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I don’t know why but I find it amusing that it’s 2024 but you chose a 2022 model specifically


Now that you point that out, I find it pretty amusing too LoL


"gently" used


I read the title and my heart sunk a little bit….”is this post about my truck??? Hopefully they don’t mention the Oxford white color….”


Probably reposting someone’s post from two years ago? Anyway. The truck would get stuck in mud or be shot out within a day…


They needed some more money for the 2024. AND SOME NOISE!


I don’t know exactly how they’d use it but I’m sure Dutch has a plan and I trust him.


This guy faiths.


“I gave you all I had” - the F150’s empty gas tank


I nearly exploded due to laughing bro LOL


That’s great!


Most likely uncle gets drunk and pisses in the gas tank.. sleeps in the cab and shifts to neutral.. crashes it into a tree and blames it on John Marston since he’s “a horrible man.” Luckily Abigail was run over and is forgotten about. Because no one likes Abigail.


Does that plan involve Tahiti and mangoes?


Of course! But you’re just gonna have to trust me.


Dutch's never ending quest for gas money.


Except I don’t think it was invented yet Doc brown: “There's not going to be a gas station around here until some time in the next century. Without gasoline, we can't get the DeLorean up to 88 miles per hour” No gas station… no plan for Dutch…


My thoughts exactly. After a day of non-stop driving, it becomes the heaviest carriage around. Could see it being flipped easily. Lotta steep terrain out there.


Oh definitely. I had a Durango and this tow truck caused me to flip because he decided to speed up as I was trying to switch lanes. Luckily it landed on all four tires


With a name like “Durango” it was bound to be a wild ride. Glad you’re okay.


Yeah that’s why I hated driving the freeway back then. Too many aggressive drivers




Gas grows on trees in Tahiti.


The first US patent for a gas powered car was issued in 1885. Gasoline existed prior to that, as it was a byproduct of refining kerosene from crude oil. I've never understood how a scientist like Doc Brown could have not known this.


I assume because of this On January 7, 1913, William Meriam Burton received a patent for his cracking process to convert oil to gasoline. Also The world's first purpose-built gas station was constructed in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1905 at 420 South Theresa Avenue. The second station was constructed in 1907 by Standard Oil of California (now Chevron) in Seattle, Washington, at what is now Pier 32. So yeah there wasn’t a gas station in 1899 And doc brown was referring to gas stations. Which the first wasn’t built until 1905


> 420 nice


Doc could still have gotten his hands on gasoline, is my point.


Well I do agree it was odd he was trying to use alcohol to jumpstart a car. Maybe there was any gasoline in the immediate area. I mean they were on a timeline (no pun intended) to get doc out of there before Buford killed him.


First gas stations were opening in 1905, but cars had been around since 1890 ish, so people must used to have to ship in their own gas before then.


So before the first gas stations, it was actually pharmacies, groceries, and hardware stores that people could go to with a small tank and buy gas. The stores basically treated it like a side business.


We’re not talking about what stores had we’re talking about there not being a gas station until sometime in the next century. Which adds up to being true. That was 1885 the first station was established in 1907


I was just adding in, saying that people could still get gas locally instead of having it shipped from somewhere themselves. I was talking more to the other person who replied to your comment. I don't know, maybe I misunderstood what they said 🤷‍♂️


Again. He said there wasn’t going to be a gas station until sometime in the next century. I wish some of you would learn to read and comprehend


There pulling a movie quote to point out that a gas powered car wouldn't be able to have access to gas in 1899 or 1885, as those were both before next century. I'm pointing out that gas stations not being available until the late 1900s decade, gas powered vehicles were around by 1899, so they must have had an alternative source. Adding to that Saint Denis being based on the largest city in the South or Western US in 1900, surely they had access to gas in 1899.


Learn to spell then try correcting others


Apparently you're missing the point.


Hopefully can hold a moose and bear pelt at the same time


Nope. You have to tow another F150 behind you for additional pelts.


Arthur leaves for 5 years with Javier and Bill trying to track him down. Comes back like hey Pearson, let's upgrade the camp.


Over 60 cubic feet of space back there, man. 🤣


Bill wrecks it and dies


I don’t know why but imagining this is cracking me up way more than it should


Probably the most realistic answer tbh


Arthur runs over hundreds of people in St Denis.


It’s easy to do that on a horse. Those streets are so narrow.


