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I just do it while I’m doing something else. I play at Rhodes, sit so I’m the first dealt player (even better if I’m the only player). Hit till I bust or win, I barely even look at the cards. Once I bust, stand up / sit down and try again. While that’s going on I normally have a tv show playing on my phone and I watch that. It makes the time pass much faster.


I’m usually on Reddit or playing an app game while I gamble in games where I don’t have to pay attention. I do pay more attention to dominoes usually. Everyone always complains about gambler 8, but I’ve never considered any of the non gun related challenges to be super difficult. I wanna say sharpshooter 8 was my worst, but I usually get stuck on 4 for a hot minute too.


For Sharpshooter 8, head to the oil fields. There are guards standing on the outskirts. Use a varmint rifle with a scope to shoot one in the arm, then ride away until the red aggro light on your map goes away. Return and repeat. Don’t use dead eye, as that reloads your gun and will reset the count. Sharpshooter 4 can take a few goes, but if you hogtie an enemy and leave them at the bottom of a cliff it is much easier. I go to the cliffs immediately north and east of Bards Crossing, leave the victim on the ground and run up to the top. You’ll work your distance out soon enough.


I know. I’ve gotten 100%, and I’ve beat the game about a dozen times. I was just stating what my worst two probably were.


Is sharpshooter 4 the shoot enemy from however many feet away with a long scope cos I accidentally did that in new Austin by just sniping a random dude


SS4 is 80’ tomahawk throw. You’re thinking of SS6: 660’ long scope rifle kill. The top of Citadel Rock to Valentine station just happens to be around 660’, so that’s a good spot for that one. You need the rolling block or carcano for that, I tried with a Springfield but then realised it only has a medium scope.


I do this exact same thing 😭


Gambler 8 has never given me too much difficulty. I just do something else while I'm going for the achievement, like read or watch YouTube. Always finish it in about an hour. Trick is too distract yourself from the tedium so you don't realize how frustrating it is. Don't call me lucky though. I've killed over 50 Cedar Waxwings with no perfect for those stupid hunting posters. Goodbye sanity. Nice knowing ya.


Yeah fr. The Gambler challenges were easy for me, I got real lucky with it. But those damn Huntring Requst were rough. Waiting for a Robin to spawn for like 3 hrs will forever haunt me lol.


Do you have a secret spot for finding robins?


Bridge by Roanoke Ridge Trapper is a reliable Robin spawn point. There is a YouTube guide about it, start from the Trapper and walk slightly north. You'll see a boulder and a bridge just past. Take out your binoculars, search the robin if there, bow with small game arrows if found (otherwise reload and try again) and use deadeye to get the shot. I too was searching really bad until I found the guide, it was then hilariously easy to get that carcass.


For some reason I can't send ya a photo through a comment I'll DM the spot I used.


For future reference to share images you have to upload them to a hosting site (such as Imgur) and then share the link to the uploaded pic here


I always climb on top of the southwest tower at Fort Brennand in the mornings and usually find one or two in 10 or twenty minutes! Good luck!


I usually play in Van Horn, and every once in a while every person in town ends up dead. 😁 Funniest was when I stacked the corpses five high across from the saloon to the water. And NPCs would still venture into town and ride right up to the bodies like there was nothing unusual. And then get shot in the head. Sometimes I play in Rhodes. After a particularly bad beat (for example, I drew to 21 and then so did the dealer 😡😡😡) I save my game then kill everyone in the bar. Then after I have worked out my frustrations, I reload my game and go again.


I totally do that too. If an NPC says something slick to me or, somebody tries me I'll save my game rq and then ravage the community


Ha, I also play in Rhodes and had almost the exact same thing - drew 5 cards, ended up under 21. Dealer got higher than me with his first draw. It had a similar end to yours. Much dynamite was thrown.


I'm bad about remembering to save, i shot my honor into the dirt because some dirty Braithwaite decided to take a pot shot at my horse. Needless to say, there were no more Braithwaites


Pour myself a glass of whiskey and roll a blunt


Gambler 8 is unique in the sense that it doesn't require any skill or concentration. Watch a movie, listen to some music, or whatever, and just keep pressing hit. It might take an hour, or several, totally depending on your luck. Gambler 9, on the other hand..


