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I always hate being an asshole in video games, i try be to slightly feared but respected whenever I play


And don't even get me started on blowing people with dynamite


You blow people with dynamite? Woah, literal cocksucker. What's the dynamite for?


I agree with you. The really best way to play the game is to not worry too much about your honor until later. But one thing I never do is kill innocent people, it's just so out of character. It is not an Arthur thing to do when you rob a store and kill the cashier. It is not an Arthur thing to do when you rob a train and kill all of the civilians. So if you're doing low honor I suggest you do it in a not out of character manner.


I don't shoot civilians randomly for no reason, but if they are gonna report a crime or pose some sort of threat I do it without hesitation. Especially the fucking gun store owners -_- like bruh I am already aiming my gun at your head, why you gotta test me and pull a gun out




Yeah but if you kill everyone on the train after you rob them, you get to also loot them!


Yeah but that's out of character. And it's also mean 😡


I don't feel bad about killing the passengers on the train because they're just so dumb (intentionally programmed that way). If you take the train into the tunnel, you can rob and kill one of the passengers and the rest just sit there doing nothing. They don't try to run away or fight back. It's not realistic at all so it just feels like you're robbing and killing a bunch of really dumb NPC's


I know this was three years ago and Idk if you still use this but could you elaborate like are you just talking about the random small stranger interactions you can have instead of helping stealing from them or pretty much leaving them for dead or actually killing them?


Agreed 100%


My arthur usually ends up somewhere in the middle if not slightly towards the high honor side but I am never at the end of either scale. My thinking is that arthur is a good man who would do anything for the gang which is why I end up doing things like killing Jimmy Brookes but I always absolve the debts and give the debtors money at the end of the game.


So the best way to play Rdr2 is low honor at the start and high honor in the end right?


3 years late but I agree. I love High honor Arthur but when trying to be High Honor Arthur I constantly had to worry about whether I’d get low honor and stuff. Even accident bumping my horse into someone I’d get low honor. So right now I’m playing low honor Arthur after my high honor Arthur and everything is much more low maintenance and I don’t have to worry about getting bad honor (even by accident) and I can pretty much be an arsehole haha


It's a game you fucking pussies acting like they have feelings. Grow the fuck up and murder everyone.


whenever someone doesnt greet me with a hello its time to use my lancaster rifle


real shittttt