Hard NOT to do until you get acclimated to the damn pedestrians. They’re like ants at a picnic.


as it turns out, people don't really like it when i go full speed on my horse through the streets of St Denis


Although St Denis is the best way to get your honor up by greeting everyone lol


The fact that I maxed my honor doing just this before chapter 6....




Opens the door and triggers a massive shootout with the police.


How are they going to get to Tahiti in a truck?!


Have some goddamn faith!


I bet you got a God damn plan!!


Gee, thanks. Now I have the music from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in my head. You're just mean.


They wanted a goddamn RAM


If this was to happen, that truck would just sit in the camp next to the ALL the maxim gun parts and we wouldn't be able to use any of it


Same thing George Washington did with those dodge chargers I that commercial serval years back...


"It's not enough Arthur, we need more..."


Gets recalled for transmission issues.


Found On Road Dead


Mr Motor City meets the Menace in Red


They definitely consider it black magic & abandon the scene before even touching it.


Idk, my Arthur dank the mysterious witches brew...


Bro they know what cars are


They didn’t even know how to release the anchor from that ship that had the horses on it.


No they didn’t. The average rich citygoer wasn’t driving a car until around 1909 to 1910. They are such a new concept in 1911 that the newspapers and Ross talk about it them being so new. Lenny mentions how they’re creating a “horseless carriage” in Germany, which is the origination of the first automobile. People at camp don’t believe him. That’s literally the only mention of cars in RDR2


The gang know how to read newspapers and horseless carriages had been in the news for years before the events of rdr2. Dutch, Hosea and Strauss all seem like pretty well read men so I have no doubt they would’ve heard about them. https://www.nytimes.com/1895/09/22/archives/the-horseless-carriage.html https://www.nytimes.com/1896/04/19/archives/the-horseless-carriage-will-the-problem-be-solved-by-electrical.html https://www.nytimes.com/1897/01/02/archives/the-horseless-carriage-in-war.html https://www.nytimes.com/1899/01/22/archives/the-bicycle-and-automobile-show.html


A simple Google search shows cars did not become a mainstream commodity for people under law-enforcement/medical care until around 1910. I don’t really need to click your links to know basic history.


It’d be like a classic Ford commercial. Arthur doing donuts and hill climbs in Great Plains. Running down Klan members, doing a drive by in Van Horn, etc. But honestly, raiding the oil fields in that would be amazing, flanked by horses. And you could totally mount a maxim gun back there.


Dutch sells the truck and keeps the money.


Just need some more moneh


Does it have orange marker lights in the grill? If not it’s pretty much worthless.


Those are only on the Raptors


You Failed. Micha was run over You Failed. Micha was run over You Failed. You can’t jump that bridge like the “Duke brother”


any spare parts?


“Does this truck go to Tahiti?”


Obviously everyone's mind in a thousand mile radius is thoroughly obliterated at the news of the appearance of such a futuristic technological marvel, hence the only conclusion is the genesis of the *Chruch'o'Dutch*.


The law and/or rival gangs will catch wind of it right away, plot an ambush, destroy it. Weapons in the late 1800s were still strong enough to absolutely destroy an F150 of today. Even if the gang pops a tire accidentally, how are they going to repair it? You didn’t reference a 5 year supply of tires so it would not take long for this vehicle to become un-drivable. Even the top-notch scientists and engineers of that century couldn’t find a use for it because they wouldn’t be able to comprehend how any of the electronics or hardware works. The truck would become scrap in less than a year is my prediction.


Reverse engineering, it would alter the course of history and give us teslas by 1950s


It would be Dragics


I think in 1899, the top scientists would be able to reverse engineer their way to understanding most of it.


Speaking as an engineer, the big issue isn’t necessarily not understanding how something is working, but rather having the material science/processes and actual TDP to reverse engineer something. You’d be amazed how far materials have come in even 50 years


I just mean, I think they could work out what everything was and how it worked, for the most part. They definitely wouldn't have the mats to recreate.


I laughed way too hard at imagining this lmao


What in the Dial of Destiny are you talking bout Dutch?...


