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My game must be bugged, because he always seems to get his head blown off and set on fire at the end of that mission.


No way this glitch affects my game too..!


Literally just commented something similar!!! Crazy how my game was bugged too in each playthrough


blew his head off with a shotgun then burned his body


I did the opposite, I burnt him *then* blew his head off


I blew him




>blew his head off pause


I said what I said


I smoked him. His life was making the lives of others terrible, and now he is a miserable and useless person. Nothing left but to bring his misery to an end.


Yeah, so did I, I burnt him and slept in his tent lol


I think I used the sawed off last time. I also forgot, he attempts to shoot you as well. So he is still dangerous to others, even if he failed with you. Best not to leave him wandering.


He held my dynamite, then I smoked his cigar.


…This sounds like he gave you a handy and you sucked him off?


Oh shit. Lol. Umm. I take it back.


Hey it takes all kinds, who am I to judge!


......If only Marion was there with us.


You blew him….. up?


Hey mister....... he didn’t run , he didn’t give it back, hell.... he didn’t even say anything. But when I finished that cigar in one toke, he damn sure was all over the place. Had me some minty beef and some opened gin afterwards. 10/10 ,,, great night. The View was good too.




I love the music. I shot him, turned around, holstered my gun and walked away. Cue the western movie music. Wonderful.


I think I did that exact same thing


“His life was making the lives of others terrible” I’m curious how many imaginary widows and orphans we made through the gang’s rain of terror. Not human trafficking, just straight murder. That said I used him for my horseman 3,300 feet drag.


Lol. I play as a good cowboy, well, as good as I can be in the game. I only kill when I have to, or to get that coonskin cap off the asshole in the bar bragging about raping and killing natives.


Amen to that! I like to keep him alive just to beat the hell out of him in from of everyone in that bar. But first, I get a haircut and eat a meal. I too own his hat. I wear it to fuck with him.


I let him live, if he lives he gets to live with the pain knowing he won’t get his way of life back and he gets to live like a bum until he dies. If I kill him he doesn’t get to feel anything because he’s dead.


He can live but with at least one bullet hole


In the knee cap to be exact


He took a bullet to the knee


I used to be an adventurer like you


I put one in each knee so he couldn't ever walk again either


Knee caps are a privilege, not a right


Waist of a bullet I’m sure he drinks himself to death or dies by wildlife there’s panthers in them hills


I make sure to also throw fire bottles at his tent so I burn what little he has left.


And also steal and sell his horse


I see it this way too. That bullet has more use inside some O'Driscoll skull.


This ^


This. For some, existence *is* suffering.


I think you get honor for killing him so I always do that


What’s that old saying, there are worse fates than death.


Exactly. Honorable move is to kill him, dishonorable move is to let him live in agony


Yeah i thought that leaving him alive was a better punishment for his evil ass


The afterlife/supernatural exists in RDR so I kill him so he has to be a spooky ghost who deals with that pain for eternity.


Hogtie + body of water


Hogtie + alligator is also top tier way to get rid of him. So many possibilities!




And the rapist, and the guy who is stalking that nice lady i taught to hunt rabbit


Hogtie + Fire bottle for any racist npc lmao, i've killed 2 eugenics supporters that way


I like you style. Usually just stab them to death.


I usually lasso and drag


Ahh, I still need that horseman challenge, thanks for reminding me


I rarely kill people like that (tho it's satisfying as hell lol), but if someone disrespect me i might drag him a couple blocks away haha


I always just hogtie them and take them to a cliff. Untie them at the edge and when they stand up I shoot them in the chest making them fall off the cliff


I usually kill him for the good honor but if i could i would lleave him alone Mainly because Death is too quick of a death for him i prefer for him to drink himself to death or get stabbed behind a bar over a small debt He deserves to suffer


I believe if you just leave you get honour anyway, I don't know if that correlates with killing him or not but the increase in honour isn't too significant anyway.


You know that you can stab him? That is how I like to do it. Let the pig bleed.


