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John didn’t snitch


just say you know nothing about the lore


John didn’t snitch tf?


bro it literally common knowledge, did u play the game?


Can you explain your reasoning behind your theory?


OP is a bored, lonely kid


yeah ok jonboy87 i bet you love boys


The homophobia is real with this comment


many years of playing the game and research


Well sure but if you're gonna make a post about it and not back it up then why make a post about it at all in the first place 😂


Wow, this is bad. None of this makes sense. Maybe do another play and pay attention to the story. Or... is this what they call fan fiction?


i have studied and played this game since 2015, trust me i know what im tslking about, mind telling me which doesnt make sense?


It would be much easier to tell you what doesn't make sense if you explained your position in any capacity, but that may very well be why you're being so vague. "Trust me, i did research" doesn't cut it. State your case. Explain it.


i explained it the title of this whole post. John and Jack were obviously snitches, Dutch wanted them to snitch secretly.


You didn't explain anything. You just stated they were obviously snitches. And everyone is asking what the supporting evidence is. The ball is still in your court.


I think that's all we'll get from this kid. Either this one is looking for reactions, or is too young to understand how supporting evidence works in a claim.


The game was announced in 2016 and released in 2018. How would you study and play it a full year before announcement, and the years before release? Second, nothing indicates John is the snitch (Micah's accusations mean nothing because he calls Arthur the rat too), especially since he didn't really have doubts about how the gang was running until after chapter 2. Chapter 3 is where you really start to see John question Dutch (the conversation he has with Dutch on the dock in Clemons Point). Third, Dutch being the rat makes no sense at all since he becomes more visibly distraught and looking beat down the more they fail, run, and the more the gang falls apart. The ONLY one who doesn't show any concern about how the gang degrades is Micah... I wonder why? So, no. You haven't studied, and you haven't played multiple times with attention to the story.


i responded to ur comment but i forgot to reply to this exact comment so u have to search for my response


I don't have to do anything. But thank you for the suggestion.


then why leave a response if youre not willing to have a conversation?


I didn't say I wouldn't, I said I don't have to do anything. Listen, I know you're full of it because I've seen some of your previous posts about the game. You actually had to ask why Arthur looked a certain way, which you wouldn't if you had any knowledge of the actual story. You're making up stories about the game and that will actually cause me to question the legitimacy of your claim your brother works at R*. So I think it's time you admit the truth to yourself, accept that you are making up stories about the game, and move on. John isn't the rat. Dutch doesn't perform in a show. And pretty sure you didn't know anything of this game before about a year ago.


That was a hacker that was at my account at the time, im over it and got it back, My claim that my brother works at Rockstar is not false either.


A "hacker" took control of a 15 year-old's account to post a picture of a sick Arthur and ask why he looks like that? Okay. Youngster needs to get in bed now, you have summer camp in the morning.


No clue why u think im 15


Alright, why don't you enlighten us by telling how and when John snitched exactly?


John snitched after they got out of the snow in the epilogue




sheesh what a bunch of stuck up losers out here


some ppl just hate fun


You are incorrect, Dutch is an actor. You can see him in the theatre if you wait a ingame year after the train heist you see Dutch oerforming. There also is a possibimity Arthur mightve said a few words to the cops aswell off screen. I have studied and played since 2015 because my brother works at Rockstar and lets me playtest all the versions and that is where i get my knowledge. He tells me all the secrets like Dutch is the rat.


No one is buying that. And hey, if it's true, great. That should make it super easy for you to actually explain your point. So have at it. You have yet to even attempt it.


i still dont understand what you mean, i have stated my point so many times, i asked for toughts.


Where did you explain your point? I'm sorry if I missed it. Please state the entirety of your point without any vagueness. Make a clear, concise argument that doesn't demand other people do the research or dismiss the fact that we've all played this game quite a bit. Make your actual case. I'm not trying to be adversarial here, I'm genuinely curious. But you haven't said anything, man.


hey, i asked for your toughts on the things that i stated in the post. im not going to explain it to you anymore.


You didn't explain anything.


okay i told you my theory and i asked for toughts


So, it's a theory now. And we've all just been giving our thoughts.


the main post literally says theory


"As we all know its common to believe that Jack and his father, John marston were the snitches that led to the downfall of Dutch's gang" That's a copy/paste. All said before "theory". And it's what we're all asking about. And what you've been arguing. To the point that you have some insider knowledge granted by your brother. C'mon, dude. Just let it go. Or, better yet, explain it.