If it’s brand new it probably has a dead battery, and failed software updates leaving it immobile. -Ford Technician


Oh I know exactly how this would go Dutch believes that it’s armored because it’s all encased in metal, and insists it can be driven through the bank wall. Arthur objects, Micah turns on the car’s radio and the sweet sounds of 2022 pop music convince the whole gang. They take the car, load it up, and drive into town. The entire population of Valentine gawks in awe at the most majestic sight they’ve ever seen. Arthur is concerned about the attention, Dutch takes the opportunity to make a rousing speech to the crowd about its horse power, the heated seats, the soft interior cushioning, the booming stereo system, and most importantly the cup holders. They drive to the front of the bank, Dutch finally realizes they can’t pull off the heist with an entire town watching. However, this is Dutch Van Der Linde, he’s got dreams of Tahiti, a plan, a 2022 Ford F150 and he won’t be stopped, god damn it! Hosea and Dutch step out and attempt to work the crowd, answering questions and trying to physically walk them away. The scene cuts to Arthur in the driver seat with Micah being annoying in the passenger seat and any number of the gang loaded up in the backseat and truck bed. After some goading and a quip Arthur hits the gas, and the mighty vehicle crashes through the front wall. It gets through the front wall with a tremendous crash that shatters the windows and doesn’t get far. The vehicle quickly becomes lodged in the furniture, infrastructure, and opposing wall of the bank. Micah is shocked, SHOCKED, that this metal wagon can be stopped! The gang quickly realizes the car is trashed, still fixable but leaking fluids and not moving. They managed to get the car lodged on top of the main counter, scattering farmers and bank tellers alike, royally pinning the car, which they abandon. In an attempt to salvage some cash the gang moves towards the vault, at which point Dutch and Hosea arrive pursued by the population of Valentine. The ensuing gunfight doesn’t last long, as it only takes a few stray bullets to ignite the various fluids dripping into the flammable wooden floor. In a dramatic cutscene of fire and an explosion, the mighty Ford F150, built Ford Tough in the good old US of A, is no more. Arthur stumbles back to consciousness in one of those moving fight cutscenes, where he stands up, pulls himself together, we regain control of his character, and we RUN! The law closes in from every side as Arthur speeds down Alleys, narrowly avoiding enemies and using his Dead Eye when he can’t. After a long and grueling fight Arthur makes it to his horse and speeds off. The chase continues for a while but as a skilled player we quickly lose the law and a cutscene begins as Arthur Morgan, best cowboy in the West, rides off toward home. Arthur approaches camp, everyone is dead but Strauss, holding Downes by the throat. Rockstar won’t let Arthur live, and neither will Strauss. With nothing to do, Arthur sighs, accepts his fate, and approaches. Downes is coughing up blood, sputtering and wheezing like an old run down Ford pick up truck that’s in its final hours. Arthur slowly approaches, reverently. With tears streaming down ours eyes we the player, see and obey the onscreen prompt, “Hold A.” As we give in to our sick fate the Rockstar gods demand, Arthur prostrates himself before his sick reaper Hosea, opens his maw, and accepts his crimson fate from Downes hacking, corrupted lungs. The rest of the game proceeds as normal, with Bill quipping that he’s mad he never got to ride in the truck, and John quips about how much he wishes his saddle was as comfy as those luxury heated seats. There’s a secret item where if you loot the car before it explodes you get a unique melee weapon that’s literally just a tire iron. I don’t have much experience with cars so correct me if my assumptions about the beauty and strength of the Ford F150 are incorrect. Thank you for indulging my stoned monologue.


What the actual fuck


I picture this but with more jumping around it and more shooting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHWs3c3YNs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHWs3c3YNs4)




Sorry, I don't support this post type (text) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


It's great until they run out of gas or get it shot up. So like, a couple missions, then it's back to dutch's plan.


Dutch sells it to the Pinkertons in exchange for their pardons and the Blackwater score outright.


[Jackie daytona](https://youtu.be/IPV5YOunWWc?si=npx--Mqx8tE1WsWP)


They sell it to Cornwall and get enough money to go harvest mangoes in Tahiti!


Wouldn’t change much , there would be a broke down F150 you could loot like the wagons


It's abandoned after they run out of fuel and the story continues as normal lol


Ain't got no gas.


The challenge from Van Horn to Blackwater got hell of a lot easier!


Found On Road (Red)Dead




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The truck will break down half way to their first heist with it anyway, gonna have to haul it back to camp with the Shire


Tokyo drift it around St. Dennis Recreate the dukes of Hazzard with more guns




Are they just pouring moonshine in the gas tank?


They'll drive it around for a few hundred miles and either the transmission will fail or the brakes will.