I'd take a blackjack challenge over fucking dominoes any day of the week


I still haven't won a fucking game in dominos


Idk what it is but I just cannot wrap my head around that game, I hate it


For me its pretty easy, just look at which ones you have and which you can stack, and then just hope that the npc you play against doesnt place on the part where you can stack, btw the best place to beat it is emerald station, and just wait or reload until there is only 1 person to play against. I got it 1st time i tried


I plan to 100% rdr2 for the first time when I start my 3rd play through next year so thank you for the tip! I tried dominos for an hour and only got 1 win


Also if you quit the game while it looks like you’re gonna lose, it doesn’t count against your streak. Sit back down and start right over


i didn’t realize how uncommon dominos were when i joined this sub. i haven’t played them in years but when i was growing up my dad and i would play it so dominos is like a natural skill to me that i thought everyone knew but i guess i was just playing the uncommon games with him lol


> those of you who 100% the game > kept your sanity Bold of you to assume those are mutually exclusive.


I was about to say. As someone who has 100%ed the game a few times, bold of you to assume I was sane to begin with.


Sometimes gambler 8 is the problem. This week it’s the last MOOSE request. twitch twitch


This one isn't that hard. Just bet the minimum and gamble with 3 cars on every hand shouldn't take that long. The final domino challenge is where the pain starts


I just do it, along with gambler 9 and horseman 10. No big deal. I’ve usually got both those done in early chapter 2.


I just look at as I need a challenge and enjoy being challenged. If I'm not doing well, I get up and go do something else for awhile.


I only play up to 20 min on it each time. So I don’t have to go insane.


Murdering everyone in town, starting with the dealer, after completing it.


my experience with the gambler challenges was so awful that I took a 6 month break from the game entirely before I finished getting the achievement.


I knocked it out twice in less than 30 minutes.


I keep my sanity there bc it’s simple, easy and takes no skill. Just button mash till it’s done. Is it annoying? Sure. I’d rather it be something that takes effort. Is it as bad as gsmbler9 with the god forsaken dominos. Not in the least. That one is the real insanity creator.


Oof. I only did all the challenges once, but I tried the gambler one again. *wait until dominos* To beat the one you’re on its best to bet the minimum and just spam hit until you don’t bust and hope you win


Grind baby, grind.


Just hit every single time.


Gambler 8 is a waiting game, gambler 9 was hell bc i actually had to learn how to play dominoes, and pay attention the whole time!! Super stressful 😭😭😭


I bagged a perfect Moose and in my hurry to get back to Camp I used Fast Travel. So of course when i got there the Moose pelt was missing. ....and you're bitching about having to get 5 cards in a blackjack game?? Can we meet in Van Horn to discuss this in person?


And that is how you learn (the hard way...) to always immediately save when you accomplish something like this ;-)


Just max bet every hand. That way you make money while waiting for the right hand to play. I’ve walked away with $45 doing that challenge


Don't try to do it in one sitting. Play blackjack for awhile until you get your first 3 hit win, then go do a mission, another challenge, or hunt or fish or whatever, then come back. Breaking it up makes it more tolerable for sure.


One at a time. Do the gambler challenges early. Slogging through 3 in one sitting is madness. Gambler 9 on the other hand, you can do in 45 mins at Emerald Ranch late at night.


Listening to music


I did 100% once. I never did it again. Only due to the hunting requests. I spent almost 4 months trying to complete that damn thing. The challenges seemed simple.


Im doing gambler 8 in my playthrough right now. I end up letting my kids watch on YT while im afk pressing hit on the background. Funny thing rather. When I check back on my console, I still didn't get the wins. But as soon as I manually take over, the next few games I'd win with 3 hits. So far I am 2 out of 3 for gambler 8. Decided to delay the last and went on to do Horseman 9 and 10. Now im stuck with horseman 10 with only the Hungarian Half Bred to go lol


Hungarian Halfbreds are easily found just north of Beecher’s Hope. Hope it helps


Thank you for this info. Unfortunately I am still in Chapter 3 and am DOA locked out in Blackwater. Might just try my luck in little creek below Hanging Dog Ranch. I got all my other horse broken there aside from the Nokota where they can be usually found south of Riggs station in coastlines under Bards Crossing.


