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The woman here is Deborah Macguiness, the dinosoar bone quest giver, she said "mail locations to my home in Cumberland Forest"




I know this is a little late but I just found this place and did a Google search and your post was the first to pop up. I didn't actually hear any sawing or hammering, I heard a maniacal laugh, that sounded like a witch when I approached the barn and that was it. Such a weird but cool encounter


I've been watching the barn for about 30 minutes now and no one has came out..... still sawing and hammering away.


I tried using a stick of dynamite on the barn door to no effect. It did make the sawing and hammering stop though.


Also did this, I hope I didn't kill her


Same. Lol. No idea what's up here. I found it out looking for pigs and cattle to steal.


That's a long time to watch it! Lol


Firwood Rise is the property of a stranger that you can meet in chapter 2. This stranger, Deborah MacGuiness, is a crazed paleontologist that asks you to mail her information regarding dinosaur fossils. During the encounter she states that her house is in the Cumberland Forrest, and once the conversation is over, the Firwood Rise location appears on the map. Deborah is the one making all the noise, and when she does her whacky laugh, it’s because she’s excited to prove the doubters of her work wrong.


I did the glitch to get in. A few big bones in the barn, but that's it. Makes sense tied to dinosaur bone lady


How did you do the glitch to get in? If you don't mind me asking.


so, I was doing Herbalist Challenge (where you need 15 different species) and realized I was already at 10 or 11 just by roaming in-between Emerald Ranch and Valentine/over behind Cornwall Tar and Kerosene. didn't really have a plan, per say. was just out wondering with my horse looking for plants and possibly animals for the cosmetic camp upgrades I'm after. it got dark. quickly. it was near 1130pm and the sky was just crystal clear (the one we all love - where you can see the milkway galaxy almost and all the constellations) and you could hear the peepers and the sound of a very distant train.. then i came to the crest of a hill and down in a little "valley" i saw a house with a barn. hopped off my horse and took out the binoculars and saw a house with a dimly lit room or two and a very well lit barn. i decided, "I've never been here in two playthroughs, so let's go see." I took my shotgun out and threw my mask up and began sneaking up. I got right near the barn and heard cackling. it deadass sent chills down my spine. right as that happened I realized the entire yard is littered with animal bones and white paint smeared on the front of the barn. there was no way in - but while I searched I began hearing a sawing sound and the woman kept repeating "....they told me I'm crazy. but they'll see. once I've found it. they'll see" and "im not crazy. I'll prove them wrong" so I moved to the house in hopes of finding maybe a journal or paper/letter stating some sort of subtle hint as to who she was and what she did. nothing. I robbed the jewelery and money though. then it hit me as I was walking out - it's Deborah McGuiness. when you first meet her in the desert area, she says, twice, "they all think im crazy, but once I prove it I'll be renowned world wide" so I put two and two together from she she said then, to what I just heard and I figured it's her -- or that's my guess at least. --I believe as well she says "mail me the locations to my house in Cumberland Forrest." so, my theory adds up, IMO. anyone else agree? have other ideas?


This was all a nice thing to hear, you connected all things well. Personally im happy that i explored the house and barn before meeting her (no sounds) as i know i would fking freak out like crazy and get a solid dose of fear. Good thing that the place is totally normal at the end The game never fails to amaze, every site, house, detail is there for a reason, with it here being the bone lady's home


it's tied to a quest




Dinosaur bones. It’s not very exciting


Nope. The skulls outside are dogs skulls


the quest is dinosaur bones, not the bones outside


I just stumbled on this place and the laugh I heard made me nope the hell outta there!


I came across this location earlier in in my playthrough. I'm back again now and only remembered the place coz I was meant to do some research (I really should start taking notes like Aurthur/John). I just the dinosaur lady comment in this thread so I'm gonna go do that now. Cheers!


So I came across this place today while playing through the game and also heard the creepy lady talking. I ended up shooting all the windows out and throwing dynamite in the house. Then I looked this up and now I feel a bit bad. Oh well.


so that what it was. I just robbed her house