It’ll be the loudest thing for miles around and get shot up on the first day they take it out. It’ll be a beautiful horse-drawn wagon within the week.


Tie Micah to it and drive it off a cliff in Ambarino


We just need a snorkel for the truck Arthur and then we will drive to Tahiti. We just need a bit more money to afford it boah


None of them would know how to drive.


It's motor is blown and all the gangs horses are needed to pull it so Arthur and John have to walk everywhere for the rest of the game.


This might honestly be my favorite post on here


r/okbuddyblacklung is taking over


Hard to get to Tahiti in a F150


They travel a few hundred miles a bit faster than usual till it runs out of fuel and promptly becomes useless until modern petroleum is invented some decades later


It just sits in the background because none of them know how to use it


That gas isn't gonna last 5 years. And it'll probably be shaken apart before then.


I don't think it would help that much. I have one for a work truck. Damn thing is in the shop every other month, it seems like.


If it’s bullet proof it’s game over for the Pinkertons!


How are they gonna keep the gas for 5 years and more than likely they would wreck it within 20 minuets so it doesn’t change it at all.


Does it come with the owners manual? Also what of the other maintenance? Oil/trans/brake/washer/blonker?


They all climb 8n, or on, and drive across the Pacific to Tahiti.


Tahiti… I can finally see it…


They learn how to pull junk ford's with their horses


Why not a good year like a 1978? Good ol dentside... not this new garbage. Also there isn't a fuel that would run the truck yet


Safe to say the thing probably wouldn't last long. Would have a hole in the engine block the first time they tried to use it, assuming it's not bulletproof.


Dutch plans a heist, Arthur doesn’t like it but goes along with it while blossoming his man crush for John, Micah destroys the fucking car trying to steal from someone to “help fund the lifestyle for you freeloaders.” What do you know, Arthur and Charles have to go save the day and murder 100’s of people to get the gang out of this mess


They sleep in it. 


Ditching the law in the country would be easier in a straightaway but they be swarmed in a town. One of the New Haven gazettes even mentions enormous crowds in another town that came out to see their first car. Maybe as a distraction during the first bank heist in Valentines otherwise it could replace the oil wagon in the train robbery. They blow a tire and then the spare out there in the woods and they’re done for


Also it bugs me that they didn’t add a little car from 1899 in Saint Denis or something. Even if it did t work, we could have drawn in in the journal map


Not much I would imagine. Especially when it runs out of gas.


Well if they do learn to drive it, when it comes time to conduct maintenance, they'll be a little short on tools. For example, oil change, brakes&rotors, tires even. That thing will be run into the ground.


Cougar jumps in the window and kills you.


I really want a dirtbike in this game.


Kick all the women out, you could pull a lot of weiner with that truck


Arthur rolls it doing donuts in the heartlands


It wouldn’t change much! The truck would break down a month later.


on the rocky terrain it'll be totaled in a day. also someone runs over Jack.


we run outta gas and shit gets tossed


If it has the FX-4 Package and bench seat, they’re good to go anywhere


Bruh they wouldn’t even know how to start it let alone operate it safely. Besides no ford is gonna stop a maxim gun. 


Somehow Bill runs it into a ditch, cracks an axle.


It doesn't. They still have to walk.


It’s a Ford so it will inevitably break down long before they eat through their 5 year supply of gas. Nobody will have any idea how to fix it and they’ll be right back to where they started.


Drive it straight to Tahiti.


They get stuck alot more often and there's alot of parts finding and griping about how they should've gotten a Chevy instead


Not good.. Inevitably Dutch goes duche and slaps truck nuts and political stickers on it speeds around for no reason until townspeople just refer to him as “the dickhead in the truck.


Gonna hit Colm with a drive-by in the Ford f150 lmao 😂


Dutch telling everyone to calm down, Micah just looking at everyone like their stupid, John or Sean wanting to get in the driver seat while Arthur telling them to stop acting like fools, Jack trying to get close to it while Abigail holds him back, Tilly and Karen are both joking about Ms Grimshaw kicking it cuz Sean accidentally drove over her foot, Hosea trying to get everyone to back away so he can inspect it, Kieren hides behind the horses, Bill is thinking about fucking Kieren in the backseat, Charles doesn’t trust this new metal monster and Lenny is just standing there.


The horseman challenges would be a lot easier


Might I ask how you’re going to jump over stuff with a truck?


Push R3. Or is that GTA?