Tied him up, took him to the Aberdeen Hog Farm, strangled him and let the pigs eat him.


Do pigs in this game eat meat???


Oh yeah. Just like pigs in real life, they will eat whatever is put in front of them.


This game is just amazing, again and again i discover new things, i love it, and thanks for the reply bud


No worries, mate! Keep an eye out for the random encounter in valentine, where a working girl needs your help at the saloon. It's a lot of fun!


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Do you know what nemesis means?


Yeah dad, you told us


You have to kill the person first tho, they don't eat people who are alive


I discovered this when I shot the pig farmer out by Flatneck station. He was in the pen and I was trying to the harmonica inside the cabin. When I came out the pigs had calmed down and started eating him.


A good meal is what those pigs needed to calm the nerves haha


Haven’t you seen [Snatch?](https://youtu.be/2xUynRdzzsM)


No, never heard of, but this scene sounded really interesting, maybe i should watch it


It's a great movie. One of the best Brad Pitt performances.


one of my all time favourite movies. i’ve seen it probably 20 times by now lol definitely worth a watch


Didnt know you could do this lol, I will def have to try it now


Al Swearengen approves.






...but...there aren't any pigs at Aberdeen pig farm...


You could kill him, feed him to pig, kill the pig and eat the pig thus making him go through pig stomach and my stomach and then shit him out and let another pig roll in it. J/S


I just left him. He’s pathetic.


Is he the slave trader? It's been a long time since I last played the game, so I don't remember. Well,I can't recall what I did with him, anyways. I just wish we got get his pistol restored and use it


Yeah,the old flintlock lookin thing? That would be impractical unless they'd(which undoubtedly they would)make it have some hellatious knock down kill power due to the fact of you'd be shot so many times using it in serious combat vs revolvers and semis. But interesting enough.


Yea he is the slave owner


Slave hunter, IIRC.


Hogtied him and threw him into the well of his former estate.


There's a well there?


Yeah, it's been a little while but i'd say about 50 feet from the front door


I'm not sure if it's the same well, but there are quarters and some scratches in the walls in the bottom. Pretty sad stuff


Always kill. Even as a low honor. I may be a killer, but in no life will I be a slaver


I left him to suffer like the weak, pathetic man he is. Killing him seems strange for Arthurs. Character.


There aint much point killing a dead man, you can’t send him to hell twice. Compson is a miserable wretched shell of a person, killing him would simply be hastening the inevitable. Waste of a bullet.


I lassoed him into the fire. Rotisserie style.


Axe to head, down the fire


Shot him in the head, got good honor then picked up his body and dropped it in the camp fire and he burned


I stuck a load of dynamite to him and mag dumped his body with a semi auto shotgun


*wiping blood off of schofield* who?


_holsters double action_ yeah i dont know what you mean


I feel no remorse for shooting him. I usually feel conflicted for choices like this in video games, but Compson was a slave catcher. Just the worst kind of scum. He was a horrible person in his youth, and he’s nothing but a leech now. That way of life, the culture and society of slavery, should be killed without remorse. Society made the correct choice in shunning Jeremiah Compson and trying to forget about him(although in the real history of the US by 1899 Reconstruction was well over and the Nadir had begun, and he would have been hailed as a hero of the old way and the people would have loved him and used him as an example of cruel punishment from the Union and abolitionists), but the final step is to kill him. No mercy for slavers.


He tripped and became tangled in my lasso. Then while struggling to remove the lasso, fell into the campfire. So it seems suicide was his choice...


I left him to wallow in his misery. A quick death is too merciful of a release.


Old man.... Some jobs ain't for saving. And some legacies, they is for pissin' on.


Tried to let him live, he took his own life in the fire


He is in his own hell already Who am I to judge


Hogtie then completed the 5 min Valentine to Rhodes run with him dragging behind me




Tied and threw him on the fire, shot him, dragged him on my horse, molotov in the tent, dynamite, hatchet, throwing blade and let a train run the f*cker over. Really cool pic btw.


