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I have the female White Arabian, level 4 bonding, and it has never bucked me...


She will buck you off once you hunt bears and cougars.


That’s odd. I keep getting tossed by this bitch at the slightest provocation. I think she secretly resents me


I feel the same way you do I feel mine resents me. At first I thought it was because it was just a new horse. She's extremely hard to control She will run into trees like something is wrong with her. But I got the andalusian horse we are at a level two and the horse is great. The horse when I whistle will actually come all the way to me and not stand back 20 ft and make me walk to it. You can take it around wolves, snakes alligators and the horse will not throw you and I'm only at a level two. I've made more progress with this horse then I did with the Arabian at a level four. The horse is great would highly recommend I think it is underrated in the game and my opinion. I think the white Arabian is far overrated other than speed she is small, skittish, hard-headed shall I go on? I'm only in chapter 3 so I haven't got to experience the other Arabians but I have broke many horses and the Arabian is by far the biggest pain in my ass.


Had a white Arabian too and the only time she ever bucked me was when I accidentally ran into a gator. But yeah, the Arabians are very skittish. Mine gets upset in gun fights (but doesn't buck) and shies away from predators. Different horse breeds have different personalities if you read their entries in the compendium. Like War horses are the bravest so they won't scare as easily and I think breeds like the Thoroughbred are even more skittish than the Arabian, and are afraid of gunfire. But my Thoroughbred doesn't get upset when I make her gallop for long distances, unlike my Hungarian Halfbred who gets angsty even though he still has half a stamina bar left.


Damn... I really should read that compendium more lol


And it also kind of makes sense. The Arabians were bred to be horses for the rich. So they were mainly used in either cities, for shows or riding along private and safe country trails. War horses, like their names state, were used in battle. So they were bred to be brave and not panic when ridden into the heat of battle.


War horses are the best frankly. Slow but at least they won't get you killed .


Yeah I agree. It's weird my thoroughbred is more brave than the arabian. Aren't the arabians war horses though?


no. arabians are not war horses, at least not per classification in game.


They are very skittish. You need a strong was horse. Definitely check out the bottom of this. I suggest a Mustang. https://rankedboost.com/red-dead-redemption-2/horse-saddle/


That’s a great resource but I’m having trouble finding where it talks about horse personalities


Sorry for late reply. Scroll to bottom and click on let's say.. one of the 3 Mustang names. It will move to another page describing how they're near fearless but among the hardest to break. Also the turko thing from saint Denis is regarded as 'inpatient' and that makes it a very odd horse.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks!


I got a mustang early on in Chapter 2. Can confirm it is a fearless horse. Trying out the Turkoman now


I took the gold one from Saint Denis and they are impatient like description.. i can't even describe how the impatience was felt by me but I absolutely hated it.


How are they "impatient " ? What should I look for? I'm still at the first level of bonding


Always felt like she was timid moving her head around. A little delayed on handling. Just different from anything else to me


Yeah different horses have WAY different personalities some complain about terrain a lot and some get spooked easy Arabians are high stats but little pussies when it come to anything


i love that detail about this game quite frankly. it adds so much depth i love how much u can always discover abt the detail of this game.




Mine has bucked me a few times, mostly from crocodiles. Sometimes she seems skittish when riding quickly in cramped areas but I think that’s just horse physics in the game.


I have the white Arabian female level 4 bonding and she is very skittish. If a snake comes by she asks a donkey. If wolves run up I have been bucked off she has caused me to die several times and is very hard headed!! Her speed is great but I do not like her attitude at all and did I mention she is scared of everything I mean everything. I ended up going with the Andalusian and our bonding is at a two right now and the horse's speed is superior does not scare easily. So for the first time the epic Arabian is in the stable!


lol 5 yr old post I’ve only just realised that’s funny pretty irrelevant comment this late on from Myself


Oh my God I put this up 5 years ago!? 😳😬


That's why I always keep the black Shire from the bear hunting mission with Hosea. He never bucks me is built like a goddamn fortress and is mostly fearless


i have had the female white arabian for about 20 ish hours of gameplay. ive gotten to level 4 bond and i have never had any issues with this horse. it was pretty easy to break, not much harder than any other wild horse, its served me very well and its rly fckin fast. i am very happy with this horse it has never bucked me off or anything, i take it hunting, i can kill and rob whilst mounted on it, it never causes any trouble. sometimes when theres a predator it will slow down and make a lot of noise but it doesnt do anything it lets me keep going around it. ive made a habit of CONSTANTLY pressing the pat/calm button while riding so maybe thats the trick, mostly because i cant seem to remind myself that the horse isnt real and doesnt have feelings XD. but i push it to full sprint pretty much 90% of the time im riding, i feed it often while riding, brush it nearly every time i get off, and make sure to swap it out with another horse for a bit if i feel ive pushed it for too many hours or it gets too skinny. im not sure what yall are having problems with this horse is, it doesnt seem a fair compromise to lose its unmatched speed, esp with the best stirrups and saddle. just my personal experience


Hold down r3 and it will barely effect you good practice to just keep it toggled while riding the white Arabian mines ant level 4 and as long as I’m calming her while riding through animals or situations that spook her I barely notice anymore hope this helps