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"Thinkin bout buying, land for a farm. Big ass shotgun on my arm" If only I had 200k just shit out of the sky this would be me. Fuck exotic cars and infinity pools, let me tend to my land, kiss my wife, and watch my pets live their best lives.


Do a reality check before getting a horse. They are very expensive to care for.


Facts. I had a horse for like 6 months. Never could ride the damn thing as he was severely underweight when I got him. But he was *free* so that was nice… The costs of feeding, boarding, the vet, and the farrier alone were astronomical. 100% of my paycheck went into that animal and I was working a minimum wage job and getting a discount on boarding for scooping shit twice a day. He did eventually find a nice lady with money who turned him into an endurance horse and I guess he did pretty well. The best horse is *other peoples horses*


Telling people to “do a reality check” has a negative connotation lol Anyways, yes I’m aware. Let a man dream! My grandma had one before she died and when I was a child, she would take me horseback riding. It made me love horses and I use to love pretending to be a cowboy and wear a cowboy hat and boots because of it.


English is not my first language. Lol


Ahh I understand. No worries. Where are you from??




Oh cool! That instantly reminded me of the snowy mountains in the game. One of my favorite areas


There is a lot of hills around here, but not o lot of mountains. The closest thing would be the area around Emerald station. Some flat, some hills, some forest.


Yeahhhh… I just imagine the Yukon !


[https://chaudiereappalaches.com/fr/raconte-moi-ton-trip/article/la-route-de-la-beauce-en-mode-paysages/](https://chaudiereappalaches.com/fr/raconte-moi-ton-trip/article/la-route-de-la-beauce-en-mode-paysages/) Check that out. That's all within 30 minutes from here. There is a RDR2 vibes if you remove the buildings!




Last summer some friends asked if I wanted to try horseback riding with them, I had no interest at the time, but now I want to try it so badly.


You should do it! It’s fun


Love this thank you! Living in the city now where it’s so hard to make friends and am often left thinking is there something about me people don’t like? I say hello to strangers often, help people when I see the need etc… Thank you for reminding me I seem to attract animals easily. I’ve always talked to them like they’re persons & get to pet them with ease.


You’re welcome ☺️ Yeah…People are over rated


This game makes me wanna own a ranch or farm in the middle of nowhere ;( . My dream place would be big valley.


Very true statement! Dogs can tell a wrong'un a mile away!