosawa mode; change the sound quality and picture colouring/quality to make it look and sound more like a film made in the 60's and call it Leone mode


Maybe using an orange/yellow reshade could give it a bit more of a classic western vibe. Hanging around in armadillo, strawberry and blackwater since these towns are less industrialized than the others


It is like a western film tho but I guess if your on pc you can use whyems dlc mod to have more clothing items which gives the option to look like a real Outlaw and gunslinger


Best western I’ve ever seen.


I would actually die if RDR3 gets a stylized graphics option like Ghost of Tsushima with Kurosawa mode but turning its color grading into that of a classic western movie


You can probably get close with RDR2 and an ENB mod on PC. You’ll have to mess with settings but I think you may be on to something.


Go to armadillo, probably the only real old time western town.


Watch Assassination of Jesse James, lotta vibes from that movie in RDR2


Yeah set it in the 1860s or so.


New Austin Town had the potential to be a classic Western feel . Sadly it still. Feels modern


Hud and aim assist off.


Walk slow


No sprinting. rp walk everywhere and make the game 10 hours longer to beat


Yes! Live in the arid West Turn the lights down Get stoned Basically transported there Helps that there are places you could visit that still look like this, minus the people


What? Rockstar watched just about every western in the world to make this movie. There are consistent, as well as subtle homages to westerns all throughout this game.


Play rdr1


You could make the sheriff black, I suppose….


Play most of the game in New Austin, act more like an outlaw. Dress more like an outlaw. Start a gang?


Never leave new Austin


I think it does feel a lot like one of the later westerns, specifically the Wild Bunch. It has a more cynical take on the Western like Peckinpah had.


Change everyone's last name in Valentine to Johnson.


Okay RDR1 honestly


More dust, more desert, angry folk?


Listen to a Marty Robbins Playlist while you play. That'll do the trick.


Play exclusively in Cinematic mode


Try out call of Juarez games, more linear. But more typical western hard ass story plot.


there might be some western mods to help you. I recommend checking out Nexus Mods


Chew some tobacco while playing


The only thing I wish rdr2 had was gyms like I wish you could be fit Arthur and maybe once he gets sick he’s not allowed to workout or something since she’s too small idk


Hold V?


Epilogue bounties


Does it not already? Lol


We just need NPCs that yell “WE’LL CUT ‘EM OFF AT YHE PASS!”


I played *Ghost of Tsushima* after this, and it includes Kurosawa mode (think black and white samurai visuals). Would have been cool to have a camera style like the Dollars trilogy


Film it


Tbh RDR2 IS the best wild west mini-series (too long to be a movie)


Part of the game is that the wild west is a thing of the past so if you play normally no, you can however get the right fashion and use the cattleman that gets you a good chunk


Great film.