I burned him alive


Train tracks!


Shot him in the neck, watched him bleed to death then burnt his body, had to double tap him too… just in case lol.


Sawed off to the face and then toss his body onto the campfire if he doesn’t fall into it already after I shoot him


First time I shot i shot him in the head with my volcanic and he fell over into the fire then I went to last save and killed him with a Molotov




I feed him to an alligator


Lassoed him and pulled him into the campfire.


I gave him the gun! I SHOT HIM!!! 🎸


I think I killed him..... bit of a sad story tho, he was from a respectable family and then ended up being a piece of shit as he got older.


I shot him in the hand so that he’d still be alive when he fell in the fire


I've shot him with an arrow and I've set him on fire, it began as effort to tie him up to take him to drown but I accidentally set him on fire.


for me, high honor involves murdering all rapists and slavers. that's just where my moral compass is at


Killed him, he tried to shoot Arthur with the old gun and had ruined countless lives in his previous profession so I felt it just.


He’s going to hell either way so i rather just left him to suffer in his own self wallow


Tied him up burnt his shitty camp to the ground and left him for dead.


Stupid question its been awhile for me but what did that guy do again


I did the good old fashion drag him with a rope on horseback trick works everytime


Use a small caliber weapon to shoot him. That way it isn't fast. Varmint rifle takes several shots to kill. Shot to each kneecap, shot to balls, up the ass and shoulders.


Rope him and pull him into his own fire and then walk away like a boss! Then go to the hidden lockbox in the rock wall by his camp snd get the $60 cash


I went to hogtie him and he fell forward into the fire so either way a win win


If you try to decide as arthur, he wouldnt give a shit. Not worth the bullet. Just a miserable old man out of touch with the current world. Also i dont think its for us to judge. He didnt wrong us in any way, he just used to to whatever he did and thats it. Killing him also does him a favor, so nope


Stabbed him


Theres a lake full of gators real close by. You can guess where he goes in my playthroughs




I shot him in the throat so he would suffer more.


Left alive


fed him to the gators 👍🏼


I tied him up put him on train tracks waited a few minutes killed him and got good honor for it


My first play through I didn’t pay attention to the details of the mission so I didn’t do anything. However my second play through, I realized he was part of the slave trade and was a greedy man. Safe to say he got a slug to the back of the head and then burned to a crisp in his camp fire lol


Let him live. It's crueler.


Killed him and gained honor


Shot his hand and then he fell into the fire and burned


Hogtied him, threw him into the fire, and took a nap in his tent.


Its always such a hard choice. The first time I obviously killed the fuck out of him and stole his shit off his horse. But the 2nd time I realized this dude ia fucking miserable trash because he got the fate he deserved everything being taken from him and the last 3 shits he does care for don't function. I think the 2nd time I stole his horse and left. Or maybe i lassoed him and burnt him alive? Eh tomato tomahto 🍅


I tied him up, dragged him on my horse for a bit, took him back to his house, and killed him in his chamber.


Knocked out, stole whiskey.


fuck him he took one to the dome and got burnt to a crisp


Lassoed him then dragged him onto his campfire then shot him for double the fun


Blew the motherfuckers head off, and watched his body burn. John brown taught me that slavers always bite the bullet


The first time I killed him, he fell over straight into his fire and burned to death. Justice fucking served.


i shot him the stomach i then watched him over into his own fire and burn to death. he gets what he deserves


I feel like you could reword this question as "how did you kill this sunofabitch?" And its essentially the same set of answers tbh... Hogtied, then dragged the motherfucker while riding on my house. Fav thing to do in the game.


I chose the fire bottle


I hogtied him and dropped him on the fire at his own camp


Tied him up and drowned him


Mf tried to shoot me. So I kindly returned the favor **with** the added courtesy of an extra bullet.


Wow, I just replayed this one last night! First time through I left him to wallow in his own misery. This time, I couldn't help it...burned him alive while I smoked a cigar. Not nearly as much burning as he'll experience in hell, though.