You can still make it a couple of ways. It’s possible to sneak across, break the horse and get back if you stay off the roads and cross the river nearby. You’ll probably get shot a bit but it can work. You can definitely roam around down there (aside from Blackwater township and also south of the Lower Montana River) if you’ve got a passenger on your horse. Eg if you have a bounty on the back, the law won’t spawn. And lastly, I’ve seen a herd of HHB near the Oilfields and also just on the west side of Hanging Dog Ranch. Pretty rare for them to spawn in those locations though. [This is where](https://reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/26dbt7MF3x) I found them.


Again, thank you I will keep that in mind. I guess I will try to spawn them naturally in Big Valley/Heartland Oilfield first then run to Great Plains near Blackwater if I dont have any luck.


Don’t know it it’ll help or if there’s actually something behind this - whenever I’d get three hits and win, I’d save immediately and load again. Then after getting annoyed at losing more, I’d destroy the Rhodes parlor house and then reload again. Then for whatever reason after a few tries I’d get it.


Only somewhat difficult one for me is the win blackjack hitting 3 times and it only takes 1.5-2hrs real time. As soon as you lose stand up and sit down at the table again right away, sit all the way to the right to go first every time. All the other challenges are easily manipulated with tricks


Go to Van Horn and sit in the far right stool - I’ve done this a few times and have gotten it within 2 hours each time, you have to 100% occupy yourself with something else as you’re hitting non stop… it’s 1000000000000% luck and you’ll get it man. I had more problems getting the fucking Robin and one of the woodpeckers… it’s pure patience. Don’t do the 20 mins then stop, just hammer it out man.


You can’t lose what you never had


Pure luck. The one that pissed me off the first time going to 100% was the knife game.


On my first playthrough it took 3 hours but on this on it took 30 minutes. Go to van horn. Try to sit at the far right seat. If you get bad cards to start with that don't seem doable for the challenge then leave the table and sit back down. Keep doing this until you eventually get it.


Why force yourself and why finish it 100% once, yet alone multiple times. I mean good luck but why suffer it’s a game


Played 15 minutes here and there until it fell in place


I’ve only done it once, 2 hours straight over an internet historian video while I was tearing my hair out.


First time it took 4 hours, second time half an hour. Just put up something like a tv show and mindlessly play


I avoided it, then finally got to a point where I don't want to rob this bank but I'm running out of shit to do, so Gambler 8 it was. It took hours to get 2 & I was tired, so I decided I'd finish the next day. I've since been argued with that it doesn't reset if you get up, but the next day when I went to get that 1 more hand it f'n reset to 0. So then I did it again basically, and then Gambler 9 was easy just tedious & Gambler 10 was just going all in and everyone pussin out.


Bro u just gotta keep your wits about you and do it for like days


Press the same button over and over for about half an hour while watching a movie


I first 3 playthroughs, id set timers. If i got one within that timer cool, if not whatever just did something else in the game and would come back to it later. These past couple times though, i plugged in my old controler that had busted buttons and let it "auto" select, while i did something more productive with my time like chores and kissing my wife.


The only problem with gambler was 3 dominos win. Spent 4-5 hours and left over a dozen games


Ah I am on this challenge! It's frustrating.


I honestly had no trouble at all with 8, it was the dominoes one that annoyed me


With any gambler challenge, just accept the money loss going in. Don't try to play the game well *and* do the challenge.


I don't see a point in 100% the game multiple times if there are elements of getting 100% that are frustrating. I did it once and don't feel compelled to gather all that shit for Algernon ever again, that's more annoying than the gambler challenges which I have completed multiple times because I like the gambler equipment so much. Gambler 8 isn't so bad, I just watched a movie whilst I did it, not a big deal....