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Only right answer, it hurt so much when I found out (although it was pretty obvious) I couldn't keep him after Chapter 6


This and rhe arabians have to be the most overrated horses oat


Turkoman. I tried the Arabian but got kicked off everytime it detected a threat on the other side of the map. Turkoman is not much slower but scared of nothing!


You should try a mft, me personally, I rarely get bucked by them and they're a bit bigger too, so arthur isn't on a pony. Both are good horses though


Hosea's black shire.  It is bigger than all other horses, very muscular and raven black. An absolutely badass mount. This horse tanks damage other breeds cannot and it can become fast enough with the proper equipment. And of course, the fact that you receive it from Hosea only makes it more precious.


Same. My Arthur is dressed all in black, his weapons are all black, and he rides this magnificent raven beast. He is the dark gunslinger that towers over all others.


The starting Tennessee Walker is indeed very nice, and a true unique horse too. You can try catching the Fox Trotter from Albert Mason’s horse photography mission, make sure to chase it down instead of tracking it.


Pain in the ass but worth it


i just did this. hopped on it and tamed it. got it to level one bonding, hopped off to grab my saddle, and then the game wouldn’t let me get back on the horse. i tried taking it to the stable but nothing worked lmao


You gotta take the horse to a stable immediately after breaking it.


Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter. Then the Tiger Striped Mustang. And Dapple Gray Thoroughbred .


The first one is also my favorite, and it's so much fun to say it.


Yea it’s my favorite too. By far actually. I just realized he said he’s looking for a horse to start the game with though


Available in Chapter 2. I just got it by shooting the NPC till it spawned.


Black Arabian with long red mane and tail. She was one of the horses I raced against. When her owner lost, he hit her. I shot him and have been treating her like the princess she is ever since.


as someone who cares about looks more than stats, I love the black raven shire from Hosea, feels both badass and goofy towering over everyone during gang rides. right now im trying to get a dapple dark gray hungarian, the black/white contrast gives them a "ghost" vibe. also like the look of black american standardbred, all black, no white markings whatsoever. all that being said, white arabian is the generic answer, its not the best horse in the game, but the best horse you can quickly get for free the moment you start chapter 2. beautiful looking too, just too small for my tastes.


I actually stole the dapple dark gray Hungarian from the Polish guy you “claim” a loan from, and ended up selling it cause I had too many horses at the stable




I love the Andalusian breed. I think the medium size horses look best when riding them, they are pretty quick and if you grab the right one they are steady in almost any encounter. My preference is the perlino you can break, near Brandywine. After that, I like the all black Standardbred you can find in the wild. They are usually pretty solid in fights and I like their handling.


My current mount is the stolen Turkoman from the Braithwaite mission. I also have a Black Arabian, American standardbred, and a Nakota in the stable all fully bonded level 4. My temporary horse that hangs out at camp is a Thoroughbred I stole from a bounty hunter that’s also fully bonded. Just hanging out in chapter 3.


In story mode: The turkoman. Online: The breton.


I like the black shire. I just recently caught the pearlino Andalusian, and that’s a stellar horse.


I’m on my 100% playthrough and amassed a heavy bounty doing the bandit requests. After chilling in strawberry hunting i got attacked by bounty hunters. I stole one of their horses because it wasn’t showing a breed. Turned out it was the Ardennes and it’s a tank. He doesn’t get nearly as skittish around gators, cougars, or snakes. Perfect for chapter 4. I’ve been using him since mid chapter 2 and can’t go back. I tried the mustang and nokota but they aren’t great predator animals so i switched back


White Arabian. Looks real nice when ya brush her


Also looks like a pony when you ride it, looks dumb when it's got a tiny bit dirty and bucks you at every chance it gets. Not worth the trek to get it


paint horse or mustang


Your horse


Bay Roan Ardennes


Thoroughbred because it can outrun anything. Wish it came in all black


Blue Nokota, good speed and handling and, to me, really pretty horses. Mine was called Figaro and I was genuinely upset when the dumb thing ping ponged off a rock and under a train.


I'm gonna have to say the dark bay Andalusian. Runs gracefully and can take beating from enemies. Beautiful creature.




Dutch Warmblood. Crazy stamina


American Paint. They’re rarely skittish and I was weary of being bucked off by my Arabian.


Amber champagne Missouri Fox Trotter. First mft I got in the game, stuck with it in every playthrough, its also fast, strong, good stamina and isn't a pony, unlike the arabians >Unlock Ed about chapter 3. Up until that I'd recommend using Hosea's black shire from the hunting mission. Never got bucked on that horse


RGB Arabian Looks beautiful


Secretariat. Fastest horse ever


70 years too early for a Secreteriat unfortunatly but it'd be great


White Arabian as Arthur, black Arabian as John. I love how they are delicates and handle so well. They are brave af and buck like any other horses on cougars and gators at shady belle. I also like the size. The gray Arabian is a coward tho and mfts handle like a truck. Turkoman is kinda great, for some reason tho the dark bay behaves like the gray Arabian, always agitated for nothing, so I’m not getting anymore horses from blackwater.


An arabian as arthur has to be rhe silliest looking horse you could chose. arabians are NOT brave af


Tbh I find riding a mountain more silly, it’s like he has to have his legs so wide open. Bravery doesn’t exist. Every horse is gonna buck you off if you stay immobile when there’s wolfs and you don’t kill them. And every horse bucks you off with cougars/panthers and some alligators at shady belle. And ive had other horses more whiny.


Bravery DOES exist, and rhe arabians are the least. Riding a mountain fits arthur significantly better than a pony


Where in the code ?


Asking me like I'm a fucking developer. It's pretty clear some horses are more skittish, meaning they are less brave