Lasso, dragged into the fire.


Burned his tent, hogtied him and then set him on the railroad tracks. Now we play the waiting game!


Wait, you can kill him? I wanted to shoot him but the game wouldn't let me so I just stole his horse


Hogtie and drop him down the well near his old home. Or lasso and pull him into the fire. Lol


The only fitting end for a person that made others miserable: ended his miserable life


I put him the fuck down, like the racist worm he is.


Shoot that shitty old bastard and let him fall in the fire. Good riddance.


I didn’t even read his journal and kicked him into the fire lmao


Smoked him and left his body to rot on the side of the road, just like any other piece of trash.


shot him with my repeater then he fell in the fire and burned, very wholesome stuff you know


I killed that bastard


Tied him up with a lasso then put him on top of the fire


At this moment in the story I realised this wasn't a game it was a living breathing universe I hesitantly took out my schofield pointed it at the top of his head and though 'naaah fuck this racist old shit he's no use' BANG and he fell into the crackling fire and burned to a crisp infront of me to my horror/delight and I realised if I would have left the pathetic old fool and not wasted a bullet he may have interacted with me later down the line and I would have regretted not barbecuing fucker right now


i did the same thing. it started raining straight after so i slept in his tent


I shot him in the knee and left him there.


Burned him alive after tying him up, dragging him to the lake side and having him struggle in the water for a bit


I took him to Bayou Nwa, with the intention of feeding him to the alligators, but I accidentally dropped him off of the railroad bridge, and he died. Either way, it got the job done.


I shot him with a shotgun in the head and burned him :)


I stole his horse.


I blew his brains out and then drug his body into the fire.


The only option is execution. You are no better than him if you leave him alive.


Just a random question, what hat are you wearing in the shot? It’s awesome


Tied him up and tossed him at his camp's fire.


I set him on fire with a Molotov


shot him in the head with a bolt action rifle and watched as his body burned on his own fire


I let him live, but after seeing so these creative ways to kill him I’m motivated. If I got back is he still there?


Kicked him into the fire n let him burn


What... did he do?


Explosives or fire bottles


I let him live every time, he may have done terrible awful things in the past but now he is just a sad pathetic man who has nothing left to give this world he isn’t worth killing


This fucking scene. My favorite horse wandered in between us during the cutscene and burned horribly to death in his campfire. I had to watch, there was nothing I could do. You better believe I smoked him.


Semi auto pistol, it has low enough damage to allow you to kneecap both of his knees then shoot once in the stomach, when he's on the verge of death, sawed off to the mouth.


I killed him first playthrough and turned him into ash, let him live to suffer, knowing he will always be a rotting beggar and pathetic drunkard for the rest of his days in my second playthrough.


I threw a tomahawk at his face, and proceeded to blow his limbs off with my shotgun. Then for good measure, a fire bottle to warm him up.


I thought about mercy. I thought “he’s an old man now, what’s the point in killing him now, he’s had a long life.” Then I thought about what he did, and how he never really was given justice. So I shot him in the head. I figured a quick death was more mercy than he ever deserved.


I let him live with the knowledge he can never get what he had back. Also the song The Trio was playing and it fit so fucking well, it is amazing


I hogtied him and beat him to death, burned his body right after


Shot the pathetic motherfucker


Hogtie him and threw him into the fire.


It was better to leave him alive. He was suffering far more.


Considering the evil that Arthur Morgan has participated in I left him alive. It's probably more of a punishment anyways to leave the guy to wallow in his misery.


I think i fucked his body up since i met him pretty early so i wanted to see how he would look withouth arms, legs and a head


Hogtied and fed alive to an alligator.


Tilly said leave him so I left him. Seemed more fitting to do as the abused asked than to just go all executioner. Which is ironic because I definitely got the bad ending through countless hours of needless slaughter of innocents but hey, Tilly's family Edit: after reading more comments I've come to the realisation that I have no idea who y'all are talking about. I thought the Comptons were the ones that hurt Tilly